Ms. Thelma Begley
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing & Midwifery
Email tbegley@tcd.ie Phone3531896 4041Biography
Dr Thelma Begley has significant teaching experience in the development and delivery of undergraduate and postgraduate nursing programmes with specialist expertise in children's nursing. She is currently module leader on undergraduate, postgraduate and MSc Children's nursing programmes within the School. Her clinical experience includes children and young people's medical and surgical nursing and adult and children's orthopaedic nursing. Her main research interest lies in three areas namely children's nursing, nurse education and adolescence, specifically sexual health in adolescence and her PhD in this subject area- Sources of Information on Sexuality and Sexual Health in LGBQ Adolescents. Thelma's conference presentations and publications are related to these areas of research interest. Her research based commitments also include supervision of research students. She has been Head of Discipline for Children's Nursing and is currentyl Course Coordinator for the Higher Diploma in Children's Nursing.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Nicholl H., Lynch A, Begley T., King C & Tracey C., Perspectives of parents informing the development of the first Irish web resource on children with rare conditions, RCSI, RCSI Dublin, 19 February , 2015Poster, 2015
- Murphy M., Begley T., Timmins F., Neill F. and Sheaf G., An exploration of the extent of inclusion of spirituality care concepts in children's nursing textbooks, 34th International Nursing and Midwifery Research and Education Conference. Advancing Nursing & Midwifery Practice: Linking National and International Perspectives, Dublin, 18-19 February, 2015, pp103 - 103Meeting Abstract, 2015
- King C., Nicholl H., Tracey C., Lynch A. & Begley T. , Parents of children and young People with Rare diseases and their Information Needs : Does the Internet Help?, 5th Annual Nursing & Research conference , The Children's University Hospital Temple St, 5th March , 2015, pp8-Meeting Abstract, 2015
- Whelan, J., Begley, T & Timmins, F., Neophyte notions of nursing; Enhancing the Development of Professional Nursing Identity through Teaching about the Foundations of Nursing., Nurse Education Today (NET), 26th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference. , Churchill College, Cambridge, UK, 8-10th September , Jill Rogers Associates, 2015, pp18 - 18Conference Paper, 2015
- Maryanne M. Murphy, Thelma Begley, Fiona Timmins, Freda Neill & Greg Sheaf, Spirituality and Spiritual Care-Missing Concepts from undergraduate Children's Nursing Textbooks, International Journal of Children's Spirituality , 20, (2), 2015, p114 - 128Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Timmins F., Murphy M., Neill F., Begley T. and Sheaf G., Spiritual care competence for contemporary nursing practice: a quantitative exploration of the guidance provided by fundamental nursing textbooks, 1st International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference-Sowing the Seeds, Trinity College Dublin , 25th June 2015, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
- Fiona Timmins, Maryanne Murphy, Thelma Begley, Freda Neill, Greg Sheaf , Spiritual care competence for contemporary nursing practice: a quantitative exploration of the guidance provided by fundamental nursing textbooks, First International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference; Sowing the Seeds,, Trinity College Dublin , 2015Meeting Abstract, 2015
- Timmins, F. Murphy, M. Begley, T. Neill, F. and Sheaf, G, An exploration of the extent to which core nursing textbooks inform holistic spiritual care, Nursing Management , 25, (5), 2016, p31 - 37Journal Article, 2016, URL
- Murphy, M., Begley, T., Timmins, F. Neill, F. and Sheaf, G., Spirituality and Spiritual Care - Missing Concepts from Core Undergraduate Children's Nursing Textbooks, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, 35th Annual Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Stephen's Green, Dublin, February 18th & 19th, 2015, pp106 - 106Poster, 2015
- Murphy, M., Begley, T., Neill, F., Timmins, F., and Sheaf, G. , Spiritual care competence for contemporary nursing practice: a quantitative exploration of the guidance provided by fundamental nursing textbooks., NET2015 26th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference. , 8-10th September, 2015, pp18 - 19Conference Paper, 2015
