Prospective Students
We sincerely hope you will join our vibrant community here in the School of Medicine at Trinity College Dublin. Admissions is managed centrally through our Academic Registry, however we have included some information and useful links below that we hope will help you.
All applications for the course from EU citizens must come through the Central Applications Office (CAO), please see for information. If you wish to obtain further information on the entry criteria and requirements or fees you will need to contact the Academic Registry, please see their contact details below:
+ 353 1 896 4500
If you are an EU applicant and are over 23 years of age on the 1st of January in the year of application you may be eligible for a mature student place, these applications will also go through , however there are additional requirements to fulfill. Details are available here. Further details and guidance can also be found at or by contacting the Mature Student Officer:
Clodagh Byrne
Ph + 353 1 896 1386
North American students should make their applications through The Atlantic Bridge programme: ; Email: Telephone: (949) 723 6318
Students from Singapore should make their applications through Irish Universities & Medical School Consortium (IUMC) Email: Telephone: +65-6733 2359
Students from Malaysia should make their applications through Irish Universities & Medical School Consortium (IUMC) Email: Telephone: +603.2615.7987
Please see
Advanced entry to Medicine is only available to Dental science graduates, who may be considered for entry to the second year of the five year course. Applicants must have an honours Dental degree with a minimum grade of 2:1 and have completed the Membership (MFD/MFDS) or Fellowship (FFD/FDS) examinations of the RCS or equivalent. Research (publications/presentation) or suitable experience would be an advantage.
For further information you can contact the Academic Registry
Students will not be accepted for transfer into this course from other TCD courses or externally. If you wish, you can apply for admission to the first medical year of the five year undergraduate medicine degree programme by contacting the Academic Registry:
Academic Registry
Tel: + 353 1 896 4500
Deferred applications to the medical course will not normally be accepted.
The study at TCD webpage has a wealth of information for EU and Non EU students alike from admissions process, Fee’s, Accommodation, Scholarship awards and much more.
All applicants must present an English language qualification. Accepted/Permitted English language qualifications can be found at the link below;
The TCD Open Day takes place every December, please check the College website for further details. The School of Medicine presents and it is a great chance to meet with current students, and academic staff and see the facilities. There are a number of informative talks as well as Clinical Skills demonstrations throughout the day.
If you are unable to attend our Open Day, a student-led campus tour is available to prospective international students on specified dates. To take part in a campus visit complete the form on the link below, with your preferred date to visit Trinity College, so we can be as prepared as possible for your visit:
The Health Professions Admission Test – Ireland (HPAT – Ireland) was introduced by the Higher Education Authority for all EU students wishing to study Medicine as an undergraduate in Ireland. A detailed brochure for 2017 entry can be found at
HPAT – Ireland is independently administered by ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research) and further details can be found here
All incoming medical students (EU and Non EU) need to complete immunisation/vaccination paperwork before they will be permitted to register; each student must provide the School of Medicine with evidence of satisfactory immunity to the following infectious diseases: Hepatitis B (Surface (HBsAG) & Core (Anti-HBc), Hepatitis C (HCV), Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Chickenpox (Varicella), Measles, Mumps, Rubella .
Hepatitis B Vaccination clinics will be offered to all students who do not have adequate cover following registration on the medicine degree course.
Note: Incoming ERASMUS and Advanced Entrants must also provide immunisation paperwork – as they are entering 3rd medical year (starting last week in August) and will be in the clinical environment from day one - you must complete this process during the summer months.
TCD has a responsibility to ensure appropriate checks have been carried out on all student who will come into contact with children and/or vulnerable adults vetting is carried out by the National Vetting Bureau.
All incoming students must complete the Garda vetting documents before they will be permitted to register on the degree programme.
Student Behavioural Policy & Agreement
Due to the nature of the Medicine course all students are required to sign an agreement each year which outlines the responsibilities of the student in both the academic and clinical settings.
The agreement complements the College’s policies and procedures, emphasising the professional aspect of the course.
Blood Bourne Virus
In 2005 the government implemented a Code of Practice for the Prevention of Transmission of Blood Borne Diseases in the Healthcare Setting (“the Code of Practice”).
This document is intended to ensure that all medical students are informed of the policy and procedures being applied by the School of Medicine regarding blood borne viruses. This policy must be read carefully and all medical students must ensure that they make themselves fully aware of the contents. Failure to adhere to the provisions of this policy could, ultimately, result in a student being excluded from the College.
Please see the Curriculum link on the left-hand menu and also view the details by year for a breakdown of teaching per year of the course. For further information on the medicine degree curriculum queries can be made directly to
The School of Medicine has an Erasmus Exchange Agreement with the Université de Nantes, Nantes, France for students in their 3rd year of the medicine course.
For further information please contact the International Programme Coordinators Department at
Please see the Visiting Medical Elective link on the right.