Online Micro-credentials
Trinity College Dublin is working on a suite of new online Micro-credentials.
Practical Frameworks for Innovation
This Micro-credential is interdisciplinary in nature and targets anyone in a role where innovation frameworks might be applied, from innovators and entrepreneurs, to those working in large companies, to educators working with the UN SDGs. It aims to upskill a workforce threatened by increasing amounts of information, global challenges, and improper use of AI.
This micro-credential is delivered in a blended format (in-person/online).
Department: Trinity Innovation and Enterprise
Climate Leadership Development
This micro-credential provides an opportunity to develop your leadership skills at an individual or organisational level, to help address the global climate challenge. Climate change poses a major challenges to society. It is a complex, multi-faceted challenge that can only be addressed using a coordinated and systemic approach applied on a variety of levels, and across a variety of sectors. This micro-credential provides an opportunity to develop your leadership skills at an individual or organisational level, to help address the global climate challenge.
Department: School of Natural Sciences
Advancing Health and Assessment Practice for Healthcare Practitioners
This micro-credential will be relevant to any healthcare professional in clinical practice wishing to develop competency and expand their knowledge in the application of advance health and physical assessment. This cohort includes nurses; midwives; paramedics and other allied healthcare professionals who require this module to allow for the expansion of their practice.
This micro-credential is delivered in a blended format (in-person/online).
Department: School of Nursing and Midwifery
Application of Simulation Practice in Healthcare
This micro-credential will be relevant to any healthcare professional in education, wishing to develop competency and expand their knowledge in the application of simulation. This cohort includes doctors; nurses; paramedics and other allied healthcare professionals who require this module to allow for the expansion of their practice in skill and problem-based education.
This micro-credential is delivered in a blended format (in-person/online).
Department: School of Nursing and Midwifery
Digital Technologies in Human Services
The micro-credential is designed to meet the digital skill needs of professionals working in human services such as social work and social care work and those who manage such services. Firstly, it aims to increase learners’ awareness of the use of digital technologies in human services and then to increase their ability to assess the benefits and challenges of implementing technology in human service work. Learners will develop practice skills through the evaluation of technology’s impact on professional practice e.g. reach and social presence, privacy, boundaries, risk and relationship management.
Department: Social Work and Social Policy
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: Policy & People
This micro-credential will be relevant to those interested in understanding and promoting equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in work and society. This will include professionals or aspiring professionals in civil society groups and/or public social service sectors with a focus on health, housing, education, older people, children and under-represented or socially excluded groups. In addition, the micro-credential will be of interest to professionals in private enterprise, including HR professionals and those in Corporate Social Responsibility roles who are driving positive cultural change within their organisation through the development and implementation of EDI policies.
Department: Social Work and Social Policy
Disability and Child Protection: Towards New Understanding
This cutting-edge micro-credential aims to provide learners with an understanding of key issues in the area of disability and child protection. It is designed to meet the specific training needs of all education, health, social care and policing professionals working in the area of disability, child protection and welfare or sectors where the client base includes individuals who may have a disability.
Department: Social Work and Social Policy
Domestic Violence and Child Protection - Training for Practitioners
This micro-credential on domestic violence and child protection provides both a comprehensive overview of the most recent research evidence on the topic and specialised training in the appropriate legal framework. It is targeted at professionals working in various areas of domestic violence where knowledge of the evidence and the legal frameworks are required.
Department: Social Work and Social Policy