Dr. Deirdre Daly

Dr. Deirdre Daly

Professor In, School of Nursing & Midwifery

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Deirdre is an Associate Professor in Midwifery in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin. She was awarded MA and PhD degrees from Trinity College Dublin, an MSc in Healthcare Ethics and Law from the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI), an MSc in Midwifery from Queen's University, Belfast and a PGCE and BSc from the University of Ulster. Deirdre's main projects are the Maternal health And Maternal Morbidity in Ireland (MAMMI) study (https://www.tcd.ie/mammi/) and all the follow-up studies (second baby, five-year, 10-year) and other related studies in maternity care. She has led the MAMMI study team since completing her PhD in 2015. Her main areas of methodological research expertise include longitudinal cohort studies, mixed methods research, qualitative research, and she has experience in randomised trials. She was one of Ireland's management committee members on the EU COST Action IS1405 BIRTH (2014-2018) and chaired Working Group 4 (http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/isch/IS1405), and is one of Ireland's management committee members on the EU COST Action CA 18138 RiseUp on Peripartum Depression Disorder (PPD) (2019-2023) (https://riseupppd18138.com/). Deirdre has supervised several PhD, MSc (Research) and MSc (Taught) students to successful completion in TCD and is a thesis committee member of a student in the University of Zurich, Switzerland and a student in the Midwifery Science Department, Amsterdam UMC. She supports and mentors other PhD candidates, conducting in-house continuation interviews and running mock PhD vivas, etc. She was external examiner for an MSc (Research) in Germany, and for PhDs in the Universities of Manchester, UK, Tasmania, Australia and Otago, New Zealand. She reviews grant proposals every year for the Wellbeing of Women and the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR), UK. She has held several academic roles within the School including Course Co-ordinator (2006-2008), Director of International Initiatives (2014-2016) and Junior Sophister Course Co-ordinator (2020-2022) and has developed and led/co-led a number of midwifery education modules, including the MSc Advancing Midwifery Practice module. She is Director of the Trinity Centre for Maternity Care Research (TCMCR) since 2020. Deirdre is a member of national committees on severe maternal morbidity and maternal mortality in Ireland, and was a member of the All Ireland midwifery conference planning committee, the Nursing Education Forum and the Expert Group on Midwifery and Paediatric Nurse Education. Deirdre was President of the European Midwives Association from 2005 to 2009 and a Member of the European Union Health Policy Forum. She was an expert member for the European Commission on the Peer Assessment Mission for the profession of midwifery in Croatia (2008) and on the TAIEX workshop on Directive 2005/36/EC and the recognition of professional qualifications (midwifery) in Croatia (2009). Deirdre has been an external examiner for undergraduate and postgraduate midwifery programmes in universities in Ireland and the UK. She was an editorial board member of the Practising Midwife until 2020 and is a reviewer for several peer-reviewed midwifery and other scientific journals. Deirdre's previous posts include Project Manager for the OptiBIRTH Project (2014-2017), Principal Midwife Teacher, Rotunda Hospital (2002-2006), Midwife manager, Downpatrick Maternity Hospital (1994-1996).

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Daly D, Clarke M and Begley C, Risk factors for urinary incontinence (UI) in primiparous women before, during and after pregnancy: early findings from the MAMMI (Maternal health And Maternal Morbidity in Ireland) study UI strand, 5th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, National University of Ireland Galway, 30-31 March, 2015Oral Presentation, 2015, URL
  • Daly D, Clarke M and Begley C, Does spontaneous vaginal birth increase the odds of postpartum urinary incontinence?, 10th Normal labour and birth conference - Normal Birth; into the future, Grange Over Sands, United Kingdom, 15-17 June, 2015Oral Presentation, 2015
  • Panda S, Daly D and Begley C, Clinicians' views of factors that influence the decision to perform an emergency caesarean section (CS) in primiparous women: A systematic review and metasynthesis, 15th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Student Colloquium, Trinity College Dublin, 4 November, 2014Poster, 2014, URL
  • Marchi JDF, Begley C, Kearney J and Daly D, Food behaviours that contribute to risk factors during pregnancy in Ireland, 15th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Student Colloquium, Trinity College Dublin, 4 November, 2014Poster, 2014, URL
  • Wuytack F, Daly D, Curtis E and Begley C, Pain, disability and health-seeking behaviour of primiparous women with persistent Pelvic Girdle Pain 9 months postpartum in Ireland, World Federation of Chiropractic's 13th Biennial Congress, incorporating the 2015 Annual Convention of the European Chiropractors' Union, Athens, Greece, 13-16 May, 2015Poster, 2015, URL
  • Carroll M, Begley C, Daly D and Higgins A, Prevalence of depression and anxiety in primiparous women before and during early pregnancy - early findings from the MAMMI study mental health (MH) strand, 16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 4-5 November, 2015Oral Presentation, 2015, URL
  • Panda S, Begley C and Daly D, 'Not in established labour': outcomes for women cared for in an Irish antenatal ward, 16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 4-5 November, 2015Poster, 2015, URL
  • Clarke M, Savage G, Smith V, Daly D, Devane D, Gross MM, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Healy P, Morano S, Nicoletti J, Begley C, Improving the organisation of maternal health service delivery and optimising childbirth by increasing vaginal birth after caesarean section through enhanced women-centred care (OptiBIRTH trial): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (ISRCTN10612254), Trials, 16, (542), 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Panda S, Begley C, Daly D, Readmission following caesarean section: Outcomes for women in an Irish maternity hospital, British Journal of Midwifery, 24, (5), 2016, p322 - 328Journal Article, 2016, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Wyrzykowska WM, Donnelly JC, Burke N, Daly D, Burke G, Breatnach FM, McAuliffe F, Morrison J, Turner M, Dornan S, Higgins J, Cotter A, Geary M, Daly S, McParland P, Dicker P, Tully E, Malone FD, Women's perceptions of labour & delivery: results from the multicentre genesis study, BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 18th Annual Conference British Maternal & Fetal Medicine Society (BMFMS), International Convention Centre (ICC), Birmingham, 21-22 April 2016, 123, (S1), 2016, pp94Poster, 2016, DOI
  • Carroll M, Daly D, Begley C, The prevalence of women's emotional and physical health problems following a postpartum haemorrhage: a systematic review, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 16, (261), 2016, p1-11Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • Smith V, Daly D, Lungren I, Eri T, Begley C, Gross MM, Downe S, Alfirevic A, Devane D. , Protocol for the development of a salutogenic intrapartum core outcome set (SIPCOS), BMC Medical Research Methodology, 17, (61), 2017, p1 - 7Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Daly D, O'Malley D, Carroll M, Higgins, A., The Hidden Side of Women's Health during Pregnancy and Postpartum (Symposium), 31st International Confederation of Midwives Trienniel Congress, Toronto, Canada, 19-22 June 2017, 2017Oral Presentation, 2017
  • Daly D, Clarke M, Begley C, Urinary incontinence in nulliparous women: prevalence, incidence, type and risk factors, International Urogynecology Journal, Epub ahead of print, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
  • Escuriet R, García-Lausin L, Salgado-Poveda I, Casañas R, Robleda G, Canet O, Pérez-Botella M, Frith L, Daly D, Pueyo J, Midwives' contribution to normal childbirth care: Cross-sectional study in public-health settings, the MidconBirth Study protocol, European Journal of Midwifery, 1, (4), 2017Journal Article, 2017, URL
  • Fobelets M, Beeckman K, Buyl R, Daly D, Sinclair M, Healy P, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Nicoletti J, Gross MM, Morano S, Putman K, Mode of birth and postnatal health-related quality of life after one previous cesarean in three European countries, BIRTH, Epub ahead of print, 2017, phttp://onlinelibrary.wiley.comJournal Article, 2017, URL
  • Seijmonsbergen-Schermers A, de Jonge A, van den Akker T, Beeckman K, Bogaerts A, Barros M, Janssen P, Binfa L, Rydahl E, Frith L, Gross MM, Hálfdánsdóttir B, Daly D, Calleja-Agius J, Gillen P, Vika Nilsen AB, Declercq E, Variations in childbirth interventions in high-income countries: protocol for a multi-national cross-sectional study , BMJ Open, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Healy P, Smith V, Savage G, Clarke M, Devane D, Gross MM, Morano S, Daly D, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Nicoletti J, Sinclair M, Maguire R, Carroll M, Begley C, Process Evaluation for OptiBIRTH, a Randomised Controlled Trial of a Complex Intervention designed to increase rates of vaginal birth after caesarean section, Trials, 19, (9), 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
  • Daly D, Wuytack F, Moran P, Begley C, Co-producing maternal health research with women - the MAMMI study processes, SPHeRE Network 4th Annual Conference, 2018, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI), Dublin, 11 January, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018, URL
  • Daly D, Wuytack F, Moran P, Begley C, Women's physical and mental wellbeing in the first postpartum year; why the MAMMI study matters (co-presented with MAMMI study participant), HRB Ones2Watch, Dublin, 26 October, 2017Oral Presentation, 2017, URL
  • Daly D, Sedlicka N and Begley C., Respectful and disrespectful care in the Czech Republic: an online survey, 26th European Congress of the European Board & College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (EBCOG), Paris, 8-10 March 2018, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
  • Fobelets M, Beeckman K, Faron G, Daly D, Begley C, Putman K., Vaginal birth after caesarean versus elective repeat caesarean delivery after one previous caesarean section: a cost-effectiveness analysis in four European countries, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18, 2018, p92-Journal Article, 2018, URL
