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MindBOGgling: Unearthing Ireland's Boglands' Secrets for Transition Year Students

TY Module Educates Transition Year Students on Vital Role of Boglands in Environmental Conservation and Health Research

8th December 2024

MindBOGgling, an educational program designed for secondary school students in Transition Year, highlights the significance of Ireland's boglands ecosystem in addressing global health and environmental challenges. Now in its third iteration, the program has successfully engaged over 4,000 students nationwide, with participation from 63 schools.

‘MindBOGgling' not only educates but also inspires action. For those interested in bringing this transformative educational experience to more students, contact NatPro at, or fill out this provided form for more

In a pioneering effort to build environmental consciousness and explore the untapped potential of Ireland's boglands, the "MindBOGgling" Transition Year module organised by NatPro, Trinity Centre for Natural Products Research, was introduced to secondary schools across the Republic of Ireland in September 2021. The module has been designed as part of the 'Unlocking Nature's Pharmacy from Bogland Species' project, which focuses on studying the therapeutic and commercial potential of Irish bog plants. This program aims to educate students about the important role bog ecosystems play in safeguarding the environment, as well as their significance in global health and their cultural importance in Ireland’s history.

Thanks so much for these amazing resources. As a geography teacher, I was incredibly disappointed and bemused when they removed the study of Irish bogs or the new Junior Cycle syllabus. We used to bring students to a bog which really brought the theory to life. It is a pity this cannot be undertook anymore. Nevertheless, with these new resources, at least the TY students can now learn the wonder of Irish bogs!.
Transition Year Teacher 2022-23.

The programme provides classroom teaching content and resources. Its modular structure means that teachers can select units to suit their schedule and can commence the programme at any time during the school year. The curriculum delves into the origins, formation, and global distribution of peatlands, emphasising their historical, cultural, and economic importance in Ireland.

The module also provides an immersive look into the scientific processes at NatPro labs at Trinity College Dublin, illustrating the journey from a bog plant to a refined plant extract and its subsequent chemical and biological evaluation towards their potential into novel bio-based products.

Building on the initial success, the 2022-2023 academic year sought to broaden the module's reach. Outreach efforts were made to all 728 post-primary schools in the Republic of Ireland aided by the Department of Education.

As the director of NatPro, I am heartened by the overwhelming response to the MindBOGgling program. Witnessing over 4,000 students across 63 schools embrace the rich heritage and potential of our native boglands reinforces the necessity of such educational initiatives. Our mission goes beyond academia, it's about instilling a sense of stewardship for our natural environment inthe next generation of scientists. The success of MindBOGgling is a testament to the power of education in fostering a generation equipped to tackle global health and environmental challenges with knowledge and passion.
Professor Helen Sheridan, Director, NatPro, Trinity Centre for Natural Products Research

Take part today

‘MindBOGgling' not only educates but also inspires action. For those interested in bringing this transformative educational experience to more students, contact NatPro at, or fill out this provided form for more