Ireland’s young LGBTQI+ population are experiencing significant mental health challenges, according to a new report conducted by a team of researchers in Trinity College Dublin and published today (25.04.2024) in association with Belong To - LGBTQ+ Youth Ireland. According to the report, 72% of LGBTQI+ young people – aged 14 to 18 –have self-harmed, as have 75% of the transgender and gender non-conforming communities.


Cover of report into Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland

In 2016, the first ever comprehensive report on the mental health of Ireland’s LGBTQI+ community as well as attitudes of the general public towards LGBTI+ people was conducted by Trinity College Dublin and published in association with Belong To and GLEN. That report, ‘LGBTIreland’ was based on research conducted by a team at Trinity. Now, eight years on, the new report - ‘Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland’ - involving over 2,800 LGBTQI+ people, builds on the findings from that initial report and includes a comparative analysis.

Key findings from the new study indicate that mental health and wellbeing have declined amongst the LGBTQI+ population since 2016, with significant challenges experienced by younger age groups and the transgender and gender non-conforming communities.

Amongst the 631 14-18 year-olds who participated in the study:

Compared to adolescents (12-19 years) in the My World Survey 2*, a national study of youth mental health conducted in 2019 by mental health charity Jigsaw and UCD, LGBTQI+ young people aged14 - 18 in this study had:

  • 3 times the level of severe or extremely severe symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • 3 times the level of self-harm
  • 2 times the level of suicidal thoughts
  • 5 times the level of suicide attempts

Of the 560 19- to 25-year-olds who participated, the figures decreased slightly compared to the figures for the 14– to 18-year-olds on almost each mental health measure: 

  • 35% experienced severe/extremely severe symptoms of depression 
  • 47% experienced severe/extremely severe symptoms of anxiety 
  • 29% experienced severe/extremely severe symptoms of stress 
  • 47% had a possible eating disorder
  • 65% had self-harmed 
  • 75% reported suicidal thoughts
  • 33% had made a suicide attempt

In comparison to cisgender participants, mental health challenges were highest amongst the transgender and gender non-conforming community: 

  • 44% experienced severe/extremely severe symptoms of depression
  • 55% experienced severe/extremely severe symptoms of anxiety
  • 35% experienced severe/extremely severe symptoms of stress
  • 50% had a possible eating disorder 
  • 75% had self-harmed
  • 82% reported suicidal thoughts
  • 39% had made a suicide attempt

Although the study found a positive change in public attitudes towards LGB people since 2016, the public surveyed had less favourable attitudes towards the transgender and intersex communities. People who reported more knowledge and more frequent interaction with transgender and intersex people were significantly more likely to have positive attitudes.

 Increase in mental health challenges amongst the LGBTI+ population since 2016

Amongst the total LGBTI+ population, within the study the new report also shows:

  • 27% experienced severe/ extremely severe symptoms of depression 
  • 34% experienced severe/ extremely severe symptoms of anxiety 
  • 23% experienced severe/ extremely severe symptoms stress 
  • 52% had self-harmed
  • 64% reported suicidal thoughts
  • 26% had made a suicide attempt

 Significantly, since the 2016 LGBTIreland study there has been a:

  • 17% increase in symptoms of severe /extremely severe symptoms of depression
  • 30% increase in symptoms of severe /extremely severe symptoms of anxiety
  • 33% increase in symptoms of severe /extremely severe symptoms of stress

In response to the mental health challenges facing them, 60% of participants had sought professional help for a mental health problem in the past five years. 


LGBTQI+ community groups critical to supporting positive mental health  

Despite these figures, the report demonstrated the important and critical role LGBTQI+ community groups and support networks (family, friends, peers, work colleagues) play in supporting positive mental health amongst the community. 

84% of participants felt that having a connection with the LGBTQI+ community through LGBTQI+ groups had a positive impact on their mental health, with 93% of participants rating making LGBTQI+ friends as also having a positive impact.

Professor Agnes Higgins speaks at the launch in Mansion HousePictured: Professor Agnes Higgins speaking at the launch of the report in Mansion House.


Professor Agnes Higgins, Professor In Mental Health, Trinity College Dublin, who led the research team, said:

Agnes Higgins headshot“While much progress has been achieved and the majority of LGBTQI+ people over 25 years of age are doing well, the findings continue to highlight that a significant proportion of those under 25 years of age are struggling with their mental health, self-reporting high levels of self-harm, suicidal behaviour, symptoms of possible eating disorders, and symptoms of severe and extremely severe stress, anxiety and depression. The research also reveals that in comparison to their cisgender peers, transgender and gender non-conforming participants report poorer mental health.  

“For LGBTQI+ adolescents, school continues to be a challenging place, with many experiencing or witnessing homophobic, transphobic, or biphobic bullying. Bullying not only negatively impacted on young people’s desire to leave school early, but those who experienced LGBTQI+ related bullying in school, had poorer wellbeing and mental health outcomes in comparison to those who had not experienced LGBTQI+ related bullying. For many transgender and gender non-conforming participants, the school environment was particularly challenging in terms of expressing one’s gender identity. 

“It is also clear that harassment and anti-LGBTQI+ hate speech is still a reality for many LGBTQI+ people in Ireland today, with many feeling unsafe to express their sexual orientation or gender identity in public. The expansion of online forums appears to be exacerbating the problem, with 23% reporting experiencing anti-LGBTQI+ hate speech either online or in public media within the last year. 

“The research has also many positive messages, with many expressing pride in their LGBTQI+ identity, as well as celebrating the connection, solidarity and sense of belonging that being engaged in LGBTQI+ culture and politics engenders. Importantly, a positive shift in public attitudes since 2016 was also evident, although less favourable attitudes towards transgender and intersex communities was apparent."