Professor Peter Owen

Fellow Emeritus

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Owen, P., and J. H. Freer, Factors influencing the activity of succinate dehydrogenase in membrane preparations from Micrococcus lysodeikticus, Biochemical Journal, 120, (2), 1970, p237 - 243Journal Article, 1970
  • McNiven, A. C., P. Owen, and J. P. Arbuthnott, Multiple forms of staphylococcal alpha-toxin, Journal of Medical Microbiology, 5, (1), 1972, p113 - 122Journal Article, 1972
  • Owen, P., The bacterial mesosome, University of Glasgow, 1972Thesis, 1972
  • Owen, P., and J. H. Freer, Isolation and properties of mesosomal membrane fractions from Micrococcus lysodeikticus, Biochemical Journal, 129, (4), 1972, p907 - 917Journal Article, 1972
  • Owen, P., and M. R. J. Salton, Isolation and characterization of a mannan from mesosomal membrane vesicles of Micrococcus lysodeikticus, Biochimica Biophysica Acta , 406, (2), 1975, p214 - 234Journal Article, 1975
  • Owen, P., and M. R. J. Salton, Distribution of enzymes involved in mannan synthesis in plasma membranes and mesosomal vesicles of Micrococcus lysodeikticus, Biochimica Biophysica Acta, 406, (2), 1975, p235 - 247Journal Article, 1975
  • Owen, P., and M. R. J. Salton, Use of the lectin concanavalin A in the preparation of mesosomal membrane fractions from Micrococcus lysodeikticus, Microbios, 13, 1975, p27 - 39Journal Article, 1975
  • Owen, P., and M. R. J. Salton, Antigenic and enzymatic architecture of Micrococcus lysodeikticus membranes established by crossed immunoelectrophoresis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA , 72, (9), 1976, p3711 - 3715Journal Article, 1976
  • Owen, P., and M. R. J. Salton, Submicrogram quantitation of an acidic polysaccharide by rocket immunoelectrophoresis and rocket affinoelectrophoresis, Analytical Biochemistry, 73, (1), 1976, p20 - 26Journal Article, 1976
  • Salton, M. R. J., and P. Owen, Bacterial membrane structure, Annual Reviews of Microbiology, 30, 1976, p451 - 482Journal Article, 1976
  • Oppenhiem, J. D, P. Owen, M. S. Nachbar, K. Colledge, and H. S. Kaplan, Identification and quantitation of solubilized I blood group substance by wheat germ agglutinin using quantitative immunoelectrophoresis, Immunological Communications, 6, (2), 1977, p167 - 181Journal Article, 1977
  • Owen, P., and M. R. J. Salton, Membrane asymmetry and expression of cell surface antigens of Micrococcus lysodeikticus established by crossed immunoelectrophoresis, Journal of Bacteriology, 132, (3), 1977, p974 - 985Journal Article, 1977
  • Owen, P., J. D. Oppenheim, M. S. Nachbar, and R. E. Kessler, The use of lectins in the quantitation and analysis of macromolecules by affinoelectrophoresis, Analytical Biochemistry, 80, (2), 1977, p446 - 457Journal Article, 1977
  • Owen, P., and H. R. Kaback, Molecular structure of membrane vesicles from Escherichia coli, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 75, (7), 1978, p3148 - 3152Journal Article, 1978
  • Smyth, C. J., J. Siegel, M. R. J. Salton, and P. Owen, Immunochemical analysis of inner and outer membranes of Escherichia coli by crossed immunoelectrophoresis, Journal of Bacteriology, 133, (1), 1978, p306 - 319Journal Article, 1978
  • Owen, P., and H. Doherty, Immunochemical analysis of Triton X-100-insoluble residues from Micrococcus lysodeikticus membranes, Journal of Bacteriology, 140, (3), 1979, p881 - 887Journal Article, 1979
  • Owen, P., and H. R. Kaback, Immunochemical analysis of membrane vesicles from Escherichia coli, Biochemistry, 18, (8), 1979, p1413 - 1422Journal Article, 1979
  • Owen, P., and H. R. Kaback, Antigenic architecture of membrane vesicles from Escherichia coli, Biochemistry, 18, (8), 1979, p1422 - 1426Journal Article, 1979
  • Owen, P., H. R. Kaback, and K. A. Graeme-Cook, Identification of antigen 19/27 as dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase and its probable involvement in ubiquinone-mediated NADH-dependent transport phenomena in membrane vesicles of Escherichia coli, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 7, 1980, p345 - 348Journal Article, 1980
  • Owen, P., G. J. Kaczorowski, and H. R. Kaback, Resolution and identification of iron-containing antigens in membrane vesicles from Escherichia coli, Biochemistry, 19, (3), 1980, p596 - 600Journal Article, 1980
