Research Seminars
2025 Seminars
Dr. Andrea Puhar:
Talk Title: Extracellular ATP signalling in the infected gut
Abstract: Extracellular ATP (eATP) is an endogenous danger signal that regulates sterile inflammation. We discovered that eATP is also important during infection, as intestinal epithelial cells secrete ATP as super-fast alert response against bacterial pathogens, which induces acute inflammation. Our recent work revealed the molecular mechanisms underlying epithelial ATP secretion, which depends on mechanosensation of bacterial entry via PIEZO1. Further, we recently discovered that, alike mammalian cells, non-pathogenic and pathogenic gut bacteria sense and respond to eATP.
Short Biosketch: I studied Biology at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, where I performed my MSc thesis on bioenergetics of Vibrio cholerae in the lab of Prof Peter Dimroth and Prof Julia Steuber, followed by a period as project assistant. For my PhD on bacterial protein toxins I moved to the lab of Prof Cesare Montecucco at the University of Padova, Italy. I performed a postdoc in the lab of Prof Philippe Sansonetti at Institut Pasteur in Paris, France, where I studied the immune response to infection and immune evasion mechanisms in the invasive gut pathogen Shigella flexneri. After a short period as visiting scientist in the lab of Dr Gernot Sellge at the University Hospital Aachen, Germany working on murine models of Clostridioides difficile infection, I started my group at The Laboratory for Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS) - The Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine at Umea University, Sweden. In November 2023, I relocated to The Wellcome-Wolfson Institute for Experimental Medicine (WWIEM) of Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom.
For more information about our work please follow the link:
Dr. Rebecca Corrigan:
Talk Title: Signalling nucleotides: essential molecules for bacterial growth and high-level antibiotic resistance
Bio: Dr Rebecca Corrigan is an Assistant Professor, Ad Astra Fellow and a Conway Fellow in the School of Medicine at UCD. She is a molecular microbiologist and her research interests include the study of the cell signalling, virulence and antibiotic resistance (AMR) mechanisms of the pathogenic bacterium Staphylococcus aureus.
Having graduated with a PhD from Trinity College Dublin, Rebecca did her postdoctoral training at Imperial College London, before being awarded a Wellcome Trust & Royal Society Sir Henry Dale Fellowship allowing her to establish her lab at the University of Sheffield in 2015. This award was renewed in 2019, when Rebecca was promoted to Senior Lecturer at the University of Sheffield. In 2018, she was also awarded a Lister Institute Research Fellowship and is currently working as part of a Wellcome Trust funded international collaboration on AMR. Rebeccca returned to Ireland in 2024 to take up a position in UCD.
Dr. Connor Bamford:
Talk Title: Embracing Diversity and (R)evolution at the Virus-Host Interface
Human and animal populations will continue to be vulnerable to severely damaging epidemics and pandemics of infectious diseases like those caused by viruses. As pathogenic obligate intracellular parasites, viruses exhibit intimate associations between their genomes and those of their hosts. Understanding this dynamic diversity in both host and viral systems should allow us to better prepare and protect our populations. Here, I will present work on two sides of evolution at the virus-host interface, with a focus on infections affecting mucosal and other barrier tissues. Firstly, I will present work pioneered through the pandemic on virus evolution and novel ways to track and trace such infections, including SARS-CoV-2 and avian influenza. Secondly, I outline work begun during my postdoc (and which my lab is currently working on) on the diversity and evolution of antiviral immune factors across animals, and how this information may have relevance to combating diseases. Finally, avenues of uniting virus and host evolution will be discussed.
Bio: Connor is currently a lecturer and group leader at Queen's University Belfast (QUB), School of Biological Sciences and Institute for Global Food Security. Receiving his PhD in 2014 on molecular virology of measles and mumps viruses, Connor has focused his research primarily on innate immunity to diverse RNA viral pathogens of humans and animals. Connor completed his post-doc working on hepatitis C virus (and related vector-borne interferons) and innate immunity at the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research, after which he was awarded a Wellcome-ISSF fellowship at QUB School of Medicine during the Covid-19 pandemic, before establishing his own group in 2023. Connor is a member of Virus Division (innate immunity) for Microbiology Society and an elected member of Young Academy Ireland, and has also won awards for his writing about viruses.
For more information about our work please follow these links:,,
Dr Conor Feehily:
Title: Strainspotting in the vaginal microbiome
Bio: Dr Feehily's PhD was obtained from University of Galway (NUI Galway) where he investigated the role of the glutamate decarboxylase system in stress response of Listeria monocytogenes under the supervision of Prof Conor O’Byrne. He then moved to University College Cork and APC Microbiome Ireland as a postdoctoral researcher to work with Prof Paul Cotter and Prof Paul Ross, searching for strains of Lactobacillus that could inhibit the pathogens involved in bacterial vaginosis. A subsequent funded postdoctoral fellowship saw him continue and extend this work at Teagasc and the APC and develop research into the role of the vaginal microbiome in preterm birth. He now teaches at University of Glasgow and the School of Infection and Immunity as a lecturer in Bacteriology.
