Counting continues in Seanad election

Posted on: 29 January 2025

Regular updates here of the count in the University of Dublin constituency in the 2025 Seanad election.

Counting continues in Seanad election

Update Friday 31st, 4.15 pm

Aubrey McCarthy has been elected on the 15th count  (revised result)

CHU, Hazel                         543 (-4)                        3,706

MCCARTHY, Aubrey    1023 (+29)                      3,770

Since neither candidate reached the quota at this count, Aubrey McCarthy was deemed elected as the remaining candidate with the highest number of votes.

This concludes the counting of the votes for the constituency of the University of Dublin in the election to Seanad Éireann. 

The candidates elected for this constituency are:

Lynn Ruane

Tom Clonan

Aubrey McCarthy



Update Friday January 31st, 10.10am

A simple recount will take place in the University of Dublin Seanad election following a request from Hazel Chu's team after the 15th count.


Update Thursday January 30th, 9.40 pm

Count has been suspended until Friday 31st 9.30 am.

The results of the fifteenth count for the distribution of the 2,476 votes of MacNeill Hugo for the constituency of the University of Dublin in the election to Seanad Éireann are as follows:

CHU, Hazel   +547                        3,710

MCCARTHY, Aubrey   +994      3,741

There were 935 non-transferable votes.

As Hazel Chu's team has requested a recount, the count is suspended until tomorrow morning at 9.30am, when this request will be dealt with.


Update Thursday January 30th, 8 pm

The results of the 14th count for the constituency of the University of Dublin in the election to Seanad Éireann managed the distribution of Tom Clonan's surplus. A total of 104 votes were required for Tom Clonan to meet the quota. Therefore the distribution was 488 ballots and these were distributed as follows:


CHU, Hazel     +201                  3,163

MACNEILL, Hugo   +117          2,476

MCCARTHY, Aubrey   +117    2,747


There were 53 non transferable votes. As no candidate has reached the quota at this count, the lowest candidate will be excluded and we will proceed to distribute the ballot papers of Hugo MacNeill.



Update Thursday January 30th 7.30 pm

Tom Clonan has been re-elected to the University of Dublin constituency of Seanad Eireann.

The following is the distribution of votes from the 13th count (Quota 4,450)

CHU, Hazel  +761                    2,962

CLONAN, Tom  +592             4,938

MACNEILL, Hugo  +218         2,359

MCCARTHY, Aubrey  +287   2,630

There were 171 non transferable ballots.

As Tom Clonan exceeds the quota, he is deemed to be elected. We will now proceed to the distribution of Tom Clonan’s surplus.



Updated Thursday 30 January 6 pm

The results of the twelfth count for the constituency of the University of Dublin in the election to Seanad Éireann managed the distribution of the surplus of votes from Lynn Ruane. The distribution was 354 ballots and these were distributed as follows:

CHU, Hazel     +139                  2,201

CLONAN, Tom     +77              4,346

MACNEILL, Hugo   +25          2,141

MCCARTHY, Aubrey  +29     2,343

SMYTH, Ossian       +84         2,029

As no candidate has reached the quota at this count, the lowest candidate will be excluded and we will proceed to distribute the ballot papers of Ossian Smyth.




Updated Thursday 30 January 5 pm

Lynn Ruane has been re-elected to the University of Dublin constituency of Seanad Eireann.

The following is the distribution of votes from the 11th count (Quota 4,450)

CHU, Hazel        +259                    2,062

CLONAN, Tom   +179                    4,269

MACNEILL, Hugo     +59              2,116

MCCARTHY, Aubrey   +109        2,314

RUANE, Lynn       +407                  4,806

SMYTH, Ossian      +304              1,945

There were 67 non transferable ballots.

As Lynn Ruane exceeds the quota, she is deemed to be elected. We will now proceed to the distribution of Lynn Ruane’s surplus.


