Ms. Maryanne Murphy

Ms. Maryanne Murphy

Assistant Professor, School of Nursing & Midwifery

3531896 2619

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Alsaigh R. & Murphy M. , The effect of Growth Hormone Therapy on Children with Russell-Silver Syndrome-A Systematic Review, 34th International Nursing and Midwifery Research and Education Conference3Advancing Nurisng and Midwifery Practice: Linking National and International Perspectives , Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin. , 18th & 19th February, 2015, pp64 - 64Meeting Abstract, 2015
  • Murphy M., Begley T., Timmins F., Neill F. and Sheaf G., An exploration of the extent of inclusion of spirituality care concepts in children's nursing textbooks, 34th International Nursing and Midwifery Research and Education Conference. Advancing Nursing & Midwifery Practice: Linking National and International Perspectives, Dublin, 18-19 February, 2015, pp103 - 103Meeting Abstract, 2015
  • Timmins, F., Whelan, J., Murphy, M., King, C. and Brady, V. , The Development of Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland - an Innovative Response to an Emerging Hiatus, First International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference; Sowing the Seeds, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 25th June , 2015Conference Paper, 2015, TARA - Full Text
  • Maryanne M. Murphy, Thelma Begley, Fiona Timmins, Freda Neill & Greg Sheaf, Spirituality and Spiritual Care-Missing Concepts from undergraduate Children's Nursing Textbooks, International Journal of Children's Spirituality , 20, (2), 2015, p114 - 128Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Timmins F., Murphy M., Neill F., Begley T. and Sheaf G., Spiritual care competence for contemporary nursing practice: a quantitative exploration of the guidance provided by fundamental nursing textbooks, 1st International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference-Sowing the Seeds, Trinity College Dublin , 25th June 2015, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
  • Fiona Timmins, Maryanne Murphy, Thelma Begley, Freda Neill, Greg Sheaf , Spiritual care competence for contemporary nursing practice: a quantitative exploration of the guidance provided by fundamental nursing textbooks, First International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference; Sowing the Seeds,, Trinity College Dublin , 2015Meeting Abstract, 2015
  • Nicholl H., Eustace-Cook J., King C., Murphy M., Prizeman G., Tracey C & Lynch A., Rare diseases website - Developing the Parent-to-Parent Content of a Rare Disease Website in Ireland, SON&M TCD, University of Dublin Trinity College, September , 2015, p1 - 70Report, 2015, TARA - Full Text
  • Timmins, F. Murphy, M. Begley, T. Neill, F. and Sheaf, G, An exploration of the extent to which core nursing textbooks inform holistic spiritual care, Nursing Management , 25, (5), 2016, p31 - 37Journal Article, 2016, URL
  • Fiona Timmins, Maryanne Murphy, Sílvia Caldeira, Eimear Ging, Carole King, Vivienne Brady, Jacqueline Whelan, Colm OBoyle , John Kelly, Freda Neill , Geralyn Hynes, Kathleen Neenan, Nicolas Pujol, Lisa Fitzgerald, Deborah Hayden, Barbara Sweeney, Mary Threadgold, Michael O' Sullivan, Bernadette Flanagan, Elizabeth Weathers , Philip Larkin, Therese Meehan, Karen Ward, Hannah Chew, Eunice Minford, Mandy Lee, Margaret Mulchaire, Anne Mc Auliffe, PJ Boyle, Noel Keating, Brian Nolan , The Development of a Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland (ROI), Religions, 7, (3), 2016, p30 - 34Journal Article, 2016, TARA - Full Text
  • Murphy, M., Begley, T., Timmins, F. Neill, F. and Sheaf, G., Spirituality and Spiritual Care - Missing Concepts from Core Undergraduate Children's Nursing Textbooks, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, 35th Annual Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Stephen's Green, Dublin, February 18th & 19th, 2015, pp106 - 106Poster, 2015
  • Dennehy, C., Murphy, M. Timmins, F. and Howe, R., Failure to fail: perpetuating invisible incompetence?, Study Day, Temple Street Hospital Dublin, March 14th 2014, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
  • Murphy, M., Begley, T., Neill, F., Timmins, F., and Sheaf, G. , Spiritual care competence for contemporary nursing practice: a quantitative exploration of the guidance provided by fundamental nursing textbooks., NET2015 26th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference. , 8-10th September, 2015, pp18 - 19Conference Paper, 2015
  • Timmins, F. Murphy, M., Pujol, N., Sheaf, G., Caldeira, S. Whelan, J., Weathers, E. and Flanagan, B, Implementing spiritual care at the end of life in the Republic of Ireland , European Journal of Palliative Care , 23, (1), 2016, p42 - 43Journal Article, 2016
  • Timmins F, Caldeira S, Whelan J, Murphy M, King C, Brady, V, Shared understandings of spiritual care among the members of an innovative Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland, Fourth International Conference of the British Association for the Study of Spirituality Can spirituality transform our world ?
