Professor Cyril Smyth
Fellow Emeritus, Microbiology
Email csmyth@tcd.ie Phone http://people.tcd.ie/csmythPublications and Further Research Outputs
- Smyth, D. S., Hartigan, P. J., Meaney, W. J., Fitzgerald, J. R., Deobald C. F., Bohach, G. A. & Smyth, C. J., Superantigen genes encoded by the egc cluster and SaPIbov are predominant among Staphylococcus aureus isolates from cows, goats, sheep, rabbits and poultry, Journal of Medical Microbiology, 54, 2005, p401 - 411Journal Article, 2005
- Carroll, I. M., Ahmed, N., Beesley, S. M., Khan, A. A, Ghousunnissa, S., O Moráin, C. A., Habibullah, C. M. & Smyth, C. J. , Microevolution between paired antral and paired antrum and corpus Helicobacter pylori isolates recovered from individual patients, Journal of Medical Microbiology, 53, 2004, p669 - 677Journal Article, 2004
- Smyth, D.S., Kennedy, J., Twohig, J., Miajlovic, H., Bolton, D.J., Smyth, C.J., Staphylococcus aureus isolates from Irish domestic refrigerators possess novel enterotoxin and enterotoxin-like genes and are clonal in nature, Journal of Food Protection, 69, (3), 2006, p508 - 515Journal Article, 2006
- Carroll, I. M., Ahmed, N., Beesley, S. M., Khan, A. A., Ghousunnissa, S., O Moráin, C. A. & Smyth, C. J., Fine-structure molecular typing of Irish Helicobacter pylori isolates and their genetic relatedness to strains from four different continents, Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 41, 2003, p5755 - 5759Journal Article, 2003
- Dore, N., Bennett, D., Kaliszer, M., Cafferkey, M. & Smyth, C.J., Molecular epidemiology of group B streptococci in Ireland: associations between serotype, invasive status and presence of genes encoding putative virulence factors, Epidemiology and Infection, 130, 2003, p823 - 833Journal Article, 2003
- Fitzgerald, J.R., Monday, S.R., Foster, T.J., Bohach, G.A., Hartigan, P.J., Meaney, W.J. & Smyth C.J., Characterization of a putative pathogenicity island from bovine Staphylococcus aureus encoding multiple superantigens, Journal of Bacteriology, 183, 2001, p63 - 70Journal Article, 2001
- Dundon, W.G., Marshall, D.G., O'Moráin, C.A. & Smyth, C.J., Population characteristics of Irish Helicobacter pylori isolates: a t-RNA-associated locus, Irish Journal of Medical Science , 169, 2000, p137 - 140Journal Article, 2000
- Fitzgerald, J.R., Hartigan, P.J., Meaney, W.J. & Smyth, C.J., Molecular population and virulence factor analysis of Staphylococcus aureus from bovine intramammary infection, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 88, 2000, p1028 - 1037Journal Article, 2000
- Dundon, W.G., Marshall, D.G., O Moráin, C.A. & Smyth, C.J., A novel tRNA-associated locus (trl) from Helicobacter pylori is co-transcribed with tRNAGly and reveals genetic diversity, Microbiology, 145, 1999, p1289 - 1298Journal Article, 1999
- Marshall, D.G., Hynes, S.O., Coleman, D.C., O Moráin, C.A., Smuth, C.J. & Moran, A.P., Lack of relationship between Lewis antigen expression and cagA, CagA, vacA and VacA status of Irish Helicobacter pylori isolates , FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, 34, 1999, p79 - 90Journal Article, 1999
- Marshall, D.G., Dundon, W.G., Beesley, S.M. & Smyth, C.J., Helicobacter pylori - a conundrum of genetic diversity, Microbiology, 144, 1998, p2925 - 2939Journal Article, 1998
- Fitzgerald, J. R., Meaney, W. J., Hartigan, P. J., Smyth, C. J. & Kapur, V., Fine-structure molecular epidemiological analysis of Staphylococcus aureus recovered from cows, Epidemiology and Infection, 119, 1997, p261 - 269Journal Article, 1997
- Marshall, D. G., Coleman, D. C., Sullivan, D. J., Xia, H., O Moráin, C. A. & Smyth, C.J., Genomic fingerprinting of clinical isolates of Helicobacter pylori using short oligonucleotide probes containing repetitive sequences, Journal of Applied Bacteriology, 81, 1996, p509 - 517Journal Article, 1996
- Smyth, C. J., Marron, M. B., Twohig, J. M. G. J. & Smith, S. G. J., Fimbrial adhesins: similarities and variations in structure and biogenesis, FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, 16, 1996, p127 - 139Journal Article, 1996
