Provost calls on Trinity community to back higher education funding campaign

Posted on: 13 September 2024

In a letter sent today to students, staff and alumni, Dr Doyle argued that, without sustainable funding, “universities are facing the risk of a quiet and gradual decline, a slow retreat from competitiveness and attractiveness”.

Provost Dr Linda Doyle has issued a plea to the Trinity community to support the campaign to boost core funding for higher education in the upcoming budget. 

In a letter sent today to students, staff and alumni, Dr Doyle argued that, without sustainable funding, “universities are facing the risk of a quiet and gradual decline, a slow retreat from competitiveness and attractiveness”.    

The forthcoming budget is this government’s final opportunity to deliver far-reaching, transformative change, not just for higher education, but for Ireland.” 

The full text of her letter is below.   

Dear College community,    

I am writing to you as final preparations are being made for this government’s last budget, which will be published on 1 October.    

In 2022, the current government promised a strong funding model for the higher education sector. We have yet to see it. Instead, we have had incremental funding increases which have been cancelled out by inflation, underfunded pay awards and demographics.   

Every day, I see the remarkable achievements of our students and staff. But these successes hide a grim reality in the sector: we are working in a system that is simply unsustainable. We have to contend with staff to student ratios that are just not good enough. We work with ageing digital infrastructure. Most of our research equipment is close to end of life.   

In an environment like this, how can we provide a world-class education and perform the world-class research for which we are renowned? How can we continue to win international competitive funding and continue to attract talented staff? 

Even as we carry on, universities are facing the risk of a quiet and gradual decline, a slow retreat from competitiveness and attractiveness.    

We urgently need a real increase in core funding for our sector so that we can best support our students. A thriving university system also plays a central role in the cultural, social, and economic progress of our country. “Universities,” in the words of President Michael D. Higgins, “in their creative, freethinking mode, are a vital resource for the future.”  

The 2022 “Funding the Future” policy document mapped a way forward. We now need to see that policy matched with political will in the forthcoming budget.  

The forthcoming budget is this government’s final opportunity to deliver far-reaching, transformative change, not just for higher education, but for Ireland.  

How you can help  

In partnership with the Irish Universities Association (IUA), much work has already been done to advance our argument for accelerated funding. There have been face-to-face meetings with the Taoiseach, with the Minister for Further and Higher Education, with Oireachtas members, and with key senior departmental officials.   

But they also need to hear your voice.  

Last year, many of you also contacted your public representatives to highlight the huge importance of this issue. Anecdotal feedback suggests that your efforts had a significant impact.   

I am asking you to do the same this year.   

This webpage has information on contacting public representatives, including a list of suggested writing points. It also carries the IUA’s pre-budget submission document.   

Trinity is a fantastic community of over 22,000 students, 4,000 staff and 140,000 alumni – together, we must continue to raise our voices for higher education in Ireland.   

Ní neart go cur le chéile,   


Media Contact:

Catherine O’Mahony | Media Relations |