Professor Barry Mc Mahon
Chief Physicist/Clinical Associate Profe, Clinical Medicine
Email Barry.McMahon@tcd.ie Phone http://people.tcd.ie/mcmahobBiography
Dr. McMahon has a national and international reputation as an Academic Medical Physicist in the fields of novel physiological measurement and medical device innovation and design. He has won a number of prestigious awards for his research and has successfully fostered a number of commercial offshoot companies. He has published a substantial body of work in several high impact journals related to his field of interest. He has secured significant funding from industry and grants to support his work and has funded several PhD and MSc projects both at TCD and ITT Tallaght. Dr. McMahon has established many links in Ireland and internationally and is central to several multidisciplinary projects, in particular he has demonstrated an ability to support translational research programmes. Currently he is Chief Physicist/Clinical Engineer at Tallaght Hospital and a Senior Clinical Lecturer in Medical Physics and Bioengineering in the School of Medicine, Trinity College, Dublin. He is Vice-President and Governor of the Irish College of Medical Physicists. He is a co-founder of TAGG and is driving the development of a strategic medical device innovation centre within the group.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Miller L, Clavé P, Farré R, Lecea B, Ruggieri MR, Ouyang A, Regan J, McMahon BP, Physiology of the upper segment, body, and lower segment of the esophagus., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1300, 2013, p261-77Journal Article, 2013
- Neumann H, Neurath MF, Vieth M, Lever FM, Meijer GJ, Lips IM, McMahon BP, Ruurda JP, van Hillegersberg R, Siersema P, Levine MS, Scharitzer M, Pokieser P, Zerbib F, Savarino V, Zentilin P, Savarino E, Chan WW, Innovative techniques in evaluating the esophagus; imaging of esophageal morphology and function; and drugs for esophageal disease., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1300, 2013, p11-28Review Article, 2013
- Regan J, Walshe M, Rommel N, Tack J, McMahon BP, New measures of upper esophageal sphincter distensibility and opening patterns during swallowing in healthy subjects using EndoFLIP®., Neurogastroenterology and motility : the official journal of the European Gastrointestinal Motility Society, 25, (1), 2013, pe25-34Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Alqudah MM, Gregersen H, Drewes AM, McMahon BP, Evaluation of anal sphincter resistance and distensibility in healthy controls using EndoFLIP., Neurogastroenterology and motility : the official journal of the European Gastrointestinal Motility Society, 24, (12), 2012, pe591-9Journal Article, 2012
- Regan J, Walshe M, Rommel N, McMahon BP, A new evaluation of the upper esophageal sphincter using the functional lumen imaging probe: a preliminary report., Diseases of the esophagus : official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus / I.S.D.E, 26, (2), 2013, p117-23Journal Article, 2013, TARA - Full Text
- Regan J, Walshe M, McMahon BP, Current evaluation of upper oesophageal sphincter opening in dysphagia practice: an international SLT survey., International journal of language & communication disorders / Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists, 47, (2), 2012, p156-65Journal Article, 2012
- McMahon BP, Rao SS, Gregersen H, Kwiatek MA, Pandolfino JE, Drewes AM, Krarup AL, Lottrup C, Frøkjaer JB, Distensibility testing of the esophagus., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1232, 2011, p331-40Review Article, 2011
- Hoppo T, McMahon BP, Witteman BP, Kraemer SJ, O'Rourke RW, Gravesen F, Bouvy ND, Jobe BA, Functional lumen imaging probe to assess geometric changes in the esophagogastric junction following endolumenal fundoplication., Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, 15, (7), 2011, p1112-20Journal Article, 2011
- Perretta S, Dallemagne B, McMahon B, D'Agostino J, Marescaux J, Video. Improving functional esophageal surgery with a "smart" bougie: Endoflip., Surgical endoscopy, 25, (9), 2011, p3109Journal Article, 2011