  • Cammack, R., B. Crowe, and P. Owen, Characterization of succinate dehydrogenase from Micrococcus lysodeikticus, Biochemical Society Transactions, 10, 1982, p261 - 262Journal Article, 1982
  • Condon, C., and P. Owen, The succinate dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli: resolution as a major membrane-bound immunogen possessing covalently bound flavin, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 14, 1982, p217 - 221Journal Article, 1982
  • Condon, C., and P. Owen, Succinate dehydrogenase: a major cross-reacting antigen in the Enterobacteriaceae, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 15, 1982, p109 - 113Journal Article, 1982
  • Doherty, H. C. Condon, and P. Owen, Resolution and in vitro glycosylation of membrane glycoproteins in Micrococcus luteus (lysodeikticus), FEMS Microbiology Letters, 15, 1982, p331 - 336Journal Article, 1982
  • Owen, P., and C. Condon, The succinate dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli: subunit composition of the Triton X-100-solubilized antigen, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 14, 1982, p223 - 227Journal Article, 1982
  • Owen, P., and M. R. J. Salton, A succinylated mannan in the membrane system of Micrococcus lysodeikticus, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 63, (4), 1975, p875 - 880Journal Article, 1975
  • Crowe, B. A., and P. Owen, Immunochemical analysis of respiratory-chain components of Micrococcus luteus (lysodeikticus), Journal of Bacteriology, 153, (1), 1983, p498 - 505Journal Article, 1983
  • Crowe, B. A. and P. Owen, Molecular properties of succinate dehydrogenase isolated from Micrococcus luteus (lysodeikticus), Journal of Bacteriology, 153, (3), 1983, p1493 - 1501Journal Article, 1983
  • Crowe, B. A., P. Owen, and R. Cammack, Study of the respiratory chain of Micrococcus luteus (lysodeikticus) by electron-spin-resonance spectroscopy, European Journal of Biochemistry, 137, (1-2), 1983, p185 - 190Journal Article, 1983
  • Crowe, B. A., P. Owen, D. S. Patil, and R. Cammack, Characterization of succinate dehydrogenase from Micrococcus luteus (lysodeikticus) by electron-spin-resonance spectroscopy, European Journal of Biochemistry, 137, (1-2), 1983, p191 - 196Journal Article, 1983
  • Condon, C., R. Cammack, D. S. Patil, and P. Owen, The succinate dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli: Immunochemical resolution and biophysical characterization of a 4-subunit enzyme complex, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 260, (16), 1985, p9427 - 9434Journal Article, 1985
  • Doherty, H., H. Yamada, P. Caffrey, and P. Owen, Identification, immunochemical characterization and purification of a major lipoprotein antigen associated with the inner (cytoplasmic) membrane of Escherichia coli, Journal of Bacteriology, 166, (3), 1986, p1072 - 1082Journal Article, 1986
  • MacIntyre, S., T. McVeigh, and P. Owen, Immunochemical and biochemical analysis of the polyvalent Pseudomonas aeruginosa vaccine PEV, Infection and Immunity, 51, (2), 1986, p675 - 686Journal Article, 1986
  • MacIntyre, S., R. Lucken, and P. Owen, Smooth lipopolysaccharide is the major protective antigen for mice in the surface extract from IATS serotype 6 contributing to the polyvalent Pseudomonas aeruginosa vaccine PEV, Infection and Immunity, 52, (1), 1986, p76 - 84Journal Article, 1986
  • Owen, P., An improved procedure for polypeptide analysis of radiolabeled antigens resolved by crossed immunoelectrophoresis and its application to the study of inner and outer membranes of Escherichia coli, Electrophoresis, 7, (1), 1986, p19 - 28Journal Article, 1986
  • Owen, P., P. Caffrey, and L.-G. Josefsson, Identification and partial characterization of a novel bipartite protein antigen associated with the outer membrane of Escherichia coli, Journal of Bacteriology, 169, (8), 1987, p3770 - 3777Journal Article, 1987
  • Caffrey, P., and P. Owen, Purification and N-terminal sequence of the alpha-subunit of antigen 43, a unique protein complex associated with the outer membrane of Escherichia coli, Journal of Bacteriology, 171, (7), 1989, p3634 - 3640Journal Article, 1989