- Nicholl, H., King C., Begley T., Lynch A. & Tracey C. , Rare diseases Irish Web Information for Families- findings from a study related to the use of the Internet by parents seeking information about their child's rare condition. , Children's Research Digest, 1, (2), 2015, p33 - 38Journal Article, 2015
- Begley, T., Higgins, A., Downes, C., Daly, L., de Vries, J., and Sharek, D., Evaluation across time: An overview of the findings related to an education programme for sexual health promoters, 17th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research: Contemplating the Past, Present and Future, Dublin, Ireland, 9-10 November, Trinity College Dublin School of Nursing & Midwifery, 2016Oral Presentation, 2016
- Timmins, F., Murphy, M., Begley, T., Neill, F. and Sheaf, G., A documentary analysis of the guidance provided by fundamental nursing textbooks- what does it tell us about spiritual care delivery and spiritual care competence for contemporary nursing practic, Fourth International Conference of the British Association for the Study of Spirituality Can spirituality transform our world? New frontiers in understanding and exploring contemporary spiritualties , Chancellors Hotel and Conference Centre, Manchester, UK., 23 May -26 May , 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Higgins A; Downes C; Daly L; Begley T; DeVries J; Sharek D, Developing and Testing the SH-PET Tool to Measure the Impacts of the Foundation Programme in Sexual Health Promotion, National Institute of Health Sciences Research Bulletin, 7, (4), 2017, p54-Journal Article, 2017, URL
- Whelan, J., Begley, T. and Timmins, F. , Foundations of Nursing- Neophyte Values of Nursing and Professional Identity. , Nursing and Midwifery Values in Practice., Conference Centre, Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland, Tues 16th May 2017, (NMVP4/2017), 2017, pp16 - 16Poster, 2017
- Begley, T., Doyle, C., Hollywood, E., Murphy, M., Dennehy, C. & Quirke, M. , Medication management in children's nursing: A review of NIQA scores over a five year period in one Irish children's services centre, Archives of Disease in Childhood , Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Abstracts of the Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK, 24-26 May 2017, 102(Suppl 1), 2017, ppA20.3-AConference Paper, 2017
- Brenner M, Kidston C, Hilliard C, Coyne I, Eustace-Cooke J, Doyle C, Begley T, Barrett M.J. , Children's complex care needs: a systematic concept analysis of multidisciplinary language. , European Journal of Pediatrics , 177, (11), 2018, p1641 - 1652Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Begley, T. Higgins A., McKee G. , Information Needs and Sources of Information of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Questioning (LGBQ) Adolescents in relation to sexuality and sexual health, Scholarship and Research with Children and Young People in Ireland, UCD Health Sciences Centre, 24th August , 2018, pp19-Poster, 2018
- Higgins A., Downes C., Daly L., Begley T., Sharek D. and De Vries J., Capacity building in sexual health promotion: a longitudinal evaluation of a training-the-trainer programme in Ireland, Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 36, (1), 2021, p46 - 67Journal Article, 2021, URL
- de Vries JMA, Downes C, Sharek D, Doyle L, Murphy, R, Begley, T, McCann E, Sheerin F, Smyth S & Higgins A , An exploration of happiness within the Irish LGBTI community,, Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 24, (1), 2020, p40 - 76Journal Article, 2020, URL
- de Vries JMA, Downes C, Sharek D, Doyle L, Murphy, R, Begley, T, McCann E, Sheerin F, Smyth S & Higgins A , An exploration of happiness within the Irish LGBTI community,, Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 24, (1), 2020, p40 - 76Journal Article, 2020, URL
- Nicholl H., Tracey C., Begley, T., King C. & Lynch A. , Internet use by parents of children with rare conditions: findings from a study on parents' web information needs, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19, (2), 2017, pe51-Journal Article, 2017, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Begley T, McKee G, Higgins A, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Questioning young people's sources of information on sexual health and sexuality: a systematic review, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020): 'Integrated healthcare: developing person-centred health systems', School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 3-5 March, 2020Poster, 2020, URL
