Trinity College Dublin
James Lydon Research Seminar in Medieval History

Hilary Term 2024-25
Unless otherwise indicated, seminars meet on Thursdays at 4.15 pm in the Trinity Medieval History Research Centre Seminar Room (Room PX2.1), 5‒7 South Leinster St. You are very welcome to attend.
6 February |
No Lydon Seminar this week, to allow medievalists to attend: Dáibhí Ó Cróinín, The Irish on the Continent and their Manuscripts, part of the Karlsruhe Bede Conference. Neil Lecture Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub at 5pm. Full details and registration: |
13 February |
Tamara Vitale (TCD): The Kiss at the Crossroads of Meaning: (Un)defining the Pre-12th Century Kiss; chair: Ruth Karras |
20 February |
Tess Wingard (TCD): The Black Death: A Crisis of Spirituality?; chair: Pippa Byrne |
27 February |
Hanyang Ma (TCD): The Feminine Savior: Jesus as a Feminine Figure in the Middle Ages;chair: Ruth Karras |
6 March |
13 March |
20 March |
Charles Briggs (University of Vermont): Politics, Pastoral Care, and the ‘Humanist Turn’ of the Thirteenth Century; chair: David Ditchburn |
27 March |
Dan Armstrong (UCD): The Seeds of Discontent: Opposition to Pope Urban II in England at the End of the Eleventh Century; chair: Seán Duffy |
3 April |
Jenny McHugh (Lancaster): The First Anointed Scottish King: Ritual and Legitimacy in the Inauguration of David II (1331); chair: David Ditchburn |
10 April |
TCD–Worth Library Lecture in Medieval & Renaissance Medicine and Science Peter Murray Jones (Cambridge): Friars and Healing in Fifteenth-Century York; chair: Pippa Byrne |