  • O Malley D, Higgins A, Begley C, Daly D, Smith V, Prevalence of and risk factors associated with sexual health issues in primiparous women at 6 and 12 months postpartum; a longitudinal prospective cohort study (the MAMMI study), BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18, (196), 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • Marchi J, Begley C, Kearney J and Daly D, Vitamin supplementation before and during pregnancy, 17th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference (HIRC2016), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 9-10 November, 2016Oral Presentation, 2016, URL
  • O'Malley D, Smith V, Daly D and Higgins A, Prevalence of sexual health issues in first time mothers and associated risk factors, 17th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference (HIRC2016), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 9-10 November, 2016Oral Presentation, 2016, URL
  • Carroll M, Daly D, Clarke M and Begley C, Anal incontinence in nulliparous women before and during pregnancy - findings from the MAMMI Study, 17th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference (HIRC2016), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 9-10 November, 2016Oral Presentation, 2016, URL
  • Panda S, Daly D and Begley C, Readmission following caesarean section: Reasons for readmission and outcomes for women in one large Irish Maternity hospital, 17th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference (HIRC2016), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 9-10 November, 2016Oral Presentation, 2016, URL
  • Panda S, Daly D and Begley C, Clinicians' views of factors influencing decision-making for caesarean section: A systematic review and metasynthesis, 17th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference (HIRC2016), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 9-10 November, 2016Poster, 2016
  • Wuytack F, Daly D, Curtis E and Begley C, Persistent Pregnancy-related Pelvic Girdle Pain in Primiparous Women the Year After Childbirth: Prevalence and Symptom Severity in an Irish Cohort, 17th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference (HIRC2016), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 9-10 November, 2016Oral Presentation, 2016, URL
  • Wuytack F, Daly D, Curtis E and Begley C, Mode of birth and persistent Pregnancy-related Pelvic Girdle Pain 12 months postpartum in first-time mothers in Ireland, 9th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Girdle Pain, Singapore, 31/10-3/11, 2016Poster, 2016
  • Daly D, Cusack C and Begley C, Women's knowledge and practise of pelvic floor muscle exercises (PFMEs) before and during pregnancy, 17th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference (HIRC2016), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 9-10 November, 2016Oral Presentation, 2016
  • Wuytack F, Daly D, Curtis E and Begley C, Risk factors for pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain, a systematic review, World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress, Capetown, South Africa, 2-4 July, 2017Oral Presentation, 2017, URL
  • Daly D, Wuytack F, Moran P, Begley C, Co-conducting maternal health research with women - developing the MAMMI study processes, Thinking Participatively Research Conference, Edmonton, Canada, 21 June, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018, URL
  • Gross MM, Helbig S, Petersen A, Sitter E, Daly D, Interinstitutional variations in oxytocin augmentation during labour in university hospitals in Germany, 13th International Normal Labor & Birth Research Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 25-27 June, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
  • Panda S, Begley C, Daly D, Clinicians' views of factors influencing decision-making for caesarean section: A systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods studies, PLOS ONE, 13, (7), 2018, pe0200941Journal Article, 2018, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Wuytack F, Daly D, Curtis E, Begley C, Prognostic factors for pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain, a systematic review, Midwifery, 66, 2018, p70 - 78Journal Article, 2018, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Panda S, Daly D, Begley C, Karlström A, Larsson B, Bäck L, Hildingsson I., Factors influencing decision-making for caesarean section in Sweden - a qualitative study, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18, 2018, p377Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Begley C, Sedlicka N, Daly D, Respectful and disrespectful care in the Czech Republic: an online survey, BMC Reproductive Health, 15, (198), 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
  • Daly D, Cusack C, Begley C, Learning about pelvic floor muscle exercises before and during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study, International Urogynecology Journal, Epub ahead of print, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
  • Daly D, Carroll M, Barros M, Begley C, Stop, think, reflect, realise - first-time mothers' views on taking part in longitudinal maternal health research, Health Expectations , 2019, pEpubJournal Article, 2019, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Daly D, Blix E, Vika Nilsen AB, Dencker A, Beeckman K, Gross MM, Pehlke-Milde J, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Koenig-Bachmann M, Jette Clausen J, Hadjigeorgiou E, Minnie K, Blignaut A, Morano S, Iannuzzi L, Uvnas-Moberg K, Oxytocin infusion regimens in eleven countries - variations, interpretations and implications , COST Action IS1405 conference 2018 - from Birth to Health - Towards Sustainable Childbirth, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-18 September, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
  • Daly D, Wuytack F, Moran P, Begley C, First-time mothers' health in the year before pregnancy, COST Action IS1405 conference 2018 - from Birth to Health - Towards Sustainable Childbirth, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-18 September, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
  • Seijmonsbergen-Schermers A, van den Akker T, Beeckman K, Bogaerts A, Barros M, Janssen P, Binfa L, Rydahl E, Frith L, Gross MM, Hálfdánsdóttir B, Daly D, Calleja-Agius J, Gillen P, Vika Nilsen AB, Declercq E, de Jonge A., Variations in childbirth interventions in high-income countries: a multi-national cross-sectional study, COST Action IS1405 conference 2018 - from Birth to Health - Towards Sustainable Childbirth, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-18 September, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
  • Panda S, Begley C, Daly D., Factors influencing decision-making for caesarean section: An Irish perspective , COST Action IS1405 conference 2018 - from Birth to Health - Towards Sustainable Childbirth, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-18 September, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
  • Sedlicka N, Daly D, Begley C, Midwives' and doulas' views of respectful and disrespectful care in the Czech Republic: an online survey, COST Action IS1405 conference 2018 - from Birth to Health - Towards Sustainable Childbirth, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-18 September, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
  • Setola N, Naldi E, Cocina G, Bodil Eide L, Iannuzzi L, Daly D, Childbirth environment and health. Architecture's contribution to and impact on intrapartum maternity care, COST Action IS1405 conference 2018 - from Birth to Health - Towards Sustainable Childbirth, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-18 September, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
  • Panda S, Begley C, Daly D, Clinicians' views of factors influencing decision-making for caesarean section: A systematic review and metasynthesis, COST Action IS1405 conference 2018 - from Birth to Health - Towards Sustainable Childbirth, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-18 September, 2018Poster, 2018
  • Setola N, Naldi E, Cocina, GG, Bodil Eide L, Iannuzzi L, Daly D, The Impact of the Physical Environment on Intrapartum Maternity Care: Identification of Eight Crucial Building Spaces, Health Environments Research & Design, 2019, p1 - 32Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
  • Daly D, Rasmussen AV, Dalsgaard A, Learning about midwifery in another country from a distance: evaluation of a virtual classroom learning session, Nurse Education Today, 75, 2019, p47 - 52Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
  • Dalsgaard A, Rasmussen AV, Daly D, Synchronous online learning for midwifery students - an engaging way to learn about midwifery in another country, Care 4 International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Conference, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 4th-6th February, 2019Oral Presentation, 2019, URL
  • Daly D, Clarke M, Begley C. , Urinary incontinence in nulliparous women before and during pregnancy: prevalence, incidence, type, and risk factors , International Urogynecology Journal , 29, 2018, p353 - 362Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
  • Grylka-Baeschlin S, Clarke M, Begley C, Daly D, Healy P, Nicoletti J, Devane D, Morano S, Krause G, Karch A, Savage G, Gross MM, Labour characteristics of women achieving successful vaginal birth after caesarean section in three European countries, Midwifery, epub, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Daly D, Carroll M, Barros M, Begley C, First-time mothers' experiences of taking part in longitudinal maternal health research, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2019), Dublin, 6-7 March, 2019Oral Presentation, 2019
  • Iannuzzi L, Blix E, Vika Nilsen AB, Dencker A, Beeckman K, Gross MM, Pehlke-Milde J, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Koenig-Bachmann M, Clausen J, Hadjigeorgiou E, Minnie K, Blignaut A, Morano S, Uvnas-Moberg K, Daly D, Oxytocin infusion regimens in eleven countries - variations, interpretations and implications, 4th European Congress on Intrapartum care, Turin, Italy, 14-16 March, 2019Oral Presentation, 2019
  • Panda S, Begley C, Daly D, Strategies to reduce caesarean sections - Views of Irish clinicians, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2019), Dublin, 6-7 March, 2019Oral Presentation, 2019
  • Rafferty L, Daly D, Higgins A, Anxiety in pregnancy and at three months postpartum: prevalence and associated factors in a cohort of nulliparous women, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2019), Dublin, 6-7 March, 2019Oral Presentation, 2019
