The School of Nursing & Midwifery is delighted to host the second iteration of our Research Impact Case Study Competition which encourages researchers to enter a case study demonstrating the impact of their research. 

Research Impact Case Studies provide the opportunity to communicate how your research is making a positive impact on healthcare and people’s lives. 

Prizes (research grants) will be awarded in the following categories: 

  • €1,000 (PhD / Postdoc category)
  • €1,000 (PI / Individual Researchers) 

The quality of entries to last year’s competition was very high and we were delighted to receive submissions from researchers across our School who are working on diverse and important projects. 

Encouraging researchers from across the School to participate, Prof Eilish Burke, Director of Research, said: "As researchers, it’s vital to think beyond the data and consider the real-world impact of our work. The School of Nursing and Midwifery's Research Impact Case Study competition is a fantastic opportunity to reflect on how your research influences practice, policy, and lives. Having won this competition myself, I’ve seen firsthand how it shines a spotlight on your research, opening doors to new collaborations and enhancing your visibility. I encourage everyone to seize this chance to highlight the meaningful difference your work makes." 

Winners of the competition last year included Dr Susan Hannon (postdoctoral category), Dr Eilish Burke (individual category) and the IDS-TILDA team (team category). Discover their case studies here. 

Key Dates 

26 August 2024 

Official Launch of the Competition  

10 October 2024  

Research Impact Skills Workshops (face-to-face) 

Schedule 9am-1pm 

9 – 9:30am Refreshments 

9:30 – 10:45am Research Impact Masterclass - Bridget Gavin & Luciana Lolich 

10:45 – 11am Coffee Break 

11am – 11:55am Writing About Your Research for Media (The Conversation training) - Ciara O’Shea & Síne Kenny 

12pm- 1pm Who Cares About Your Research? Building relationships with PPI contributors and other stakeholders for better research and greater impact - Michael Foley and Pádraig Carroll 


Booking is essential. Please book here 

TBC October 

Research Impact Workshop (online) 

Completing the case study application form 

29 October 10am-12pm 

Masterclass (online) 

Dr Julie Bayley 

Director of Research Impact Development, University of Lincoln  

11 November 2024  

Competition closes, submission  

November -December 2024  

Review and judging   

January 2025  

Winners notified  

January- February- 2025  

Filming of the winner case studies for publication on the School website  

March 2025 

Award ceremony 


Please note this competition is only open to researchers from the School of Nursing & Midwifery.