  • Knights, J. M., C. Adlam, and P. Owen, Characterization of envelope proteins from Pasteurella haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida, Journal of General Microbiology, 136, (3), 1990, p495 - 505Journal Article, 1990
  • Owen, P., The Gram-negative outer membrane: structure, biochemistry and vaccine potential, Biochemical Society Transactions, 20, 1992, p1 - 6Journal Article, 1992
  • Owen, P., M. Meehan, H. de Loughry-Doherty, and I. Henderson, Phase-variable outer membrane proteins in Escherichia coli, FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, 16, (2), 1996, p63 - 76Journal Article, 1996
  • Henderson, I. R., M. Meehan, and P. Owen, Antigen 43, a phase variable bipartite outer membrane protein, determines colony morphology and autoaggregation in Escherichia coli K-12, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 149, (1), 1997, p115 - 120Journal Article, 1997
  • Henderson, I., and P. Owen, The autoregulatory protein Mor and OxyR are identical, Microbiology, 143, (5), 1997, p1482-Journal Article, 1997
  • Henderson, I. R., M. Meehan, and P. Owen, A novel regulatory mechanism for a novel phase-variable outer membrane protein of Escherichia coli, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 412, 1997, p349 - 355Journal Article, 1997
  • Meehan, M., P. Nowlan, and P. Owen, Affinity purification and characterization of a fibrinogen-binding protein complex which protects mice against lethal challenge with Streptococcus equi subsp. equi, Microbiology, 144, (4), 1998, p993 - 1003Journal Article, 1998
  • Henderson, I. R., and P. Owen, The major phase-variable outer membrane protein of Escherichia coli structurally resembles the immunoglobulin A1 protease class of exported protein and is regulated by a novel mechanism involving Dam and OxyR, Journal of Bacteriology, 181, (7), 1999, p2132 - 2141Journal Article, 1999
  • Henderson, I. R., P. Owen, and J. P. Nataro, Molecular switches - the ON and OFF of bacterial phase variation, Molecular Microbiology, 33, (5), 1999, p919 - 932Journal Article, 1999
  • Meehan, M., D. A. Muldowney, N. J. Watkins, and P. Owen, Localization and characterization of the ligand-binding domain of the fibrinogen-binding protein (FgBP) of Streptococcus equi subsp. equi, Microbiology, 146, (1), 2000, p1187 - 1194Journal Article, 2000
  • Meehan, M., D. A. Muldowney, F. O'Meara, and P. Owen, Neither the A- nor B-repeat regions of the fibrinogen-binding protein of Streptococcus equi subsp. equi are essential for fibrinogen binding, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 190, (2), 2000, p317 - 321Journal Article, 2000
  • Roche, A. J., J. P. McFadden, and P. Owen, Antigen 43, the major phase-variable protein of the Escherichia coli outer membrane, can exist as a family of proteins encoded by multiple alleles, Microbiology, 147, (1), 2001, p161 - 169Journal Article, 2001, URL
  • Meehan, M., Y. Lynagh, C. Woods, and P. Owen, The fibrinogen-binding protein (FgBP) of Streptococcus equi subsp. equi additionally binds IgG and contributes to virulence in a mouse model, Microbiology, 147, (12), 2001, p3311 - 3322Journal Article, 2001, URL
  • Meehan, M., S. M. Kelly, N. C. Price, and P. Owen, The C-terminal portion of the fibrinogen-binding protein of Streptococcus equi subsp. equi contains extensive alpha-helical coiled-coil structure and contributes to thermal stability, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 206, (1), 2002, p81 - 86Journal Article, 2002, URL
  • Waldron, D. E., P. Owen, and C. J. Dorman, Competitive interaction of the OxyR DNA-binding protein and the Dam methylase at the antigen 43 gene regulatory region in Escherichia coli, Molecular Microbiology, 44, (2), 2002, p509 - 520Journal Article, 2002
  • Meehan, M and P. Owen, Subunit vaccine for Streptococcus equi, 1997, PCT/IE97/00046Patent, 1997
  • Davidson, A., J. L. Traub-Dargatz, R. Magnuson, A. Hill, V. Irwin, R. Newton, A. Waller, K. Smith, R. J. Callan, M. Meehan, P. Owen, and M. Salman, Lack of correlation between antibody titers to fibrinogen-binding protein of Streptococcus equi and persistent carriers of strangles, Journal of Veterinary and Diagnostic Investigation, 20, 2008, p457 - 462Journal Article, 2008