New frontiers in understanding and exploring contemporary spiritualities , Chancellors Hotel and Conference Centre, Manchester, UK, 23-26 May , 2016Poster, 2016
  • Timmins F, Murphy M, Begley T, Sheaf G, Neill F, The extent to which core nursing textbooks inform holistic spiritual care, Nursing Management , 23, (5), 2016, p31 - 37Journal Article, 2016
  • Honor Nicholl, Jessica Eustace-Cook, Carole King, Maryanne Murphy Ms Geraldine Prizeman, Catherine Tracey, Aileen Lynch, Rare diseases website developing the parent - to - parent content of a rare disease website in Ireland, School of Nursing and Midwifery , University of Dublin Trinity College, September, 2015Report, 2015, URL
  • Timmins F, Murphy M, Pujol N, Sheaf G, Caldeira S, Weathers E, Whelan J, An Exploration of Current Spiritual Care Resources in Healthcare in the Republic of Ireland (ROI), 35th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference, Maintaining Professional Competence: Continuing Professional Development and Patient Centred Outcomes, RCSI Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery Dublin, 2-3rd March, RCSI, 2016, pp74 - 74Published Abstract, 2016
  • Timmins F, Murphy M, Pujol N, Sheaf G, Caldeira S, Weathers E, Whelan J & Flanagan B. , An Exploration of Current Spiritual Care Resources in Healthcare in the Republic of Ireland (ROI), 2nd International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 23 June , 2016Conference Paper, 2016
  • Timmins F, Caldeira S, Whelan J, Murphy M, King C & Brady V., Shared understandings of spiritual care among the members of an innovative Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland, 2nd International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference, 'Nurturing the Spirit', School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 23 June 2016, 2016Poster, 2016
  • Timmins F, Murphy M, Pujol N, Sheaf G, Caldeira S, Weathers E, Whelan J & Flanagan B., Spiritual Care Resources in Health Care in Ireland (ROI) - An Exploration, First Global Human Caring Conference - China 2016, Shangri- La Hotel, Wuhan, China, 14-17 October, 2016, pp128 - 129Published Abstract, 2016
  • Timmins F, Murphy M, Pujol N, Sheaf G, Caldeira S, Weathers E, Whelan J & Flanagan B., Spiritual Care Resources in Health Care in Ireland (ROI) - An Exploration, 14-17th October, First Global Human Caring Conference - China 2016, Shangri- La Hotel, Wuhan, China, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
  • Timmins, F. Murphy, M., Pujol, N., Sheaf, G., Caldeira, S. Weathers, E., Whelan, J., and Flanagan, B , The Role of Healthcare Chaplains- a Literature Review, Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy , 2017, p1-20Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Timmins, F. Murphy, M., Pujol, N., Sheaf, G., Caldeira, S. Weathers, E., Whelan, J., and Flanagan, B. , An Exploration of Current Spiritual Care Resources in Health Care in the Republic of Ireland (ROI) , Health Services Executive (HSE) Chaplaincy Council , F2 Centre, Ruben Plaza, Rialto, Dublin, 28th September , 2016, Health Services Executive (HSE) Chaplaincy CouncilInvited Talk, 2016
  • Timmins, F., Murphy, M., Begley, T., Neill, F. and Sheaf, G., A documentary analysis of the guidance provided by fundamental nursing textbooks- what does it tell us about spiritual care delivery and spiritual care competence for contemporary nursing practic, Fourth International Conference of the British Association for the Study of Spirituality Can spirituality transform our world? New frontiers in understanding and exploring contemporary spiritualties , Chancellors Hotel and Conference Centre, Manchester, UK., 23 May -26 May , 2016Conference Paper, 2016
  • Timmins, F., Caldeira, S., Murphy, M., Pujol, N., Sheaf, G., Weathers, E. Whelan, J. and Flanagan, B. , An exploration of current approaches to and facilities for spiritual care provision in the Republic of Ireland (ROI), Journal of Pastoral Care and Counselling, 71, (2), 2017, p122-131Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Timmins, F. Caldeira, S. Whelan, J., Murphy, M., King, C. and Brady, V. , Shared understandings of spiritual care among the members of an innovative Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland, Royal College of Nursing International Nursing Research Conference , University of Oxford Examination Schools, 75-81 High Street Oxford , Wed 5-7th April 2017, 2017Poster, 2017, URL
  • Begley, T., Doyle, C., Hollywood, E., Murphy, M., Dennehy, C. & Quirke, M. , Medication management in children's nursing: A review of NIQA scores over a five year period in one Irish children's services centre, Archives of Disease in Childhood , Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Abstracts of the Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK, 24-26 May 2017, 102(Suppl 1), 2017, ppA20.3-AConference Paper, 2017
  • Brady, V., Timmins, F., Caldeira, S., Whelan, J., Murphy, M., O'Boyle, C. Neenan, K. F. and Muldowney, Y. , Shared understandings of spiritual care among the members of an innovative Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland, Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Health, Medicine and Social Sciences , Coventry University, Coventry, England, , 17-19 May , 2018Poster, 2018
  • Muldowney, Y., Timmins, F., Brady, V., Caldeira, S., Whelan, J., Murphy, M., O'Boyle, C. Neenan, K., Shared Understandings of Spiritual Care Among the Members of an Innovative Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland , 37th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research And Education Conference; Integrated Care: Ensuring Quality And Enhancing Patient Flow, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery., St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2., 28th February -1st , 2018, pp134 - 134Poster, 2018
  • Brenner, M., Doyle, A., Begley, T., Doyle, C., Hill,K. & Murphy,M, Enhancing care of children with complex healthcare needs: an improvement project in a community health organisation in Ireland, BMJ Open Quality, 10, (e001925), 2021, p1 - 7Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Murphy M., Hill K., Begley T., Brenner M., Doyle C. , Respite Care for Children with Complex Care Needs: A Literature Review, Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 2021Journal Article, 2021
