Otway-Ruthven Research Library

Members of the Medieval History Research Centre enjoy access to the Otway-Ruthven Research Library located at the MHRC rooms, Phoenix House, South Leinster Street. The library boasts an extensive collection of rare editions of original sources, specialist books and journals, and microfilms of medieval manuscripts from TNA, PRONI (Armagh Registers) and NAI (Lynch).
At the core of the Library are the ex libris volumes of Professor Otway-Ruthven, who as a member of the Irish Manuscripts Commission had a complete set of the Commissions publications from the 1930s onwards. More recently the Library has received valuable donations of specialist books as bequests of Dr Philomena Connolly and Professor James Lydon.
New volumes are added the Library on an annual basis with a budget provided by the Trinity Booksale Fund.