  • das Gracas de Luna, M., A. Scott-Tucker, M. Desvaux, P. Ferguson, N. P. Morin, E. G. Dudley, S. Turner, J. P. Nataro, P. Owen, and I. R. Henderson, The Escherichia coli biofilm-producing protein Antigen 43 does not contribute to intestinal colonization, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 284, 2008, p237 - 246Journal Article, 2008
  • Lewis, M. J., M. Meehan, P. Owen, and J. M. Woof, A common theme in interaction of bacterial immunoglobulin-binding proteins with immunoglobulins illustrated in the equine system, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283, (25), 2008, p17615 - 17623Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Mary Meehan, Melanie J. Lewis, Caroline Byrne, David O'Hare, Jenny M. Woof and Peter Owen, Localization of the equine IgG-binding domain in the fibrinogen-binding protein (FgBP) of Streptococcus equi subsp. equi, Microbiology, 155, (8), 2009, p2583 - 2592Journal Article, 2009
  • Owen, P., Bacterial cell membranes: structure, biochemistry and vaccine potential, Biochemistry Award Lecture, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 1990, Royal Irish Academy National Committee for Biochemistry, 1 - 80ppInvited Talk
  • Owen, P., Tumour-directed hybrid protein toxins: a review, Stockholm, Sweden, KabiVitrum AB, 1990Report
  • Immunology of the bacterial membrane in, Ghosh, B. K. , Organization of prokaryotic cell membranes, Vol.1, Boca Raton, Florida, CRC Press, Inc., 1981, pp73 - 164, [Owen, P]Book Chapter
  • Enzyme analysis by quantitative immunoelectrophoresis in, Salton, M. R. J. , Immunochemistry of enzymes and their antibodies, New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 1977, pp147 - 202, [Owen, P., and C. J. Smyth]Book Chapter
  • Bacterial membranes: preparative techniques and criteria of purity in, Hesketh, T. R., H. L. Kornberg, J. C. Metcalfe, D. H. Northcote, C. I. Pogson, and K. F. Tipton , Techniques in lipid and membrane biochemistry, pt. 1, vol. B4/1, Shannon, Ireland, Elsevier/North Holland Scientific Publishers Ltd., 1982, ppB407b/1 - B407b/69, [Owen, P., K. A. Graeme-Cook, B. A. Crowe, and C. Condon]Book Chapter
  • The topological arrangement of proteins in membranes determined by electroimmunochemical methods in, Bjerrum, O. J. , Electroimmunochemical analysis of membrane proteins, Amsterdam, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1983, pp55 - 76, [Owen, P.]Book Chapter
  • Antigens of the Escherichia coli cell envelope in, Bjerrum, O. J. , Electroimmunochemical analysis of membrane proteins, Amsterdam, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1983, pp347 - 373, [Owen, P.]Book Chapter
  • ESR spectroscopic studies of succinate dehydrogenase and fumarate reductase from Escherichia coli in, Bray, R. C., P. C. Engel, and S. G. Mayhew , Flavins and flavoproteins, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1984, pp551 - 554, [Cammack, R., D. S. Patil, C. Condon, P. Owen, S. T. Cole, and J. H. Weiner]Book Chapter
  • Crossed immunoelectrophoresis in the study of outer membrane antigens in, Korhonen, T. K., E. A. Dawes, and P. H. Makela , Enterobacterial surface antigens: methods for molecular characterisation, Amsterdam, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., 1985, pp207 - 242, [Owen, P.]Book Chapter
  • Western immunoblotting in, Owen, P., and T. J. Foster , Immunochemical and molecular genetic analysis of bacterial pathogens, Amsterdam, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., 1988, pp255 - 266, [Caffrey, P., T. McVeigh, and P. Owen]Book Chapter
  • Surface antigens of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: analysis by crossed immunoelectrophoresis and role in protection in, Owen, P., and T. J. Foster , Immunochemical and molecular genetic analysis of bacterial pathogens, Amsterdam, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., 1988, pp133 - 146, [MacIntyre, S., T. McVeigh, and P. Owen]Book Chapter
  • Silver staining of proteins and lipopolysaccharides in SDS-polyacrylamide gels in, Owen, P., and T. J. Foster , Immunochemical and molecular genetic analysis of bacterial pathogens, Amsterdam, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., 1988, pp267 - 279, [McVeigh, T., P. Caffrey, and P. Owen]Book Chapter