  • Begley T, Brenner M, Murphy M, Doyle C, Hill K, Doyle A , Experiences of nurses and parents of care for children with complex care needs at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 , Dublin, 9th-11th March, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
  • Hill K, Brenner M, Murphy M, Doyle C, Begley T, Doyle A , Accessing respite for children with complex care needs, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 , Dublin, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
  • Hollywood, E., Hill, K., Murphy, M. and O'Neill, T, A dash to 'get online'! How Covid19 arrived in Ireland and children's nurse education swiftly went virtual , Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2021), Online, 10th and 11th March , 2021, pp4 - 4Oral Presentation, 2021
  • Dr Mary Hughes, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 24 D"Olier Street, Dublin 2. Dr Éadaoin Butler, Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity College Dublin. Carolyn Brennan, Assistant Director of Public Health Nurse, . Dublin South, Kildare & West Wicklow Community Healthcare, Carbury Building, Tallaght Cross West , Tallaght, Dublin 24 , D24 FKT7. Dr. Gobnait Byrne, Director TCPHI, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 24 D"Olier Street, Dublin 2. Jessica Eustace-Cook, Subject Librarian for the School of Nursing & Midwifery & SFI funded Research Support Librarian Dr Sheila Geoghegan, Director of Public Health Nursing St Mary"s Community Services, Craddockstown Rd. Dr. David Joyce, Research Fellow, TCPHI, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 24 D"Olier Street, Dublin 2. Pauline Keogh, Assistant Director of Public Health Nursing, St Marys Campus, Community Health , Craddockstown rd Naas, Co Kildare. Emer Maguire, Assistant Director of Public Health Nursing. Dublin South, Kildare & West Wicklow Community Healthcare, Carbury Building, Tallaght Cross West , Tallaght, Dublin 24 , D24 FKT7. Ms. Maryanne Murphy, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 24 D"Olier Street, Dublin 2. Anne O"Connor, Assistant Director of Public Health Nursing, Dublin South, Kildare & West Wicklow Community Healthcare, Carbury Building, Tallaght Cross West , Tallaght, Dublin 24 , D24 FKT7. Roisín Phillips, Public Health Nurse, Dunlavin Health Centre, Dunlavin, Co. Wicklow, A qualitative study on the role of public health nurses in Ireland in relation to child protection and welfare for infants and young children., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023 (THEconf2023): 'Back to normal or forward to better? New horizons in healthcare,, Trinity College Dublin,, 07-09 March 23, 2023, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
  • Hollywood, E., Banka Cullen, S., Murphy, M and Comiskey, C, An Evaluation of the Barnardos Ballybeg Playground Service,, Trinity College Dublin, October, 2023, p1 - 73Report, 2023, TARA - Full Text
  • Murphy M, Fulham-McQullian H, Higgins A, Brenner M, An exploration of the role, impact and determinants to the implementation and integration of a Cancer Support Specialist Service, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2024), Trinity College Dublin, March 5th-7th 2024, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
  • Murphy M & Begley T, The design and implementation of a hybrid model of a post registration children's nursing programme, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2024):, Dublin, 5th-7th March 2024, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
  • Boyce L & Murphy M, Exploring the experiences of healthcare professionals providing sexual and reproductive health to adolescents and young adults wit, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2024), Dublin, 5th-7th March, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
  • Hollywood, E. Murphy, M., Comiskey, C. and Banka-Cullen, S., An evaluation of the Barnardos Ballybeg Playground service., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2024 (THEconf2024) New Horizons in Healthcare: Global Impact, Local Relevance., School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 5-7th March, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
  • I. Coyne, B. Sleath, J. Surdey, S. Pembroke, C. Hilliard, K. Chechalk, S. Rafferty, S. Rogerson, M. Hughes M, M. Murphy, D. Cody, E. Roche,, Intervention to promote adolescents" communication and engagement in diabetes clinic encounters: A pilot randomized controlled trial, Patient Education and Counseling,, 126, (108322,), 2024, p1 - 8, p1-8Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Hollywood, E., Murphy, M., Banka-Cullen, S and Comiskey, C., An evaluation of a Barnardos playground service which serves the community of Ballybeg in Waterford, Ireland, UNESCO CFRC 11th Biennial International Conference, University of Galway, Galway, Ireland, 13th - 14th June, 2024Conference Paper, 2024, URL
  • Murphy, M., Doyle, C. and Kyle, G , The Design and Implementation of a Clinical Comptency Tool for a Post Graduate Paediatric Nursing Programme,, 6th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, University of Dublin, Trinity College,, 4, 5, 6 th November, 2005Conference Paper, 2005
  • Murphy, M. , A descriptive study of the practices and perceptions of family-centered care amongst children's nurses in Ireland, 7th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Transforming Healthcare through Research, Education and Technology, University of Dublin, Trinity College., 8th, 9th, 10th Nov, 2006Meeting Abstract, 2006
  • Doyle, C. Begley,T., Murphy,M., King,C., Hollywood,E. , Educating the Irish Hand that Rocks the Cradle: The Radical Transformation of Irish Children's Nurse Education. , 18th Annual International Participative Conference, Education in Healthcare. , Univeristy of Cambridge, 4th-6th September 07, 2007, pp168 - 169Meeting Abstract, 2007
  • Murphy,M., Doyle,C., Hollywood,E., Begley,T. , The Design and Implementation of a Clinical Competency Tool for a Postgraduate Children's Nursing Programme. , RCN- Navigating a World of Change with Children and Young People. , Newcastle, 20-22nd September , 2007, pp73 - 73Poster, 2007
  • Begley,T. Murphy,M., Hollywood,E., Doyle,C.,King C. , The Changing Face of Children's Nursing Registration in Ireland. , RCN- Navigating a World of Change with Children and Young People. , Newcastle, 20-22nd Sept , 2007, 63-Poster, 2007
