Thursday 23 May 2024, 1:15pm-2pm 

Presented by: Prof. Mary McCarron

Professor of Aging and Intellectual Disability, Trinity College Dublin; Director of the Trinity Centre for Aging and Intellectual Disability (TCAID); Executive Director of the National Intellectual Disability Memory Service


Join Professor Mary McCarron for an insightful discussion encompassing her remarkable journey in academia, health research, and transformative leadership. Professor McCarron will share her experiences transitioning from nursing to academia, including her achievements and the pursuit of a PhD focusing on genetic risk factors for dementia in individuals with Down Syndrome. She will delve into her senior roles in Trinity College Dublin, particularly focusing on the introduction of IDS-TILDA, a groundbreaking longitudinal study researching aging in Ireland among people with intellectual disabilities aged 40 and over.  

This is a hybrid event.

Register to attend in-person here.  

Register to attend online here

Wednesday 25 April 2024, 1.15pm-2pm

Presented by: Prof Imelda Coyne
Professor in Children’s Nursing and Director of the Trinity Research in Childhood Centre, Trinity College Dublin

Prof Coyne's presentation will address the following:

a) Effects of hospitalisation on children;
b) Discuss what is meant by a child-centred approach;
c) Discuss children’s experiences of participation in their healthcare;
d) Explain how a child-centred approach enhances children’s wellbeing and quality care provision;
e) Highlight how we can support children’s agency and participation in their healthcare.

View the recording here


Due to unforeseen circumstances, this event will be rescheduled for later in the year. 

Wednesday 17 April 2024, 1.15pm-2pm RESCHEDULED

Presented by:  Kathleen Joyce: Special Primary Health and Social Care Initiative Coordinator, Blanchardstown Traveller Development Group, Doreen Carpenter: Mental Health Service Coordinator for /with Travellers, HSE CHO 9

This lecture will explore Traveller mental health and examine ways that people working in the mental health services can work in partnership with Travellers to foster engagement. The lecture will draw from the findings of a collaborative research project which sought to better understand the factors that influence Traveller engagement with the mental health services.


Wednesday 27 March 2024, 1.15pm-2pm

Presented by: Prof Deirdre Daly

Associate Professor in Midwifery and Director of the Trinity Centre for Maternity Care Research (TCMCR), Trinity College Dublin

This lecture presents findings from research with women who gave birth in Ireland. It includes an overview of women's health, the health problems they experienced, and what women said they want and need from the Irish maternity services. 

View the recording here


Thursday 9 November 2023, 1.15pm-2pm

Presented by: Prof Amanda Phelan
Professor in Ageing and Community Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin

This presentation will consider the impact of a human rights based approach within the area of adult safeguarding. The recently implemented Assisted Decision Making Capacity Act will be reviewed in the context and limitations in our current response systems will be discussed.

View the recording here.

Thursday 5 October 2023, 1.15pm-2pm

Presented by: Prof Paul Horan MA MA (j.o.) PGDipCHSE RNT RNID
Assistant Professor in Intellectual Disability Nursing, TCD School of Nursing and Midwifery

This presentation aims to present aspects of a study that aimed to elucidate pioneering nursing practices of The Crimean War (1854 – 1856) through the published diarised lens (Memories of the Crimea, 1897) of an Irish nursing nun Sr. Mary Aloysius Doyle RRC (a Crimean War nursing contemporary of Florence Nightingale) who left St. Leo’s Mercy convent in Carlow in 1854 to nurse casualties of The Crimean War almost 170 years ago. Her diary and other relevant sources are consulted to see if nursing experiences of a 19th century theatre of war are being mirrored in the current war in Ukraine.

View the recording here