Older Persons Health & Wellbeing
This research theme aims to generate evidence to support healthy ageing. With advances in human longevity, there is a need to investigate the myriad of factors that impact the ageing experience. Thus, this thematic area centres on integrating responsive health systems to potentialize quality of life and wellbeing in contemporary and evolving society. Research within the overall theme provides an interdisciplinary, collaborative forum to investigate the social determinants of health that influence the multiple dimensions of ageing and ageing experiences. Pivotal to this is a focus on capacity building, knowledge generation, and transfer to conduct research led by the priorities of older people and populations. The theme focuses on the generation of evidence that has a meaningful and sustainable impact on the lives of older adults, carers, the environments they live in, age-related policy, healthcare practices and health systems.

Dr Louise Daly is the theme lead for Older Persons' Health & Wellbeing