- Higgins, A. Downes, C., Murphy, R., Begley, T., McCann, E., Sheerin, F., Smyth, S., DeVries, J. & Doyle, L., LGBT+ young people's perceptions of barriers to accessing mental health services in Ireland., Journal of Nursing Management, 29, (1), 2021, p59 - 67Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Higgins, A. Downes, C., Murphy, R., Begley, T., McCann, E., Sheerin, F., Smyth, S., DeVries, J. & Doyle, L., LGBT+ young people's perceptions of barriers to accessing mental health services in Ireland., Journal of Nursing Management, 29, (1), 2021, p59 - 67Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Brenner, M., Doyle, A., Begley, T., Doyle, C., Hill,K. & Murphy,M, Enhancing care of children with complex healthcare needs: an improvement project in a community health organisation in Ireland, BMJ Open Quality, 10, (e001925), 2021, p1 - 7Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Murphy M., Hill K., Begley T., Brenner M., Doyle C. , Respite Care for Children with Complex Care Needs: A Literature Review, Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Begley T, Brenner M, Murphy M, Doyle C, Hill K, Doyle A , Experiences of nurses and parents of care for children with complex care needs at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 , Dublin, 9th-11th March, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- Hill K, Brenner M, Murphy M, Doyle C, Begley T, Doyle A , Accessing respite for children with complex care needs, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 , Dublin, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- de Vries JMA, Downes C, Sharek D, Doyle L, Murphy, R, Begley, T, McCann E, Sheerin F, Smyth S & Higgins A, An exploration of mental distress in transgender people in Ireland with reference to minority stress and dissonance theory, International Journal of Transgender Health, 23, (3), 2023, p0 - 0Journal Article, 2023, URL
- De Vries, J., Downes, C., Sharek, D., Doyle, L., Murphy, R., Begley, T., McCann, E., Sheerin, F., Smyth, S. & Higgins, A., Mental distress in the Irish transgender community: minority stress and dissonance, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (TheConf2022), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 9-11 March 2023, 2023Oral Presentation, 2023, URL
- De Vries, J., Downes, C., Sharek, D., Doyle, L., Murphy, R., Begley, T., McCann, E., Sheerin, F., Smyth, S. & Higgins, A., Voices of Irish Transgender people on mental health and mental healthcare, Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 2023Journal Article, 2023, URL
- Fahy, D and Begley, T, The experiences of nurses and midwives in screening pregnant women for intimate partner violence in primary care: a systematic review, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2020), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, March 4th and 5th, 2020Poster, 2020
- Kenneally, A., Begley, T. & Donohue, G. , A study of irish secondary school student's views on mental health supports in school, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine , 2023, p1 - 6Journal Article, 2023, URL
- Begley, T., Who am I now? The experience of being a post-registration children's student nurse in the first clinical placement, Nurse Education Today, 27, (5), 2007, p375-381Journal Article, 2007
- Key Fractures Relating to Infant, Child and Young Person in, editor(s)Clarke, S. and Drozd, M. , Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing: An Evidence-Based Approach to Musculosekletal Care, Oxford, WIley Blackwell, 2023, pp323 - 334, [Begley, T and Clarke, S.]Book Chapter, 2023, URL
- DeVries, J., Downes, C., Sharek, D., Doyle, L., Murphy, R., Begley,T., McCann, E., Sheerin, F., Smyth, S.& Higgins, A. , An exploration of mental distress in transgender people in Ireland with reference to minority stress and dissonance theory, International Journal of Transgender Health , 24, (4), 2023, p469 - 486Journal Article, 2023, URL