  • Fobelets M, Beeckman K, Healy P, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Nicoletti J, Devane D, Gross MM, Morano S, Daly D, Begley C, Putman K, Health economic analysis of a cluster-randomised trial (OptiBIRTH) designed to increase rates of vaginal birth after caesarean section, BJOG, epub, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Daly D, Carroll M, Barros M, Begley C, Stop, think, reflect, realise - first-time mothers' experiences of taking part in longitudinal maternal health research, The 21st Congress of the Nordic Federation of Midwives. Midwifery across borders, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2-4 May, 2019, pp5-Oral Presentation, 2019, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Panda S, Begley C, Daly D, Factors influencing decision-making for caesarean section - views of Irish clinicians, The 21st Congress of the Nordic Federation of Midwives. Midwifery across borders, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2-4 May, 2019, pp90-Oral Presentation, 2019, URL
  • Panda S, Begley C, Daly D, Women's perspectives on the factors that influenced their caesarean section and their involvement in decision-making, The 21st Congress of the Nordic Federation of Midwives. Midwifery across borders, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2019, pp91-Oral Presentation, 2019, URL
  • Minnie K, Blignaut A, Blix E, Vika Nilsen AB, Dencker A, Beeckman K, Gross MM, Pehlke-Milde J, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Koenig-Bachmann M, Clausen J, Hadjigeorgiou E, Morano S, Iannuzzi L, Baranowska B, Kiersnowska I, Uvnas-Moberg K, Daly D , Oxytocin infusion regimens from eleven countries - variations, interpretations and implications, 38th Conference on priorities in perinatal care in Southern Africa, Hartenbosch, South Africa, 12-15 March, 2019Oral Presentation, 2019
  • Helbig S, Peterson A, Sitter E, Daly D, Gross MM, Inter-institutional variations in oxytocin augmentation during labour in German university hospitals: a national survey, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 19, 2019, p238-Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
  • Begley K, Daly D, Panda S, Begley C, Shared decision‐making in maternity care: Acknowledging and overcoming epistemic defeaters, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 25, (6), 2019, p1113 - 1120Journal Article, 2019, URL
  • Daly D, Donaldson N, Moran P, Wuytack F, Newnham E, Begley C, What maternal health-related research matters to women in the first year postpartum?, Normal Labour and Birth: 14th Research Conference, Grange-over-Sands, UK, 17-19th June, 2019Oral Presentation, 2019, TARA - Full Text
  • Daly D, Minnie KCS, Blignaut A, Blix E, Vika Nilsen AB, Dencker A, Beeckman K, Gross MM, Pehlke-Milde J, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Koenig-Bachmann M, Clausen JA, Hadjigeorgiou E, Morano S, Iannuzzi L, Baranowska B, Kiersnowska I, Uvnäs-Moberg K, How much synthetic oxytocin is infused during labour? A review and analysis of regimens used in 12 countries, Plos One, 2020Journal Article, 2020, URL
  • Moran P, Wuytack F, Turner M, Normand C, Brown S, Begley C, Daly D, Economic burden of maternal morbidity - a systematic review of cost-of-illness studies, PLoS ONE, 15, (1), 2020, pe0227377Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
  • Daly D, Hannon S, Brady V, Midwives' experiences of recruiting participants to clinical research, RCSI Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery 39th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference, Dublin, 26-27 February, 2020Oral Presentation, 2020
  • Corrigan L, Eustace-Cook J, Moran P, Daly D, The effectiveness and characteristics of pregnancy yoga interventions: a systematic review, HRB Open Research, 2, 2020, p1--Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Moran P, Daly D, Wuytack F, Carroll M, Turner M, Normand C, Begley C, Predictors of choice of public and private maternity care among nulliparous women in Ireland, and implications for maternity care and birth experience, Health Policy, 2020, pepubJournal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Clarke M, Devane D, Gross MM, Morano S, Lundgren I, Sinclair M, Putman K, Beech B, Katri Vehviläinen-Julkunen K, Nieuwenhuijze M, Wiseman H, Smith V, Daly D, Savage G, Newell J, Simpkin A, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Healy P, Nicoletti J, Lalor J, Carroll M, van Limbeek E, Nilsson C, Stockdale J, Fobelets M, Begley C, OptiBIRTH: a Cluster Randomised Trial of a Complex Intervention to Increase Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Section, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20, (143), 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
  • Moran PS, Normand C, Gillen P, Wuytack F, Turner M, Begley C, Daly D, Economic implications of reducing caesarean section rates - analysis of two health systems, PLOS One, 2020Journal Article, 2020, URL
  • McEvoy E, Hannon S, Hannon K, Moran P, Wuytack F, Newnham E, Begley C, Daly D, Unleashing social activism and achieving results - women's participation in maternal health research, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2020), Trinity College Dublin, 4-5 March, 2020Oral Presentation, 2020
  • Newnham E, Moran P, Carroll M, Begley C, Daly D, Comparison of outcomes between nulliparous women who used epidural analgesia in labour and those who did not: a prospective cohort study, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2020), Trinity College Dublin, 4-5 March, 2020Oral Presentation, 2020
  • Panda S, Begley C, Daly D, Factors associated with planned caesarean section among first-time mothers: findings from a multicentre cohort study in Ireland, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2020), Trinity College Dublin, 4-5 March, 2020Oral Presentation, 2020
  • Marchi J, Kearney J, Begley C, Daly D, Pre-pregnancy and pregnancy predictors of maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy in Ireland, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2020), Trinity College Dublin, 4-5 March, 2020Poster, 2020
  • Seijmonsbergen-Schermers A, van den Akker T, Rydahl E, Beeckman K, Bogaerts A, Binfa L, Frith L, Gross MM, Misselwitz B, Hálfdánsdóttir B, Daly D, Corcoran P, Calleja-Agius J, Calleja N, Gatt M, Vika Nilsen AB, Declercq E, Gissler M, Heino A, Lindgren H, de Jonge A, Major variations in childbirth interventions in high-income countries: A multinational cross-sectional study, Plos Medicine, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Panda S, Begley C, Daly D, Influence of women's request and preference on rising rate of caesarean section - a comparison of reviews, Midwifery, 2020, pepub-Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Corrigan L, Eustace-Cook J, Moran P, Daly D, The effectiveness and characteristics of pregnancy yoga interventions: a systematic review protocol, HRB Open Research, 2, 2020, p33Journal Article, 2020, TARA - Full Text
  • Szafranska M, Carroll M, Begley C, Daly D, Factors associated with maternal readmission to hospital, attendance at emergency rooms or visits to general practitioners within three months postpartum, European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 254, 2020, p251 - 258Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
  • Newnham E, Moran P, Carroll M, Begley C, Daly D, Comparison of labour and birth outcomes between nulliparous women who used epidural analgesia in labour and those who did not: a prospective cohort study, Women and Birth, 2020, pepubJournal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Daly D, Moran P, Wuytack F, Hannon S, Hannon K, Martin Y, Peoples M, Begley C, Newnham E, The maternal health-related issues that matter most to women in Ireland as they transition to motherhood - a qualitative study, Women and Birth, 2021, pepubJournal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Corrigan L, O Farrell A, Moran P, Daly D, Hypertension in pregnancy: prevalence, risk factors and outcomes for women birthing in Ireland, Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women's Cardiovascular Health, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Corrigan L, Eustace-Cook J, Moran P, Daly D, The effectiveness and characteristics of pregnancy yoga interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2020), Online, 10-11 March, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
  • Corrigan L, Walsh A, Moran P, Daly D, Design and delivery of an evidence-based pregnancy yoga programme, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2020), Online, 10-11 March, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
  • Hannon S, Higgins A, Daly D, Resilience in pregnancy and early motherhood: a principle-based concept analysis, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2020), Online, 10-11 March, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
  • Wuytack F, Begley C, Daly D, Risk factors for Pregnancy-related Pelvic Girdle Pain, a Scoping Review , BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20, (1), 2020, p739Journal Article, 2020, URL
  • Panda S., Begley C., Corcoran P. & Daly D, Pre-labour and labour interventions and mode of birth - findings from a multicentre cohort study, 15th International Normal Labour and Birth virtual conference, Hyderabad, India, 2-4 December, 2020Oral Presentation, 2020
  • Wuytack F, Moran P, Daly D, Panda S, Hannon K, Cusack C, Donovan M, A systematic review of utility-based and disease-specific quality of life measurement instruments for women with urinary incontinence, Neurourology and Urodynamics, 2021, p1 - 29Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Greene RA, McKernan J, Manning E, Corcoran P, Byrne R, Cooley S, Daly D, Fallon A, Higgins M, Jones C, Kinsella I, Murphy C, Murphy J, Ni Bhuinneain M. On behalf of the Maternal Morbidity Advisory Group, Major obstetric haemorrhage: Incidence, management and quality of care in Irish maternity units, European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology & Reproductive Biology, 257, 2021, p114 - 120Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Wuytack F, Moran P, Daly D, Begley C, Is there an association between parity on and urinary incontinence in women during pregnancy and the first year postpartum? a systematic review and meta-analysis, Neurourology and Urodynamics, 2021Journal Article, 2021, URL
  • Culleton-Quinn E, Fleming N, Bø K, Mockler D, Cusack C, Daly D, A systematic review of female athletes'/sportswomen's experiences of incontinence and symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction, https://www.ics.org/education/icspublications/abstracts, International Continence Society Conference (Online), Melbourne, October 2021, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021, URL
