Students unveil painting of a mother breastfeeding her child

Pictured: Katie Jean Hawley and Julia Attout unveil the artwork.

The digital print depicts a mother breastfeeding her child and was kindly donated by Trinity Alumnus, Professor of Paediatrics, Consultant Neonatologist at the Rotunda Hospital and Lactation Consultant, Professor Afif El-Khuffash. 

Pictured: Aislinn O'Moore Cunningham, Trinity's La Leche League Leader, the artist Prof Afif El-Khuffash and Dr Louise Gallagher.

Breastfeeding rates in Ireland are amongst the lowest in Europe, and it is hoped that this celebration of breastfeeding through art will help to normalise breastfeeding and encourage positive attitudes from staff and students. The piece also celebrates community partnership between the university and the La Leche League Trinity group. 

Students Katie Jean Hawley and Julia Attout had the honour of unveiling the painting before staff, students, members of La Leche League Trinity and Healthy Trinity.   

Both Katie Jean and Julia availed of the School’s designated breastfeeding facilities while balancing motherhood and their studies. 

Dr Louise Gallagher, Assistant Professor in Midwifery, said: “Seeing depictions of breastfeeding in public spaces encourages a culture of breastfeeding as a normal part of life and commonly seen in society. Having breastfeeding depicted in our school reinforces our commitment to making breastfeeding the norm and viewing it as optimum infant nutrition.”