Timetable Overview

2024/2025 Junior Fresh Timetables

Junior Fresh Nursing and Midwifery students will be assigned to a tutorial group as soon as they are registered. Junior Fresh my.tcd.ie timetables will not be accurate until the student’s groups are properly assigned on the system. An email will be circulated to students when this process is complete. PDF group timetables will be saved to the Junior Fresh course folder MN1S00-202425 JF SHARED ADMINISTRATION on Blackboard. Students can use these versions while they are waiting for the group assignments to be complete. Once groups are assigned students can view their timetables through mytcd.ie or by using the PDF versions saved on Blackboard.


Junior Fresh Orientation Timetables 

Year Planners 

B.Sc. (Cur)

B.Sc. Children's and General Nursing