Updated Thursday 30 January 3.15 pm

The following is the distribution of the votes from the tenth count (Quota: 4,450):

CHU, Hazel.  154                1,803

CLONAN, Tom   159          4,090

MACNEILL, Hugo   100     2,057

MCCARTHY, Aubrey 90   2,205

O'NEILL, Sadhbh   79        1,384

RUANE, Lynn 297               4,399

SMYTH, Ossian 117            1,641

There were 43 non transferable ballots.

As no candidate has reached the quota at this count, the lowest candidate will be excluded and we will proceed to distribute the ballot papers of: O'Neill Sadbh


Updated Thursday 30 January 2.30 pm

The following is the distribution of the votes from the ninth count:

CHU, Hazel   22     1,649

CLONAN, Tom   188      3,931

MACNEILL, Hugo   87    1,957

MCCARTHY, Aubrey 119    2,115

O'NEILL, Sadhbh   56      1,305

RUANE, Lynn    60      4,102

SMYTH, Ossian   15    1,524

ZAPPONE, Katherine 21    1,039

There were 100 non transferable ballots.As no candidate has reached the quota at this count, the lowest candidate will be excluded and we will proceed to distribute the ballot papers of: Zappone, Katherine


Updated Thursday 30 January 1.30 pm

The following is the distribution of the votes from the eighth count:

CHU, Hazel  54    1,627

CLONAN, Tom 117   3,743

DE BRÚN, Laoise 28   668

MACNEILL, Hugo 78   1,870

MCCARTHY, Aubrey 70   1,996

O'NEILL, Sadhbh  53   1,249

RUANE, Lynn  68    4,042

SMYTH, Ossian 70   1,509

ZAPPONE, Katherine 17   1,018

There were 27 non transferable ballots.

As no candidate has reached the quota at this count, the lowest candidate will be excluded and we will proceed to distribute the ballot papers of: De Brun, Laoise


Updated Thursday 30 January 12.45 pm

The following is the distribution of the votes from the seventh count:

BYRNE, Kevin 18 582

CHU, Hazel 58 1,573

CLONAN, Tom 48 3,626

DE BRÚN, Laoise 19 640

MACNEILL, Hugo 28 1,792


MCCARTHY, Aubrey 30 1,926

O'NEILL, Sadhbh 35 1,196

RUANE, Lynn 74 3,974

SMYTH, Ossian 20 1,439

ZAPPONE, Katherine 31 1,001


There were 11 non transferable ballots.

As no candidate has reached the quota at this count, the lowest candidate will be excluded and we will proceed to distribute the ballot papers of: Byrne, Kevin




Updated Thursday 30 January 12.20 pm

The following is the distribution of votes from the sixth count:

BYRNE, Kevin 7  564

CHU, Hazel 35  1,515

CLONAN, Tom 44  3,578

DE BRÚN, Laoise 5  621

MACNEILL, Hugo 7  1,764

MCCARTHY, Aubrey 22  1,896

OLUBORODE, Ade 7  372

O'NEILL, Sadhbh 55  1,161

RUANE, Lynn 97  3,900

SMYTH, Ossian 18  1,419

ZAPPONE, Katherine 11  970

There were 11 non transferable ballots. As no candidate has reached the quota at this count, the lowest candidate will be excluded and we will proceed to distribute the ballot papers of: Oluborode, Ade



Updated Thursday 30 January 11.30 am

The following is the distribution of votes from the fifth count:

BYRNE, Kevin 29   557

CHU, Hazel 9   1,480

CLONAN, Tom 31   3,534

DE BRÚN, Laoise 12  616

MACNEILL, Hugo 36   1,757

MCCARTHY, Aubrey 35   1,874

MULVILLE, Paul 5   319

OLUBORODE, Ade 2   365

O'NEILL, Sadhbh 11   1,106

RUANE, Lynn 11  3,803

SMYTH, Ossian 8   1,401

ZAPPONE, Katherine 3   959

There were 6 non transferable ballots.