  • Baranowska B, Kajdy A, Kiersnowska I, Sys D, Tataj-Puzyna U, Daly D, Rabijewski M, Bączek G, Węgrzynowska M, Oxytocin administration for induction and augmentation of labour in Polish maternity units - an observational study, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21, 2021, p764-Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Corrigan L, Moran P, McGrath N, Eustace-Cook J, Daly D, The characteristics and effectiveness of pregnancy yoga interventions: A systematic review and meta-analysis, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2022Journal Article, 2022
  • Daly D, Hannon S, Brady V., Motivators and challenges to research recruitment - a qualitative study with midwives, Midwifery, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Hannon S, Daly D, Higgins A, Women's perspectives on resilience and research on resilience in motherhood - a qualitative study, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2022), Online, 9-10 March, 2022Oral Presentation, 2022
  • Alos Pereniguez S, O'Malley D, Daly D, Women's views and experiences of augmentation of labour with synthetic oxytocin infusion. A qualitative evidence synthesis, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2022), Online, 9-10 March, 2022Oral Presentation, 2022
  • Panda S, Begley C, Daly D, Factors associated with unplanned caesarean section among first-time mothers: findings from a multicentre cohort study in Ireland, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2022), Online, 9-10 March, 2022Oral Presentation, 2022
  • Murphy F, Daly D, Begley C, Marchi J, Kearney J, Intake of Folic Acid Supplements among First-time Mothers in Ireland, Irish Nutrition Dietetic Research Symposium, Online, 7 April, 2022Poster, 2022
  • Carroll M, Daly D, Higgins A and Begley C., Supernumerary Preceptorship - the key to learning midwifery skills in the Republic of Ireland, Evidence Based Midwifery, 3, (1), 2005, p39 - 44Journal Article, 2005
  • Hannon S, Higgins A, Gartland D, Brown S, Begley C, Carroll M, Daly D, Maternal mental health in the first year postpartum in a large Irish population cohort: the MAMMI study, Archives of Women's Mental Health, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Hannon S, Daly D, Higgins A, Resilience in pregnancy and early motherhood: a principle-based concept analysis, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, (4754), 2022, p1 - 29Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Alos Pereniguez S, O'Malley D, Daly D, Women's views and experiences of augmentation of labour with synthetic oxytocin infusion: a protocol for a qualitative evidence synthesis, HRB Open Research, 4, (127), 2021Journal Article, 2021, URL
  • Panda S, Begley C, Corcoran P, Daly D, Factors associated with cesarean birth in nulliparous women: a multicentre prospective cohort study, BIRTH Issues in Perinatal Care, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Leitao, S. and Manning, E. and Greene, R.A. and Corcoran, P. and Byrne, B. and Cooley, S. and Daly, D. and Fallon, A. and Higgins, M. and Jones, C. and Kinsella, I. and Murphy, C. and Murphy, J. and Ni Bhuinneain, M., Maternal morbidity and mortality: an iceberg phenomenon, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
  • Panda, S. and Begley, C. and Daly, D., Erratum: Clinicians' views of factors influencing decision-making for caesarean section: A systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods studies (PLoS ONE (2018) 13:7 (e0200941) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0200941), PLoS ONE, 13, (8), 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
  • Devane, D. and Daly, D., Who are the vulnerable women? Voices of those seldom heard in the maternity services in Ireland, Practising Midwife, 14, (3), 2011, p4-5Journal Article, 2011, URL
  • Daly D, Moran P, Wuytack F, Cusack C, Hannon K, Begley C, Prevention and treatment of peripartum urinary incontinence - a survey of hospital-based maternity services in Ireland, International Urogynecology Journal, 2022, pepubJournal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Hannon S, Newnham E, Hannon K, Johnson L, McEvoy E, Daly D, Positive postpartum wellbeing: What works for women, Health Expectations, 2022, pepub-Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Hannon S, Higgins A, Daly D, Women's perspectives on the use of the concept of resilience in mental health research in motherhood - a qualitative study, The International Marcé Society Biennial Conference 2022, London and Virtual, 19-23 September, 2022Oral Presentation, 2022
  • Alos Pereniguez S, O'Malley D, Daly D, Women's views and experiences of augmentation of labour with synthetic oxytocin infusion: a qualitative evidence synthesis, Midwifery, 2022, pepub 12/10-Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Leitao, S. and Manning, E. and Greene, R.A. and Corcoran, P. and Byrne, B. and Cooley, S. and Daly, D. and Fallon, A. and Higgins, M. and Jones, C. and Kinsella, I. and Murphy, C. and Murphy, J. and Bhuinneain, M.N., Author reply: Interventions in low/middle-income countries to reduce severe maternal morbidity due to placenta accreta spectrum and major obstetric haemorrhage, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 129, (9), 2022, p1621-1622Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Leutenegger V, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Wieber F, Daly D, Pehkle-Milde J, The effectiveness of skilled breathing and relaxation techniques during antenatal education on maternal and neonatal outcomes: a systematic review, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22, 2022, p856Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Hannon K, Vika Nielsen AB, Murphy M, Schauer Eri T, Corcoran P, Leahy-Warren P, Downe S, Daly D, What women identify as positive aspects and areas for improvement of maternity care and services in Ireland: An online survey, Women and Birth, 2022, pepub-Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Panda S, Begley C, Daly D, Clinicians' views of factors influencing decision-making for CS for first-time mothers - a qualitative descriptive study, Plos One, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • de Wet M, Hannon S, Hannon K, Alexin A, Uusitalo S, Bartels I, Eustace-Cook J, Escuriet R, Daly D, Systematic review of ethical issues in perinatal mental health research, Nursing Ethics, 2023, pepub-Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Gregory S, Caffrey L, Daly D, "It could not have been more different." Comparing experiences of hospital-based birth and homebirth in Ireland: A mixed-methods survey, Women and Birth, 2023, pepub-Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Alos Pereniguez S, O'Malley D, Daly D, Augmentation of labour with synthetic oxytocin in Ireland: a cross-sectional study, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2023), Trinity College Dublin, 8-9 March, 2023Oral Presentation, 2023
  • Bovbjerg, M.L. and Leitao, S. and Corcoran, P. and O'Regan, L. and Greene, R.A. and Manning, E. and Byrne, B. and Cooley, S. and Daly, D. and Fallon, A. and Higgins, M. and Jones, C. and Kinsells, I. and Murphy, C. and Murphy, J. and Ni Bhuinneain, M., Critical care in obstetrics: Clinical audit in the Republic of Ireland, 2014â€"2016, European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 279, 2022, p183-190Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Hannon, S.E. and Daly, D. and Higgins, A., Resilience in the Perinatal Period and Early Motherhood: A Principle-Based Concept Analysis, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, (8), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Hannon K, Eustace-Cook J, Daly D and Smith V, Stakeholders' perspectives and experiences of patient and public involvement (PPI) in clinical trials in maternal and neonatal healthcare: protocol for a qualitative evidence synthesis, HRB Open Research, 6, 2023, p30-Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Culleton-Quinn E, Bo K, Fleming N, Mockler D, Cusack C, Daly D, The Prevalence and Experience of Urinary Incontinence Among Elite Ladies Gaelic Football Players, International Continence Society Conference 2023, Toronto, 27-29 September, 2023Oral Presentation, 2023
  • Corrigan, L. and Eustace-Cook, J. and Moran, P. and Daly, D., The effectiveness and characteristics of pregnancy yoga interventions: a systematic review protocol [version 2; peer review: 2 approved], HRB Open Research, 2, (33), 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
  • Daly, D. and Sedlicka, N. and Å vanderlíková, K. and KovaÅ Ä Ã­ková, P.A. and Wilhelmová, R. and Begley, C., An online survey of women†s views of respectful and disrespectful pregnancy and early labour care in the Czech Republic, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 24, (1), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
  • Gregory, S. and Caffrey, L. and Daly, D., †It could not have been more different.†Comparing experiences of hospital-based birth and homebirth in Ireland: A mixed-methods survey, Women and Birth, 36, (4), 2023, pe445-e452Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
  • Alòs-Pereñíguez, S. and O'malley, D. and Daly, D., Women†s views and experiences of augmentation of labour with synthetic oxytocin infusion: a protocol for a qualitative evidence synthesis [version 1; peer review: 2 approved], HRB Open Research, 4, (127), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
  • Hannon S, Higgins A, Daly D, Physical health and comorbid anxiety and depression among first-time mothers in the perinatal period in Ireland (MAMMI study): A longitudinal population-based study, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2024), Trinity College Dublin, 6-7 March2024, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
  • Alòs-Pereñíguez S, O'Malley D, Daly D, Women"s experiences of augmentation of labour with oxytocin in Ireland: a qualitative study, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2024), Trinity College Dublin, 6-7 March, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
  • Daly D, Hannon S, Hannon K, Newnham E, Wuytack F, Johnson L, McEvoy L, Positive postpartum well-being: what works for women, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2024), Trinity College Dublin, 6-7 March, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
  • O'Malley D, Daly D, Factors that influence sexual and emotional satisfaction with intimate relationships twelve months after the birth of the first baby, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2024), Trinity College Dublin, 6-7 March, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