  • King, C., Doyle,C., Begley,T. Murphy,M. , Overcoming the Complexities of Developing and Implementing the First Irish Integrated Children and General Nursing Undergraduate Programme. , 8th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference, Transforming Healthcare through Research, Education and Technology. , Trinity College Dublin. , 7- 9th Nov 2007, 2007Poster, 2007
  • Murphy, M., Fealy, G., Practices and perceptions of family-centered care among children's nurses in Ireland, Journal of Children's and Young People's Nursing, 1, (7), 2007, p312 - 319Journal Article, 2007
  • Murphy, M., Doyle, C., Begley, T., King, C., Children's nursing and educational change in Ireland, Nursing & Midwifery Practice Development: Meeting the Challenges. 27th International Nursing and Midwifery Research conference, RCSI, Dublin, Feb 20th & 21st, 2008, pp120 - 120Poster, 2008
  • Doyle, C., Murphy, M., Begley, T., King, C.B., Education of children's nurses in Ireland: an update., Paediatric Nursing, 20, (8), 2008, p41 - 45Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Murphy, M., Doyle, C., Hollywood, E. and Begley, T. , Measuring Clinical Competence: A Challenge for clinical and academic staff, 8th Annual Nursing & Midwifery Research Conference, Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, University College Cork, 10th October , 2008Poster, 2008
  • Murphy, M., Hollywood, E., Begley, T. and Doyle,C. , Measuring Clinical Competence in a Post Registration Children's Nursing Programme: A Challange for Clinical and Academic Staff, 28th Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Conference; Advancing Nursing and Midwifery Practice and Performance in Modern Healthcare Systems, RCSI, Ireland, 26th Feb 2009, 2009, pp99-Poster, 2009
  • Cunningham CJ, Walsh JB, Coakley D, Walsh C, Connolly C, Murphy M, Murphy C., Survival of patients discharged to long term care, Irish Medical Journal, 101, (10), 2007, p305 - 307Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • Doyle, C., Murphy, M.,Hollywood, E., Nicholl, H. and Begley, T., Irish undergraduate children's nurse education: developing new curricula to emphasise family centred care, 9th International Family Nursing Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, , June 2-5 , 2009, pppp126--Poster, 2009
  • Murphy., M., Coyne., I, O Neill., C., O Shea., R and Costello., T., An investigation of registered nurses' practice and perceptions of family-centered care practices, 9th International Family Nursing Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, , June 2-5 , 2009, pp67 - 67Meeting Abstract, 2009
  • Coyne, I T., Murphy, M., O Neill, C., O Shea, R and Costello, T (2009) A national survey of registered nurses' practice and perceptions of family-centered care practices in children's units in Ireland.(ed.), RCN Conference: Back to the future: a celebration of 25 years of children and young people's nursing, Liverpool, England, , 11-12th September, 2009, 90-91 pProceedings of a Conference, 2009, URL
  • Begley T., Hollywood E. and Murphy M, Applying the Bologna Process to a Children's General Integrated Degree Programme, Back to the future; a celebration of 25 years of children and young peolpe's nursing, Liverpool, England, 11th-12th September, 2009, pp124-Poster, 2009
  • Coyne, I.T., Murphy, M., O Neill, C., O Shea, R. and Costello, T. , A national sirvey of registered nurses' practices and perceptions of family-centered care practices in children's units in Ireland, 10th Annual International Research Conference; Transforming Healthcare Through Research, Education, Trinity College Dublin, 4th-5th Nov , 2009, pp34 - 35Meeting Abstract, 2009
  • Nicholl, H., Begley, T., Hollywood, E., Murphy, M., and Dolye, C., Methodology in family nursing - some issues for discussion and consideration before 'entering the field'., 9th International Family Nursing Conference , Reykjavik, Iceland, 2nd - 5th June, 2009, pp110 - 110Conference Paper, 2009
  • King C. Begley T. Murphy M. Hollywood E. Nicholl H., An Interpretation of the childrens nursing content of undergraduate nursing programmes in Ireland, Poster presentation, Intergrating Care More Effectively; Unlocking The Potential of Nurses and Midwives, RCSI, Dublin, 25th February, 2010Poster, 2010
  • Doyle, C., Hollywood, E., Murphy, M. Begley, T., Educating the Children's Nurse: The Irish Transformation, The 3rd Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies EAPS, Copenhagen, Denmark, 23-26 October 2010, 2010, pp6-Meeting Abstract, 2010
  • Nicholl,H.,Begley,T., Doyle,C., Hollywood,E. & Murphy,M. , Methodology in Family Nursing Research-symposium , 9th International family Nursing Conference, Hilton Reykjavik Nordica Iceland, 2-5th June , 2009, pp110 - 110Meeting Abstract, 2009
  • Hollywood, E., Nicholl, H., Murphy, M., Begley, T. & King, C, An Interpretation of the Children's Nursing Content of Undergraduate Nursing Programmes in the Republic of Ireland., The 3rd Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies EAPS, , Copenhagen, Denmark, 23-26 October 2010, 2010, pp79-Poster, 2010
  • Murphy M. , Medication administration practices of children's nurses, 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Transforming Healthcare through research and Education, Trinity College Dublin, 4th & 5th November, 2010, pp92-Meeting Abstract, 2010
  • Murphy M & Begley T, Medication administration practices of children's nurses, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, Royal College of surgeons in Ireland, 23rd & 24th February, 2011, pp54-Meeting Abstract, 2011
  • Begley T & Murphy M,, Transition of young people with cystic fibrosis and diabetes mellitus from child to adult healthcare in Ireland, Promoting Patient Centred Care in Times of Change- the Challenge for Nurses and Midwives, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 24th February , 2011, pp19-Meeting Abstract, 2011
  • Doyle, C., Buckley, S., Begley, T., Murphy, M., Adopting a Model of care when working with children with complex needs in the home., 3rd International Nursing & Midwifery Conference, NUI Galway, 4th/5th April 2011, 2011, pp8 - 8Poster, 2011