- Kunwald P, Drewes AM, Kjaer D, Gravesen FH, McMahon BP, Madácsy L, Funch-Jensen P, Gregersen H, A new distensibility technique to measure sphincter of Oddi function., Neurogastroenterology and motility : the official journal of the European Gastrointestinal Motility Society, 22, (9), 2010, p978-83, e253Journal Article, 2010
- Kwiatek MA, Kahrilas K, Soper NJ, Bulsiewicz WJ, McMahon BP, Gregersen H, Pandolfino JE, Esophagogastric junction distensibility after fundoplication assessed with a novel functional luminal imaging probe., Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, 14, (2), 2010, p268-76Journal Article, 2010
- Beaumont H, Gondrie JJ, McMahon BP, Pouw RE, Gregersen H, Bergman JJ, Boeckxstaens GE, Stepwise radiofrequency ablation of Barrett's esophagus preserves esophageal inner diameter, compliance, and motility., Endoscopy, 41, (1), 2009, p2-8Journal Article, 2009
- McMahon BP, Jobe BA, Pandolfino JE, Gregersen H, Do we really understand the role of the oesophagogastric junction in disease?, World journal of gastroenterology : WJG, 15, (2), 2009, p144-50Journal Article, 2009
- Zhao J, Liao D, McMahon BP, O'Donovan D, Schiretz R, Heninrich R, Gregersen H, Functional luminal imaging probe geometric and histomorphologic analysis of abdominal wall wound induced by different trocars in pigs., Surgical endoscopy, 23, (5), 2009, p1004-12Journal Article, 2009
- McMahon BP, O'Donovan D, Liao D, Zhao J, Schiretz R, Heninrich R, Gregersen H, Analysis of abdominal wounds made by surgical trocars using functional luminal imaging probe (FLIP) technology., Surgical innovation, 15, (3), 2008, p208-12Journal Article, 2008
- Jobe BA, O'Rourke RW, McMahon BP, Gravesen F, Lorenzo C, Hunter JG, Bronner M, Kraemer SJ, Transoral endoscopic fundoplication in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease: the anatomic and physiologic basis for reconstruction of the esophagogastric junction using a novel device., Annals of surgery, 248, (1), 2008, p69-76Journal Article, 2008
- Gravesen FH, McMahon BP, Drewes AM, Gregersen H, Measurement of the axial force during primary peristalsis in the oesophagus using a novel electrical impedance technology., Physiological measurement, 29, (3), 2008, p389-99Journal Article, 2008
- Christian Lottrup, Barry P. McMahon, Per Ejstrud, Marcin Andrzej Ostapiuk, Peter Funch-Jensen & Asbjørn Mohr Drewes, Esophago-gastric Junction Distensibility in Hiatus Hernia, Diseases of the Esophagus, Early View, 2015, p1 - 5Journal Article, 2015
- Lottrup, Christian, Hans Gregersen, Donghua Liao, Lotte Fynne, Jens Brøndum Frøkjær, Klaus Krogh, Julie Regan, Peter Kunwald, and Barry P. McMahon, Functional lumen imaging of the gastrointestinal tract, Journal of Gastroenterology, 2015, p1 - 12Review Article, 2015, URL
- Brock C., McCallum R., Gyawali C., Farmer A., Farmer A., Farmer A., Frøkjær J., McMahon B., Drewes A., Neurophysiology and new techniques to assess esophageal sensory function: an update, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1380, (1), 2016, p78-90Review Article, 2016, DOI
- Odie, K.D., Moloney, K.W., Mcmahon, B.P., Gregersen, H., Gastroesophageal reflux 2D and 3D steady state CFD simulations, 2, 2009, p125-132Journal Article, 2009
- McMahon, B.P., Frøkjær, J.B., Kunwald, P., Liao, D., Funch-Jensen, P., Drewes, A.M., Gregersen, H., The functional lumen imaging probe (FLIP) for evaluation of the esophagogastric junction, 292, (1), 2007Journal Article, 2007
- Gregersen, H., Drewes, A.M., McMahon, B.P., Liao, D., Balloon-distension studies in the gastrointestinal tract: Current role, 24, (3-4), 2006, p286-296Review Article, 2006
- Frøkjær, J.B., Liao, D., Bergmann, A., Mcmahon, B.P., Steffensen, E., Drewes, A.M., Gregersen, H., Three-dimensional biomechanical properties of the human rectum evaluated with magnetic resonance imaging, 17, (4), 2005, p531-540Journal Article, 2005
- McMahon, B.P., Frøkjær, J.B., Drewes, A.M., Gregersen, H., A new measurement of oesophago-gastric junction competence, 16, (5), 2004, p543-546Journal Article, 2004
- Murphy, E.M., Hegarty, F., McMahon, B.P., Boyle, G., Analysis of the colour rendition of flexible endoscopes, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4876, (1), 2002, pp26-36Conference Paper, 2002
