16% of students give CAO first preference to Trinity in 2023
Posted on: 09 March 2023
Trinity Vice-Provost Orla Sheils said: “We are delighted to see so many students selecting Trinity as first preference for their college experience. We have worked hard to ensure our students’ experience of college life is both challenging and fulfilling, notwithstanding the disturbances of recent years."
A total of 10,179 students, or 15.8% (14% in March 2022) of those who applied for Level 8 courses, picked Trinity College Dublin as their first choice of university in the 2023 CAO applications, according to preliminary data just released.
This represents a decline of 3.6% from March 2022 and comes as overall applications to the CAO increased marginally (0.2%) to 78,025.
Overall, 20,813 students applied to Trinity (-2.7%), representing 27 % (unchanged) of the total number of applications to CAO.
Trinity Vice-Provost Orla Sheils said:
“We are delighted to see so many students selecting Trinity as first preference for their college experience. We have worked hard to ensure our students’ experience of college life is both challenging and fulfilling, notwithstanding the disturbances of recent years. In that light it is particularly rewarding to see strong appetite to share our vibrant community.”
The number of students applying to Trinity from the 26 counties has decreased from 16,319 to 15,763 (-3%) while total applicants from Northern Ireland have decreased from 639 to 520 (-19%).
The number of British students has increased from 719 to 732 (+2%). The number of other EU students has increased from 3,306 to 3,476 (+5%).
Courses in Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences which have performed well include:
- Music (+21%) and Music Education (+27%),
- Drama Studies (+10%)
- Law with French and Law with German (+12%),
- Early and Modern Irish (+60%),
- History of Art & Architecture (+45%)
First preferences for the following Nursing programmes TR093 Adelaide School of Nursing and TR095 Mental Health Nursing have increased (+13% and 22% respectively).
There have been decreases in first preferences for most Business programmes (Global Business -3.5%, BESS -2%) except Business and Polish, which has increased (+100%, 5 to 10)
First preferences for Medicine and Dental Science have dropped (-5% and -13%) but have increased for other Health Science courses: Physiotherapy +2.38%, Occupational Therapy +2%, Radiation Therapy +6%, Human Health and Disease +9%.
First preferences for the Level 7 course Dental Technology have increased by 22%.
Media Contact:
Catherine O’Mahony | Media Relations | catherine.omahony@tcd.ie