  • Begley, T., Murphy,M., Buckley, S.& Doyle, C., Evaluating the assessment of students on the Children's and General Integrated Nursing Degree Programme., 3rd International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, NUIG Galway, 4th- 5th April, 2011, pp9 - 9Poster, 2011
  • Begley T, Murphy M, Buckley S & Doyle C, Evaluating the assessment of students on Children's and General Integrated Degree Programme , 3rd International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, NUIG Galway, 4th-5th April , 2011, pp9 - 9Poster, 2011
  • Doyle C, Buckley S, Begley T & Murphy M, Adopting a model of care when working with children with complex needs in the home, 3rd International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, , NUIG Galway, 4th-5th April , 2011, pp8 - 8Poster, 2011
  • Begley T & Murphy M , Transition of young people with cystic fibrosis and diabetes mellitus from child to adult healthcare in Ireland, , Promoting Patient Centred Care in Times of Change- the Challenge for Nurses and Midwives, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery,, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 24th February, 2011, pp19 - 19Meeting Abstract, 2011
  • Doyle, C., Hollywood, E., Murphy, M. Begley, T., , Educating the Children's Nurse: The Irish Transformation, The 3rd Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies EAPS, Copenhagen, Denmark, 23-26 October , 2010, pp6-Meeting Abstract, 2010
  • Murphy M, Nicholl H, Begley T, Doyle C, Lawlor A & Malone H, Developing a parent to professional information leaflet on 22q11 Deletion Syndrome: What information do professional's require from a parents perspective?, 11th Annual Research Conference, , Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC, Ireland, Nov 4th , 2011, pp62-Poster, 2011
  • Nicholl H, Murphy M, Lawlor A, Malone H, Doyle C & Begley T, Developing an information resource for health professionals on 22q11 Deletion Syndrome, 12 th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Transforming Healthcare through Research and Education, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Nov 9th, 10th, 2011, pp78 - 78Meeting Abstract, 2011
  • Coyne I, O'Neill C, Murphy M, Costello T & O'Shea R, What does family-centered care mean to nurses and how do they think it could be enhanced?, Journal of Advanced Nursing , 67, (12), 2011, p2561 - 2573Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Howe R, Dennehy C, Timmins F & Murphy M , Clinical Assessment of Undergraduate Student Nurses by Preceptors, Increasing VAT: Value Added Time of the Nursing Resource Safety Efficiency Effectiveness, AMNCH, Dublin, 24th January, 2012, pp9 - 9Meeting Abstract, 2012
  • Murphy, M. Timmins, F., Howe, R., and Dennehy, C, The usefulness of the current assessment tool used by nurses, 30th Annual Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, Promoting Patient Centred Care in Times of Change - the Challenge for Nurses and Midwives, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 22nd & 23rd February, 2012, pp64 - 64Oral Presentation, 2012
  • Nicholl, H., Begley, T., Murphy, M., Hollywood, E., and King, C. , What are pre-registered nurses taught about caring for children? , British Journal of Nursing, 21, (9), 2012, p544 - 548Journal Article, 2012, URL
  • Murphy M & While A , Medication administration practices among children's nurses: A survey , British Journal of Nursing , 21, (15), 2012, p928 - 933Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Timmins, F., Dennehy, C., Howe, R., & Murphy M , Registered nurses' views of supporting nursing students' reflective practice , NET, International Networking for Healthcare Education, Robinson College Cambridge, UK, 4-6th September, 2012, pp9 - 9Meeting Abstract, 2012
  • Dennehy, C., Murphy, M., Timmins, F., & Howe, R. , Failure to fail: perpetuating invisible incompetence?, NET 23rd International Networking for Healthcare Education., Robinson College Cambridge UK, 4th-6th September , 2012, pp15 - 15Published Abstract, 2012
  • Howe, R., Dennehy, C., Timmins, F., & Murphy M , Clinial Assessment of undergradute student nurses by preceptors, 4th Annual Clinical Audit Day , Tallaght Hospital, Dublin , March 9th , 2012Poster, 2012
  • Lawlor A, Nicholl H, Dr. (Principal Investigator), Begley T, Doyle C, Murphy M, Malone H Dr, Development of a Parent to Professional Information Leaflet in Ireland., The 8th Biennial International 22q11 Deletion Syndrome meeting , Disney's Yacht and Beach Club Resorts, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA., July 6th to 10th , 2012Conference Paper, 2012, URL
  • Lawlor, A., Nicholl, H. Dr. (Principal Investigator), Begley, T., Murphy, M., Doyle,C. and Malone, H. (ed.), 19th International Scientific Meeting of the VCFS Educational Foundation, , Toronto, Canada, July 19-22http , 2012Proceedings of a Conference, 2012, DOI , URL
  • Murphy M, Dennehy C, Timmins F & Howe R , Failure to fail: Assessing student nurses competence., 12th Annual Research Conference, Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC, 9th Nov , 2012, pp36 - 36Published Abstract, 2012
  • Murphy M & Timmins F , The need for vigilance, effective communication and colloboration in medication management, Infant , 8, (6), 2012, p170 - 171Journal Article, 2012
  • Nicholl H. Lawlor A Begley T Doyle C Murphy M & Malone H , Developing a parent to professional information resource on 22 11 Deletion Syndrome, Rare Disorders without Borders, Dublin City Hall, 28th February, 2013Poster, 2013
  • Begley, T., Daly, L., Hollywood, E., Murphy, M., Doyle, C., Implementing Blended Learning in Nursing and Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Programmes, 4th International Nursing & Midwifery Conference, NUI Galway, 15-16 April, 2013Poster, 2013
  • Timmins F., Begley T., Murphy M., Neill F. and Sheaf G., An exploration of the extent of inclusion of spirituality and spiritual care concepts in core undergraduate nursing textbooks, NET2013: 24th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference, Robinson College, Cambridge, 3-5 September, 2013, pp6 - 7Poster, 2013
  • Timmins, F. Howe, R., Dennehy, C., and Murphy, M., "I hate GIBB's reflective cycle 1988" (Facebook 2009): registered nurses experiences of supporting students' reflective practice in the context of nursing students' public commentary, WCLTA 20123rd World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership , Maison N.-D. Chat d'Oiseau Brussels, Luxemburg - Belgium., 25-28 OCTOBER , 2012Meeting Abstract, 2012
