Trinity PhD Students Attend Prestigious Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
Two Trinity PhD Economics students were recently selected to attend the prestigious 5th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences along with young economists from more than 80 countries around the world.
2 Oct 2014
Trinity Courses Show Strong Demand in CAO Applications for 2014
This year 7,728 students selected Trinity College ...
10 Mar 2014
New Irish Research Sheds Light on How Aspirin Works to Reduce Cancer Deaths
Women taking prescribed aspirin were less likely to have cancer spread to their lymph nodes and were less likely to die from the disease.
13 Aug 2014
Trinity College Dublin Welcomes the German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Chancellor Merkel was joined by An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, as she addressed Trinity students on the topic of 'Europe in a Globalised World'.
10 Mar 2014
Nursing Alumni encouraged to tap into the ‘Power of You’
The School of Nursing and Midwifery recently hoste...
17 Apr 2014
Bacterial Blueprints Could Give Doctors and Nurses Fewer Sleepless Nights
Trinity scientists hope targeted drugs can be developed now they have discovered which parts of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa molecular machinery are critical to its function.
11 Aug 2014
Cobble Stone Project Complete in Front Square
Over the past number of months, a cobble stone relaying project has been underway.
22 Sep 2014
‘A Life on Mars’ – Trinity Astrophysicist and Mars One Candidate at TedXDublin
Joseph Roche has volunteered for a one-way mission to Mars. In a talk at TEDxDublin, he explains why he’s made this decision and walks through the steps it would take to get a person on the Red Planet.
23 Dec 2014
Trinity Scientist Professor Jonathan Coleman Speaks at TEDx Brussels
TEDx Brussels featured ERC speakers' ground-breaking ideas including Prof Coleman’s world-first Graphene Innovation which got international applaud.
17 Dec 2014
Trinity’s Leading Neurologist, Staff and Politicians Take on the Ice Bucket Challenge
Over 100 people including Trinity College’s leading lights in MND research, College staff and politicians, gathered in Trinity’s Front Square to collectively take on the Ice Bucket Challenge watched on by many supporters.
29 Aug 2014