  • Culleton-Quinn E, Bo K, Hamilton N, Cusack C, Daly D, Prevalence and experience of urinary incontinence among elite female Gaelic sports athletes, 2024Journal Article, 2024, URL
  • Leutenegger V, Weber F, Daly D, Sultan-Beyer L, Bagenhorn J, Pehlke-Milde J, Study protocol of a breathing and relaxation intervention included in antenatal education: a randomised controlled trial (BreLax study), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Shared Decision-Making in Midwifery in, editor(s)Professor Glyn Elwyn , Shared Decision-Making in Health Care, Oxford Press, 2025, [Daly D, Nieuwenhuijze, M, McEvoy E, Smith V]Book Chapter, 2025
  • Daly D, Lynch T, Meehan G, Leeson L., Deaf women"s experiences of navigating the maternity services in Ireland, Irish Deaf Research Network (IDRN), Dublin, 25 October, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
  • Alòs-Pereñíguez, S., O'Malley, D., & Daly, D, Augmentation of labour with synthetic oxytocin: prevalence and associated factors., V Congreso de la Associació Catalana de Llevadores y XXII Congreso de la Federación de Asociaciones de Matronas de España, Lleida, Spain, Spain, 17-19 October, 2024Poster, 2024, URL
  • Daly D, Fathers' Involvement in the early Postnatal Care of their babies, Research and the Midwife Conference, Belfast, 1989Conference Paper, 1989
  • Pollock E and Daly D., Mapping Maternity Care in Northern Ireland, Returning Birth to Women, Women's Education, Research and Resource Centre, UCD, October, 1996Conference Paper, 1996
  • Daly D and Carroll M., Direct Entry Midwifery Education in Ireland: the preparation of Midwives, International Confederation of Midwives Conference, Vienna, Austria, April 2002 , 2002, pp10Oral Presentation, 2002
  • Daly D and Carroll M., Changing Practice through Preceptorship: the experiences of Midwives in Ireland, Transforming Healthcare through Research, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2001Conference Paper, 2001
  • Daly D, Biesty L, Gallagher L and Millar S., Midwife-led care in Ireland: an education, The Practising Midwife, 9, (9), 2006, p26 - 28Journal Article, 2006
  • Daly D, Higgins J and Kelleher K., Evaluation of Clinical Risk Management Pilot Programme Regional Maternity Hospital Limerick, IPB, 2002Report, 2002
  • Daly D., Prenatal screening and diagnosis in Ireland: Issues of access and equity, 9th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference: Transforming Healthcare through Research, Trinity College Dublin, 5th-7th November, 2008, pp72Meeting Abstract, 2008
  • Millar S, Daly D and Ni Murchu P., Home birth in Ireland: changing times, The Practising Midwife, 11 , (10), 2008, p40 - 43Journal Article, 2008
  • Daly D, OBoyle C., Time to make midwifery matter in Ireland, The Practising Midwife, 13, (2), 2010, p15 - 17Journal Article, 2010
  • Daly D, Begley C and Clarke M., The multiple meanings of maternal morbidity, 12th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference: Transforming Healthcare through Research: Transforming Healthcare through Research, TCD, 9th-10th November, 2011Meeting Abstract, 2011
  • Daly D, Begley, C and Clarke M., The MAMMI Study, All Ireland Midwifery Conference, Armagh, 14 October, 2010Poster, 2010
  • Maguire R, Mayock, P, Daly D, Begley C and Clarke M., Considerations Pregnant Women Take Into Account When Deciding to Participating in Research: The MAMMI Study, All Ireland Midwifery Conference, Armagh City, Co Armagh, 18 October, 2012Poster, 2012
  • Daly D, Begley C and Clarke M., Urinary incontinence (UI) in primiparous women before and during pregnancy, 13th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference (Doctoral Colloquium), Trinity College Dublin , 6 November 2012 , 2012, pp1Oral Presentation, 2012, URL
  • Maguire R, Mayock P, Daly D, Begley C, Clarke M., The attitudes behind pregnant women's decisions for participating in research whilst pregnant, 13th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 7th-8th November, 2012, pp1Meeting Abstract, 2012, URL
  • Daly D, Begley C and Clarke M., The multiple meanings of maternal morbidity, Eight Annual Cochrane in Ireland Conference, Dublin City University (DCU) Dublin, 27 January, 2012Oral Presentation, 2012
  • Daly D, Begley C, Clarke M., Urinary incontinence (UI) in primiparous women before and during pregnancy, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 13th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Nov 2012, 2012, pp1Oral Presentation, 2012, URL
  • Daly D, Begley C, Clarke M., Faecal and urinary incontinence before and during pregnancy - preliminary findings from the MAMMI Study, 4th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference 2013, National University of Ireland, Galway, 15th-16th April, 2013Oral Presentation, 2013, URL
  • Fraser J, Caine D, Daly D and Manning E., Back to basics, The Practising Midwife, 14, (4), 2011, p13-5Journal Article, 2011, URL
  • Smith V, Daly D, Lundgren I, Eri T, Benstoem C, Devane D., Salutogenically focused outcomes in systematic reviews of intrapartum interventions: a systematic review of systematic reviews., Midwifery, 30, (4), 2014, pe151-6Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Daly D, Begley C, Clarke M., The prevalence of urinary incontinence (UI) in primiparous women before and during early pregnancy, 38th Annual International Urogynecological Association (IUGA) Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 28th May-1st June, 2013Poster, 2013
  • Daly D, Begley C, Clarke M., The health of primiparous women after 'normal' birth, Normal Labour & Birth: 8th Research Conference, Grange Over Sands, Cumbria, UK, 5th-7th June, 2013Oral Presentation, 2013
  • Daly D, Begley C, Clarke M., Urinary Incontinence (UI) before and during early pregnancy the help and advice-seeking behaviour of primiparous women, International Continence Society (ICS), Barcelona, Spain, 26th-30th August, 2013Poster, 2013, URL
  • Daly D, Begley C, Clarke M., Prevalence of Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) before, during and after pregnancy, International Continence Society (ICS) Nursing Forum, Barcelona, Spain, 26th-30th August, 2013Oral Presentation, 2013, URL
  • Daly D, Smith V, Begley C, Clarke M., Prevalence of UI in primiparous women antenatally and up to 12 months postpartum: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 14th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference & Student Colloquium, Trinity College Dublin, 6th-7th November, 2013Oral Presentation, 2013, URL
  • Daly D, Begley C, Clarke M., Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) before and during early pregnancy - the help and advice-seeking behaviour of primiparous women, Optimising Childbirth Across Europe, An Interdisciplinary Maternity Care Conference, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Etterbeek campus), Brussels, Belgium, 9th-10th April, 2014Oral Presentation, 2014, URL
  • Daly D, Begley C, Clarke M., Urinary incontinence (UI) in primiparous women before and during early pregnancy - findings from the MAMMI study (UI strand), 30th Triennial International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) Congress Midwives: Improving Women's Health Globally, Prague, Czech Republic, 1st-5th June, 2014Oral Presentation, 2014, URL
  • Daly D, Begley C, Clarke M., Urinary incontinence (UI) and faecal incontinence (FI) in primiparous women before and during pregnancy, Optimising Childbirth Across Europe, An Interdisciplinary Maternity Care Conference, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Etterbeek campus), Brussels, Belgium, 9th-10th April, 2014Poster, 2014, URL
  • Smith V, Daly D, Lungren I, Eri T, Benstoem C, Devane D., Salutogenically focused outcomes in systematic reviews of intrapartum interventions: A systematic review of systematic reviews, Optimising Childbirth Across Europe, An Interdisciplinary Maternity Care Conference, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Etterbeek campus), Brussels, Belgium, 9th-10th April, 2014Poster, 2014, URL
  • Daly D, The maternity services and becoming a midwife in Ireland, Midwifery contribution to maternity care in different countries, Barcelona, Spain, 6 May, 2015, COST Action IS1405Invited Talk
  • Daly D, Clarke M and Begley C, The MAMMI Study - what women are telling us about their health & health problems before, during and after their first pregnancy, HRB RED ALERT: TABOO! THE BODY AND CHILDBIRTH. EXPLODING MYTHS AND INFORMING THE FUTURE OF HEALTH RESEARCH, Science Gallery, Dublin, 21 October, 2015, Science Gallery, DublinInvited Talk
  • Daly D, Clarke M and Begley C, The MAMMI Study - what women are telling us about their health before, during and after their first pregnancy, Maternal health: how can we make every contact count?, Oxford Brookes University, 14 November, 2015Invited Talk
  • Daly D, The MAMMI Study - Stress Urinary Incontinence, Association of Continence Advisers Ireland Conference, Aisling Hotel, Dublin, 16 October, 2015, Association of Continence Advisers IrelandInvited Talk
  • Daly, D, The MAMMI Study, Postnatal Care Symposium, St Luke's Hospital, Kilkenny, 21st March, 2017Invited Talk
  • Daly D, Monitoring women's health during and after pregnancy in Ireland (Keynote address), Slovenian Perinatal Society, Llubjana, Slovenia, 19th May, 2017, Slovenian Perinatal SocietyInvited Talk
  • Daly D and Panda S, The MAMMI study, Cuidiu Kilkenny AGM, Kilkenny, Ireland, 31 January, 2018, CuidiuInvited Talk
  • Daly D and Wuytack F, The MAMMI study - a longitudinal study with first-time mothers, 10th International Week, University College Leuven-Limburg (UCLL), Leuven, Belgium, 7th March, 2018Invited Talk
  • Daly D, Clarke M, Carroll, M, Begley C, The MAMMI study - mixing methods and maximising potential from a cohort study, Maternity Care Research Symposium - Twenty-one years of research in maternity care - how far have we come?, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 27 February, 2018Oral Presentation
  • Rafferty L, Daly D, Higgins A, Anxiety in pregnancy and at three months postpartum: prevalence and co-morbidity in a cohort of first-time mothers, Institute of Community Health Nursing Conference, Clayton Hotel, Liffey Valley, Lucan, Dublin, 1 May, 2019Oral Presentation
  • Daly D, Hannon S, Hannon K, McEvoy E, McLoughlin M, Moran P, Messages for Mothers, World of Irish Nursing and Midwifery, 27, (10), 2019, p46 - 47Journal Article, URL
  • Daly D and McLoughlin M, Wuytack F, Moran P, Bowman S, Cusack C, Hannon S, Hannon K, Begley C and co-creators McEvoy E, Donaldson N, Martin Y, Cox B and Nordwind M, Translating maternal health research into maternal health resources, All Ireland Maternity and Midwifery Festival 2020, Croke Park, Dublin, 11 February, 2020Invited Talk, URL