  • Timmins, F. Howe, R., Dennehy, C., and Murphy, M. , I hate GIBB's reflective cycle 1988" (Facebook 2009): registered nurses experiences of supporting students' reflective practice in the context of nursing students' public commentary., WCLTA 2012 3rd World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership , Maison N.-D. Chat d'Oiseau Brussels, Luxemburg - Belgium., 25-28th OCTOBER, 2012Meeting Abstract, 2012
  • Timmins, F. Howe, R., Dennehy, C., and Murphy, M., I hate GIBB's reflective cycle 1988" (Facebook 2009): registered nurses experiences of supporting students' reflective practice in the context of nursing students' public commentary., Procesia Social and Behavioral Sciences Journal , 93 , 2013, p1371 - 1375Journal Article, 2013, TARA - Full Text
  • Monahan M, Cronin P, Fahey-McCarthy E, Horan P, Murphy M., An analysis of the practice-based critical incidents identified by student nurses as part of their reflective learning, 17th International Reflective Practice Conference, Swansea, 10th September 2013, 2013Oral Presentation, 2013
  • Coyne I, Murphy M, Costello T, O'Neill C & Donellan C., A Survey of Nurses' Practices and Perceptions of Family Centered Care in Ireland. , Journal of Family Nursing, 19, (4), 2013, p469 - 488Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • Nicholl H., Doyle C., Begley T., Murphy M., Lawlor A. & Malone H. , Developing and information leaflet on 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome for parents to use with professionals during health care encounters, Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 19, (3), 2014, 238 - 246Journal Article, 2014, DOI
  • Timmins F., Murphy M., Neill F., Begley T. and Sheaf G., An exploration of the extent of inclusion of spirituality and spiritual care concepts in core nursing textbooks, Nurse Education Today, 35, (1), 2015, p277 - 282Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • T. Begley, M. Murphy, F. Timmins, F. Neill, G. Sheaf, An exploration of the extent of inclusion of spirituality and spiritual care concepts in core, 5th International Nurse Education Conference; The complexities of learning and caring: Evaluating the impact of nursing and healthcare education on student learning and patient care, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands , 22-25 June , 2014, ppO15.2 -Oral Presentation, 2014, TARA - Full Text
  • Timmins F., Neill F., Murphy M., Begley T. and Sheaf G., Spiritual care competence for contemporary nursing practice: a quantitative exploration of the guidance provided by fundamental nursing textbooks, Nurse Education in Practice, 15, (6), 2015, p485 - 491Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Timmins F., Begley T., Murphy M., Neill F. and Sheaf G., An exploration of the extent of inclusion of spirituality and spiritual care concepts in core undergraduate nursing textbooks, NET2014: 25th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference, Churchill College, Cambridge, 2-4 September, 2014, pp29 - 30Oral Presentation, 2014
  • Professor Agnes Higgins, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Maryanne Murphy, Assistant Professor in Children"s Nursing, Trinity College Dublin, Professor Maria Brenner, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems, UCD. Dr. Hugh Fulham-McQuillan, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin. Dr, Carol Hilliard, Commissioning Team: Clinical Transformation, Children"s Health Ireland., An Exploration of the role, impact and determinants to the implementation and integration of a Cancer Support Specialist Service within the oncology services at Children"s Health Ireland, CHI Professionalism Conference, Dublin, May 11th, 2023Conference Paper
  • Murphy M, Begley T, Horkan S, Hilliard C, Goonan C & Grennan K, An evaluation of a pilot hybrid programme of Post Registration Children"s Nurse Education. A partnership with SAOLTA University Health Care Group, the School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity College Dublin and Children"s Health Ireland, 2022- 2023, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, Feb, 2024, p1 - 71Report, TARA - Full Text
  • Murphy, M. and Begley, T. , Review of Wong's Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 8th ed.,Mosby Elsevier, St. Louis , by Hockenberry, M.J., Wilson, D., , Nurse Education in Practice, 9 , (6), 2009, p16Review
  • Nicholl H.,Begley T.,Doyle C.,Murphy M., Lawlor A & Malone H., , Developing a Parent to Professional Information Leaflet on 22q11Deletion Syndrome(22q11DS) What information do professionals require?,, 22Q11 Ireland Annual Conference, Red Cow Hotel Dublin, 22nd October , 2011Poster
  • Howe R, Dennehy C, Timmins F & Murphy M, Clinical Assessment of Undergraduate Student Nurses by Preceptors, 4th Annual Clinical Audit Day , AMNCH, March 9th, , 2012Poster
  • Murphy Maryanne, Book Review-Compact Clinical Guide to Infant and Child Pain Management, Nurse Education in Practice, 12, (4), 2012, p34 - 34Journal Article
  • Nicholl H, Lawlor A., Malone H., Begley T., Murphy M & Doyle C., Developing and Information leaflet on 22Q Deletion Syndrome, 6th European Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Products, MCE Centre Brussels, 23-25 May, 2012Poster
  • Lawlor A, Nicholl Dr. H (Principal Investigator), Begley T, Doyle C, Murphy M & Malone H, Service Users Perspective: Parents of Children with 22q11 Deletion Syndrome (22q11DS), 19th International Scientific Meeting of the VCFS Educational Foundation, Toronto, Canada, July 19-22, 2012Conference Paper
  • Murphy M , Book Review: Medicines Management in Children's Nursing, K. Blair. Learning, Nurse Education in Practice, 12, (1), 2012, p2 - 2Journal Article
  • M, Murphy, Health and Wellbeing across the Life Course, M. Larkin. Sage,, Nurse Education in Practice, 13, 2013, p44 - 44Journal Article

Research Expertise

Family-centered care, children's nursing practices , children's nursing education, parents needs

  • Title
    National Audit of Chaplaincy Service Provision and Spiritual Care Resources among Health Service Executive, Voluntary Hospitals and Longterm Older care facilities in the Republic of Ireland (ROI).