  • Outer membrane proteins: their role in virulence in, Owen, P., and T. J. Foster , Immunochemical and molecular genetic analysis of bacterial pathogens, Amsterdam, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., 1988, pp27 - 43, [Owen, P.]Book Chapter
  • Crossed immunoelectrophoresis: a literature guide in, Owen, P., and T. J. Foster , Immunochemical and molecular genetic analysis of bacterial pathogens, Amsterdam, Owen, P., and T. J. Foster, 1988, pp245 - 254, [Owen, P.]Book Chapter
  • Outer membrane proteins: old and new in, Ron, E. Z., and S. Rottem , Microbial surface components and toxins in relation to pathogenesis, New York, Plenum Press, 1991, pp127 - 139, [Owen, P., P. Caffrey, L.-G. Josefsson, and M. Meehan]Book Chapter
  • Immunochemistry of bacterial antigens in, van Os, C. J., and M. H. V. van Regenmortel , Immunochemistry, New York, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1994, pp393 - 453, [Owen, P., and M. Meehan]Book Chapter
  • Owen, P., and T. J. Foster, Immunochemical and molecular genetic analysis of bacterial pathogens, Amsterdam, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., 1988, 1 - 342ppBook
  • Owen, P., Crossed immunoelectrophoresis in the study of outer membrane antigens - a FEMS Workshop Laboratory Manual, 1984, - 1-34Miscellaneous
  • Owen, P., Immunochemical analysis of bacterial envelopes - a Laboratory Manual for FEMS/SGM Workshop, 1986, - C1-C26Miscellaneous
  • Smyth, C. J., and P. Owen, Review of Quantitative immunoelectrophoresis: new developments and applications, by Axelsen, N. N. , American Society for Microbiology News, 1975Review
  • Owen, P., Review of Immunoelectrophoresis: theory, methods, identification, interpretation, by Arquembourg, P. C. , American Society for Microbiology News, 1975Review
  • Owen, P., Review of Bacterial protein toxins, by Alouf, J. F., F. J. Fehrenbach, J. H. Freer, and J. Jeljaszewicz , Society for General Microbiology Quarterly, 1984Review
  • Owen, P., Review of Current communications in membranes and transport (vol. 23) Genes and membranes: transport proteins and receptors, by Adelberg, E. A., C. W. Slaymen, J. F. Hoffman, and G. Giebrisch , Society for General Microbiology Quarterly, 1985Review
  • Owen, P., Review of Current communications in molecular biology. Protein transport and secretion, by Gething, M.-J. , Society for General Microbiology Quarterly, 1985Review
  • Owen., P., Review of Membrane proteins: structure, function, assembly. Nobel Symposium 66, by Rydstrom, J. , Society for General Microbiology Quarterly, 1988Review
  • Owen, P. , Review of Bacterial cell surface techniques, by Hancock, I. C., and I. R. Poxton , Journal of Applied Bacteriology, 1988Review
  • Owen, P. , Review of Bacterial cell surface techniques, by Hancock, I. C., and I. R. Poxton , Disease Markers, 1988Review
  • Owen, P., FEMS/SGM Laboratory Course: Immunological and Molecular Genetic Analysis of Bacterial Pathogens and their Virulence Determinants, 1986, Trinity College Dublin, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.,1988, FEMS Symposium No 40, 1-342Meetings /Conferences Organised
  • Owen, P., and J. H. Freer, Factors influencing the activity of succinate dehydrogenase in membrane preparations from Micrococcus lysodeikticus, Journal of General Microbiology, 57th Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Norwich, UK, 1970, 60, 1970, ppxi - xiiConference Paper
  • Freer J. H., and P. Owen, P., Mesosomal membranes of Micrococcus lysodeikticus, 4th International Congress of Bacteriology, Jerusalem, 1973, pp1 - 1Conference Paper
  • Owen, P., and M. R. J. Salton, Mannose-polymers in the membrane fractions isolated from Micrococcus lysodeikticus, 74th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, 1974, ppP80Conference Paper
  • Owen, P., and M. R. J. Salton, Some properties of a mannan isolated from the mesosome of Micrococcus lysodeikticus, 75th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, 1975, ppK127Conference Paper
  • Owen, P., and M. R. J. Salton, Membrane architecture established by crossed immunoelectrophoresis, Proceedings of the Society for General Microbiology, 75th Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Reading, UK, 3, 1975, pp61Conference Paper