- Murphy M & Begley T, The design and implementation of a hybrid model of a post registration children's nursing programme, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2024):, Dublin, 5th-7th March 2024, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- Higgins, A., Downes, C., O'Sullivan, K., de Vries, J., Molloy, R., Monahan, M., Keogh, B., Doyle, L., Begley, T., Corocan, P., The National Study on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of the LGBTQI+ Communities in Ireland: Key Findings Report, Key Findings, Trinity Collee Dublin, April, 2024, p1 - 22Report, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Doyle, L., Keogh, B., Begley, T., O'Brien, K., Sheerin, F., Eustace-Cook, J., & D'Eath, M., Evidence to Inform the Development of Guidance for Mental Health Service Providers on the Care and Treatment of LGBTQIA+ Service Users., School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., November, 2024, 1-188Report, 2024, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Begley, T, Who am I now? The experiences of postregistration children's nurses in the first placement. , Nurse Education Today , 27, (5), 2007, p375 - 381Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Begley T. , Who am I now? Postgraduate Paediatric Student Nurses Experiences of Role Transition. Presentation , 6th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., 3rd November 2005, 2005Conference Paper, 2005
- Begley T. , Poster Presentation- The Lived Experience of Being a Postgraduate Sick Children's Student Nurse in the First Clinical Placement., 24th Annual Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, Royal College of Surgeons (Ireland), Dublin. , 24th February 2005, 2005Poster, 2005
- Begley, T. , Poster Presentation - The Lived Experience of Being a Postgraduate Sick Children's Student Nurse in the First Clinical Placement., 4th Annual Conference of the National Council for the Professional Devleopment of Nursing and Midwifery, Alexander Hotel, Dublin, 17th November 2004, 2004Poster, 2004
- Doyle, C. Begley,T., Murphy,M., King,C., Hollywood,E. , Educating the Irish Hand that Rocks the Cradle: The Radical Transformation of Irish Children's Nurse Education. , 18th Annual International Participative Conference, Education in Healthcare. , Univeristy of Cambridge, 4th-6th September 07, 2007, pp168 - 169Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Murphy,M., Doyle,C., Hollywood,E., Begley,T. , The Design and Implementation of a Clinical Competency Tool for a Postgraduate Children's Nursing Programme. , RCN- Navigating a World of Change with Children and Young People. , Newcastle, 20-22nd September , 2007, pp73 - 73Poster, 2007
- Begley,T. Murphy,M., Hollywood,E., Doyle,C.,King C. , The Changing Face of Children's Nursing Registration in Ireland. , RCN- Navigating a World of Change with Children and Young People. , Newcastle, 20-22nd Sept , 2007, 63-Poster, 2007
- King, C., Doyle,C., Begley,T. Murphy,M. , Overcoming the Complexities of Developing and Implementing the First Irish Integrated Children and General Nursing Undergraduate Programme. , 8th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference, Transforming Healthcare through Research, Education and Technology. , Trinity College Dublin. , 7- 9th Nov 2007, 2007Poster, 2007
- Begley, T. , The Hidden Curriculum in Postregistration Children's Nursing, 8th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference, Transforming Healthcare through Research, Education and Technology. , Trinity College Dublin , 7-9th Nov 2007, 2007Conference Paper, 2007
- Murphy, M., Doyle, C., Begley, T., King, C., Children's nursing and educational change in Ireland, Nursing & Midwifery Practice Development: Meeting the Challenges. 27th International Nursing and Midwifery Research conference, RCSI, Dublin, Feb 20th & 21st, 2008, pp120 - 120Poster, 2008
- Doyle, C., Murphy, M., Begley, T., King, C.B., Education of children's nurses in Ireland: an update., Paediatric Nursing, 20, (8), 2008, p41 - 45Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Murphy, M., Doyle, C., Hollywood, E. and Begley, T. , Measuring Clinical Competence: A Challenge for clinical and academic staff, 8th Annual Nursing & Midwifery Research Conference, Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, University College Cork, 10th October , 2008Poster, 2008