- Marshall, D. G., Chua, A., Keeling, P. W. N., Sullivan, D. J., Coleman, D. C. & Smyth, C. J., Molecular analysis of the Helicobacter pylori populations in antral biopsies from individual patients using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting, FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology , 10, 1995, p317 - 324Journal Article, 1995
- Marron, M. B. & Smyth, C. J., Molecular analysis of the cso operon of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli reveals that CsoA is the adhesin of CS1 fimbriae and that the accessory genes are interchangeable with those of the cfa operon, Microbiology, 141, 1995, p2849 - 2859Journal Article, 1995
- Xia, H. X., Windle, H. J., Marshall, D. G. , Smyth, C. J., Keane, C. T. & O Moráin, C. A., Recrudescence of Helicobacter pylori after apparently successful eradication: novel application of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting, Gut, 37, 1995, p30 - 34Journal Article, 1995
- Smyth, C. J., Smyth, D. S., Kennedy, J., Twohig, J. & Bolton, D., Staphylococcus aureus : From man or animals - an enterotoxin iceberg?, Food Pathogen Epidemiology: Microbes, Maladies and Methods, Proceedings of an International European Union Risk Analysis Information Network (EU-RAIN) Conference , Padua, Italy, 2-3 December 2004, edited by Maunsell, B, Sheridan, J. & Bolton, D. J. , (ISBN: 1 84170 374 0), Teagasc - The National Food Centre: Dublin , 2004, pp85 - 102Conference Paper, 2004
- Targeting and assembly of fimbriae in, editor(s)Phoenix, D.A. , Protein Targeting and Translocation, London, Portland Press, 1998, pp143 - 167, [Smyth, C.J., Smith, S.G.J. & Marron, M.B.]Book Chapter, 1998
- Fimbriae of Escherichia coli in, editor(s)Gyles, C.K. , Escherichia coli in Domestic Animals and Humans, Wallingford, U.K., CAB International, 1994, pp399 - 435, [Smyth, C. J., Marron, M. B. and Smith, S. G. J.]Book Chapter, 1994
- McCrae, M. A., Saunders, J. R., Smyth, C.J. and Stow, N. D., Eds., Molecular Aspects of Host-Pathogen Interactions, Symposium 55, Society for General Microbiology, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1997, 1-361ppBook, 1997
- Rochford, D. and Smyth, C. J., Adherence of Microbes in the Human Body, Trinity College Dublin Science, Dublin, University of Dublin Press, 1996, 22ppBook, 1996
- Collery, M., Smyth, C.J., Rapid differentiation of Staphylococcus aureus isolates harbouring egc loci with pseudogenes ent1 and ent2 and the selu or selu variant gene using PCR-RFLP, Journal of Medical Microbiology, 56, 2007, p208-216Journal Article, 2007
- Smyth, D.S., Meaney, W.J., Hartigan, P.J., Smyth, C.J., Occurrence of ssl genes in isolates of Staphylococcus aureus from animal infection, Journal of Medical Microbiology, 56, 2007, p418-425Journal Article, 2007
- Smyth, D.S., Hartigan, P.J., Meaney W.,J., Smyth, C.J., Molecular Genetic Typing of Staphylococcus aureus from Cows, Goats, Sheep, Rabbits and Chickens, Moorepark, Fermoy, Co. Cork, Ireland, Teagasc, December, 2006, (EOPR-5067)Report, 2006, URL
- Guinane, C.M., Sturdevant, D.E., Herron-Olson, L., Otto, M., Smyth, D.S., Villaruz, A.E., Kapur, V., Hartigan, P.J., Smyth, C.J., Fitzgerald, J.R., Pathogenomic analysis of the common bovine Staphylococcus aureus clone (ET3): emergence of a virulent subtype with potential risk to public health, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 197, 2008, p205 - 213Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Collery, M.M., Smyth, D.S., Twohig, J.M., Shore, A.C., Coleman, D.C., Smyth, C.J., Molecular typing of nasal carriage isolates of Staphylococcus aureus from an Irish university student population based on toxin gene PCR, agr locus types and multiple locus, variable number tandem repeat analysis, Journal of Medical Microbiology, 57, 2008, p348 - 358Journal Article, 2008
- Collery, M.M., Smyth, D.S., Tumilty, J.J.G., Twohig, J.M., Smyth, C.J., Associations between enterotoxin gene cluster types egc1, egc2 and egc3, agr types,enterotoxin and enterotoxin-like gene profiles, and molecular typing characteristics of human nasal carriage and animal isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, Journal of Medical Microbiology, 58, (1), 2009, p13 - 25Journal Article, 2009