  • Smyth, C. J., and P. Owen, The architecture of E. coli membranes established by crossed immunoelectrophoresis, Pan American Society Biochemical Society Symposium on "Structure and function of biological membranes", Banff, Alberta, 1976Conference Paper
  • Smyth, C. J., P. Owen, and M. R. J. Salton, Immunochemical analysis of inner and outer membranes of E. coli K12 using crossed immunoelectrophoresis, 8th Meeting of the North West European Microbiology Group, Helsinki, 1976, pp156Conference Paper
  • Kaback, H. R., and P. Owen, Immunochemical analysis of membrane vesicles from Escherichia coli ML308-225, Proceedings of the Society for General Microbiology, 82nd Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Southampton, UK, 5, 1978, pp51 (G19)Conference Paper
  • Owen, P., and H. R. Kaback, The molecular architecture of membrane vesicles from Escherichia coli ML308-225 established by crossed immunoelectrophoresis, Proceedings of the Society for General Microbiology, 82nd Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Southampton, UK, 5, 1978, pp51-52 (G20)Conference Paper
  • Owen, P., and H. R. Kaback, Molecular structure of membrane vesicles from E. coli, Frontiers of biological energetics; electrons and tissues , Johnson Foundation (in celebration of 65th birthday of Britton Chance), 1978Conference Paper
  • Owen, P., and H. R. Kaback, Molecular architecture of membrane vesicles from Escherichia coli, 11th International Congress of Biochemistry, Toronto, 1979Conference Paper
  • Graeme-Cook, K., T. J. Foster, and P. Owen, Tetracycline uptake in Escherichia coli, Society for General Microbiology Quarterly, 85th Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Cambridge, UK, 6, 1979, pp82 (G28)Conference Paper
  • Owen, P., and H. R. Kaback, Resolution and properties of the membrane-bound NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli, Society for General Microbiology Quarterly, 86th Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Dublin, Ireland, 6, 1979, pp165-166 (G58)Conference Paper
  • Crowe, B. A., and P. Owen, Analysis of iron-containing membrane antigens of Micrococcus lysodeikticus, Society for General Microbiology Quarterly, 88th Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Cambridge, UK, 7, 1980, pp72 (G1)Conference Paper
  • Owen, P., Protein-protein interactions in bacterial envelopes investigated by high-resolution immunological procedures, FEMS Symposium on "Microbial envelopes", Saimaanranta, Finland, 1980, pp72Conference Paper
  • Owen, P., A novel protein antigen in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli, Society for General Microbiology Quarterly, 91st Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Cambridge, UK, 8, 1981, pp115 (G44)Conference Paper
  • Doherty, H., C. Condon, and P. Owen, Characterization and biosynthesis of a membrane-bound glycoprotein in Micrococcus lysodeikticus, Society for General Microbiology Quarterly, 91st Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Cambridge, UK, 8, 1981, pp115 (G45)Conference Paper
  • Condon, C., and P. Owen, Characterization of succinate dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli, Society for General Microbiology Quarterly, 91st Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Cambridge, UK, 8, 1981, pp116 (G46)Conference Paper
  • Crowe, B. A., P. Owen, and R. Cammack, Characterization of the succinate dehydrogenase from Micrococcus lysodeikticus by ESR spectroscopy, Society for General Microbiology Quarterly, 94th Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Cambridge, UK, 9, 1982, (P3)Conference Paper
  • Crowe, B. A., and P. Owen, Molecular properties of the succinate dehydrogenase complex from Micrococcus lysodeikticus, Society for General Microbiology Quarterly, 94th Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Cambridge, UK, 9, 1982, (P4)Conference Paper
  • Cammack, R., B. Crowe, and P. Owen, Characterization of the succinate dehydrogenase from Micrococcus lysodeikticus, 599th Meeting of the Biochemical Society, 1982Conference Paper