- Mahmood, Z., McMahon, B., O'Morain, C., Weir, D.G., Innovations in gastro-intestinal endoscopy: Endoscopic antireflux therapies for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, 20, (2), 2002, p182-190Journal Article, 2002
- Marsh, D.M., Cooney, P., McMahon, B.P., Malone, J.F., Measurement of Wiener spectra in digital systems, 57, (1-4), 1995, p273-276Journal Article, 1995, URL
- Abdelrahman M, Davis NF, McMahon BP, Walsh M, McDermott TED, Thornhill JA, Manecksha RP., A comparative assessment of irrigation and drainage characteristics for commercially available urethral catheters., Central European journal of urology, 70, (4), 2017, p382-387Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Lower Esophageal Sphincter Efficacy Following Laparoscopic Antireflux Surgery with Hiatal Repair: Role of Fluoroscopy, High-Resolution Impedance Manometry and FLIP in Detecting Recurrence of GERD and Hiatal Hernia in, editor(s)Memon, M.A. , Hiatal Hernia Surgery, Switzerland, Springer Nature , 2017, pp153 - 168, [Wong, V. McMahon, B.P. Gregersen, h.]Book Chapter, 2017, URL
- Liao D, Lottrup C, Fynne L, McMahon BP, Krogh K, Drewes AM, Zhao J, Gregersen H, Axial Movements and Length Changes of the Human Lower Esophageal Sphincter During Respiration and Distension-induced Secondary Peristalsis Using Functional Luminal Imaging Probe., Journal of neurogastroenterology and motility, 2018Journal Article, 2018
- Zhao J, McMahon B, Fox M, Gregersen H, The esophagiome: integrated anatomical, mechanical, and physiological analysis of the esophago-gastric segment., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1434, (1), 2018, p5 - 20Review Article, 2018, DOI
- Hoff DAL, McMahon B, Gregersen H, Esophageal multimodal stimulation and sensation., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1434, (1), 2018, p210 - 218Review Article, 2018, DOI
- Alqudah, M.M., Drewes, A.M., McMahon, B.P., Measuring recto-anal Inhibitory reflex using functional lumen imaging probe: A pilot study, 2018-March, 2018, pp225-230Conference Paper, 2018, DOI
- Arroyo Vázquez JA, Bergström M, Bligh S, McMahon BP, Park PO, Exploring pyloric dynamics in stenting using a distensibility technique., Neurogastroenterology and motility : the official journal of the European Gastrointestinal Motility Society, 30, (12), 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Z. Mahmood, B. P. McMahon, Q. Arfin, P. J. Byrne, J. V. Reynolds, E. M. Murphy and D. G. Weir, Endocinch therapy for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: a one year prospective follow up, Gut, 52, (1), 2003, p34-9Journal Article, 2003, URL
- Mahmood Z, Byrne PJ, McMahon BP, Murphy EM, Arfin Q, Ravi N, Weir DG, Reynolds JV. , Comparison of transesophageal endoscopic plication (TEP) with laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication (LNF) in the treatment of uncomplicated reflux disease., The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 101, (3), 2006, p431 - 436Journal Article, 2006, URL
- Frøkjær, J. B., D. Liao, et al. , "Three-dimensional Biomechanical properties of the Human rectum evaluated with magnetc resonance imaging", Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 17, (4), 2005, p531 - 540Journal Article, 2005
- Gravesen, F. H., B. P. McMahon, et al. , "Measurement of the axial force during primary peristalsis in the oesophagus using a novel electrical impendance technology" , Physiol Meas, 29, (3), 2008, p389 - 399Journal Article, 2008
- Mahmood, Z., P.J. Byrne, et al. , "Comparison of transesophageal endoscopic plication (TEP) with Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication (LNF) in the treatment of uncomplicated relfux disease", Am J Gastroenterol, 101, (3), 2006, p431 - 436Journal Article, 2006
- McMahon B., F. Hegarty, Malone J.F., Video Endoscopy: Our Experience With Image Quality, 14th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Paris, Oct 1992, 3, 1992, pp1171 - 1172Conference Paper, 1992, DOI , URL
- McMahon, B. P., A. m. Drewes, et al. , Functional oesophago-gastric junction imaging, World Journal of Gastroenterology, 12, (19), 2006, p2818 - 2824Review Article, 2006
- McMahon, B. P., J. B. Frøkjær,et al. , "A new measurement of oesophago-gastric junction competence", Neurogastroenterology and Motility , 16, (5), 2004, p543 - 546Journal Article, 2004
