Research Support and Education Day

Both the School of Nursing and Midwifery and Trinity College Dublin have substantial support mechanisms which are available to students to assist them in the pursuance of their research studies. The college supports include for example courses in computers use e.g. SPSS and Endnote.

As well as the traditional support offered by the supervisor/s, the School of Nursing and Midwifery presents a monthly Research Support and Education Day to assist researchers in their development. These days offer the student both the opportunity to attend the formal sessions but just as importantly, an opportunity to network with other students and staff. The monthly Research Development & Education Day usually includes methodological master classes, research advice and data analysis clinics, experience-based presentation by a PhD graduate, peer support session and finally, a professorial seminar series. The presentations are available to students after the Research Support and Education Day.

Other supports provided by the School of Nursing and Midwifery include access to taught research lectures as recommended, opportunities to present research within the monthly Research Support and Education Day and/or on a more formal basis at the School Student Colloquium and/or the annual School International Nursing and Midwifery Conference.