Trinity staff awarded for excellence in teaching

Posted on: 12 June 2023

The recipients of the Trinity Excellence in Teaching Awards & School Awards for Teaching Excellence were announced by Provost Linda Doyle at a ceremony in the Provost's House on Thursday 8th June 2023.

The Trinity Excellence in Teaching Awards recognise and celebrate those who have made an outstanding contribution in the pursuit of teaching excellence.

This year saw a change in how Trinity awards Teaching Excellence, with a new prestigious School-based Teaching Excellence Award. Earlier this year, Trinity students, staff and alumni had the opportunity to submit nominations, and panels were convened to select the winners.

Provost Linda Doyle said: “The Trinity Excellence in Teaching Awards recognise those who educate the minds of the future and push boundaries. The awardees are hugely dedicated to their teaching and show great care for their students. They are very inspiring as they constantly strive to do even better and are so innovative in their approach to teaching.”

This year’s awardees are:

Trinity Excellence in Teaching Awards

Dr Yvonne Lynch, School of Linguistic, Speech & Communication Sciences

Dr Brendan O'Connell, School of English

Dr Jonathan Dukes, School of Computer Science & Statistics

Dr Liam Kneafsey, School of Social Sciences & Philosophy


School Awards for Teaching Excellence

Prof Maeve Caldwell, School of Medicine

Dr Rebecca Carr, School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies

Prof Catherine Comiskey, School of Nursing & Midwifery

Dr Mauro Ferreira, School of Physics

Dr Breiffni Fitzgerald, School of Engineering

Dr Clare Kelly, School of Psychology

Dr Ewa Komorek, School of Law

Dr Miriam Logan, School of Mathematics

Dr Gerard McHugh, School of Business


Find out more about this year’s winners on the Centre for Academic Practice website.


Media Contact:

Joanne Carroll | Internal Communications Officer | | +353 86 136 8036