- Smyth, D.S., Feil, E.J., Meaney, W.J., Hartigan, P.J., Tollersrud, T., Fitzgerald, J.R., Enright, M.C., Smyth C.J., Molecular genetic typing reveals further insights into the diversity of animal-associated Staphylococcus aureus, Journal of Medical Microbiology, 58, 2009, p1343-1353Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Mahon V, Smyth CJ, Smith SG, Mutagenesis of the Rns regulator of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli reveals roles for a linker sequence and twohelix-turn-helix motifs, Microbiology, 156, 2010, p2796 - 2806Journal Article, 2010
- Guinane, CM, Ben Zakour, NL, Tormo-Mas, MA, Weinert, LA, Lowder, BV, Cartwright, RA, Smyth, DS, Smyth, CJ, Lindsay, JA, Gould, KA, Witney, A, Hinds, J, Bollback, JP, Rambaut, A, Penades, JR, Fitzgerald, JR, Evolutionary Genomics of Staphylococcus aureus Reveals Insights into the Origin and Molecular Basis of Ruminant Host Adaptation, GENOME BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 2, 2010, p454-466Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- In Memoriam: Timothy Trevor West in, editor(s)Maura Lee West and Mary Leland , Trevor West: The Bold Collegian, Dublin, The Lilliput Press, 2016, pp37 - 46, [Cyril J Smyth]Book Chapter
- Collery, M.M., Tumilty, J.J.G., Twohig, J.M., Smyth, C.J., Occurrence of the selu gene in nasal carriage isolates of Staphylococcus aureus possessing the egc locus encoding enterotoxins and enterotoxin-like proteins, Mechanisms of Bacterial Adhesion and Invasion, Irish Branch Meeting of Society for General Microbiology, IMM, Trinity Centre, Dublin, Ireland, 27-28 April, 2006, 2006, p. 17, Abstract 6Meeting Abstract
- Collery, M.M., Smyth, D.S., Twohig, J.M., Al Mosaid, A., Coleman, D.C., Smyth, C.J., The dendogram challenge - A comparison of MLVA and RAPD typing of nasal isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus GBI 2006, Liverpool, England, 1-12 April 2006, 2006, p. 1, Abstract 1Meeting Abstract
- Collery, M.M., Smyth, D.S., Twohig, J.M., Al Mosaid, A., Coleman, D.C., Smyth, C.J., Incidence of staphylococcal enterotoxin genes among a healthy population - a cause for concern, The Science of Food: Safety and Nutrition, European Union Risk Analysis Information Network (EU-RAIN), Dublin, Ireland, 1-2 December 2005, edited by Maunsell, B., Pearce, R., & Bolton, D.J. , ISBN: 1 84170 440 7, Teagasc - Ashtown Food Research Centre, 2005, p. 110, Abstract P21Meeting Abstract
- Collery, M.M., Smyth, D.S., Twohig, J.M., Bolton, D.J., Smyth, C.J., Multi-locus variable number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) of nasal isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers (IMMEM7), Victoria, B.C., Canada, 11-14 May, 2005, edited by van Belkum, A., Fussing, V., Goering, R., Mulvey, M., Struelens, M, Tenover, F. , American Society for Microbiology, 2005, p. 61, Abstract 80BMeeting Abstract
- Smyth, D.S., Collery, M., Smyth, C.J., Finger lickin' good? - Genotypes of Staphylococcus aureus associated with broiler chickens, Food Pathogen Epidemiology: Microbes, Maladies and Methods, Padua, Italy, 1-4 December, 2004, edited by Maunsell, B., Sheridan, J., Bolton, D.J. , (ISBN: 1 84170 374 0), Teagasc - The National Food Centre, 2004, p. 148, Abstract P6Meeting Abstract
- Collery, M. M., Twohig, J. M., Shore, A. C., Coleman, D. C., Smyth, C. J., A PCR-based approach for identifying the animal origin of isolates of Staphylococcus aureus , 12th International Symposium on Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections (ISSSI), Maastricht, The Netherlands, 3-6 September, 2006, edited by Peters, G., Vaudaux, P., Verbrugh, H. , 2006, p. 100, Abstract P.042Meeting Abstract, URL
- Smyth, C.J., Review of The Comprehensive Sourcebook of Bacterial Protein Toxins, 3rd Edition, by Alouf, J.E., Popoff, M.R., eds. , Clinical Infectious Diseases, 43, (1 September), 2006, p668-669Review, URL
