INDEx survey to inform decision-making around digital teaching and learning
Posted on: 25 November 2019
Help us to understand more about your digital experiences and expectations
This is the final week of The Irish National Digital Experience (INDEx) Survey, Ireland’s first ever survey of the digital engagement, experiences and expectations of both students and those who teach in Irish higher education.
“The results of this survey will contribute to the evidence that informs important decision-making around digital teaching and learning within Trinity and will influence the future enhancement of digital teaching and learning across the Irish higher education sector,” explained Dr Geoff Bradley, Head of Academic Services, Innovation & Digital Platforms, IT Services and Chair of Trinity’s INDEx Survey local coordination committee when commenting on the survey’s significance.
All students and staff who in engage in teaching as part of their role are invited to participate in this survey. This includes all who teach students or staff as well as all who support learning and teaching, on campus and/or online.
“I encourage any student who hasn’t yet engaged with the INDEx survey to do so before this Friday. This survey provides an excellent opportunity to get an insight into what exactly you need as a student and will inform college on the strengths and weaknesses of your digital learning experience. It is a wonderful opportunity to have your voice heard,” commented Niamh McCay, Education Officer of the Students’ Union.
“If you use Blackboard etc for College work and would like to outline your experience as a student or student teaching assistant (T.A.) this INDEx Survey by Trinity is a really important one to fill out to help improve the service. It will help college to really capture what does and doesn’t work in our collective digital experience and will help improve the digital learning and teaching landscape. For example it gives you space to comment on your own experience which is personal and very valuable. I’ve filled it out it, it didn’t take me long, you might like to also support it?”, said Gisèle Scanlon, Vice President of the Graduate Students’ Union.
Students – fill in the survey today to be in with a chance to win a pair of Trinity Ball tickets!
More information, including a link to the survey can be found here