Trinity celebrates 2022 Scholars and Fellows
Posted on: 25 April 2022
A new cohort of Trinity College Dublin Fellows and Scholars was announced today, on Trinity Monday.
The ceremony marked the first time in three years that these honours have been delivered in person.
Provost Dr Linda Doyle stood, in line with tradition, on the steps of the Public Theatre in Front Square to read out the names of the Scholars and Fellows.
Dr Linda Doyle said:
“On behalf of the Trinity community, I want to congratulate all the students and staff who have been named Scholars and Fellows today. We know how much hard work has gone into achieving this and we commend you for it.
We are proud of everyone who put their names forward for Fellowship, and everyone who sat the demanding Scholarship exams.
Tá comhghairdeas tuillte ag gach duine.”

In total, 51 new Scholars, 31 new Fellows, five new Professorial Fellows and two Honorary Fellows were announced (see details below and here) across a range of disciplines.
Fellowships are awarded to those showing excellence in research and scholarship and to acknowledge a professor’s contribution to academic life and teaching in the College.
Becoming a Trinity Scholar is a major achievement for which second year students must perform exceptionally well in exams held in January, showing deep knowledge of their subjects. The students continue with their usual course work as well as studying independently for these exams.

This year’s Scholars come from a broad range of disciplines, including Nursing, Drama, Engineering, Law and more. Each Scholar is entitled to a range of benefits, including free accommodation on campus.
Additionally, two Honorary Fellows were announced.
The first is the internationally renowned author, Sebastian Barry. A Trinity graduate, he read English and Latin from 1973 to 1977, and served as Writer Fellow in 1995-6. He began his career writing fiction and poetry, but it was as a dramatist that he first came to prominence with a series of plays, mostly staged at the Abbey Theatre. It is for his novels that he is now best known. The Secret Scripture (2008), shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize, won the James Black Tait Memorial Prize in 2009, and in its French translation the Cezam Prix Littéraire CE in 2010.

The second is Máirín Nic Eoin, a world-leading scholar of modern Irish language literature. Professor Emerita of Irish in DCU (Dublin City University), she is the author of many seminally important works, including three monographs which are milestones in modern Irish literary criticism (An litríocht réigiúnach 1982, B’ait leo bean 1998, Trén bhfearann breac 2005), and editor of many volumes of conference proceedings and of the works of several modern Irish poets and writers.
A full list of 2022 Scholars and Fellows:
Professorial Fellows
Professor Andrew Davies, Professor of Palliative Medicine
Professor John Dong, Professor of Business Analytics
Professor Daniel Kilper, Professor of Future Communication Networks
Professor Noel McCarthy, Professor of Population Health Medicine
Professor John Divers, Professor of Moral Philosophy
Professor Edna Francis Roche, School of Medicine
Professor Joan Lalor, School of Nursing & Midwifery
Professor David Hevey, School of Psychology
Professor Thomas Chadefaux, School of Social Sciences & Philosophy
Professor Clodagh Brook, School of Languages, Literatures & Cultural Studies
Dr Margaret Walshe, School of Linguistic, Speech & Communication Sciences
Dr Stephanie Holt, School of Social Work & Social Policy
Dr Rachel Moss, School of Histories & Humanities
Dr Fiona Wilson, School of Medicine
Dr Paul Eastham, School of Physics
Dr Aisling Dunne, School of Biochemistry and Immunology
Dr Jan Manschot, School of Mathematics
Dr Nicola Marchetti, School of Engineering
Dr Nessa O’Connor, School of Natural Sciences
Dr Tomás Ryan, School of Biochemistry & Immunology
Dr Emma Creagh, School of Biochemistry & Immunology
Dr Roja Fazaeli, School of Languages, Literatures & Cultural Studies
Dr John Goold, School of Physics
Dr Patrick Walsh, School of Medicine
Dr Daniela Tropea, School of Medicine
Dr Hitesh Tewari, School of Computer Sciences & Statistics
Dr Ashley Clements, School of Histories and Humanities
Dr Ivana Dusparic, School of Computer Science & Statistics
Dr Cian O’Callaghan, School of Natural Sciences
Dr Rachael Walsh, School of Law
Dr David O’Regan, School of Physics
Dr Joseph Roche, School of Education
Dr Max Garcia Melchor, School of Chemistry
Dr Juan Diego Rodriguez-Blanco, School of Natural Sciences
Dr Jan Skopek, School of Social Sciences & Philosophy
Dr Gizem Arikan, School of Social Sciences & Philosophy
O’Neill, Eimhin, Bachelor in Global Business
Fathima, Hamna, Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Flynn, Ciaran, Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Murphy, Bríd, Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Alpuerto, Justine, Children’s and General Nursing
Kent, Hannah, Children’s and General Nursing
Wadullah, Rola, Children’s and General Nursing
Taylor, Jamie, Computer Science
Gogna, Kumud, Dental Science
McCormick, Martin, Dental Science
Cronin, Aoife, Drama and Theatre Studies
Smith, Erica, Drama and Theatre Studies
Bowler, Conor, Engineering
Manning, Eoghan, Engineering
McHugh, Nollaig, Engineering
Pstrusi?ski, Jakub, Engineering
Dunne, Esme, English Studies
Ní Fhearraigh-Joyce, Brídín, English Studies
Mangum, Lehmann, Olivia Geography and Geoscience
Stanciu, Sinziana, History
Wolfe, David, History and Political Science
Kelly, Lisa, Human Nutrition and Dietetics (Joint Degree)
Cunningham, Andrew, Law
Harkin, Niamh, Law
McGrane, Mark, Law
Polson, Kathryn, Law
Purewal, Aoife, Law
Cox, Amy, Law and Political Science
Stenson, Fiona, Law and Political Science
Murphy, James, Mathematics
Connolly, Archie, Medicine
Cormican, Marie, Medicine
Crossen, Frank, Medicine
Murchan, Eleanor, Medicine
Murray, Christopher, Medicine
Trimmer, Siobhan, Medicine
O’Dowd, Catherina, Midwifery
Loro, Alessandro, Music
Campbell, Devon, Nursing
Cooling Reid, Katherine, Nursing
Dawson, Catherine, Nursing
Muldowney, Rachel, Nursing
Brennan, Billy, Pharmacy
Carroll, Molly Philosophy, Political Science, Economics and Sociology
Coady, Rían Philosophy, Political Science, Economics and Sociology
Wolfe, Francis Philosophy, Political Science, Economics and Sociology
Kerin, Leon Physical Sciences
Cheung, Yun Sang, Physiotherapy
Crossen, Robert, Psychology
Wu, Yueying, Theoretical Physics
Kehoe, Grace, Joint Honours