Abstract: Within the vaginal microbiome, Lactobacillus species are important members that maintain health and prevent pathogen colonization. The depletion of these health-associated lactobacilli has consistently been linked to adverse gynaecologic and obstetric outcomes, including an increased risk of preterm birth (PTB). To date, much of our research in this area has relied on taxonomic surveys that compare communities at a genus and species level. While the protective role of Lactobacillus spp. is well recognized, the functional mechanisms driving strain-level variations and the impact of these on vaginal health remain underexplored. Using whole-genome sequencing and metagenomics, we recently identified strain-specific differences in the vaginal microbiome with potential implications for host-microbe interaction. Notably, we demonstrated that Lactobacillus jensenii strains isolated from vaginal swabs of preterm pregnancies Read More about Dr Conor Feehily
Prof Julia Frunzke, Forschungszentrum Jülich,Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf;
Phage-host Interactions: Warfare, Alliances, and Application
Venue & Time
New Lecture Room, Thursday 20th February 2025
Dr James Connolly, MRC Career Development Fellow and Principal Research Associate at Newcastle University’s Bioscience Institute
Regulatory flexibility as a driver of niche-specific Escherichia coli pathogenesis
Venue & Time
New Lecture Room, Thursday 13th February 2025
Bio: The overarching goal of our research is to uncover the mechanisms underlying how pathogenic Escherichia coli are capable of infecting different sites of the human body - such as the gut, urinary tract and bloodstream. Pathogenic strains of E. coli employ numerous virulence and fitness enhancing factors to achieve this. These factors are often encoded on horizontally acquired genomic islands and must be precisely regulated in response to host or microbiota-derived cues, given that they dictate the ability to colonise distinct body sites. In addition, virulence and fitness enhancing proteins that have unrelated functions can be co-ordinately regulated by single transcription factors to prioritise their timely expression and promote fitness within the host, Read More about Dr. James Connolly
Professor Dr Benno h. ter Kuile, Professor of Molecular Biology and Microbial Food Safety in the University of Amsterdam
Development of antimicrobial resistance. Mechanisms, pathways and driving forces.
Venue & Time
New Lecture Room, Thursday 23rd January 2025
Bio: Benno H Ter Kuile currently works at the Department of Molecular Biology and Microbial Food Safety, University of Amsterdam. Benno does research in Food Science and Microbiology, focusing on antimicrobial resistance in the food chain.
Abstract: The threat of antimicrobial resistance to public health is generally recognized. Resistance to antibiotics can develop de novo when bacteria are exposed to non-lethal concentrations of antimicrobials or exchange horizontally by transfer of resistance genes. Cells respond to antibiotics initially by adjusting cellular processes, followed by DNA mutations and genetic rearrangements to achieve full resistance. Resistance plasmids are being recombined and edited and can thereby adjust to the specific host and conditions, complicating monitoring and epidemiology. There is no single mechanism responsible for these adaptations. Highly adaptive cellular networks are involved and as a consequence bacteria can rapidly develop resistance against most antimicrobials. Recently the amplification of chromosomal fragments around resistance genes has been identified as additional mechanism for resistance evolution. For example, upon exposure E. coli to amoxicillin, a fragment around ampC was amplified up to 600 times. This fragment can transfer to susceptible cells and make these resistant as well. Comparable amplifications are observed for other drug-bug combinations as well. The initiation of amplification seems to depend on high expression of the gene, and is independent of the location within the chromosome. All different mechanisms for development of resistance have in common that exposure to non-lethal levels of antibiotics is the driving factor. Measures to counter development and spreading of resistance should concentrate on avoiding exposure to such constructions. For treatments the highest level the patient can endure for the shortest time that clear the infection, seems to be the optimal dosing strategy from this viewpoint.
2024 Seminars
Professor Jay Hinton, Institute of Infection, Veterinary and Ecological Sciences,University of Liverpool
How has Salmonella become so dangerous in Africa?
Venue & Time
Moyne Lecture Theatre, Monday 16th December 2024
Bio: Jay Hinton is the Professor of Microbial Pathogenesis at the University of Liverpool, UK. He did his first degree in Microbiology, when he was inspired to think genetically by Prof. George Salmond. After his PhD, he moved to the University of Oxford to work on the regulation of virulence gene expression in Salmonella, and subsequently moved to Norwich as Head of Molecular Microbiology at the UK’s Institute of Food Research.