- Murphy, M., Hollywood, E., Begley, T. and Doyle,C. , Measuring Clinical Competence in a Post Registration Children's Nursing Programme: A Challange for Clinical and Academic Staff, 28th Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Conference; Advancing Nursing and Midwifery Practice and Performance in Modern Healthcare Systems, RCSI, Ireland, 26th Feb 2009, 2009, pp99-Poster, 2009
- Doyle, C., Murphy,M., Hollywood, E., Nicholl, H. and Begley, T. , Irish undergraduate children's nurse education: developing new curricula to emphasise family centred care, 9th International Family Nursing Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 2-5 , 2009, pp126-Poster, 2009
- Begley T., Hollywood E. and Murphy M, Applying the Bologna Process to a Children's General Integrated Degree Programme, Back to the future; a celebration of 25 years of children and young peolpe's nursing, Liverpool, England, 11th-12th September, 2009, pp124-Poster, 2009
- Nicholl, H., Begley, T., Hollywood, E., Murphy, M., and Dolye, C., Methodology in family nursing - some issues for discussion and consideration before 'entering the field'., 9th International Family Nursing Conference , Reykjavik, Iceland, 2nd - 5th June, 2009, pp110 - 110Conference Paper, 2009
- Doyle, C., Hollywood, E., Murphy, M. Begley, T., Educating the Children's Nurse: The Irish Transformation, The 3rd Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies EAPS, Copenhagen, Denmark, 23-26 October 2010, 2010, pp6-Meeting Abstract, 2010
- Hollywood, E., Nicholl, H., Murphy, M., Begley, T. & King, C, An Interpretation of the Children's Nursing Content of Undergraduate Nursing Programmes in the Republic of Ireland., The 3rd Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies EAPS, , Copenhagen, Denmark, 23-26 October 2010, 2010, pp79-Poster, 2010
- Begley T. , An investigation of transition of young people with chronic illness from child to adult healthcare services in Southern Ireland, 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Transforming Healthcare through Research and Education, Trinity College Dublin, 4/5th November 2010, 2010, pp14-Meeting Abstract, 2010
- Murphy M & Begley T, Medication administration practices of children's nurses, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, Royal College of surgeons in Ireland, 23rd & 24th February, 2011, pp54-Meeting Abstract, 2011
- Begley T & Murphy M,, Transition of young people with cystic fibrosis and diabetes mellitus from child to adult healthcare in Ireland, Promoting Patient Centred Care in Times of Change- the Challenge for Nurses and Midwives, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 24th February , 2011, pp19-Meeting Abstract, 2011
- Doyle, C., Buckley, S., Begley, T., Murphy, M., Adopting a Model of care when working with children with complex needs in the home., 3rd International Nursing & Midwifery Conference, NUI Galway, 4th/5th April 2011, 2011, pp8 - 8Poster, 2011
- Begley, T., Murphy,M., Buckley, S.& Doyle, C., Evaluating the assessment of students on the Children's and General Integrated Nursing Degree Programme., 3rd International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, NUIG Galway, 4th- 5th April, 2011, pp9 - 9Poster, 2011
- Murphy M, Nicholl H, Begley T, Doyle C, Lawlor A & Malone H, Developing a parent to professional information leaflet on 22q11 Deletion Syndrome: What information do professional's require from a parents perspective?, 11th Annual Research Conference, , Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC, Ireland, Nov 4th , 2011, pp62-Poster, 2011
- Nicholl H, Murphy M, Lawlor A, Malone H, Doyle C & Begley T, Developing an information resource for health professionals on 22q11 Deletion Syndrome, 12 th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Transforming Healthcare through Research and Education, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Nov 9th, 10th, 2011, pp78 - 78Meeting Abstract, 2011
- Nicholl, H., Begley, T., Murphy, M., Hollywood, E., and King, C. , What are pre-registered nurses taught about caring for children? , British Journal of Nursing, 21, (9), 2012, p544 - 548Journal Article, 2012, URL
- Hollywood, E., Comiskey, C., Begley, T., Snel, A., O'Sullivan, K., Quirke, M. And Wynne, C. , Measuring and modelling body mass index among a cohort of urban children living with disadvantage. , Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69, (4), 2013, p851 - 861Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Lawlor A, Nicholl H, Dr. (Principal Investigator), Begley T, Doyle C, Murphy M, Malone H Dr, Development of a Parent to Professional Information Leaflet in Ireland., The 8th Biennial International 22q11 Deletion Syndrome meeting , Disney's Yacht and Beach Club Resorts, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA., July 6th to 10th , 2012Conference Paper, 2012, URL