  • Daly D, Wuytack F, Moran P, Bowman S, Cusack C, Hannon S, Hannon K and MAMMI study participants McEvoy E, Donaldson N, McLoughlin M, Martin Y, Cox B, Nordwind M, Co-creating MESSAGES, Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Discover Programme Partnership meeting, Radisson Blu Hotel, Dublin, 11 February, 2020Invited Talk
  • Daly D, Translating maternal health research into maternal health resources, Directors of Midwifery Forum, National Maternity Hospital, Dublin, 13 February, 2020, HSE Lead MidwifeInvited Talk
  • Daly D, 3 ways WHAM is helping new mothers across Europe, 2020, -Miscellaneous, URL
  • Daly D, 'Maternal health', RTE Radio Drivetime, RTE radio, 2019, -Broadcast, URL
  • Daly D, McEvoy E, McLoughlin M, 'What I wish I had known', RTE Radio One, RTE Radio One (The Ray D'Arcy Show), RTE Radio One, 2019, -Broadcast, URL
  • Daly D, Donaldson N, 'Recovery after childbirth', Ireland AM (Virgin Media Television), Ireland AM, Virgin Media Television, 2020, -Broadcast, URL
  • Daly D, 'Women's Health After Motherhood', KCLR (Radio), KCLR (Radio), 2020, -Broadcast, URL
  • Daly D, Cusack C, Wuytack F, Moran P, Hannon S, Hannon K, Bowman S, Begley C and co-creators McEvoy E, Donaldson N, McLoughlin M, Martin Y, Cox B, Nordwind M, A suite of resources on women's health after motherhood, Rotunda GP Educational Study Evening, Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, 22nd October, 2020, Rotunda HospitalInvited Talk, URL
  • Daly D and McEvoy E, A researcher on their PPI journey and a public contributor's personal experience of being part of a research team, Health Research Board (HRB) Public Participation in Research seminar, Online, 16 December, 2020, HRBInvited Talk
  • Daly D, The MAMMI study, Antenatal Educators Midwifery Forum, Online, 30 November, 2020Invited Talk
  • Daly D, Advanced Midwife Practitioners - Ireland's Experience, Interprofessional Symposium 'Advanced Practice', ZHAW School of Health Professions, Winterthur, Switzerland (Online), 27 March, 2021Invited Talk
  • Daly D, Antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care in Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic - Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) seminar, Comparative Health Systems - Nursing and Midwifery Response to Global Health Crises (COVID-19 Pandemic), Online, 8 March, 2021, University of Pennsylvania, USA and University of Queensland, AustraliaInvited Talk
  • Panda S, Corcoran P, Begley C, Daly D., Pre-labour and labour interventions and mode of birth - findings from a multicentre cohort study., Normal Labour and Birth Conference, Hyderabad, India, 2-4 December, 2020Oral Presentation
  • Wuytack F, Moran P, Panda S, Hannon K, Cusack, C, O'Donovan M, Daly D, Response to letter to the editor regarding our manuscript: A systematic review of utility-based and disease-specific quality of life measurement instruments for women with urinary incontinence, Neurourology and Urodynamics, 41, (1), 2022, p512Journal Article, DOI
  • Daly D, Participating in research in the perinatal period: A systematic review of the experiences of women with mental health issues and their ethical implications. [Workshop titled 'Being an Ethical Researcher with Integrity'], COST Action CA18138 meeting and workshop titled 'Being an ethical researcher with integrity', University of Malta, Valletta Campus, 3 June, 2022, COST Action CA18138Invited Talk
  • Daly D, Safe Motherhood, Interview for Safe Motherhood Week, Podcast , 2022, The Synergist, Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Brussels,BelgiumInvited Talk
  • Daly D, Motherhood and women's health, Interview for newspaper article , 31 July, 2022, Sunday IndependentInvited Talk, URL
  • Daly D, Women's health after birth, Newstalk (radio) interview, Radio interview, 1 August , 2022, Newstalk mediaInvited Talk
  • Daly D and McEvoy E, Women's health after pregnancy and during motherhood, Ireland AM (Virgin Media TV), Television interview, 16 November, 2022, Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) - Science week 2022Invited Talk
  • Daly D and McLoughlin M, The MAMMI study, Interview with Rollercoaster.ie, Online, 16 November, 2022, Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) - Science week 2022Invited Talk, URL
  • Daly D, Women's physical and mental health pre, during and post-pregnancy - What do the experts say?, Women's health panel discussion, Morrison Hotel, Dublin, 17 November, 2022, Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) - Science week 2022Invited Talk
  • Daly D, When women feel 'medically gaslit', Interview for newspaper - Irish Times, Newspaper article, 28 January, 2023Invited Talk, URL
  • Daly D, Translating maternal health research into maternal health resources and practice, HSE Research & Dissemination Share & Learn Seminar, Online, 15 March, 2023, HSE, National Research and Development, Strategy and Research DirectorateInvited Talk
  • Daly D, O'Boyle C, Clive A, Cusack C, Eustace-Cook J, Brady V, Evidence to inform the development of innovative midwifery led postnatal services for women in the SouthEast region of Ireland, November, 2022Report
  • Daly D, What matters to women (and what women birthing in Ireland want and need), All Ireland 2023 Maternity & Midwifery Festival, The Helix, Dublin City University, Dublin., 18 April, 2023, Matflix. Video streaming from maternity expertsInvited Talk
  • Daly D and Hannon S, Women's physical and mental health before and during pregnancy, and up to one year after their first baby"s birth, Exploratory Roundtable on Perinatal Mental Health, Dublin, 8 November, 2023, National Women's CouncilInvited Talk
  • Begley C, Daly D, Smith V, The OptiBIRTH Project, Minimising unnecessary interventions in obstetrics, Online, 15 November, 2023, Catalan Agency for Health Quality and Assessment (AQuAS), Department of Health of CataloniaInvited Talk
  • Ryan L and Daly D, Women's experiences of accessing healthcare services and treatments to manage their perimenopause/menopause-related health issues in Ireland, Laidlaw Scholars Conference 2023, Toronto, 20-22 October, 2023Poster
  • Daly D and Hannon S, Women's health before and during pregnancy and up to one year postpartum, National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre (NPEC) Annual Study Day, Portlaoise, 19 January, 2024Invited Talk
  • Daly D, Hannon S, Poushali K, Crossan D, From Research to Action: Improving Perinatal Mental Health for Women in Ireland, 1 May, 2024, Trinity College Dublin, Hosted and organised by Trinity Centre for Maternity Care Research (TCMCR) and National Women's Council (NWC)Meetings /Conferences Organised
  • Daly D, Hannon S., Perinatal Mental Health in Ireland, North/South Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (NSIPA), Dundalk, Ireland, 27 September, 2024, Oireachtas and Northern Ireland AssemblyInvited Talk
  • Sugrue S and Daly D, Midwifery must be put on the political agenda, The World of Irish Nursing, 7, (8), 1999, p12 - 13Journal Article
  • Daly D, Making Normal Birth a Reality in Ireland, Cuidiu Conference, Dublin, March, 2005, CuidiuInvited Talk
  • Daly D and Millar S, Maternity Care in Ireland, All Ireland Midwifery Conference, Armagh, October, 2005, Midwives Section, INO and Royal College of MidwivesInvited Talk
  • Midwifery - the influences of EU and Irish policy on each other in, Forming EU healthcare policy: A Showcase of Irish Involvement, Ireland, INO, 2007, pp29 - 46, [Deirdre Daly]Book Chapter
  • Daly D, Midwifery Education in the European Union, Midwifery symposium, Osijek, Croatia, 5 May, 2008, Croatian Association of MidwivesInvited Talk
  • Daly D, Midwifery Education in the European Union, Bosnia Herzegovina national midwifery conference, Sarajevo, Bosnia Herezegovina, October, 2008, Bosnia Herzegovina Midwives AssociationInvited Talk
  • Daly D, Equivalence of training skills in the EU Healthcare workforce: Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of the professional qualifications, Equivalence of training skills in the EU Healthcare workforce, Brussels, 13 July, 2009, Royal College of Physicians/European Health Management AssociationInvited Talk
  • Daly D, Birth in Ireland through the years, Home Birth Association Annual Conference, Dublin, 3 October, 2009, Home Birth AssociationInvited Talk
  • Daly D, Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications and its application to midwifery in Croatia, TAIEX workshop, Zagreb, Croatia, July, 2009, TAIEXInvited Talk
  • Daly D, The MAMMI Study (Maternal health And Maternal Morbidity in Ireland), Rotunda Hospital Conference 2011, Rotunda Hospital Dublin, September, 2011Invited Talk
  • Daly D, Short-Term Maternal Complications vs mode of delivery, Caesarean Section Study Day, Cork, 21st January, 2011, National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre (NPEC), CorkInvited Talk
  • Daly D and Millar S, Making it right - conference report, The World of Irish Nursing, 19, (9), 2011, p20 - 21Journal Article
  • Daly D, Begley C, Clarke M, Midwifery Matters - And how is the mother?, World of Irish Nursing, 20, (3), 2012, p21-22-Journal Article

Research Expertise

I am the Principal Investigator on the Maternal health And Maternal Morbidity in Ireland (MAMMI) study and the 5-year follow-up study (https://www.tcd.ie/mammi/). The 10-year follow-up study survey is being co-developed with study participants and will include a new section on menopausal health. As a leader of multidisciplinary and multi-institutional bids with internationally recognised partners on various maternal health-related studies, my research programme focuses on building a body of work that seeks to reveal, and address, the hidden and unmet health needs of women during pregnancy and motherhood, and during life after motherhood. The central themes underpinning my research are on increasing the scientific community's and the public's awareness and understanding of women's experiences, amplifying women's voices as co-designers and co-producers of research, and influencing practice and policy. I has a strong record of co-design, and co-presentation and co-authorship with women in multiple media formats. I am a member of the National Women's and Infants Health Programme steering committees on antenatal and postnatal educational resources, the national severe maternal morbidity and maternal death in Ireland groups, one of Ireland's management committee members on the COST Action 18138 on peripartum depression and work group 4 leader on EU COST IS1405 Action, Building Intrapartum Research Through Health (BIRTH) (2014-2018). My main areas of methodological research expertise include longitudinal cohort studies, mixed methods research, qualitative research and systematic reviews.

