Professor Paul O'Grady
Professor, Philosophy
Head of School, Sch Office Social Sciences & Philosophy
Email pogrady@tcd.ie Phone3531896 1428http://people.tcd.ie/pogradyBiography
My initial work in philosophy was on the philosophy of logic of Wittgenstein"s Tractatus (MA UCD 1990) and the debate about analyticity between Carnap and Quine (PhD TCD 1996). From this I became interested in the issue of cognitive relativism, how it emerged from this classic tradition of analytic philosophy and developed in later figures such as Davidson, Putnam and Rorty. I published Relativism (Routledge 2002) and a number of papers in this area. I worked at St Catherine"s college Oxford, coming back to TCD in 1997 and being made Fellow in 2003. Paralleling this I also had an interest in Philosophy of Religion, especially in the work of Thomas Aquinas, read in an analytic idiom. I published Philosophical Theology (Priory Institute 2008), Aquinas"s Philosophy of Religion (Palgrave 2014) and various papers on this. Training in and being accredited as a psychotherapist (MIACP 2009) led me to think about the factors that influence one"s choice of topic and style of doing philosophy. In recent years I have been writing about this, using ideas from virtue epistemology (specifically about the virtue of wisdom) and thinking about the connection between biography and philosophy. I edited Consolations of Philosophy: Reflections in an Economic Downturn (Dublin 2011). I was Head of Dept of Philosophy 2015-2020, becoming a member of College Council and also Head of School of Social Sciences and Philosophy in 2022.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- 'Aquinas's Philosophy of Religion', Duncan Pritchard, Oxford Bibliographies Online, 2015, [Paul O'Grady]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2015
- Paul O'Grady, 'Epistemology and Wellbeing', European Journal of Philosophy of Religion, 10, (1), 2018, p97 - 115Journal Article, 2018
- Paul O'Grady, 'Grimm Wisdom', Annals of Philosophy, 66, (1), 2018, p67 - 77Journal Article, 2018
- Paul O'Grady, "Theoretical Wisdom", Journal of Value Inquiry, Vol.54, (N.1), 2019, p415 - 431Journal Article, 2019
- Paul O'Grady, "Existence and Wisdom", Annals of Philosophy, Vol.67, (N.4), 2019, p105 - 116Journal Article, 2019
- "Aquinas and Agnosticism" in, editor(s)F.Fallon and G.Hyman , Agnosticism: Explorations in Philosophy and Religious Thought, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020, pp163 - 185, [Paul O'Grady]Book Chapter, 2020
- "Relativism and Religion" in, editor(s)Martin Kusch , The Routledge Handbook of Relativism, London, Routledge, 2020, pp543 - 552, [Paul O'Grady]Book Chapter, 2020
- Paul O'Grady, La Philosophie de la Religion de Thomas d'Aquin, Rennes, Presses Universitaries de Rennes, 2019, 1 - 294ppBook, 2019
- Paul O'Grady, "McCabe: Philosophy and Theology", Doctrine and Life, 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Paul O'Grady, Relativism, Chesham, Acumen, 2002Book, 2002
- Paul O'Grady, Introduction to Philosophy, Dublin, Priory Institute, 2005Book, 2005
- Aquinas: Summa Theologiae in, editor(s)John Shand , Central Works of Philosophy 1, Chesham, Acumen, 2005, [Paul O'Grady]Book Chapter, 2005
- Aquinas, Philosophical Theology and Analytical Philosophy in, editor(s)R. Van Niewenhove and J. Wawrykov , The Theology of Thomas Aquinas, Notre Dame, Notre Dame University Press, 2005, [Paul O'Grady]Book Chapter, 2005
- Paul O'Grady, Wittgenstein and Relativism, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Vol. 12, (3), 2004, p315 - 337Journal Article, 2004
- Paul O'Grady, Carnap and Two Dogmas of Empiricism, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, LIX, (4), 1999Journal Article, 1999
- Paul O'Grady, How Far Can You Go? Reply to Gregory, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, LXVII, (3), 2003Journal Article, 2003
- Paul O'Grady, From Lhasa to Rome, Contemporary Buddhism, 4, (2), 2003Journal Article, 2003
- Paul O'Grady, Aquinas on Modal Propositions: A Translation and Study, International Philosophical Quarterly, 37, (1), 1997Journal Article, 1997
- Paul O'Grady, Anscombe on the Tractatus, Philosophy, 71, (2), 1996Journal Article, 1996
- Paul O'Grady, The Russellian Roots of Naturalized Epistemology, Russell: The Journal of the Russell Archive, 15, (1), 1995Journal Article, 1995
