Prof Barbara Wright named Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur by French Government
Posted on: 27 September 2019
Professor Barbara Wright, Fellow Emerita (French) was named Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur by Ambassador of France to Ireland, Stéphane Crouzat at a special ceremony at his Résidence on 25 September.
This bestowal is another recognition of her exceptional career studying and promoting French literature and painting. Previously, in 1974 and 2004, she had been decorated from different grades of the Ordre National du Mérite.
As a former Professor of French Literature in Trinity, Professor Wright has actively participated in the promotion of French culture, art and literature in Ireland. Her works include many publications and studies on French author and artist Eugène Fromentin, for which she received a prize in 1988.
Professor Wright had many connections with French universities, including the School in Fine Arts in La Rochelle and University Paris VII. She is currently working on the travel diary of Alexis de Tocqueville lesser known brother, Edouard, when he visited Ireland in 1824. Professor Wright has been a member of the Royal Irish Academy since 1988.
The Légion d’honneur, France’s premier award, was founded by Napoleon Bonaparte to recognise eminent accomplishments of service to France. The Légion d’honneur may be given to foreign (non-French) citizens in recognition of actions benefiting the country of France or achievements which uphold its ideals.
To read both Professor Wright’s and the Ambassador’s speeches from the ceremony, please see here.