The third year is designed to continue and expand the generic skills developed with emphasis on the patient rather than the person. It continues and expands the development of clinical skills at the individual (history taking and physical examination) and community (health promotion) level. It introduce students to disease processes, their epidemiology, aetiology, mechanisms and management It focuses on professional development by exploration of the legal, moral, ethical and economic aspects of safe effective medical practice and promotes teamwork through group projects.
What's Involved
A systems-based path instils students with the ability to address common patient health issues and emergencies through medical prescription, while maintaining an awareness of therapeutic advances that may require changes in practice.
Student Experience
Through lectures and small group tutorials student develop knowledge, skills and attitudes to safely review a patient's condition and comment on therapy options and effects, while establishing the appropriate dose through the use of Kardex prescription charts.
The teaching in pharmacology is phenomenal... everything we are taught is of clinical relevance and assists greatly with our clinical knowledge for placement.
Great module with great lecturers, clearly all passionate.
What's Involved?
Learning in histopathology and morbid anatomy, clinical microbiology, haematology and Immunology commenced earlier in the course is enhanced to enable full aptitude of the pathological basis of disease and the infectious aetiology of disease using a systems-based approach.
Student Experience
Lectures, workshops, clinical case presentations and clinical pathological conferencing focused on integrating the disciplines of pathology, microbiology, haematology, immunology and chemical pathology will fortify student's ability to apply their knowledge in clinical medicine and surgery rotations during this year.
My understanding of different diseases is certainly better than it was at the beginning of the year. A lot of interesting areas are covered for the first time. Some things we saw in hospital, with knowledge about the pathology we learned from labmed.
What's Involved?
Students begin to translate the scientific knowledge gained to the patient bedside. History taking, physical examination skills, laboratory results interpretation, radiology and personal skills are developed to establish a foundation in clinical medicine and surgical practice. The importance of the entire team of healthcare workers is stressed to ensure a safe, effective and well-rounded service to the patient.
The fundamentals of eye and ear, nose & throat (ENT) examination and diagnoses are imparted by leading consultants at the Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital.
Student Experience
Total immersion into assigned surgical and medical teams allows the student to observe and practice skills at the patient bedside. Students build skills in teamwork, communication and data interpretation within our hospital network. A clinical examination, utilising real patients, is used to assess readiness for clinical practice.
ENT and Ophthalmology
Lectures, tutorials and hospital rotations expose future doctors to the common ailments they may encounter in patients, growing their practical examination skills in both in and out-patient clinics. Students may also attend theatre for surgical cases.
Short case exam excellent learning value & prep for OSCE. Log book long & short cases an excellent way to focus your learning and enhance education when on rotation.
On rotation group tutorials were all brilliant, very engaging - invaluable learning experience.
Having a range of tutors was great (i.e. interns through to consultants, as well as dedicated clinical skills tutors).
The ENT tutorials where amazing, they covered material which is relevant to us - Patients and presentations we might see in our first few years of qualification.
The ophthalmology website is fantastic, with the podcasts and lectures an invaluable resource.
What's Involved?
This module builds upon the experience from the 2nd year module in clinical skills and professional practice, while initiating learning on new technical and non-technical practices.
Professionalism is expanded upon greatly, students begin to hone their rationality and sensitivity in patient interactions and work within the team environment. Medical ethics in the clinical setting is observed and put into practice, while aspects of psychology are made familiar to enable self-care and the ability to recognise mental health difficulties in others.
Interdisciplinary learning takes place through interprofessional workshops and an immersive opportunity to study the global determinants of health and development with other schools at Trinity College Dublin.
Student Experience
Teaching will take place primarily in the hospital sites, combining lectures, demonstration, shadowing, simulated encounters and supervised practice.
An aspect of the module acquaints students from medicine, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, nursing, speech & language therapy, pharmacy, and human nutrition & dietetics to working in the multi-disciplinary team together to develop an interdisciplinary management plan for a specific type of patient case.
The Global Health Week allows students to develop a perspective on the health challenges, inequalities and differences between implementation of health systems in various countries.
Everyone who teaches clinical skills for TCD does an amazing job. I always feel superiorly trained when in an environment like NRH where many different schools are present.
IPL was fantastic.... this should run every couple of weeks throughout the year. One of the more enjoyable aspects of the course
I really enjoyed global health week and thought it was a fantastic idea.
What's Involved?
Research and presentation skills grow within a group environment, students establish their own team and select a topic of interest. By the completion of their report they will have searched the scientific literature surrounding their topic and will critically asses it, prioritising their findings and the potential impact on current medical practices.
In the summer months, students will undertake an elective of 4 weeks duration where they will gain clinical experience in a hospital, medical centre, laboratory, research unit or general practice in Ireland or abroad.
Student Experience
Students further develop their ability to work independently in order to research and contribute to an overall team goal and report, while evolving their critical assessment and presentation skills.
Undertaking an elective further establishes the foundation for clinical practice allowing students to explore specialties, locations and practices of their choosing. Students may stay in Ireland or travel elsewhere, many students use the elective after the third medical year to travel with Medical Overseas Voluntary Electives (MOVE).