Dr. Olga Bochkareva, The Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science (CeMESS), UniVienna, Austria
The Role of Structural Variants in Phenotypic Heterogeneity of Bacteria
Venue & Time
New Lecture Theatre, Thursday 28th November 2024
Professor David Lynn, Head of Strategic Partnerships and Professor of Systems Immunology at Flinders University Health & Medical Research Institute (FHMRI)
The role of the microbiota in regulating responses to immunisation and cancer immunotherapy
Venue & Time
Moyne Lecture Theatre, Monday 18th November 2024
Dr. Tim Golden, Director of Aseptics at AbbVie Westport
Aseptic Processing and Contamination Control in the Manufacture of Bio-pharmaceuticals
Venue & Time
Moyne Lecture Theatre, Thursday 7th November 2024
Assoc. Prof. David Harrich, Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Australia
Bio: David is a graduate of the University of California San Diego in biochemistry and cell biology (B.Sc) and of the University of California Los Angeles in Experimental Pathology focusing on HIV-1. His post-doctoral studies were at the University of Texas Southwestern (Dallas, Tx) were he was awarded an NIH Infection and Immunity Fellowship. He accepted a Lab Head position in the Sir Albert Sakzewski Virus Research Centre in Brisbane, Queensland Australia and then relocated to QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Brisbane in 2002. He was appointed a Group Leader in 2009. His interests include regulation of HIV-1 gene expression by Tat and TAR RNA, the role played by cellular factors in regulating retrovirus and paramyxovirus replication, and more recently on the development of antiviral agents derived from viral RNAs.
Harnessing defective interfering particles and lipid nanoparticles for effective delivery of an anti-dengue virus RNA therapy
Talk Description: Presently, no approved antiviral drug targets dengue virus (DENV) infection. Treatment mainly relies on supportive measures, while the efficacy of DENV vaccines varies based on factors like vaccine type, circulating DENV serotypes, and the vaccinated population. This research explores using defective interfering particles (DIPs) and lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) to deliver an anti-DENV defective interfering RNA, known as DI290.
Results showed that both DENV DIPs and DI290-loaded LNPs (LNP-290) effectively suppressed DENV infection in human primary monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs), THP-1 macrophages, and human fibroblasts, which are cell types naturally targeted by DENV. In addition to inhibiting DENV, DENV DIPs and LNP-DI290 also inhibit zika virus (ZIKV), yellow fever virus (YFV), Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in vitro. Furthermore, LNP-290 demonstrated approximately 98% inhibition of DENV-2 viral loads in IFNAR-deficient mice, which lack functional type I interferon (IFN) receptors, compared to control-treated IFNAR-deficient mice. DI290-mediated inhibition was also effective in IFN regulatory factor 3 and 7 double knockout mice, where viral titers in serum and spleen were undetectable, and no viral RNA was detected in spleen samples from treated mice.
Although DENV inhibits IFN responses, the data suggests that DI290 can activate IFN responses in DENV-2 infected IFNAR-deficient mice, resulting in complete suppression of DENV-2 replication. RNA-Seq data from LNP-290-treated C57BL/6J mice and IFNAR-deficient mice, and human primary MDMs treated with LNP-DI290 or DENV DIPs illustrated that DI290 treatment heightened IFN responses, particularly IFNγ, as well as IFNα/β and IFNλ. DI290 thus induces a broad range of IFN responses, with IFNγ and IFNλ providing antiviral activity when IFNα/β responses are absent.
Venue & Time
Moyne Lecture Theatre, Thursday 17th October at 1pm
Prof. Dr. Olga Kalinina, Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Centre for Infection Research, Saarland University
Overcoming antibacterial drug resistance with the discovery of novel biologically active molecules from natural product
Venue & Time
Moyne Lecture Theatre Thursday 4th April at 1pm
Dr. Andrew Mooney, Conservation and Research Officer at Dublin Zoo
Bio: Andrew is the Conservation and Research Officer at Dublin Zoo, where he is responsible for the management and strategic development of all conservation and research activities supported by Dublin Zoo. Andrew did his undergraduate in Zoology at TCD, which was followed by a PhD in Zoology, also at TCD, under the supervision of Prof. Yvonne Buckley. He is currently the Vice Chair of the BIAZA Research Committee, and is a member of the IUCN Animal Biobanking for Conservation Specialist Group.
Genetic Rescue - Realising the Conservation Potential of Biobanking
Talk Description: Recent technological advancements, in conjunction with global biobanking efforts, mean that a suite of genetic tools can now be deployed to restore genetic diversity, reverse global biodiversity loss and even result in species de-extinctions. Using examples from San Diego Zoo to Dublin Zoo, this seminar will explore the emerging science of genetic rescue, highlighting conservation successes to date, current obstacles facing conservation practitioners, and the future conservation potential of biobanking.
