The Future of the Irish Research Landscape & Why it Matters

Date: You need to load the T4EventsCalendar Class 17 Apr 2023
Time: 14:00 - 16:00

The Cultures and Academic Values in Education (CAVE) Research Centre is hosting a debate on the Future of the Irish Research Landscape in the context of publication of the Research and Innovation Bill, 2023, as announced by Minister Simon Harris on April 6. This Bill aims to establish Research and Innovation Ireland as a new research funding body replacing the SFI and IRC to “drive innovation in arts, humanities and STEM”. The Bill seeks to implement a significant change to the management of research funding in Ireland and will shape the research landscape for generations. Yet – there has been no consultation whatsoever with the research community about this legislation, which will have substantial impact on research careers (junior and senior alike) in the immediate future. NOW IS THE MOMENT TO MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD. Join us in this debate to explore the impact of this Bill and the challenges arising, including the continuity of postgraduate funding, project funding, and individual awards, such as the Postgraduate Fellowships or the Laureates. These corner stones of the Irish funding landscape have been essential in facilitating blue skies alongside challenge oriented research at all levels and paving the way towards attracting EU funding. Furthermore, a major challenge will lie in supporting the diversity of research pathways and disciplinary approaches in AHSS and STEM. The event will take place on April 17th 14:00-16:00 in the Swift Theatre, Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin, and will feature the Dean of Research, Sinéad Ryan, Prof. Kingston Mills, and Prof. Jane Ohlmeyer as well as representation from research staff and ECRs. Participation from early career researchers is particularly welcomed.

Campus Location

Arts Building


All levels


One-time event

Type of Event

Lectures and Seminars,Public,Special events


Researchers,Postgrad,Faculty & Staff,Public

Contact Name

Nicole Volmering

Contact Email


All levels


Swift Theatre

