
NU7512 Prescribing Medicinal Products (10 ECTS)

Learning Outcomes

Following completion of this module the student should be able to:

  • Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the regulatory framework associated with prescribing, including the legislation and professional guidelines, supporting safe prescribing.
  • Critically utilise evidence based knowledge and skill of patient/client assessment and consultation to achieve a holistic approach to patient/client care in the prescribing of medicinal products
  • Apply expert skills in clinical decision making in relation to prescribing medicinal products
  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of pharmacotherapeutics, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the role of the multi-disciplinary team and effective communication processes involved in safe medication management Methods of Teaching and Student Learning: Lecture/group discussion, Student-led discussion, e-learning, clinical practice. 

Module Learning Aims & Rationale

The introduction of nurse prescribing in Ireland is central to the expansion of nursing practice aimed at improving the overall care experience for patients and clients. Nurse prescribing ensures that ‘patients receive the right care from the right person in the right setting’ (Dept. of Health & Children, 2007).  The aim of this module is to equip nurses with the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and competencies to prescribe medicinal products safely and within their scope and field of practice.  Module Content - Prescriptive Authority – Medicinal Products