- Lawlor, A., Nicholl, H. Dr. (Principal Investigator), Begley, T., Murphy, M., Doyle,C. and Malone, H. (ed.), 19th International Scientific Meeting of the VCFS Educational Foundation, , Toronto, Canada, July 19-22http , 2012Proceedings of a Conference, 2012, DOI , URL
- Nicholl H. Lawlor A Begley T Doyle C Murphy M & Malone H , Developing a parent to professional information resource on 22 11 Deletion Syndrome, Rare Disorders without Borders, Dublin City Hall, 28th February, 2013Poster, 2013
- Begley, T., Daly, L., Hollywood, E., Murphy, M., Doyle, C., Implementing Blended Learning in Nursing and Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Programmes, 4th International Nursing & Midwifery Conference, NUI Galway, 15-16 April, 2013Poster, 2013
- Timmins F., Begley T., Murphy M., Neill F. and Sheaf G., An exploration of the extent of inclusion of spirituality and spiritual care concepts in core undergraduate nursing textbooks, NET2013: 24th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference, Robinson College, Cambridge, 3-5 September, 2013, pp6 - 7Poster, 2013
- Begley, T. , Transition to adult care for young people with long term conditions. , British Journal of Nursing, 26, (9), 2013, p506 - 511Journal Article, 2013, URL
- Begley, T. , Review of Social media for nurses; ISBN: 978-0-8261-9588-3, by R. Nelson, I. Joos, D.M. Wolf , Nurse Education in Practice, 2013Review, 2013, DOI
- Nicholl H., Doyle C., Begley T., Murphy M., Lawlor A. & Malone H. , Developing and information leaflet on 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome for parents to use with professionals during health care encounters, Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 19, (3), 2014, 238 - 246Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Begley, T. , Transition from paediatric to adult care for chronic diseases may cause insecurity and unprepardness for new relationships and surroundings, Evidence Based Nursing, 22 (9), (9), 2014, p506-510Review Article, 2014, DOI
- Timmins F., Murphy M., Neill F., Begley T. and Sheaf G., An exploration of the extent of inclusion of spirituality and spiritual care concepts in core nursing textbooks, Nurse Education Today, 35, (1), 2015, p277 - 282Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- T. Begley, M. Murphy, F. Timmins, F. Neill, G. Sheaf, An exploration of the extent of inclusion of spirituality and spiritual care concepts in core, 5th International Nurse Education Conference; The complexities of learning and caring: Evaluating the impact of nursing and healthcare education on student learning and patient care, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands , 22-25 June , 2014, ppO15.2 -Oral Presentation, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Key Fractures relating to infant child and young person in, editor(s)Clarke S & Santy- Tomlinson J. , Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing: An Evidence- based Approach to Musculoskeletal Care, Oxford, Wiley- Blackwell, 2014, pp323 - 334, [Begley T & Clarke S]Book Chapter, 2014
- Timmins F., Begley T., Murphy M., Neill F. and Sheaf G., An exploration of the extent of inclusion of spirituality and spiritual care concepts in fundamental nursing textbooks, RCSI 33rd Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research & Education Conference, Dublin, 19-20 February, 2014, pp15 - 15Poster, 2014
- Timmins F., Neill F., Murphy M., Begley T. and Sheaf G., Spiritual care competence for contemporary nursing practice: a quantitative exploration of the guidance provided by fundamental nursing textbooks, Nurse Education in Practice, 15, (6), 2015, p485 - 491Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Timmins F., Begley T., Murphy M., Neill F. and Sheaf G., An exploration of the extent of inclusion of spirituality and spiritual care concepts in core undergraduate nursing textbooks, NET2014: 25th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference, Churchill College, Cambridge, 2-4 September, 2014, pp29 - 30Oral Presentation, 2014