- George Berkeley, Dictionary of Irish Biography, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009, [Paul O'Grady]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2009
- Spirituality: A Conceptual Analysis in, editor(s)M. Cogan , An Introduction to Christian Spirituality, Dublin, Priory Institute, 2004, [Paul O'Grady]Book Chapter, 2004
- Paul O'Grady, Aquinas and the Arguments of the Philosophers, Doctrine and Life, 2004Journal Article, 2004
- Paul O'Grady, Zen and Some Unruly Dominicans, Spirituality, 9, (49), 2003Journal Article, 2003
- Paul O'Grady, Anti-Foundationalism and Radical Orthodoxy, New Blackfriars, 81, (950), 2000Journal Article, 2000
- Paul O'Grady, Karl-Otto Apel's Interpretation of Wittgenstein, Freiburger Zeitschrift fur Philosophie und Theologie, 46, (3), 1999Journal Article, 1999
- Paul O'Grady, From Agnosticism to Zen, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 6, (3), 1998Journal Article, 1998
- Paul O'Grady, Wittgenstein's Fundamental Thought, Milltown Studies, 38, (1), 1996Journal Article, 1996
- Paul O'Grady, Reason and Madness - A Reply, Milltown Studies, 32, (1), 1993Journal Article, 1993
- Paul O'Grady, "Wisdom and Methodological Diversity in Philosophy of Religion", Religious Studies, 60, (1), 2024, p65 - 76Journal Article, 2024
- Paul O'Grady, "Philosophy and Biography", Metaphilosophy, 55, (3), 2024, p328 - 337Journal Article, 2024
- Paul O'Grady, "Aquinas on Wisdom", New Blackfriars, Vol.104, (n.1113), 2023, p726 - 750Journal Article, 2023
- Paul O'Grady, "Incommensurability and Wisdom: Reply to Duttweiler", Theophron Journal of Christian Studies, Vol.2, (n.1), 2023, p28 - 35Journal Article, 2023
- Paul O'Grady, The Consolations of Philosophy: Reflections in an Economic Downturn, Columba Press, 2011, 1-191ppBook, 2011
- "Aquinas, Authority and Tradition" in, editor(s)Carla Bagnoli and Vincenzo Pacillo , Religious Authorities and Practices and Conflict Resolution, London, Routledge, 2025, [Paul O'Grady]Book Chapter, 2025
- Paul O'Grady, Themes in Modern Philosophy, Dublin, Priory Institute, 2006, 1 - 204ppBook, 2006
- Paul O'Grady, Form and Emptiness: Aquinas and Nagarjuna, Contemporary Buddhism, Vol.6, (2), 2005, p173 - 188Journal Article, 2005
- Paul O'Grady, Philosophical Theology, Dublin, Priory Institute, 2008, x + 290ppBook, 2008
- 'Two Dogmas and Empiricism' in, editor(s)O'Grady John, Scherle,Peter , Theology From the Rim, Lit Verlag, 2007, [Paul O'Grady]Book Chapter, 2007
- 'Buddhism' in, World Religions, Dublin, Priory Institute, 2007, [Paul O'Grady]Book Chapter, 2007
- 'Philosophy and Gestalt Psychotherapy' in, editor(s)Chase, M, Clarke, S., McGhee, M. , Philosophy as a Way of Life, Oxford, wiley-Blackwell, 2013, pp223 - 240, [Paul O'Grady]Book Chapter, 2013
- 'The Existence of God' in, editor(s)Shand J. , Central Problems of Philosophy, Oxford, Blackwell, 2009, [Paul O'Grady]Book Chapter, 2009
- Paul O'Grady, 'Relativism about Truth', International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 2010, p281 - 293Journal Article, 2010
- Disaccordi Legitimi in, editor(s)Villa and Pini , Il Relativismo, Palermo, Aracne, 2010, [Paul O'Grady]Book Chapter, 2010
- 'Introduction: Philosophy and Irish Culture' in, editor(s)Paul O'Grady , The Consolations of Philosophy, Dublin, Columba, 2011, pp7 - 19, [Paul O'Grady]Book Chapter, 2011
- 'Finding Consolation in God: Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy' in, editor(s)Paul O'Grady , The Consolations of Philosophy: Reflections in an Economic Downturn, Dublin, Columba, 2011, pp20 - 34, [Paul O'Grady]Book Chapter, 2011
- Paul O'Grady, 'Aquinas and Naturalism', European Journal of Philosophy of Religion, Vol.3, (2), 2011, p369 - 385Journal Article, 2011
- Paul O'Grady, 'McCabe, Wittgenstein and Aquinas', New Blackfriars, 2012, p631 - 644Journal Article, 2012
- 'Relativism', Duncan Pritchard (General Editor), Oxford Bibliographies Online, 2012, [Paul O'Grady]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2012
- Paul O'Grady, 'Faultless Disagreement', Irish Philosophical Journal, 11, (2), 2011Journal Article, 2011
- Paul O'Grady, Aquinas's Philosophy of Religion, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, xiv + 246ppBook, 2014