- Smyth, C.J., Review of Phagocytosis of Bacteria and Bacterial Pathogenicity, by Ernst, J.D. and Stendahl, O. (eds) , Microbiology Today, 34, (May), 2007Review, URL
- Smyth, C.J., Review of Manual of Microbiology Tools & Techniques, by Sharma, K. , Microbiology Today, 34, 2007Review, URL
- Smyth, C.J., Collery, M.M. , The enterotoxin gene cluster of Staphylococcus aureus - A possible origin of further variant enterotoxins in staphylococcal food poisoning, International Association for Food Protection 4th European Symposium on Food Safety, Lisbon, Portugal, 19-21 November 2008, (Abstract P50), 2008, pp27 - 28Meeting Abstract
- Smyth, C.J., Staphylococcus, International Association for Food Protection 4th European Symposium on Food Safety, Session 2, The thin line between microbiological quality and safety, Lisbon, Portugal, 19-21 November 2008, (Abstract), 2008, pp4Meeting Abstract
- Smyth, C.J., Review of The ELISA Guidebook, 2nd Edition, Methods in Molecular Biology, by John R Crowther , 2009Review, URL
- Smyth, C.J., Review of Phagocyte-Pathogen Interactions: Macrophages and the Host Responses to Infection, by D.G. Russell & S. Gordon, eds , 2010Review, URL
- Cyril J Smyth, The Liffey Swim 1920-1939: The First Thirty Years, 2012Review Article, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Cyril J Smyth, The Bulger Brothers of Kilrush and Trinity College Dublin, Meeting of Kilrush & District Historical Sciety, Vandeleur Walled Garden, Kilrush, Co. Clare, 27 October 2012, 2012Oral Presentation, TARA - Full Text
- Cyril J Smyth, Obituary: In Memoriam - Timothy Trevor West, 2012, - 1-7Miscellaneous, TARA - Full Text
- Cyril J Smyth, Percy Kirwan - Long Jumper, Triple Jumper and Olympic Judge, The Official Line, Winter 2013, (No. 5), 2013, p6 - 11Review Article, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Provost's Teaching Awards: Lifetime Achievement Award in Teaching, Trinity College Dublin 2008
- Bray Runners Athletic Club: Special Recognition Award for Dedication and Commitment to Bray Runners & Athletics in Co. Wicklow 2011
- Athletics Ireland Official of the Year 2021
- ENAS (European Network of Academic Sports Services ) Award to Trinity College Dublin for the Trinity Olympians Project, role in Trinity team - Researcher, Biographer, Designer 2012
- Award to mark 30 years as Hon President of DU Harriers and Athletic Club 2017
- Honorary President Dublin University Harriers & Athletic Club 1987 - 2013
- Athletic Association of Ireland Co. Wicklow: Outstanding Service Award 2012
- Irish Universities Athletic Association: Outstanding Service Award 2011
- Athletics Leinster - Outstanding Service Award to Athletics January 2013
- Honorary Knight of the Campanile for services to College Sport 1996
- American Society for Microbiology: Forty Year Membership Club 2011
- Honorary President Irish Universities Athletic Association 1996-1999
- Outstanding Contribution to Sport in Trinity College Dublin 2017
- Outstanding Contribution to Irish Universities Athletics 2017
- Fellowship of Trinity College Dublin 1986
- Member of the American Society for Microbiology 2024
- Member of the Society for Applied Microbiology 2024
- Member of the Society for General Microbiology 2024
- Joint Organiser of the Main Symposium and Joint Editor of the Symposium Volume of the Society for General Microbiology. Chairperson of one scientific session. Molecular Aspects of Host-Pathogen Interactions, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, March, 1997 1997
- Joint Organiser of the Second European Meeting on Pathogenesis and Host Responses in Helicobacter pylori infections, Galway, Ireland, March 1997. Chairperson of one scientific session 1997
- Irish Medicines Board Sub-Committee on the Availability of Intramammary Products for the Treatment of Bovine Mastitis Dec 1997-Sep 1999
- Extern Examiner M.Med.Sci. Laboratory Science, The Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland 1998-2002
- Extern Examiner for B.Sc. Modular Courses in Medical Microbiology, Microbial Growth and Physiology, Immunology and Microbial Genetics, University of North London 1994-1998