- McMahon, B. P., J.B. Frøkjær, et al, "The functional luman imaging prob (FLIP) for evaluation of the esophagogastric junction", Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol, 292, (1), 2007, p377 - 384Journal Article, 2007
- McMahon, B. P., J.B. Frøkjær, et al, "A new technique for evaluating sphincter function in visceral organs: Application of the functional luman imaging probe (FLIP) for the evaluation of the oesophago-gastric juction", Physiological Measurement, 26, (5), 2005, p823 - 836Journal Article, 2005
- Gregerson, H., A.M. Drewes, et al, "Balloon-distension studies in the gastrointestinal tract: current role", Dig Dis, 24, (3-4), 2006, p286 - 296Review Article, 2006
- Mahmood, Z., B. McMahon, et al. , "Innovations in gastro-intestinal endoscopy: endoscopic antireflux therapies for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease", Dig Dis, 20, (2), 2002, p182 - 190Journal Article, 2002
- McMahon, B. P., K. D. Odie, et al, "Computation of flow through the oesophagogastic junction", World J Gastroenterol , 13, (9), 2007, p1360 - 1364Journal Article, 2007
- McMahon B. P. , A New Measurement Technique for Evaluation of the Oesophagogastric Junction. , Aalborg University Denmark, 2005Thesis, 2005
- McMahon, B. P. and H. Gregersen, Method and Apparatus for Mechanical Measurement , 2006, European Patent OfficePatent, 2006
- Hegarty, F., B.P. McMahon, et al, Colour Rendition in Flexible Endoscopic systems, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering , Rio de Janeiro, 1994, 1994Conference Paper, 1994
- Marsh, D. M., B.P. McMahon, et al, Technical comparison of image quality produced by analogue magnetic media and devices in diagnostic radiology, World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering , Nice, 1997, 1997Conference Paper, 1997
- McMahon, B. P., F. Hegarty, et al., Use of the MTF in Determining the resolving Power of Flexible Videoendoscopes, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering , Rio de Janeiro, 1994, 1994Conference Paper, 1994
- Regan J, Walshe M & McMahon B, Working Towards an Objective and Reliable Evaluation of the Upper Esophageal Sphincter, UK Swallowing Research Group, London UK, 4th - 5th February, 2010Poster, 2010
- Regan J, Walshe M, Rommel N, & McMahon B, Non radiological measurement of extent and duration of UES opening during swallowing , Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 26-27th October 2012, 28, 2013, pp292Conference Paper, 2013, DOI
- DeVault K, McMahon BP, Celebi A, Costamagna G, Marchese M, Clarke JO, Hejazi RA, McCallum RW, Savarino V, Zentilin P, Savarino E, Thomson M, Souza RF, Donohoe CL, O'Farrell NJ, Reynolds JV, Defining esophageal landmarks, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and Barrett's esophagus., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1300, 2013, p278-95Review Article, 2013, DOI
- Regan J, Walshe M, Timon C, McMahon B, Endoflip: Evaluation of pharyngo-oesophageal segment tone and swallowing in a clinical population: A total laryngectomy series. , Clinical Otolaryngology, 40, (2), 2015, p121 - 129Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Regan J, Murphy A, Chiang M, McMahon BP, Coughlan T, Walshe M., Botulinum toxin for upper oesophageal sphincter dysfunction in neurological swallowing disorders. , Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , ( Issue 5. ), 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Barry McMahon, Driving Change in Clinical PracticeThrough Innovation, 35th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture Series, School of Medicine Chinese University of Hong Kong, 13th December, 2016, Chinese University of Hong KongInvited Talk, URL
- Vegesna, A. Chen, D. R. McMahon, B. P. Benias, P. C. Pillai, A. Miller, L. S., DISTENSIBILITY OF THE GASTROESOPHAGEAL JUNCTION HIGH-PRESSURE ZONE IN NON-GERD SUBJECTS PRE AND POST ATROPINE AND IN PATIENTS WITH GERD, Gastroenterology, Digestive Disease Week, June 2018, 154, (6), 2018, ppS488 - S488Published Abstract
- Vegesna, A. Chen, D. R. McMahon, B. P. Benias, P. C. Pillai, A. Roland, B. C. Miller, L. S., FLIP 4D COLOR CONTOUR PLOTS TO IDENTIFY REGIONAL DISTENSIBILITY OF THE GASTROESOPHAGEAL JUNCTION HIGH-PRESSURE ZONE, Gastroenterology, Digestive Disease Week, Washington DC, June 2018, 154, (6), 2018, ppS962 - S963Published Abstract