- Paul O'Grady, "Finished Ulysses? Put this 100-year-old classic on your reading list". Irish Times, 2022, - 28/07/Miscellaneous
- Paul O'Grady, "Coronavirus: How can philosophy help us in this time of crisis?" Irish Times, 2020, - 26/03/Miscellaneous
- Paul O'Grady, "How to become wise: it takes more than googling" Irish Times, 2018, - 09/01/Miscellaneous
- Paul O'Grady, "Is it fair to label Bono a hypocrite over his tax affairs - or is hypocrisy just part of life?" Irish Independent, 2017, - 12/11/Miscellaneous
- Paul O'Grady, "Philosophers' work is to tease out arguments not to hold forth in outrage" Irish Times, 2014, - 22/01/Miscellaneous
- Paul O'Grady, "Who'll care for our deepest selves?" Irish Times, 2012, - 28/01/Miscellaneous
- Paul O'Grady, Review of The Metaphysics of the Tractatus, by Peter Carruthers , Philosophical Studies, 32, 1990Review
- Paul O'Grady, Review of Language, Saussure and Wittgenstein, by Roy Harris , Philosophical Studies, 34, 1992Review
- Paul OGrady, Review of The Philosophy of Eriugena, by Dermot Moran , Milltown Studies, 30, (1), 1991Review
- Paul O'Grady, Review of George Berkeley: De Motu and the Analyst, by D.Jesseph , Berkeley Newsletter, 10, 1994Review
- Paul O'Grady, Review of Gadamer and Hermeneutics, by Hugh Silverman , International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 1, (1), 1993Review
- Paul O'Grady, Review of Wittgenstein and Quine, by H J Glock , International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 6, (1), 1998Review
- Paul O'Grady, Review of Radical Orthodoxy: A New Theology, by J. Milback, C. Pickstock, G. Ward , Religious Studies, 36, (2), 2000Review
- Paul O'Grady, Review of The Empirical Stance, by Bas Van Fraasen , Review of Metaphysics, 57, (4), 2004Review
- Paul O'Grady, Review of Rules, Magic and Instrumental Reason, by Berel Dev Lerner , Philosophy in Review, 24, (3), 2004Review
- Paul O'Grady, Review of A Fractured Relationship, by Thomas Norris , Studies, 96, (383), 2007Review
- Paul O'Grady, Review of Jesus and Philosophy, by Paul Moser (ed) , Search, 33, (2), 2010Review
- Paul O'Grady, Review of Analytic Theology: New Essays in the Philosophy of Theology, by Oliver Crisp and Michael Rea (eds) , New Blackfriars, 92, (1041), 2011Review
- Paul O'Grady, Review of Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologiae: A Guide and a Commentary, by Brian Davies , Religious Studies, 53, (3), 2017Review
Research Expertise
TitleWisdom and Virtue EpistemologySummaryThis is an investigation of the nature of wisdom. It draws on virtue theory, especially that of Aquinas and recent analytical virtue epistemology. It also explores the reasons why wisdom has largely disappeared as a topic of philosophical inquiry.
TitleAquinas's Philosophy of ReligionSummaryThis book is an investigation of Aquinas's main contributions to philosophy of religion, viewed from the stance of analytical philosophy. It provides the required contexts and conceptual framework to understand his work and explores in detail the issues of faith and reason, arguments for God's existence, objections to God's existence, God's nature and attributes.Date To2014
TitleCognitive RelativismSummaryI am writing a number of papers dealing with relativism about truth, epistemlogical pluralism and epistemological relativism, including "Relativism about Truth" "Future Contingents and Relative Truth" "Faultless Disagreement about Taste"
- Finalist Provost's Teaching Award 2004
- D. Phil by Incorporation, Oxford University 1997
- American Philosophical Association Essay Prize 1998
- Fellow Trinity College Dublin 2003
- Honorary President of the Theological Society 2000
- International Bertrand Russell Society Essay Prize 1995
- Member Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy Present
- Chair of QQI External Review, Dept of Philosophy, Maynooth 2021 18-22Oct (online)
- External Examiner Queens University Belfast 2009
- Chair of Network for Studies in Buddhism 2005-2020
- External member of Academic Council, Priory Institute, Dublin. 2000-2010
- Academic Advisor Gestalt Institute of Ireland 2011-2017
- Assessor for Portugese Govt PG Fellowships 2018-2023
- Assessor for Caixa Bank Postgraduate Fellowship Awards, Spain 2019-2014
- External Examiner PhD Candidate University College Dublin, Ireland 2011