- Nicholl H.l King C,Begley T Lynch A and Tracey C. , Rare Diseases web Information for families in Ireland , Children's Research Network for Ireland and N.Ireland , Accountant's House,Pearse St, Dublin, 10 December , 2014Meeting Abstract, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Dr. H Nicholl, Dr C. Tracey, Ms. T. Begley, Ms. A. Lynch and Ms. C. King , An Irish Study of Web Information Used by Parents of Children with Rare Conditions., IAPC , Dublin, 2015Poster, 2015
- Dr Honor Nicholl, Ms Thelma Begley, Ms Carole King, Dr Aileen Lynch, Dr Catherine Tracey, Rare Diseases Web-Information For Families in Ireland (RD-WIFI), online, Trinity College Dublin, September, 2014, p1-Report, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Higgins A., Downes C., Daly L., Begley T., DeVries J. and Sharek D. , The Development and Piloting of the Sexual Health Promotion Education Evaluation Tool (SH-PET). , School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 2016Report
- Higgins, A., Downes, C., Murphy, R., Sharek, D., de Vries, J., Begley, T., McCann, E., Sheerin, F., and Smyth, S , LGBTIreland Report: The National Study of the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex People in Ireland, Dublin, Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN) and BeLonG To Youth Services, 2016Report, URL
- Begley, T. , Sources and Usefulness of Information on Sexuality and Sexual Health: A descriptive cross-sectional study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Questioning Adolescents, TARA Respository TCD, TCD Library , January , 2024Report, URL
- Murphy M, Begley T, Horkan S, Hilliard C, Goonan C & Grennan K, An evaluation of a pilot hybrid programme of Post Registration Children"s Nurse Education. A partnership with SAOLTA University Health Care Group, the School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity College Dublin and Children"s Health Ireland, 2022- 2023, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, Feb, 2024, p1 - 71Report, TARA - Full Text
- Dr Thelma Begley, Information Sources for Sexuality and Sexual health: a Cross- Sectional Online Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Questioning (LGBQ) Adolescents., Webinar, Online, June 3rd 2024, 2024, HSE Sexual Health TeamInvited Talk
- Thelma Begley, The Hybrid Model of Post Registration Children"s Nursing Programme., INMO Children's Section AGM, Online, November 16th, 2024, IMNOInvited Talk
- Begley, T. , CTEV- Current Management , 4th Annual National Orthopaedic Nurses Conference, Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital, April 2002, 2002Conference Paper
- Murphy, M. and Begley, T. , Review of Wong's Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 8th ed.,Mosby Elsevier, St. Louis , by Hockenberry, M.J., Wilson, D., , Nurse Education in Practice, 9 , (6), 2009, p16Review
- Nicholl H.,Begley T.,Doyle C.,Murphy M., Lawlor A & Malone H., , Developing a Parent to Professional Information Leaflet on 22q11Deletion Syndrome(22q11DS) What information do professionals require?,, 22Q11 Ireland Annual Conference, Red Cow Hotel Dublin, 22nd October , 2011Poster
- Nicholl H, Lawlor A., Malone H., Begley T., Murphy M & Doyle C., Developing and Information leaflet on 22Q Deletion Syndrome, 6th European Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Products, MCE Centre Brussels, 23-25 May, 2012Poster
Research Expertise
TitleBeing LGBTI+ in IrelandSummaryA mixed methods study of mental health and wellbeing of LGBTI+ people in IrelandFunding AgencyBeLonGToDate From1/2/2022Date To1/12/2024
TitleA rapid evidence review to inform the development of guidance for mental health service providers on the care and treatment of LGBTQIA+ service users.SummaryFunding AgencyMental Health CommissionDate From01/01/2024Date To30/06/2024
TitleAn Investigation of transition of young people with chronic illness from Children to Adult healthcare servicesSummaryFunding AgencyStart up fund (Trinity College)Date FromApril 2009Date ToApril 2010
TitleLGBTIreland Survey - Examining LGBTI Mental Health and Attitiudes towards LGBTI people in IrelandSummaryTwo part, mixed methods studyFunding AgencyGay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN) and BeLonGToDate From2014Date To2016