  • Condon, C., J. R. Guest, and P. Owen, The succinate dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli, XIII International Congress of Microbiology, Boston, Mass., 1982, pp126 (P44:6)Conference Paper
  • Owen, P., Antigenic and biochemical architecture of bacterial membranes, 15th FEBS Meeting, Brussels, 1983, pp25Conference Paper
  • Cammack, R., C. Condon, B. A. Crowe, and P. Owen, Biochemical and biophysical analyses of succinate dehydrogenase from Micrococcus luteus and Escherichia coli, Canadian Biochemical Society Symposium on "Molecular aspects of membrane structure and function", Banff, Alberta, 1984, (T24)Conference Paper
  • Cammack, R., D. S. Patil, C. Condon, P. Owen, S. T. Cole, and J. H. Weiner, ESR spectroscopic studies of succinate dehydrogenase and fumarate reductase from Escherichia coli, Flavins and flavoproteins, Brighton, UK, 1984Conference Paper
  • Condon, C., P. Owen, D. S. Patil, and R. Cammack, Immunopurification, biochemical analysis and ESR spectroscopy of succinate dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli, 609th Meeting of the Biochemical Society, Leeds, UK, 1984Conference Paper
  • MacIntyre, S., R. Lucken, J. Beale, and P. Owen, Identification of a major protective component in Pseudomonas aeruginosa vaccine, PEV, 100th Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Warwick, UK, 1984, ppM20 (P92)Conference Paper
  • MacIntyre, S., R. N. Lucken, and P. Owen., Protective antigens of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa vaccine, PEV, Lunteren Lectures in Molecular Genetics, 1984, pp30Conference Paper
  • Doherty, H., H. Yamada, and P. Owen, Characterization of a major lipoprotein antigen in the inner membrane of Escherichia coli, 103rd Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Warwick, UK, 1985, ppM17 (P19)Conference Paper
  • Caffrey, P., and P. Owen, Characterization of a novel bipartite protein antigen in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli, 103rd Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Warwick, UK, 1985, ppM17 (P20)Conference Paper
  • McVeigh, T., S. MacIntyre, R. Lucken, and P. Owen, Protective antigens in the polyvalent Pseudomonas vaccine PEV, 103rd Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Warwick, UK, 1985, ppM19 (P33)Conference Paper
  • Owen, P., Crossed immunoelectrophoresis. Its application to the study of bacterial membranes, Spring Meeting of the British Electrophoresis Society, Bournemouth, UK, 1985, pp4Conference Paper
  • Caffrey, P., and P. Owen, Characterization of a novel bipartite protein antigen associated with the outer membrane of Escherichia coli, 86th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Washigton, DC, 1986, pp195 (K10)Conference Paper
  • McVeigh, T., S. MacIntyre, R. Lucken, and P. Owen, Lipopolysaccharide is a major protective antigen in the polyvalent pseudomonas vaccine PEV, Journal of Immunology and Immunopharmacology, Endotoxins: structural aspects and immunobiology of host responses, Riva del Sole, Italy, 6, (Suppl. 3), 1986, pp267Conference Paper
  • Caffrey, P., and P. Owen, A unique protein complex in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli ML308-225, XIV International Congress of Microbiology, Manchester, UK, 1986, pp119 (P.B23-18)Conference Paper
  • Owen, P. , Electroimmunochemical method for the analysis of cell surface antigens, FEMS/SGM Lab. Course on "Immunochemical and molecular genetic analysis of bacterial pathogens and their virulence determinants, Dublin, Ireland, 1986, ppL13Conference Paper
  • Owen, P. , Electroimmunochemical analysis applied to the analysis of Pseudomonas cell surface antigens, FEMS/SGM Lab. Course on "Immunochemical and molecular genetic analysis of bacterial pathogens and their virulence determinants", Dublin, Ireland, 1986, ppL17Conference Paper
  • Caffrey, P., and P. Owen, A major new protein antigen in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli, Bacterial cell surfaces in bioscience, Ito, Japan, 1987, pp155Conference Paper
  • Owen, P., Outer membrane proteins: their role in virulence, FEMS Workshop on "Microbial surface components and toxins in relation to pathogenesis", Mitzpeh Rachel, Israel, 1989, pp16Conference Paper
