Students from 30 counties in Ireland receive Entrance Exhibition Awards
Posted on: 22 November 2019
Students from nearly every county in Ireland as well as 24 countries worldwide were awarded special Entrance Exhibition Awards from Trinity College Dublin this year.
The awards reward academic achievement of new undergraduate entrants to the university. They are awarded to the student accepted into the first year of a full-time undergraduate degree programme who achieves the highest points among Trinity entrants from their secondary school.

A total of 452 students from 379 schools in 30 counties and 24 international students were presented with high achievement awards for receiving 500 points or more in the Leaving Certificate (or equivalent final examination).
This year continues the trend of seeing students from a far greater diversity of schools receiving the award.
Congratulating the students on their great achievement, Provost, Dr Patrick Prendergast said:
We are delighted to welcome students from every nearly every county in Ireland and from 24 countries worldwide to the Entrance Exhibition Awards ceremony. We are committed to encouraging a more diverse student community and the revised Entrance Exhibition Awards is part of that mission. Students from 379 secondary schools along with their school principals and parents have joined us here in Trinity to celebrate their great achievement.
There has been a 54% increase in the number of second level schools from across the island of Ireland represented (from 245 schools in 2017 to 379 in 2019). Most schools have one student awardee per school which means the diversity of students and schools is far greater.
Changes made to the awards scheme in 2018 meant that students who achieve the highest points among Trinity entrants from their secondary school with a minimum of 500 points in the Leaving Certificate (or its equivalent second level final examinations) are eligible for an Entrance Exhibition Award. This includes bonus points for Mathematics.

Previously, any students receiving 560 or more points (excluding bonus points) were awarded Entrance Exhibition Awards which meant that there could be up to 20 students from any one school.
The Entrance Exhibition Awards were awarded to 247 students from Leinster; 48 students from Connacht; 82 from Munster; 51 from Ulster and 24 international students.
Out of the overall awardees, 188 students are studying Engineering, Mathematics and Science; 117 students are studying Health Sciences and a further 147 students are studying Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Overall 51% of the 452 awardees are female and 49% are male.
Awardees will receive a certificate and a €150 book token for Hodges Figgis.