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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Peatlands store twice as much carbon as all the world’s forests combined.
This is just one of the mindboggling facts about peatlands that students encounter in NatPro’s module on the bogs.

Our Location

‘MindBOGgling’ is a cross subject module designed to flexibly integrate into a school’s Transition Year Programme with options for interactive components in every session and workshop activities.

As part of the 'Unlocking Nature's Pharmacy' project, which focuses on studying the therapeutic and commercial potential of Irish bog plants, this module explores the importance of the boglands of Ireland in history and culture, industry and economy, environmental protection and in tourism and recreation. It looks at biodiversity through the lens of biodiscovery and the importance of natural sources as leads for drug development. Students are introduced to how novel drugs for human disease may be ‘unlocked’ from Irish biodiversity and potentially support transition to the bioeconomy.

Module Format

Programme Duration

The programme provides approximately 20 hours of classroom teaching content and resources. However, its modular structure means that you can pick and choose units to suit the time you have available. You can commence the programme at any time during the school year.

Module Components

Introduction to the boglands of Ireland; the boglands and environmental protection; introduction to drug discovery from nature; unlocking nature's pharmacy from bogland species; the NatPro research pipeline


The module is available to all secondary schools and teachers. Register your school's interest in the MindBOGgling programme by completing the FORM and we'll be in touch

Our Location

A special thank you to the Transition Year students of Sacred Heart School, Tullamore for inspiring us to name this module MindBOGgling while participating in a workshop with visiting NatPro researchers.

MindBOGgling Teaching Resources

For complete access to all the resources used in this module, please visit our resource page at the following link
Prior registration is required via the form linked above.