As no candidate has reached the quota at this count, the lowest candidate will be excluded and we will proceed to distribute the ballot papers of: Mulville, Paul



Updated Thursday 30 January 11 am

The following is the distribution of votes from the fourth count:

BYRNE, Kevin 12   528

CHU, Hazel 9   1,471

CLONAN, Tom 11.  3,503

DE BRÚN, Laoise 6.  604

MACNEILL, Hugo 25   1,721

MATTHEWS,Marcus 9.  198

MCCARTHY,Aubrey 16   1,839

MULVILLE, Paul 5   314

OLUBORODE, Ade 14   363

O'NEILL, Sadhbh 7 1,095

RUANE, Lynn 11 3,792

SMYTH, Ossian 8 1,393

ZAPPONE,Katherine 1 956

There were 11 non transferable ballots.

As no candidate has reached the quota at this count, the lowest candidate will be excluded and we will proceed to distribute the ballot papers of: Matthews, Marcus


Updated Thursday 30 January 10.30 am

The following is the distribution of votes in the third count:

ALI O’SHEA, Abbas 0 0

BYRNE, Derek 0 0

BYRNE, Kevin 16 516

CHU, Hazel 9 1,462

CLONAN, Tom 10 3,492

DE BRÚN, Laoise 3 598

MACNEILL, Hugo 9 1,696


Marcus 1 189


Aubrey 5 1,823


(Jack) 1 145

MULVILLE, Paul 3 309

OLUBORODE, Ade 6 349

O'NEILL, Sadhbh 2 1,088

RUANE, Lynn 12  3,781

SMYTH, Ossian 3  1,385

ZAPPONE, Katherine 4  955

There were 6 non transferable ballots.

As no candidate has reached the quota at this count, the lowest candidate will be excluded and we will proceed to distribute the ballot papers of: Mulcahy, John (Jack).


Update 10 am

The following is the distribution of the votes in the second count:

ALI O’SHEA, Abbas 0

BYRNE, Derek 3

BYRNE, Kevin 5

CHU, Hazel 3


DE BRÚN, Laoise 2


MATTHEWS, Marcus 2

MCCARTHY, Aubrey 4

MULCAHY, John (Jack) 4



O'NEILL, Sadhbh 1

RUANE, Lynn 8

SMYTH, Ossian 2

ZAPPONE, Katherine 1

There were 3 non transferable ballots.

As no candidate has reached the quota at this count, the lowest candidate will be excluded and we will proceed to distribute the ballot papers of: Byrne, Derek


Updated Thursday 30 January 00:30 

The results of the first count of ballots for the constituency of the University of Dublin in the election to Seanad Éireann are as follows:

Total Poll: 17,821

Invalid Votes: 24

Valid Poll: 17,797

Number of seats: 3

Quota: 4,450


ALI O’SHEA, Abbas 55

BYRNE, Derek 87

BYRNE, Kevin 495

CHU, Hazel 1450

CLONAN, Tom 3473

DE BRÚN, Laoise 593

MACNEILL, Hugo 1684

MATTHEWS, Marcus 186

MCCARTHY, Aubrey 1814

MULCAHY, John (Jack) 140

MULVILLE, Paul 305


O'NEILL, Sadhbh 1085

RUANE, Lynn 3761

SMYTH, Ossian 1380

ZAPPONE, Katherine 950

As no candidate has reached the quota in this count, the lowest candidate will be excluded and we will proceed to distribute the ballot papers of: Abbas Ali O’Shea

The count  will resume at 9am on Thursday.


This is the last time Trinity graduates will elect senators to the University of Dublin constituency. From 2026, Irish citizens who have graduated from Trinity College Dublin, the National University of Ireland colleges, or other designated higher education institutions will elect six senators in the new Higher Education constituency.


Media Contact:

Catherine O’Mahony | Media Relations |