Research Commercialisation for Climate Action: Small Hydropower from Concept to Commercial Enterprise

Date: You need to load the T4EventsCalendar Class 1 Mar 2023
Time: 13:00 - 14:00

Prof. Aonghus McNabola, Professor in Energy and the Environment in the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Trinity College Dublin. In this fourth talk in our Climate Action & Sustainability webinar series, Prof McNabola will introduce hydropower technology for energy recovery, discussing the journey from exploratory research on the technology to becoming a director of a start-up company with an international market. To register for this event please use eventbrite:


One-time event

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Clinical Teaching Staff,Public and Patient Involvement – PPI,Researchers,Retired Staff,Undergrad,Postgrad,Alumni,Faculty & Staff,Public

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Phil Lynch

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