Current Students
Current students can request the following academic documentation from the Education Division:
- Academic Transcript (official annual examination results per module per year)
- Student Status Letter (certifying you are a registered students, in good standing, current year of study)
- Garda Clearance Letter (stating you completed the Garda Vetting process as part of your registration)
- Elective Recommendation Letter (senior medical years only for elective applications)
- BCLS Letter (Basic Life Support undertaken during 2nd & 3rd year and completed in final med)
- PPE Letter (Personal Protection Equipment, Infection Control & Hygiene carried out during 2nd & 3rd Med)
- MSPE (Final Med Students only)
Requests for documentation can be made by completing the online student request form or by emailing; stating your full name, student number, current year, documents required, postal address if you need them to be posted directly to you.
Please note that if you need your date of birth or home address included on letters you will need to request these from the Academic Registry
MSPE will only be issued to final medical year students who are making an International Residency Application. To request an MSPE please follow the link below; complete the MSPE request form, attach required documents and send to the International Programme Coordinator, Rita Keane ( There will be no charge for MSPE letters requested by Final Med students who provide evidence that they have registered for the upcoming USA or Canadian match.
All requests and supporting documents for an MSPE must be submitted at least one month before the submission deadline.
If a transcript is required to be submitted as part of your certification please make sure to request this also.
Five working days should be allowed for all student requests to be processed. An email will be sent when the documentation has been issued and is ready for collection or being posted out.
If you have not heard from the Education Division in over a week from the date of request please email to confirm we received your request.
The name that you used at the point of admission (CAO or direct entry application form) is your official name while registered in Trinity and is the name that will appear on your degree and all official documentation that is issued for you. We recommend that students ensure their College registered name matches their passport name where possible. If you apply for international residency programmes, you should ensure that this name also matches your passport and College registered name.
A student may apply to have their name changed by completing the Change of Personal Details Form. This form should be completed by the student and presented in person to the Academic Registry Service Desk with supporting documentation for approval.
All elective information can be found on Blackboard or from the International Programme Coordinator Rita Keane (
Students may apply, through their tutor, for permission to transfer to another course. The first thing to remember is that to transfer to the Junior Freshmen year of any course, you must have the points for the course you want to transfer into. You will need to complete a Transfer Application Form, which you can get from your Tutor or download from the Senior Tutors website. Your Tutor will also sign the form and forward it to the Admissions Office on your behalf. For more information on transfers and the relevant key dates, please check
Students may apply for credit for prior learning for modules based on previous qualifications. Students can apply for exemptions from teaching by returning a completed credit for prior learning application form (available in Study Guides and from the School office).
These are mainly only received from 1st med students but in some cases other students can apply.
In the case of absence due to medical reasons, a medical certificate must be submitted to the Medical Student Executive Officer in the Education Division, Biomedical Science Institute as soon as possible after illness, ideally within 3 days.
If you miss an examination due to Medical Reasons, you should notify the School. You should also, in the cases of medical absences from an examination, contact your tutor should you wish to seek Permission to Defer from the Senior Lecturer.
Examination Timetables
The examination timetables are published by the Assessments Team and will be available via portal. You will receive a message on the portal advising you when the timetable is available.
Foundation Scholarship Examinations
The Foundation Scholarship exams are a special set of examinations that are taken in the Senior Freshman year to identify students who consistently demonstrate exceptional knowledge and understanding of their subjects. A Scholarship at Trinity College remains the most prestigious undergraduate award in the country. Candidates will be required to sit three to four examination papers amounting to eight to nine hours of examinations. Scholarship is awarded solely on the basis of this examination performance– and no other factors are taken into account.
The Foundation Scholarship examinations are generally held in early January every year. For further information on how to make an application please see the following link:
Degrees are publicly conferred, in the student’s registered name within degree class, by the Chancellor, or a Pro-Chancellor of the University in the Public Theatre at a ceremony known as Commencements which is conducted in Latin. Each ceremony is normally of an hour in duration and for medicine students will take place in June following your final medical exams.
For further information on commencements such as fees, applications, dress hire etc please contact the Graduation Team in Academic Registry:
Medicine students are allowed to book room B2.21 for study sessions. Students will be allowed to book this room for a maximum of 6 hours per week. Within the 6 hours per week students will be allowed a maximum of 2 hours per period booked. Bookings are allowed from 7am to 10pm, Monday to Sunday. A copy of the room booking policy can be found on Blackboard.
Room bookings will only be accepted by email to