TitleAn Exploration of the Extent of Inclusion of Spirituality and Spiritual Care Concepts in Core Undergraduate Nursing TextbooksSummaryIt is clear that nurses have an increased interest in and motivation towards supporting patients spiritual needs needs (McSherry and Jamieson 2011, Timmins 2010, McBrien 2010). It is also important that nurses take up this activity following specific guidance as to what it entails and how it should be done (Pesut and Sawatzky 2006). However currently nurses lack specific skills in this area (Lundmark 2006, Timmins 2010, RCN 2010), and the extent to which their undergraduate education prepares them for this role is unclear. The literature abounds with definitions of spirituality, suggested interventions and tools for assessments. However while there is agreement that nurses should have guidance to provide spiritual care it is unclear what specific curricula content prepares the nurse for this important role or how core nursing textbooks contribute to this agenda (Pesut 2008). Given the absence of clear direction about what to teach undergraduate nursing students, the lack of conceptual clarity around definitions and suggestions that nurses perform spiritual assessment, this study explored the extent to which current core nursing textbooks support and advocate spiritual care delivery by nurses and nursing students.The study aimed to examine whether or not core undergraduate nursing textbooks define and include spirituality or spiritual care content. It also examined the extent to which core nursing textbooks advocate spiritual assessment by nurses. Project Team (Dr. F. Timmons (PI),Maryanne Murphy, Thelma Begley, Freda Neill & Greg Sheaf)Funding AgencyUnfundedDate FromFebruary 2013Date ToOctober 2013
TitleRD- Wifi Information Needs for families of children with rare dieasesSummarySourcing information on rare diseases where and why information do parents require.Funding AgencySaoirse FoundationDate From01/03/14Date To30/09/14
TitleParents Experiences of Respite Care for Children with Complex Care NeedsSummaryFunding AgencyHSEDate From2019Date To2020
TitleDeveloping an information resource for health professionals on q2211 deletionSummaryA small project on creating an information leaflet on q2211 deletion syndrome by parents for use by health professionals (Principal Investigator Honor Nicholl)Funding AgencyThe Martha McMenamin Scholarship 2010/11Date FromMarch 2011Date ToOct 2011
TitleAn interpretation of the Children's nursing content of undergraduate nursing programmes in third level institutions in IrelandSummaryNicholl,H. (PI), Begley, T., Hollywood, E., Murphy,M. and King, C. The aim of this study is to clarify the children's nursing theoretical and clinical component in undergraduate nursing programmes in Ireland.Funding AgencyNoneDate FromApril 2009Date ToSept 2009
TitleMedication Management in Children's Nursing: A review of NIQA scores over a five year period in one children's services centreSummaryFunding AgencyThe Adelaide SocietyDate FromMay 2016Date ToMay 2017
TitleInformation needs and sources of information for Adolescent LGBQ people on sexuality and sexual healthSummaryFunding AgencyUnfunded PhD StudyDate FromOct 2015Date ToMarch 2023
TitleTransition from child to adult care for young people with chronic illness (TRYCIS): a study of policies, process, and patients, parents, and healthcare professionals' perspectives.SummaryCoyne, I (Principal Investigator).Funding AgencyHRBDate FromDec 2010Date ToDec 2013
TitleAn Evaluation of the Healthy Schools Programme for the Tallaght West Childhood Development Initiative (CDI) Ltd.SummaryData Collection for the Healthy Schools project. (Principal Investigator - Professor Catherine Comiskey).Funding AgencyThe Atlantic PhilanthropiesDate From2008
TitleThe experience of being a post registration children's student nurse in the first clinical placementSummaryDate FromOct 2003Date ToJuly 2004
TitleFHSHP - Evaluation of the Foundation Programme in Sexual Health PromotionSummaryFunding AgencyHSEDate From2014Date To2016
Public health, Education, Other health sciences, Health services and systems,
- Course Coordinator Higher Diploma in Children's Nursing 2023
- Reviewer for British Journal of Nursing 2011
- Reviewer for Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing 2017
- Personal Tutor for Undergraduate Students 2010
- Head of Children's Nursing 2016-2019
- Member of Children's Discipline 2006
- Member of Children's and Young Peoples Research Group 2006
- Reviewer for Child Care in Practice Journal 2012