Trinity Medieval Ireland Symposium (TMIS)
The crowning of a Scotsman as the last High King of Ireland was marked at a major international conference commemorating the 700th anniversary of the Bruce Invasion of Ireland, which was opened by the Provost, Dr Patrick Prendergast, on Friday 18 September 2015.
Free and open to the public, the two-day conference was organized by the Trinity Medieval History Research Centre in partnership with the Ulster-Scots Agency and the Ministerial Advisory Council on the Ulster Scots Academy. The full programme for TMIS2 is available here.
This was the second Medieval Ireland Symposium to be held in Trinity – a series that seeks to make cutting-edge historical scholarship accessible to all people and promote a wider public understanding and enjoyment of medieval Irish history. The keynote lecture by Professor Dauvit Broun is now available on Trinity’s YouTube channel.

Top: Professor Thomas Owen Clancy (Glasgow); Dr Martin Macgregor (University of Glasgow); Professor Michael Penman (Stirling).
Middle: Professor Dauvit Broun (Glasgow); Dr Bernard Meehan (Keeper of Manuscripts, Trinity); Dr Peter Crooks (Trinity); Professor James Fraser (Guelph).
Front: Professor Michael Brown (St Andrews); Professor Jane Ohlmeyer (Director, Trinity Long Room Hub); Professor Seán Duffy (Trinity); Dr David Ditchburn (Trinity); Professor Robin Frame (Durham).
The Trinity Medieval Ireland Symposium was established by Dr Peter Crooks and Professor Seán Duffy in 2013 to make cutting-edge historical scholarship accessible to all persons interested in researching, teaching or learning about the history of Ireland in the Middle Ages. The focus of the initiative is a biennial symposium at which leading historians from Irish and international universities are invited to examine aspects of a specified theme or historical problem. The symposium serves to promote a wider public understanding and enjoyment of medieval Irish history. The symposium seeks also to become a means of setting the agenda and research trajectory for Irish medievalism.
TMIS1 took place in September 2013 and marked the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the death of the Great Earl of Kildare by exploring the topic: ‘The Geraldines and Medieval Ireland: The Making of a Myth’. The proceedings will be published under the editorship of Peter Crooks and Seán Duffy. We are pleased to acknowledge the support of the Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund, the Trinity Association and Trust, and the Grace Lawless Lee fund.

The speakers at TMIS1 in September 2013 at a reception for History alumni hosted by the Provost Dr Patrick Prendergast in the Trinity Long Room Hub.
L-R: Dr Sparky Booker (Swansea), Professor Robin Frame (Durham), Linzi Simpson, Dr Katharine Simms (TCD), Professor Brendan Smith (Bristol), Professor Seán Duffy (TCD), Dr Patrick Prendergast (Provost), Dr Steven Ellis (NUI Galway), Professor Ciaran Brady (TCD), Dr Peter Crooks (TCD), Dr Paul MacCotter (UCC), Dr Colin Veach (Hull), Professor Huw Pryce (Aberystwyth).