Venue & Time
Moyne Lecture Theatre Thursday 30th May at 1pm
Professor Tadhg Ó Cróinín from the School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science, UCD
Unwinding Campylobacter Virulence, Survival and AMR
Venue & Time
Moyne Lecture Theatre Thursday 25th April at 1pm
Dr. Eleanor A. Harrison, University of Sheffield
The role of mobile genetic elements and horizontal gene transfer in the rhizobia-legume symbiosis
Venue & Time
Moyne Lecture Theatre Thursday 29th February at 1pm
Dr. Michael Bottery, University of Manchester
The global emergence of antifungal resistance; inevitable or avoidable?
Venue & Time
Moyne Lecture Theatre Thursday 22nd February at 1pm
Professor Charles Van der Henst, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Regulation of the polysaccharide capsule in the WHO priority pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii
Venue & Time
Moyne Lecture Theatre Thursday 15th February at 1pm
2023 Seminars
Professor Beate Averhoff, University of Frankfurt
Acinetobacter baumannii an emerging pathogen: Adaptation to the human host and survival in clinical habitats
Venue & Time
Moyne Lecture Theatre Thursday 23rd November at 1pm
Professor Harmit Malik. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Evolutionary arms races between host and viral genomes
Venue & Time
Moyne Lecture Theatre Friday 20th October at 1pm
Professor Simon Heilbronner. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Staphylococcal Iron Acquisition at the Host Microbiome Interface
Venue & Time
Moyne Lecture Theatre Thursday 25th May at 4pm
2022 Seminars
Professor Ursula Bond, Microbiology, Trinity College Dublin
Packing a Punch: How the unique genomes of Saccharomyces pastorianus are designed for making beer
Venue & Time
Moyne Lecture Theatre, Tuesday 26th September, 1:00pm
The DU Microbiological Society as part of the Department of Microbiology Seminar Series
Professor Ian Henderson, The University of Queensland, Australia
Host lipids define niche-specific colonisation of Salmonella
Venue & Time
Moyne Lecture Theatre, Wednesday 22nd February, at 2pm
Marta Martins
2022 Seminars
Dr. Jake Baum, Professor and Head of School of Medical Sciences at UNSW, Sydney
Paratechnology: New tools for malaria control and eradication
Venue & Time
VIA Zoom, Tuesday 11th October at 9:30am - Zoom Link:
The DU Microbiological Society as part of the Department of Microbiology Seminar Series
Professor Syma Khalid, University of Oxford
Step towards computational Microbiology
Venue & Time
Via Zoom;
Meeting ID: 925 6641 4391 Passcode: 247349
Maire Ni Leathlobhair
Dr. John Lees, EMBL-EBI European Bioinformatics Institute
Bacterial population structure: defining it, visualising it, and using it (appropriately)
Venue & Time
Moyne Lecture Theatre, Thursday 24th March, 1:00pm (Save the date)
Maire Ni Leathlobhair
Professor Johannes Wagener, Consultant Microbiologist, St James's Hospital
Molecular aspects of defence against invasive aspergillosis
Abstract : The airborne opportunistic fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus causes severe systemic infections in immunocompromised patients. Multiple mechanisms contribute to the host’s defence against and successful treatment of invasive aspergillosis. We are interested in understanding the molecular aspects of the invasive infection and how antifungal treatments help to eliminate this pathogen from the host.
Venue & Time
Moyne Lecture Theatre, Thursday 3rd March, 1:00pm (Save the date)
Maire Ni Leathlobhair
2020 Seminars
Dr. John MacSharry, APC Microbiome Ireland, School of Medicine & Dept. of Microbiology, University College Cork
Aiming at Asthma, the immune microbiome dialogue
Biography: Dr John Mac Sharry is a Lecturer in Molecular Microbiology and Assistant director of the GEM programme with the School of Medicine with an affiliation to the Department of Microbiology, Univeristy College Cork. He graduated with a B.Sc. in Microbiology and a Ph.D. in Mucosal Immunology from University College Cork. John worked with Alimentary Health Ltd as Molecular Biology section head collaborating with several multinational research partners. In 2008 he joined the APC Host Response core as a Post-Doctoral researcher and collaborated on research with GlaxoSmithKline. His research interests are in host-microbe interactions with particular focus on the immune sampling and response in the gut and the lungs.
Venue & Time
Moyne Lecture Theatre, Thursday 30th January, 1:00pm
Sinead Corr
Professor Martin Cormican, NUI Galway
AMR and Salmonella
Venue & Time
Moyne Lecture Theatre, Thursday 23rd January, 1:00pm
Marta Martins