Course Structure - Year One
The subjects which contribute the year one modules are: Biology, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Behavioural Science, Ethics, Physiology, Psychology, Public Health & Primary Care and Sociology.
Multiple modes of delivery of course content are used. These include lectures, small-group learning tutorials, practical classes and e-learning. This facilitates the development of a balanced and active approach to learning for all students.
What's Involved?
A foundation in Biochemistry is furnished, introducing students to the molecular basis of life, the cellular metabolism determining human physiology, the pathological consequences of biochemical dysfunction and the fundamentals of genetics. Concurrent teaching in the topics of Human Form and Function promotes a holistic approach to clinical understanding and the topics prepare them for future subjects, such as Clinical Biochemistry, Immunology, Pharmacology and Molecular Medicine.
Student Experience
Leading researchers from the Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute deliver lectures with clinical relevance. Practicals take place in the 2nd semester to introduce students laboratory techniques and working with a partner. There are support tutorials available to students who may not have complete Biology or Chemistry at Leaving Certificate to ensure a firmer foundation in the basics of the course.
It presented interesting clinical context for all topics covered.
Relevant and interesting lecture topics, knowledgeable lecturers and relevant lab topics.
What's Involved?
These broad areas are aligned to foster a deep understanding of what brings a patient into the care of a practitioner and the importance of the doctor-patient interaction in the appropriate space.
Theories and concepts in physical & psychological human development, social psychology and medical ethics are brought to life through engaging lectures and self-reflective journaling.
Understanding the impact of social and environmental factors on health and the basic determinants of psychological development, as well as examining key concepts in ethics and confidentiality are key to creating a medic who treats each patient as an individual with unique experiences.
Student Experience
Under the guidance of a GP in the greater Dublin area as part of the family case study, students gain insight into family and community life and how this may impact on the key development milestones of a baby. They are able to reflect on this inaugural clinical interaction as an individual and group setting with their GP.
Professional acumen is developed through problem-based learning led by peers, self-reflective diaries and early patient interaction via the Family Case Study.
Inspired thoughts on what is required of a doctor, how my experiences and lack thereof may affect how I am able to provide care. Also it challenged our emotional intelligence on where we should be with respect to those that we treat.
Tutorial scenarios lead to interesting discussions.
Encouraged us to think critically.
Reflective, brilliant fun.
What's Involved?
This interdisciplinary field allows the exploration of medical education, medical culture and the human experience of health and illness. As one of the most positively received modules in the medical programme, students and practitioners critically investigate the big questions in medicine as well as the subtle dimensions of medical practice and the promotion of health and wellbeing.
The programme consists of Student Selected Modules (SSMs), designed to look critically and imaginatively at the practice of medicine. The courses offered are connected by the unifying themes of reflective practice and creative approaches to medicine. Refection is a key skill for the development of professionalism and personal well-being.
Selection of Student Selected Modules
Student Experience
The SSMs provide students with the opportunity to engage with medicine on a range of outlooks, from that of the patient perspective to the global view. For some, it is an enjoyable experience or one where they can practise and develop specific skills.
Poetry is something that I have an affinity for and I enjoy both reading and writing it, however due to the demands of my work I had abandoned the hobby. The opportunity to combine it with medicine allowed me to enjoy poetry once more and I am really grateful for it.
After going through this, I realized that ... one can actually learn to appreciate other people by going through the experiences of others. This has helped me to be a more empathetic and thoughtful medical student.
For others, the experience is a useful and illuminating insight into future practice and/or an opportunity for the consideration of existing beliefs and testing them in alternative scenarios.
These attitudes provoke us as students to think of medicine differently, not simply as a clinical science, but with a more holistic perspective that incorporates medical practice with lifelong interests.
Integrating anatomy, physiology and histology, Human Form and Function illustrates that the human body operates as a whole and any changes will impact the overall health of a person. This module is the cornerstone for future clinical practice, enabling a deep understanding of the human body from the structural, cellular and organ perspectives.
Student Experience
White coats are worn from the first days of term in state of the art facilities supported by lecturers, technicians, and guest lecturers from surgery. Lectures, practicals and problem-based learning consistently link the science to the clinical context.
The importance of the involvement of community in their education and future work is embedded from the introduction to the remains of a donor in their orientation week. Medical students also begin to build rapport with other future professionals from Physiotherapy, Radiation Therapy, and Human Health and Disease courses.
It was extremely interesting, the timing of the different topics in anatomy and physiology were well planned and concurrent, and the lecturers were very good.
Allowed me to see the clinical anomalies in real-life situations.
Very hands on, allowed us to get a true feel for some of the topics.
Learning Themes
- Reflection in Action: Test Beliefs
- The Broadening Perspectives: Think
- The Emotional Response: Feel
- The New Experience: See