Masters in Science in Community Health

Key Facts
Course Suspended for 2025.
This inter-professional Masters course in Community Health is designed for individuals from a wide range of health and social care professions. These include:
- EU and non-EU graduates including Community healthcare professionals and primary care practitioners, which includes the general practitioner (GP), practice nurse, public health nurse, dietician, dentist, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech and language therapist, podiatrist, community pharmacist, psychologist and others including those from social care, mental health and intellectual disabilities
- This course aims to enable students from across a broad spectrum of professional backgrounds listed above to gain a grounded understanding of the core principles of public health and their application to the practice of community healthcare, and to increase graduates’ employability in community health practice.
Year one commences with a full week in September and thereafter one day per week for the remainder of the academic year for part-time students and some additional days per week for full-time students.
Attendance at workshops throughout the academic year. A blended learning approach is utilised in the delivery of theoretical content which includes lectures, seminars, group discussions and self-directed learning. Assessments are one written examination, written assignments, group presentations applied to students’ area of community practice and discipline
Postgraduate Diploma in Community Health
Masters in Community Health
Year One
Year Two
NU8007 Dissertation (30 ECTS)
Applicants to the course must fulfil the entry criteria listed below
- Possess a 2.1 degree in the applicant’s field of practice or satisfy the selection committee that they have the academic ability to successfully complete the programme
- where applicable, must hold current registration with the relevant professions’ regulatory body
- those whose first language is not English will need a recognised English language qualification in line with the requirements as specified in the Postgraduate Calendar Part 3 Section 1.5 Language of Instruction.
Applicants without a primary degree, in exceptional circumstances when they are in a position to satisfy the Admissions Sub-committee that they have the ability to complete and benefit from the course, may be recommended for entry to the course following a thorough review of their individual qualifications and experience by the Admissions Sub-committee. Admission of such applicants will be subject to a special submission by the Admissions Sub-committee for consideration by the Dean of Graduate Studies.
- 2 Academic references
- Copies of academic transcripts from completed educational courses
- Copies of official awards (parchment) from completed educational courses
- Where applicable, a letter of support from your Director of Nursing
Applicants may apply for the Masters/Postgraduate Diploma course or may apply for the Postgraduate Certificate course.
M/Sc./P/Grad.Dip course
Upon successful completion of six modules, each of 10 ECTS credits, totalling 60 ECTS credits; students may opt to be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma (P.Grad.Dip.) or may progress further on the Master (M.Sc.) programme.
Students who are eligible for the award of Postgraduate Diploma may progress to undertake a M.Sc. within five years of first entering the programme.
Upon successful completion of three modules, each of 10 ECTS credits, totalling 30 ECTS credits; student may opt to be awarded a Postgraduate Certificate (P.Grad.Cert.) or may progress further to the P.Grad.Diploma (top up) of 30 ECTS credits. Students who successfully complete the P.Grad.Dip. (top up) and who are then eligible for the award of Postgraduate Diploma may opt to be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma (P.Grad.Dip.) or may progress further to the M.Sc. course within five years of first entering the programme.
All applicants whose first language is not English and who have not been educated through the medium of English must meet Trinity College's Postgraduate English Language Requirements.
Please note the School of Nursing & Midwifery requires applicants presenting IELTS (Academic version) and IELTS Indicator to have achieved: Grade 6.5 overall with a minimum of grade of 6 in each category.
Find out more about other accepted qualifications:
English language requirements will be waived for applicants whose first language is not English and who are currently registered as nurses or midwives with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) where that registration with the NMBI was based on the applicant’s IELTS score and they have evidence of continued engagement in a high intensity English language environment.