The Many Lives of Medieval Manuscripts Symposium (with registration link)

Date: You need to load the T4EventsCalendar Class 2 Dec 2023
Time: 00:00 - 00:00

This in-person event will showcase manuscripts digitised as part of the Manuscripts for Medieval Studies project. Support for this project was provided by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York. The Symposium aims to highlight research outputs arising from the digitisation of material in the Library’s collection, including bibles, books of hours, chronicles, histories, and music manuscripts. Come along as we explore the many lifecycles of the Library's manuscripts, from their production and use by contemporaries to their present-day conservation, digitisation, and dissemination.

Campus Location

Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute




One-time event

Type of Event



Researchers,Retired Staff,Undergrad,Postgrad,Alumni,Faculty & Staff,Public

Contact Name

Dr Claire McNulty

Contact Email