  • Title
    Co-creating health information resources for women with epilepsy, their families and healthcare professionals during the preconception and maternity period
    Funding Agency
    HRCI/HRB Joint Funding Scheme 2022
  • Title
    The MAMMI (Maternal health And Maternal Morbidity in Ireland) Study Urinary Incontinence (UI) Strand
    The aim of the study is to identify the existence, extent, prevalence and risk factors of urinary incontinence (UI), one marker of maternal morbidity, in 1600 primiparous women antenatally and at 3 and 6 months postpartum. To view the study documents, please go to www.mammi.ie
    Funding Agency
    Health Research Board
    Date From
    Date To
    08/ 2014
  • Title
    The MAMMI Study (urinary incontinence) strand - Knowledge Exchange and Development Scheme
    The 2 planned activities are 1.Development of self-help educational videos on urinary incontinence (UI) and pelvic floor exercises, to be made freely available on a website. Target audience: pregnant women and women who have recently given birth. 2. PhD student exchange programme to Professor Stephanie Brown and team, Australia. Aim: Self development This exchange programme, focused on deepening my skills of presenting and defending empirical data and methodological approaches, will increase my proficiency and initiate a network for future exchange with the PhD students in Professor Brown's team.
    Funding Agency
    Health Research Board
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Women's Health After Motherhood (WHAM) (in English and Spanish)
    Design and development of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Women's Health After Motherhood (WHAM). The course is co-designed, co-developed with women and experts (clinicians and researchers) in maternal health. The course will be available in English and Spanish.
    Funding Agency
    EIT Health
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    The MAMMI Study - Nutrition And Physical Activity Strand. With Jamile Marchi, PhD Student, Cecily Begley and Dr John Kearney (DIT)
    To identify the dietary and physical activity patterns of nulliparous women before and during pregnancy AND analyse associations between diet and maternal outcomes
    Funding Agency
    Science Without Borders
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Women's Health After Motherhood (WHAM) (in Dutch)
    Design and development of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Women's Health After Motherhood (WHAM) in Dutch. The course is co-designed, co-developed with women and experts (clinicians and researchers) in maternal health. This additional funding was awarded to develop the course in Dutch.
    Funding Agency
    EIT Health
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    The MAMMI five-year follow-up study
    The health and health problems experienced by women five years after their fist baby's birth
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    International collaborative lifecourse platform in maternal and infant health
    The overall goal of this proposal is the creation of a harmonised dataset combining two well designed, multi-wave pregnancy cohort studies that have followed the same data collection procedures and used similar standardised outcome measures and the setting up of a significant lifecourse resource that will provide an ongoing platform for conducting high quality epidemiological research. This application seeks funding of 29,912 Australian $ to employ a post-doctoral researcher (in Australia) to prepare the data from Ireland and merge the datasets.
    Funding Agency
    Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI), Australia
  • Title
    Funding to host an experts' workshop
    Funding to organise and host an experts' workshop (with the longer term plan of forming an international research consortium to study maternal health and morbidities postpartum)
    Funding Agency
    Irish Research Council
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Midwives' and Neonatal Nurses' Perceptions and Experiences of Recruiting Participants to Research Studies
    To explore midwives' and Neonatal Nurses' perceptions and experiences of recruiting participants to research studies.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    On Track
    Development of educational materials for women in relation to anxiety, sexual health issues and pelvic girdle pain.
    Funding Agency
    Health Research Board
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Prevalence and Experiences Of Urinary Incontinence, And Pelvic Floor Muscle Training And Function In Elite Female Athletes
    Elizabeth Culleton-Quinn, PhD student (Part-Time)
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Development and validation of an 'Exercise and Activity After Childbirth' survey
    The objective of this study was to design and validate a questionnaire that would measure the levels of security, comfort and confidence felt by postnatal women who leak urine whilst exercising.
    Funding Agency
    EVB Sports Shorts
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Caesarean section in nulliparous women: Factors influencing the decision-making process and outcomes for women - The Maternal health And Maternal Morbidity in Ireland (MAMMI) Study Caesarean Section Strand. With Sunita Panda, PhD student and Cecily Begley
    To identify and explore the non-clinical and clinical factors that influence the decision to perform a caesarean section (CS) in nulliparous women, and to identify postpartum morbidities experienced by women following birth by CS
    Funding Agency
    Health Research Board
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Minding Mothers with Morbidities conference
    Organising and hosting a multidisciplinary, international conference focused on maternal health and morbidities during pregnancy and postpartum
    Funding Agency
    Irish Research Council
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    MAMMI-SIM study: Maternal health And Maternal Morbidity in Ireland - Second baby survey, Intervention for urinary incontinence, Measurement of costs
    The overall aim of the MAMMI-SIM study is to build and attract capacity into the area of maternal health and health-services research at postdoctoral level in Ireland. In the first phases of the MAMMI study (Maternal health And Maternal Morbidity in Ireland), 3,041 nulliparous women were recruited from three maternity hospitals in Ireland. Participants completed/are completing surveys about their health and health problems, if any, they experienced before and during pregnancy, and at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months postpartum. The MAMMI-SIM is a follow-up study with these women that involves: (i) Second baby survey; (ii) Intervention for women with urinary incontinence, and (iii) Measuring costs of morbidity to women and services. It will tell us what health problems resolve, persist or get worse after the birth of the second baby, what health services women use, what can be done to resolve some problems such as urinary incontinence, and the costs of these services for women and the health service.
    Funding Agency
    Health Research Board
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Women's mental health five years after first-time motherhood: a mixed methods study
    Susan Hannon, PhD student
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Women's experiences of accessing healthcare services to manage their perimenopause/menopause-related health issues in Ireland
    This undergraduate student project seeks to explore women's experiences of accessing healthcare services and treatments to manage their perimenopausal/menopausal-related health issues in Ireland.
    Funding Agency
    TCD Laidlaw Scholars Leadership & Research Programme2023
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    The experiences and perceptions of person-centred care (PCC) in Irish maternity services by individuals who aspire to birth at home.
    Funding Agency
    Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme
  • Title
    Quality of life in pregnant and postpartum women with urinary incontinence: a systematic review, feasibility study, and mapping of standards of care
    1) To conduct a systematic review of generic and disease-specific QoL measurement instruments for use in pregnant and postpartum women with UI. 2) To test the feasibility and validity of QoL instruments, one generic and one disease-specific instrument in a pregnant and postpartum population. 3) To conduct a survey of the standard of care in the provision of services and interventions to treat or prevent UI across maternity services in Ireland. Deliverables: D3.1 Report outlining the standard of care for women with UI in maternity services in Ireland.
    Funding Agency
    Faculty of Health Sciences, TCD
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Advancing midwifery research at Midlands Regional Hospital Portlaoise
    Funding Agency
    NMPDU Midlands
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    MAMMI and the Workplace
    The physical, hormonal, and psychological changes experienced by women during and after motherhood (re)present societal challenge for female equity in the workplace. The aim of this interdisciplinary project is to integrate knowledge on maternal health with work, career, and organisational engagement, and evaluate existing maternal organisational and public policies to generate a more comprehensive understanding of how women engage in the workplace as mothers, and beyond. There are three integrated work packages centring on three core objectives: " To administer a 10-year follow-up survey for the MAMMI study with a designated section on occupational and vocational implications of motherhood " To explore dimensions of career, work, and organisational engagement in motherhood, including role congruence, identity, career progression, workplace engagement, and work-life conflict " To evaluate the journey by which women navigate and negotiate work and related policies and systems at national and local level identifying the enablers, barriers, gaps, and pathways to solutions.
