Postgraduate training in this department is by research.
We have no taught Master’s programme. If you wish to do a PhD in this department you must in the first instance identify a supervisor who is willing to take you on. Please do this by making email contact with the supervisor you wish to work under.
Details of research projects are available from individual members of the academic staff. Postgraduate students are placed initially on the MSc register. Progress in the postgraduate education programme is monitored by a system of thesis committees, with students submitting progress reports and meeting their committee every six months. Applications for transfer to the PhD register are normally considered after the student has spent eighteen months in the programme. Postgraduate students are required to present seminars as part of their assessment and to attend presentations in the Department's seminar programme. They are also encouraged strongly to attend scientific conferences both in this country and overseas.
Specialising in Microbiology during my degree was an interesting and rewarding experience. The atmosphere in the department is friendly, and the lecturers were knowledgeable and approachable. The 9-week research project gave me invaluable research experience in the laboratory. Employers appreciate the varied and challenging nature of the course, as it gives students a good grounding in many aspects of the industrially-relevant subject of Microbiology. I subsequently undertook a PhD in the Yeast Chromatin Research Group in the School of Microbiology and Genetics and worked as a Technical Support Scientist at Abbott Diagnostics Division in Longford, Ireland. I am currently working as a research scientist at the Stowers Research Institute in Kansas, USA.
Graduate 2009