  • Meehan, M., P. Caffrey, and P. Owen, Phase variation of an outer membrane protein of Escherichia coli, 119th Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Edinburgh, UK, 1991, pp45 (P8)Conference Paper
  • McClean, K., and P. Owen, Enterocoliticin: a bacteriocin from Yersinia enterocolitica, 119th Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Edinburgh, UK, 1991, pp51 (P22)Conference Paper
  • Owen, P., Heterooligomeric outer membrane protein antigens, 123rd Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Dublin, Ireland, 1992, pp30Conference Paper
  • Meehan, M., H. Doherty, and P. Owen, Immunological studies of a bipartite outer membrane protein in Escherichia coli, 123rd Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Dublin, Ireland, 1992, pp62 (P51)Conference Paper
  • McClean, K., and Owen, P., Characterization of enterocoliticin: a bacteriocin from Yersinia enterocolitica, 123rd Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Dublin, Ireland, 1992, pp63 (P52)Conference Paper
  • Henderson, I., M. Meehan, and P. Owen, Proteolytic studies on antigen 43 - a bipartite outer membrane protein of Escherichia coli, 129th Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 1994, pp52 (P50)Conference Paper
  • Henderson, I. R., and P. Owen, Dam methylation affects expression of antigen 43 in Escherichia coli, Irish Branch Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Jordanstown, N. Ireland, 1994, (P11)Conference Paper
  • Henderson, I. R., M. C. Meehan, and P. Owen, A novel regulatory mechanism for a novel phase-variable outer membrane protein of Escherichia coli, 1st International Rushmore Conference on "Mechanisms in the pathogenesis of enteric diseases" , Rapid City, S. Dakota, 1995, pp31Conference Paper
  • Henderson, I., and P. Owen, Cloning and sequencing of the gene encoding a phase-variable outer membrane protein from Escherichia coli, Irish Branch Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Galway, Ireland, 1996, pp13Conference Paper
  • Owen, P., M. Meehan, H. Doherty, and I. Henderson, Phase-variable outer-membrane proteins in Escherichia coli, Irish Branch Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Galway, Ireland, 1996, pp1-2Conference Paper
  • Henderson, I., and P. Owen, OxyR - a methylation blocking factor in Escherichia coli, Symposium of the Irish Brach of the Society for General Microbiology, Dublin, Ireland, 1996, pp12Conference Paper
  • Henderson, I. R., and P. Owen, Phase variation of outer membrane proteins in Escherichia coli - evidence for transcriptional regulation by deoxyadenosine methylase and OxyR, 97th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Miami Beech, Florida, 1997, pp80 (B303)Conference Paper
  • Meehan, M., P. Nowlan, and P. Owen, Characterisation of a protective, fibrinogen-binding protein from Streptococcus equi, Irish Branch Symposium for the Society for General Microbiology, Dublin, Ireland, 1998, pp13Conference Paper
  • Meehan, M., P. Nowlan, and P. Owen, A protective fibrinogen-binding protein of Streptococcus equi, 140th Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Nottingham, UK, 1998, pp74 (P24)Conference Paper
  • Meehan, M., D. Muldowney, and P. Owen, Localisation of the ligand-binding domain in the fibrinogen-binding protein from Streptococcus equi, 142nd Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Warwick, UK, 1999, pp62 (P11)Conference Paper
  • Roche, A. J., and P. Owen, Some Escherichia coli strains possess multiple copies of agn43 - the gene encoding a major phase variable outer membrane protein, 142nd Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Warwick, UK, 1999, pp63 (P14)Conference Paper
  • Roche, A. J., and P. Owen, In contrast to Escherichia coli K12, E. coli ML308-225 possesses two copies of agn43 - the gene encoding a major phase variable outer membrane protein, IUMS International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology and Mycology, Sydney, Australia, 1999, pp56 (BP01.07)Conference Paper


  • Royal Irish Academy Biochemistry Award Medal for Outstanding Biochemical Research In Ireland 1990
  • Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 1980
  • Society for General Microbiology (SGM) 2005
  • American Society for Microbiology (ASM) 2005