- Arfin, Q., Z. mahmood, et. al, "Use of Endocinch (c) for the Management of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease", Gut, 2002, 50, (024), 2002Published Abstract
- Baeumont, H., J. J. Bergman, et al, "Preservation of the Functional Integrity of the Distal Esophagus after Circumferential Ablation of Barrets Esophagus. , Gastroenterology, 2007, 2007Published Abstract
- Beaumont, H., B. P. McMahon, et al, "Changes in compliance following Laparoscopic nissen fundoplication measured by a new technique (FLIP)", Gastroenterology, 2006, 130, (4), 2006, ppA391 - A391Published Abstract
- Frøkjær, J. B., B. P. McMahon, et al. , "Modelling of the 3D geometry in the human rectum based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)", Gastroenterology, 2004, 126, (4), 2004, ppA202 - A203Published Abstract
- Hegarty, F., B. P. McMahon, et al, "Analysis of Colour Rendition of Flexible Endoscopes", Endoscopy, 1997, 29, (E39), 1997Published Abstract
- Keeling, P. W. N., B. P. McMahon, et al, "Multimodality Imaging in Gastroenterology - A prototype Study, Endoscopy, 1997, 29, (E40), 1997Published Abstract
- Kirrane, F., B. P. McMahon. et al, "Black holes in Video Endoscopy", Endoscopy, 1997, 29, 1997Published Abstract
- Lennon, B., L. Bartly, et al, "A guide to flexible endoscopy system faults based on 410 years of practical support experience", Irish Journal of Medical Science , 2000, 169, (3), 2000, pp13-Published Abstract
- Mahmood, Z., P. J. Byrne, et al, " A comparaison of Bard Endocinch transoesophageal endoscopic plication ( BETEP) with laproscope nissen fundoplication (LNF) for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GORD)", Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 2002, 55, (5), 2002, pp463-Published Abstract
- Mahmood, Z., B.P. McMahon, et al, "Transesophageal endoscopic gastroplication (TEG) treatment for gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD)", Gastrointestinal endoscopy, 2001, 53, (5), 2001, pp4108-Published Abstract
- Mahmood, Z., B.P. McMahon, et al, "Quality of life after transesophageal endoscopic plication (Endocinch) procedure for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): A one ear prospective study", Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 2003, 57, (5), 2003, ppAB113 - AB113Published Abstract
- Mahmood, Z., B. P. McMahon, et al, "Evaluation of Training Programme for TEP (Endocinch) Technique for the Treatment of GORD", Endoscopy , 2006, 38, 2006Published Abstract
- McMahon, B.P., M. Bergstrom, et al, "Use of FLIP in determining changes in the geometry of the oesophago-gastric junction with endoscopic suturing in a porcine model" , Gut, 2005, 54, (suppl VII), 2005, ppA104-Published Abstract
- McMahon, B.P., P. Byrne, et al, "Do we need new objective measures for lower oesophageal sphincter function?", Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 2002, 14, (5), 2002, pp587-Published Abstract
- McMahon, B. P., English, L. et al, "Validation of a new reprocessing agent for flexible endoscopes", Irish Journal of Medical Science , 2000, 169, (3), 2000, pp14-Published Abstract
- McMahon, B. P., J. N. B. Frøkjær, et al, "The functional lumen imaging probe (FLIP) for the evaluation of the esophagogastric junction (EGJ)", Gastroenterology, 2006, 130, (4), 2006, ppA134 - A134Published Abstract
- McMahon, B. P., J. B. Frøkjær, et al, "Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to Determine the 3D Geomety in the Human Rectum" , Endoscopy, 2004, 30, 2004Published Abstract
- McMahon, B. P., J. B. Frøkjær, et al, " A new and direct method to assess oesophagi-gastric junction (EGJ) function, Gastroenterology, 2004, 126, (4), 2004, ppA320 - A320Published Abstract
- McMahon, B. P., J. B. Frøkjær, et al, "New Measurements of Oesophagogastric Junction Function", Endoscopy, 2004, 30, (10), 2004Published Abstract
- McMahon, B. P., J. B. Frøkjær, et al, "The FLIP technique for evaluating th oesophago-gastric junction", Endoscopy, 2005, 37, (Suppl I), 2005, ppA283-Published Abstract