    Funding Agency
    Irish Research Council
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Women with disabilities, reproductive decisions and perinatal choices
    Funding Agency
  • Title
    Improving the organisation of maternal health service delivery, and optimising childbirth, by increasing vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC) through enhanced women-centred care (OptiBIRTH)
    The study addresses the widespread concern over rising Caesarean section rates throughout Europe, particularly routine CS following a previous CS, despite calls for increased vaginal births after Caesarean (VBAC). VBAC is associated with lower maternal mortality than repeat CS, less overall morbidity for mothers and babies, and is the preferred option for the majority of women. VBAC rates in Ireland, Germany, and Italy are significantly lower (29-36%) than those in the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden (45-55%). The OptiBIRTH project will use a cluster randomised trial in Ireland, Germany, and Italy, with 15 clusters of 94 women in each, to increase VBAC rates from 33% to 53% through a complex intervention designed to increase women-centred care and women's involvement in their care. Role: Project Manager 09/2014 to present
    Funding Agency
    EU Commission
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Invitation to quote for the provision of evidence to inform the development of innovative midwifery led postnatal services for women in the South-East region of Ireland
    Funding Agency
    Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit (NMPDU) HSE South East (SE)
  • Title
    Reproductive decisions and experiences of women with physical disabilities or sensory impairments
    Funding Agency
    Health Research Board
  • Title
    Postnatal Leaking, Exercise and Activity Shorts Evaluation (PLEASE)
    The aim of this study is to compare two types of 'sports shorts' in a randomised, double-blind, cross-over trial with women's feeling of security, comfort and confidence whilst exercising vigorously, and satisfaction with product, as the main outcomes.
    Funding Agency
    Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Augmentation of labour with synthetic oxytocin
    This mixed methods study comprises a qualitative systematic review, a cross-sectional study and a qualitative study on women's experiences of augmentation of labour with synthetic oxytocin.
    Funding Agency
    School of Nursing and Midwifery, TCD, PhD Scholarship Awards
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    The MAMMI study 10-year follow-up survey development
    Funding Agency
    TCD Research Boost programme
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    The MAMMI Study - Mental Health (Anxiety) Strand. With Louise Rafferty, MSc (Research) student, Agnes Higgins and Cecily Begley
    Funding Agency
    Friends of the Rotunda
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Pathway to birth
    Developing an on-line course for first-time mothers: 'Pathway to Birth'
    Funding Agency
    Health Research Board
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Motherhood, empowerment, sustainable self-help: addressing gaps in education with science (MESSAGES)
    Funding Agency
    Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Improving maternal health - From Evidence Into Action
    'Improving Maternal Health - From Evidence Into Action' is a one day international conference held in Trinity College Dublin on 23rd October 2018. The conference will bring together mothers and families, health professionals, policymakers, and leading Irish and international academics and researchers to demonstrate how research can be used to improve maternal health services, and raise awareness of the findings of the HRB-funded Maternal health And Maternal Morbidity (MAMMI) study.
    Funding Agency
    Health Research Board
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    CARAMEL: CArdiovascular Risk Assessment via multimodal data analysis enabling personalized prevention strategies targeting MEnopausaL women
    The objective of CARAMEL is to develop and validate a novel stratified approach for personalized CVD risk assessment and intervention, enabled by a variety of diagnostic technologies and digital data sources, novel molecular and imaging biomarkers and AI-enabled decision support tools, that can better predict and assess individual CVD risks in women aged 40-60 yrs. Based on perceived individual risks, CARAMEL will develop a stratified personalized prevention strategy, based on a self-managed app-based intervention which is complemented by the necessary care plans, evidence-based clinical interventions and psychological and community-based support according to risk levels.
    Funding Agency
    European Commission
    Date From
  • Title
    Panoz Pharmaceutical Innovation PhD Scholarships
    This project will produce novel findings about how often and for how long the mothers of newborns in Ireland breastfeed and how this is associated with medication use. It will describe the mother's medication self-management, providing critical information from the mothers' perspectives, on breastfeeding and medication use practices, supports, tasks and unmet needs. Project team: Associate Professor Tamasine Grimes, Associate Professor Deirdre D'Arcy, Assistant Professor Juliette O'Connell, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Assistant Professor Sam Cromie, School of Psychology. The PhD Scholarship includes; Full fees (EU) and stipend rate of €25,000 per year. Provision for purchase of laptop in year 1 and contribution toward research conference travel costs each year.
    Funding Agency
    Panoz Pharmaceutical Innovation PhD Scholarships
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Women's experiences of the Rotunda Hospital's Next Birth After Caesarean Section (NBAC) services
    Funding Agency
    Rotunda Foundation
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Women's knowledge and practice of Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises (PFME) and their opinions of PFME education at the Rotunda Hospital
    This study aims to ascertain women's knowledge and practices in relation to PFME, their opinions of Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises (PFME) education services at the Rotunda Hospital and their opinions of the four self-help educational videos on PFME and leaking urine. The study is being done because early findings from the the MAMMI (Maternal health And Maternal Morbidity in Ireland) Study show that 1 in 3 first-time mothers leak urine in early pregnancy. Many of these women think leaking urine is an inevitable part of pregnancy and do not seek help or advice. In order to provide education on PFME to a greater number of women, four self-help educational videos on PFME and leaking urine were designed and developed by myself and the physiotherapy staff in the Rotunda Hospital.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    The MAMMI five-year follow-up study preparatory work
    Transfer of the MAMMI study personal databases to Microsoft Access®, and development of the five-year follow-up study survey
    Funding Agency
    Health Services Executive (HSE)
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Protocol development and feasibility study of a pregnancy yoga intervention for stress reduction and improved quality of life and birth outcomes
    Lisa Corrigan, HRB SPHeRE Programme Scholar (2017-2021)
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Breathing and relaxation during childbirth (BreLax)
    Co-supervisor, Vanessa Leutenegger, PhD student (Part-Time), University of Zurich, Switzerland
    Funding Agency
    Date From
  • Title
    Supporting advanced practitioners to conduct research and advance services for women
    Funding Agency
    Rotunda Foundation
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Taking part in research in the perinatal period: a protocol for a systematic review of the experiences of women with mental health issues
    Funding Agency
    Cost Action CA18138
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    SIGN - making maternity experiences positive for deaf women
    Co-development of free online resources for deaf pregnant women birthing in Ireland, and for use by all maternity healthcare professionals (MHCPs) (19 maternity hospitals, General Practitioners (GPs) and Public Health Nursing (PHN) and services).
    Funding Agency
    Reach Deaf Services
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Public Involvement in Research Initiative (with the MAMMI study participants)
    Aim: to establish a public involvement in research initiative with MAMMI study participants. This will be achieved by: (i) hosting quarterly meetings/focus group discussions with women, MAMMI study participants; (ii) involving women in the development and review of the MAMMI 5-year follow-up study survey and documents; (iii) identifying, and prioritising, MAMMI study-related research that women wish to be conducted (on topics not covered in the MAMMI follow-up study) and in planning future studies on an ongoing basis; (iv) conducting 1-2 qualitative sub-studies on the topics chosen by women, and (v) presenting the study methods, and the public involvement initiative, at 1-2 conferences in 2018, ideally with a woman co-presenting with the researcher.
    Funding Agency
    Health Service Executive (HSE)
    Date From
    Date To

Other health sciences, Clinical Medicine, Public health,


  • HRB 'Ones2Watch' Award 10/2017
  • Smith and Nephew Bursary 1994
  • Health Research Board - Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination Scheme (KEDS) 2013
  • Women's Health After Motherhood (WHAM) - shortlisted for Health Service (HS) Excellence Awards (https://www.hse.ie/eng/about/our-health-service/excellence-awards/hse-hr-excellence-awards-booklet1.pdf) 03/2020
  • Health Research Board Clinical Research Training Fellowship 2011
  • Bounty Professional Development Award 1995
  • President, European Midwives Association. The European Midwives Association represents midwifery associations from EU and EEA countries. 2009
  • International Officer Midwives Section, INO. 2006
  • Scientific Professional Programme Committee (SPPC) which planned the International Confederations of Midwives' Triennial Conference (Glasgow 1-5 June 2008) 2008
  • Joint INMO RCM All Ireland Annual Midwifery Conference Committee member 2000 - present
  • Management Committee member of COST Action IS1405 Building Intrapartum Research Through Health - an interdisciplinary whole system approach to understanding and contextualising physiological labour and birth (BIRTH) December 2014-2018
  • Member of Research Ethics Committee Rotunda Hospital 2002 to present
  • Expert member for the European Commission on the Peer Assessment Mission for the Profession of Midwives, Croatia July 2008
  • Member of the National Maternal Morbidity Group, National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre (NPEC) 2010 to present
  • Member of the Editorial Board, The Practising Midwife 1998-present
  • Member of Midwifery Forum Rotunda Hospital 2005 to 2010
  • Member of the Maternal Mortality in Ireland Working Group (Joint Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, RCPI/HSE) Working group 2008 to present
  • Member of the Expert Group on Midwifery and Paediatric Nurse Education (set up by the Department of Health & Children) 09/2004 to 12/2004
  • Member of Midwifery Turnover Project Steering Group (Recruitment and retention of midwives) 2002 to 2003
  • Member of National Steering Group - Model of Care As Outlined in National Maternity Strategy 2016- 2026 03/2018
  • Advisory Committee member on project 'A multicentre clinical trial on non clinical interventions to reduce episiotomy rates in Flanders: REFLeCTION' (Prof Koen Putnam and Ms Maaike Fobelets, Vrije University, Belgium) Submitted
  • COST Action CA18138 Riseup-PPD (Postpartum Depression) 09/2019
  • Nursing Education Forum 1999 to 2002
  • Expert on TAIEX workshop on 'Directive 2005/36/EC and the rcognition of professional qualifications': Midwifery in Croatia July 2009
  • Reviewer for the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR), UK 2020
  • European Midwives Association Member of European Union Health Policy Forum 2005 to 2009
  • Reviewer for BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, Nurse Education Today, Evidence Based Midwifery, ICM Triennial Congresses and Normal Birth Conference On-going
  • European Midwives Association Member of European Alcohol and Health Policy Forum 2007 to 2009