    The aim of the project is : To explore current approaches to and facilities for spiritual care provision among Health Service Executive, Voluntary Hospitals and Longterm Older care facilities in the Republic of Ireland (ROI) using an online survey approach. Objectives: 1. To describe current approaches to and facilities for spiritual care provision among Health Service Executive, Voluntary Hospitals and Longterm Older care facilities in the Republic of Ireland (ROI) using an online survey approach using an audit tool developed by the Spirituality Interest Group, Trinity College Dublin (SIG), 2. To inform a vision for the future of faith/cultural/spiritual care at local level that includes all of the care settings for all populations that the Health Service Executive, Voluntary Hospitals and Longterm Older care facilities caters for. Increasingly nurses are assessing clients' needs, providing spiritual care in addition to the traditional role of referral to the chaplain (RCN 2011). However even within the existent chaplaincy framework clients' spiritual needs may be unmet (Radford, 2008). Modern approaches emphasise the need for an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to supporting spiritual needs in the health care setting (McSherry 2006a). This involves not only a whole team approach but also an inclusive approach that views diversity holistically, treats clients as unique and listens to their views in order to inform policy (McSherry 2006a). The Health Services Executive (HSE) currently aim to explore multi faith and integrated spiritual care provision and review the chaplaincy role in the Republic of Ireland. At the same time the HSE have called for a review of chaplaincy services in the context of the Government's reform programme 'Future Health' and wishes to given consideration to the provision of chaplaincy services in all hospitals in receipt of HSE funding to ensure that current best practice in healthcare chaplaincy is being delivered. The research team in this project are working with the HSE in the review of current approaches to and facilities for spiritual care provision among Health Service Executive, Voluntary Hospitals and Longterm Older care facilities in the Republic of Ireland. This audit will inform part of this work. The aim of this study is to explore current approaches to and facilities for spiritual care provision in (HSE)/Voluntary Hospitals and Longterm Older care facilities in the Republic of Ireland using an online survey approach.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    December 2014
    Date To
  • Title
    An exploration of the extent of the inclusion of spirituality and spiritual core concepts in core undergradute nursing textbooks
    The study aimed to examine whether or not core undergraduate nursing textbooks include spirituality or spiritual care content. It also aims to examine whether or not core nursing textbooks define spirituality or spiritual care or their core elements of and to examine the extent to which core nursing textbooks advocate spiritual assessment by nurses. The sampling framework was identified by identifying suitable textbooks for inclusion from Nursing Collection lists, and Academic Publishing Houses in the UK and Ireland. Data was collected quantitatively and qualitatively data using a specifically designed instrument which captured information about inclusion of spirituality, definitions, use of assessment and overall approach. The findings revealed an overall lack of consistency with regard to the inclusion of spirituality within core undergraduate nursing textbooks. While some advocate assessment of spiritual needs, few refer specifically to assessment tools, and there is little consistency among those that do suggest their use. Overall spirituality, while accepted as a component of holistic care is operationalised as an adjunct to care.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    February 2013
    Date To
    Oct 2013
  • Title
    Access to Respite Care Through Acute Care Services for Children with Complex Healthcare Needs
    Children with Complex Healthcare Needs have substantial medical healthcare needs as a result of one or more congenital, acquired or chronic conditions, with functional limitations that often require technology assistance and on-going nursing care. This is primarily to support their parents to care for them at home, thereby preventing hospital readmission, in some instances to avert death and in others, to provide palliative and end of life care. This study will explore the Respite Services for Children with Complex Medical Needs in one Community Health Area.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    An evaluation of the Barnardos Ballybeg Playground Service
    TBarnardo"s was established by an Irish man, Dr Thomas Barnardo who was born in Dublin in 1845. The first Barnardo"s home was set up in London in 1870 for homeless boys however, the tradition expanded and in 1962 Barnardo"s established roots in Ireland. Since then, Barnardo"s has grown and evolved and today it delivers services and works with families, communities, and partners to transform the lives of vulnerable children who are experiencing adverse childhood experiences. One such service provided by Barnardo"s is the Ballybeg Playground service which has served the community of Ballybeg in Waterford since it opened in 1999. This supervised playground service caters for a variety of children aged between 4 and 12 years who may be experiencing adversity and trauma, may be a member of 7 the ethnic minority community, may have special educational needs, neurodiversity/sensory or processing needs. All children have the right to play as set out in Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC 1989). Furthermore, play is a very important activity for children since play helps children to make sense of the world around them, it provides children with a means of expressing their feelings and also helps children to make sense of the relationships in their lives. he aim of the project is to evaluate the Barnardo"s Ballybeg Playground service which serves the community of Ballybeg in Waterford, Ireland. Project objectives 1. To explore children"s experiences of their involvement in the service and what this means / how it has impacted on their lives. 2. To explore parents" experiences of the service and evaluate their perceptions of their child"s involvement. 3. To evaluate the theoretical underpinnings of the Ballybeg Playground service and how these are translated into implementation practice. 4. To examine the culture of the service and its delivery of child-centred, play-based supports. 5. To explore the impact of the service from the perspective of staff and volunteers within the service. 6. To examine the links with the local community and the impact of the service on the local community.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    August 2022
    Date To
    April 2023
  • Title
    Improving practice led research for the benefit of service users: research capacity building for nursing'
    Research Project Member on the Child Protection strand - identify and investigate the research priorities of PHNs in community area regarding child protection (PI Dr Gobnait Byrne)
    Funding Agency
  • Title
    Medication management in children's nursing: a review of NIQA scores over a five year period in one children's services centre.