- McMahon, B. P., J. B. Frøkjær, et al, "New perspective on the oesophagogastric junctio - The functional luminal imaging probe (FLIP)", Neurogatroenterology & Motility, 2005, 17, (Suppl 2), 2005, pp64-Published Abstract
- McMahon, B. P., J. N. B. Frøkjær, et al. , "A New Method to Evaluate the Oesophagogastric Junction - The Functional Imaging Probe (FLIP)" , Endoscopy, 2006, 38, 2006Published Abstract
- McMahon, B. P., F. Hegarty, et al., "G.I. Endoscopy Image Storage - effects of Image Compression - a Clinical Study", Endoscopy, 1997, 27, 1997, ppE39 - E40Published Abstract
- McMahon, B. P., F. Hegarty, etal. , "Image Quality Differences Between Fibreoptic and Video Flexible Endoscopes", Irish Journal of Medical Science, 1994, 163, (Supplement No. 13), 1994, pp15-Published Abstract
- McMahon, B. P. Odie, K. Moloney, K.W. Gregersen, H. , "Applying Computional Fluid dynamics to the Oesophagogastric Junction", Gastroenterology, Digestive Disease Week, 2007, 132, (4), 2007, ppA282 - A282Published Abstract
- McMahon, B. P., N. O'Hare, et al, "Providing the Right Mix of Staff in Medical Physics and Engineering Departments, Physica Medica, 2001, 17, 2001, pp175-Published Abstract
- Reynolds, J. V., P. J. Byrne, et al, "Transoesophageal Endoscopic Plication Versus Nissan Fundoplication for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease", British Jounal of Surgery , 2002, 89, (3), 2002, pp375 - 376Published Abstract
- Gregersen, H. and B. P. McMahon , Visualising the GI Tract; New Perspectives on Imaging , Association of Physical Scientists in medicing (APSM) Annual Scientific Meeting , Dublin , 2007Invited Talk
- McMahon, B. P. , Safety and Use of Medical Insufflators. , Seminar on Medical Equipment Management for the New Europe., Engineers Ireland Dublin , 1996Invited Talk
- McMahon, B. P. , New Techniques in gastrointestinal Motility, Nurses Gastroenterology Study Day, Dublin , September, 2003, Tallaght University HospitalInvited Talk
- McMahon, B. P. , the Functional Lumen Imaging Probe (FLIP), Centre for Visceral Biomechanics & Pain annual Scientific Meeting, Denmark, 2004Invited Talk
- McMahon, B.P. , The Functional Luman Imaging Probe , Annual Scientific Meeting Centre for Visceral Biomechanics & Pain Denmark, Viborg, Denmark, 2005Invited Talk
- McMahon, B. P. , The Functional Luminal Imaging Probe Updates in Reflux Disease , Gothenburg Sweden, September, 2005Invited Talk
- McMahon, B. P. , GERD and FLIP Technology , European Society of Esophagology, Dublin , 2007Invited Talk
- McMahon, B. P., J. Browne, et al, Writing Scientific Papers, Association of Physical Scientists in Medicine (APSM) Annual Scientific Meeting, Dublin , 2007Invited Talk
- McMahon, B. P. , Use of FLIP in Transoral Intragastric Surgery , The European School of Lapraoscopic Surgery - 2nd Transoral Intragastric Surgery Workshop, Saint Peierre University Hospital, Brussels. , 2007Invited Talk
- McMahon, B. P. and H. Gregersen , Do we really understand the function of the Oesophagogastric Junction (OGJ) in Disease? , 3rd Gastro Intestinal Physiology Measurement Meeting, York, England , 2007Invited Talk
- McMahon, B. P. , Joint Lecture with the Biomedical Engineering Division "A New Assessment Method for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease"£ , Engineers Ireland - West Region , Galway, 2007Invited Talk
- McMahon, B. P. , Use of FLIP in Transoral Intragastric Surgery, The European School of Laparoscopic Surgery - 2nd Transoral Intragastric Surgery Workshop, Saint Pierre University Hospital , Brussels. , 2008Invited Talk
Research Expertise
Physiological Measurement, GI Biomechanics & Motility, Non-ionising Diagnositic Imaging in Medicine, Process Improvement, Endoscopic Instrumentation and Techniques
- Distinguished Scholar - Chinese University of Hong Kong 13th December 2016
- Biomedical Engineering Association of Ireland (BEAI) Present
- Irish Society of Gastroenterology (ISG) Present
- American Gastroenterology Association (AGA) Present
- Institute of Physicists & Engineers in Medicine (U.K.) Present
- Association of Physical Scientisits in Medicine (APSM) Present
- Vice-President & Governor, Irish College of Medical Physicists November 2009
- Vice-President & Governor, Irish College of Medical Physicists November 2009