The Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Molecular Microbiology is a full-time research-based postgraduate course.

Students undertake a year-long research project under the guidance of an internationally-recognised researcher in the Department of Microbiology at Trinity College Dublin.

About Microbiology

The goal of this course is to prepare graduates for a future career in academic or industrial research. Graduates will obtain advanced technical skills, gain a working knowledge in experimental design research planning and data analysis, and acquire experience in communication, presentation and report writing.

Who is eligible to apply?

Graduates who hold, or expect to obtain, a Bachelor’s degree in the Life Sciences, 2.1 or equivalent, are eligible to apply. Previous laboratory experience is desirable.


  • Engage in full-time research in Microbiology
  • Discuss their research regularly with their supervisor
  • Contribute reports and presentations
  • Participate in research seminars and symposia
  • Complete specialist modules on ‘Infection Biology’ and ‘Research Integrity and Impact’.
  • Prepare a dissertation

What projects are available for 2025-26?

Research projects in Molecular Microbiology are offered on the following topics with a start date in September of each year.

1. Investigating chromatin-mediated regulation of gene transcription using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism.

Supervisor: Dr Alastair Fleming Email:

In eukaryotic cells, DNA is tightly associated with histone proteins in a structure known as ‘ chromatin '. This structure is considered repressive to processes such as DNA damage repair, recombination, replication and transcription. This research will investigate how this chromatin barrier can be overcome, or ‘remodelled’, by mechanisms including; (i) sliding or removing histone proteins via so-called chromatin remodelling machines such as the Swi-Snf complex, or (ii) via the post-translational modification of the histones. Understanding these mechanisms in yeast will help delineate the role of these evolutionary conserved processes in human cells, where defective chromatin remodelling has been associated with diseases such as cancer.

Please see the Fleming research group website for further details: 


2. Understanding resistance to biocides and antibiotics in clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae - how to treat an ESKAPE pathogen

Supervisor: Dr. Marta Martins Email:

Klebsiella pneumoniae is responsible for a wide range of infections that include bacteremia, pneumonia, etc. K. pneumoniae has become increasingly resistant to antibiotics due to the production of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) with devastating outcomes. Contributing to the difficulty in treating infections caused by this pathogen is its ability to form biofilms on medical devices and to develop resistance to biocides. However, there is still a lack of understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the development of this type of resistance. This research will investigate the development of resistance to biocides and possible cross-resistance to antibiotics in clinical isolates of K. pneumoniae with the aim to uncover new therapeutic synergies to treat these infections.

Please see the Martins research group website for further details: 

Antimicrobial Resistance and Host Modulation

3. Further details to follow for Dr. Kroger (

Please see the Kroger research group website for further details: 

Functional Genomics of Pathogenic Bacteria

4. Further details to follow for Dr. Ní Leathlobhair (

Please see the Ní Leathlobhair research group website for further details: 

Computational Genomics

What is the fee?

Information about postgraduate fees for EU and non-EU student applicants to the M.Sc. in Science (F/T) can be found at

(Please note that values are course specific and may vary)

How do I apply?

In the first instance send an email to the project supervisor named above with a copy of your CV. Short-listed candidates will be invited to the next stage of the application process.


What the students say about our Masters...

The one-year MSc. in Molecular Microbiology has given me the opportunity to hone my skills in the lab and has prepared me for the rigours of undertaking PhD research. The experience has been particularly relevant to the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic; I believe it has given me the experimental and theoretical competencies necessary for working in public health.

Fergal Hamrock (2019-2020)

Kroger Lab

I loved my time in the lab and the opportunity to work alongside fellow researchers. The research was tailored to what I found interesting and enabled me to guide myself through the project with constant reassurance and assistance from my supervisor. The skills I learnt during the masters both professionally and personally has set me up well for my future career.

Nicole Byrne (2020 - 2021)

Fleming Lab

The Moyne Institute of Preventative Medicine provides a bright, uplifting atmosphere to work in and this MSc. course has given me the opportunity to take responsibility for my own learning whilst still having guidance and support during my projects. It builds on my own initiative as well as developing my troubleshooting and problem-solving skills. As a starting researcher you can bring new ideas to life and learn to challenge your own thinking.

Amy-Jayne McDonnell (2020 - 2022)

Martins Lab