    The aim of this project is to review NIQA-C scores for medication management in a children's services centre and evaluate how effective the NIQA instrument is for medication management in children's nursing.
    Funding Agency
    The Adelaide Society
    Date From
    Sept 2016
    Date To
    March 2017
  • Title
    An analysis of practice-based critical incidents identified by student nurses.
    Project Team, Mark Monahan, Paul Horan, Patricia Cronin, The aim of the study is to undertake an analysis of the practice-based critical incidents identified by students in their reflective learning. The overall purpose is to gain insight into the areas of clinical practice that address or challenge students. This study aims to determine if there are identifiable patterns and themes that will provide direction for education and practice.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Jan 2012
    Date To
    June 2013
  • Title
    Intervention to improve youth question-asking and provider education during paediatric diabetes visits. (PACE project)
    Research involves focus groups with youth and parents and professionals. Then to develop an intervention to improve youth with diabetes question-asking and provider education during paediatric diabetes visits. PI Professor Imelda Coyne
    Funding Agency
    National Children's Research Centre
  • Title
    Development of an Information Leaflet on 22q11 Deletion Syndrome from the Perspective of Parents with Children Diagnosed with 22q11 Deletion Syndrome (part of a funded study - Martha McMenamin fund- PI Honor Nicholl)
    A research project on creating an information leaflet on 22q11 Deletion Syndrome by parents for use by health professionals
    Funding Agency
    The Martha McMenamin Scholarship 2010/11
    Date From
    March 2011
    Date To
    Oct 2011
  • Title
    An interpretation of the children's nursing content of undergraduate nursing programmes in third level institutions in Ireland.
    Nicholl, H. (PI), Begley, T., Holywood, E., Murphy, M and King, C. The aim of this study is to clarify the children's nursing theoretical and clinical component in undergraduate nursing programmes in Ireland.
    Date From
    April 2009
    Date To
    Sept 2009
  • Title
    Medication Administration Practices of Children's Nurses
    The administration of medicines to infants includes assessing the child's health condition, planning and evaluating interventions and documenting the process. There are knowledge and skills that are essential for the safe administration of medicines to children. Children's nurses require a range of skills for the safe administration of medicines to children ranging from a sound theoretical knowledge base on the theory underpinning safe administration of medicines to being numerically competent and up to date on current literature available on medicine use in children. This study is investigating the medication administration practices of children's nurses in one unit in Ireland.
    Funding Agency
    Start-up fund (Trinty College Dublin)
    Date To
    Sept 2009
  • Title
    Rare diseases website - developing the parent2parent content of a rare disease website in Ireland
    This study builds on the Trinity College Dublin (TCD)/Saoirse Foundation's (SF) study - Web Information for Families of Children with Rare Diseases - informing the development of the first Irish website for children with rare diseases. This descriptive qualitative study's aim is to further explicate parents' requirements for parent to parent support in the website. In data collection SF will act as gatekeeper in the recruitment of parents of children with rare diseases. TCD will conduct four nationwide focus group interviews (n=30-60). Data will be analysed using thematic analysis. Ethical approval for this study will be obtained from TCD. Project number 203831 and Award number 13351
    Funding Agency
    Irish Research Council
    Date From
    March 2015
    Date To
    Nov 2015
  • Title
    An evaluation of the role of a Cancer Support Specialist Service within oncology services in CHI at Crumlin - Phase II Katie Nugent Project
    On average, there are 218 cases of cancer diagnosed annually among children and teenagers in Ireland. Phase I of the Parents" Needs Analysis Study (Katie Nugent Project) explored the support needs of parents of children with a cancer diagnosis who were receiving, or had received care, from the oncology service in CHI at Crumlin. In this study, completed in 2019, parents identified many elements which would help and support them, their child and their families, during their cancer journey, one of which was the CSSS. The introduction of the CSSS is to enhance and improve support services currently offered to children diagnosed with cancer and their families. This study seeks to evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, and usefulness of the CSSS, and to to identify recommendations for future service planning.
    Funding Agency
    Katie Nugent Foundation
    Date From
    1st August 2022
    Date To
    1st February 2024
  • Title
    A research study exploring the use of the competency document used for the clinical assessment of undergraduate student nurses
    Since early 2000 and the introduction of third level education for nurses, the responsibility for the assessment of undergraduate student nurses in clinical practice lies with the registered nurse known as the preceptor. Registered nurses have the authority to assess the competence of student nurses, thereby regulating entry to the Register of Nurse maintained by An Bord Altranais. While a plethora of literature exits on the qualitative experiences of preceptors there is a lack of quantitative research on the actual assessment of undergraduate student nurses by the registered nurse.
    Funding Agency
    Funding application unsuccessful
    Date From
    May 2011
    Date To
    Jan 2012
  • Title
    An investigation of children's nurses practices and perceptions of family-centered care
    Professor Imelda Coyne, (Principal Investigator), Mr Thomas Costello, Research Assistant,Ms Rita O'Shea, Director of Nursing, Children's University Hospital, Temple Street, Dublin 2, Ms Colleen O'Neill, Lecturer, School of Nursing, Dublin City University, Ms Maryanne Murphy, Lecturer, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin
    Date From
    April 2008
    Date To
    April 2009


  • An Bord Altranais.
  • Children's Research Group (School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin).