Dr. David Kevans
Clinical Associate Professor, Clinical Medicine
Email kevansd@tcd.ie Phone3531 4103139Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Hussey M, Mc Garrigle R, Kennedy U, Holleran G, Kevans D, Ryan B, Breslin N, Mahmud N, McNamara D, Long term assessment of clinical response to Adalimumab therapy in refractory Ulcerative Colitis, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 28, (2), 2016, p217 - 221Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Smith S,Boyle B, Brennan D, Buckley M, Crotty P, Doyle M, Farrell R, Hussey M, Kevans D, Malfertheiner P, Megraud F, Nugent S, O'Connor A, O'Morain C, Weston S, McNamara D, The Irish Helicobacter pylori Working Group consensus for the diagnosis and treatment of H. pylori infection in adult patients in Ireland., European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 27, (5), 2017, p552 - 559Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Dominguez Castro P, Harkin G, Hussey M, Christopher B, Kiat C, Chin JL, Trimble V, McNamara D, MacMathuna P, Egan B, Ryan B, Kevans D, Farrell R, Byrnes V, Mahmud N, McManus R. , Changes in Presentation of Celiac Disease in Ireland From the 1960s to 2015, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 15, (1), 2017, p864 - 871Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Bell, A. and Conway, N. and Courtney, J. and Kennedy, K. and Raubenheimer, Z. and Rice, N. and Kevans, D. and Donohoe, C.L. and Reynolds, J.V., Point prevalence of adult intestinal failure in Republic of Ireland, Irish Medical Journal, 111, (2), 2018, p688Journal Article, 2018, URL
- O'Connell J, Rowan C, Stack R, Harkin G, Parihar V, Chan G, Breslin N, Cullen G, Dunne C, Egan L, Harewood G, Leyden J, MacCarthy F, MacMathuna P, Mahmud N, McKiernan S, McNamara D, Mulcahy H, Murray F, O'Connor A, O'Toole A, Patchett S, Ryan B, Sheridan J, Slattery E, Doherty G, Kevans D., Golimumab effectiveness and safety in clinical practice for moderately active ulcerative colitis., Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, (9), 2018, p1019 - 1026Journal Article, 2018
- Kevans D, Murthy S, Mould DR, Silverberg MS, Accelerated Clearance of Infliximab is Associated With Treatment Failure in Patients With Corticosteroid-Refractory Acute Ulcerative Colitis., Journal of Crohn's & colitis, 2018Journal Article, 2018
- Sheridan J, Coe CA, Doran P, Egan L, Cullen G, Kevans D, Leyden J, Galligan M, O'Toole A, McCarthy J, Doherty G, Protocol for a multicentred randomised controlled trial investigating the use of personalised golimumab dosing tailored to inflammatory load in ulcerative colitis: the GOAL-ARC study (GLM dose Optimisation to Adequate Levels to Achieve Response in Colitis) led by the INITIAtive group (NCT 0268772)., BMJ open gastroenterology, 2018Journal Article, 2018
- Fortinsky KJ, Kevans D, Qiang J, Xu W, Bellolio F, Steinhart H, Milgrom R, Greenberg G, Cohen Z, Macrae H, Stempak J, McLeod R, Silverberg MS, Rates and Predictors of Endoscopic and Clinical Recurrence After Primary Ileocolic Resection for Crohn's Disease., Digestive diseases and sciences, 2016Journal Article, 2016
- Prior AR, Kevans D, McDowell L, Cudmore S, Fitzpatrick F, Treatment of Clostridium difficile infection: a national survey of clinician recommendations and the use of faecal microbiota transplantation., The Journal of hospital infection, 2016Journal Article, 2016
- Kevans D, Tyler AD, Holm K, Jørgensen KK, Vatn MH, Karlsen TH, Kaplan GG, Eksteen B, Gevers D, Hov JR, Silverberg MS, Characterization of Intestinal Microbiota in Ulcerative Colitis Patients with and without Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis., Journal of Crohn's & colitis, 2015Journal Article, 2015
- Kevans D, Silverberg MS, Borowski K, Griffiths A, Xu W, Onay V, Paterson AD, Knight J, Croitoru K, GEM Project, IBD Genetic Risk Profile in Healthy First-Degree Relatives of Crohn's Disease Patients., Journal of Crohn's & colitis, 2015Journal Article, 2015
- Kevans D, Turpin W, Madsen K, Meddings J, Shestopaloff K, Xu W, Moreno-Hagelsieb G, Griffiths A, Silverberg MS, Paterson A, Croitoru K, GEM Project, Determinants of intestinal permeability in healthy first-degree relatives of individuals with Crohn's disease., Inflammatory bowel diseases, 2015Journal Article, 2015
- Kevans D, Waterman M, Milgrom R, Xu W, Van Assche G, Silverberg M, Serological markers associated with disease behavior and response to anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy in ulcerative colitis., Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology, 2015Journal Article, 2015
- Zanello G, Kevans D, Goethel A, Silverberg M, Tyler A, Croitoru K, Genetics and innate and adaptive immunity in IBD., Nestle Nutrition Institute workshop series, 2014Journal Article, 2014
- Kevans D, Van Assche G, Is there a therapeutic window of opportunity in early inflammatory bowel disease? Early stage inflammatory bowel disease: the actual management., Minerva gastroenterologica e dietologica, 2013Journal Article, 2013
- Kevans D, Greene J, Galvin L, Morgan R, Murray FE, Mesalazine-induced bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) in a patient with ulcerative colitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis., Inflammatory bowel diseases, 2011Journal Article, 2011
- Kevans D, Zeb F, Donnellan F, Courtney G, Aftab AR, Failed biliary access following needle knife fistulotomy: is repeat interval ERCP worthwhile?, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology, 2010Journal Article, 2010
- Turpin W, Espin-Garcia O, Xu W, Silverberg MS, Kevans D, Smith MI, Guttman DS, Griffiths A, Panaccione R, Otley A, Xu L, Shestopaloff K, Croitoru K, Association of host genome with intestinal microbial composition in a large healthy cohort., Nature genetics, 2016Journal Article, 2016
- Aftab AR, Donnellan F, Zeb F, Kevans D, Cullen G, Courtney G, NSAID-induced colopathy. A case series., Journal of gastrointestinal and liver diseases : JGLD, 2010Journal Article, 2010
- Zeb F, Kevans D, Muir K, Courtney G, Tadros E, Aftab A, Duodenal impaction/perforation of a biliary stent--a rare complication in the management of choledocholithiasis., Journal of gastrointestinal and liver diseases : JGLD, 2009Journal Article, 2009
- Kevans D, MacNicholas R, Norris S, Gallbladder wall variceal haemorrhage with associated rupture: a rare cause of mortality in the cirrhotic patient., European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology, 2009Journal Article, 2009
- Kevans D, Smyth C, O'Brien C, Broe P, Patchett S, Reversible acute reactive arthritis secondary to iatrogenic blind loop syndrome., Journal of gastrointestinal and liver diseases : JGLD, 2007Journal Article, 2007
- Kevans D, Keegan D, Mulcahy HE, O'Donoghue DP, Infliximab therapy in Crohn's disease: a pragmatic approach?, Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, 2006Journal Article, 2006
- Gibson, David J., Doherty, Jayne, McNally, Mairead, Keogh, Aine M., Keegan, Denise, Byrne, Kathryn, Kennedy, Una, Mulcahy, Hugh E., McKiernan, Susan, MacCarthy, Finbar, Egan, Laurence, Cullen, Garret, Sheridan, Juliette, Sengupta, Subhasish, Slattery, Eoin, Kevans, David, Doherty, Glen A., Medium to Long Term Outcomes in Patients Receiving Accelerated Dose Infliximab Induction for Acute Severe Ulcerative Colitis (ASUC) in a Mulit-Centre Cohort, 154, (6), 2018, ppS-832Conference Paper, 2018, DOI
- Mohammadi, Aylia, Kelly, Orlaith, Kabakchiev, Boyko, Borowski, Krzysztof, Smith, Michelle I., Kevans, David, Silverberg, Mark S., A PBMC-Derived microRNA Signature Differentiates Colonic Crohn's Disease from Ulcerative Colitis, 150, (4), 2016, ppS550-S551Conference Paper, 2016, DOI
- Mohammadi, Aylia, Kelly, Orlaith, Kabakchiev, Boyko, Borowski, Krzysztof, Smith, Michelle I., Kevans, David, Silverberg, Mark S., A Peripheral Blood Derived microRNA Signature Reveals Molecular Differences in Patients With Endoscopically Quiescent Crohn's Disease Versus Healthy Controls, 150, (4), 2016, ppS980Conference Paper, 2016, DOI
- Turpin, Williams, Silverberg, Mark S., Moreno-Hagelsieb, Gabriel, Kevans, David, Xu, Wei, Onay, Venus, Croitoru, Ken, Paterson, Andrew D., Intestinal Microbiota Is a Heritable Trait in Healthy Subjects, 146, (5), 2014, ppS-835Conference Paper, 2014, DOI
- J O'Connell, S Keohane, A McGreal-Bellone, S Naimimohasse, S McKiernan, F MacCarthy, D O'Toole, J Meaney, D Kevans, Characteristics and outcomes of acute colitis presenting via the emergency department in an Irish academic medical centre, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation Annual Congress, Barcelona, 26/1/2017, 11, 2017, ppS147 - S148Conference Paper, 2017, DOI
- C. Judge, N. McGettigan, T. Ryan, K. Hazel, P. Singh, V. Parihar, R. Stack, A. O'Connor, C. Dunne, G. Cullen, L. Egan, G. Harewood, F. MacCarthy, S. McKiernan, H. Mulcahy, F. Murray, S. Patchett, J. Sheridan, D. Trevian, N. Breslin, R. Farrell, J. Keohane, O. Kelly, D. McNamara, B. Ryan, C. Smyth, C. O'Morain, S. Sengupta, E. Slattery, G. Doherty, D. Kevans, A. O'Toole, Effectiveness and safety of vedolizumab therapy in an ulcerative colitis cohort with significant prior anti-TNF exposure, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, Euopean Crohn's and Colitis Organisation Annual Congress, Vienna, February 2018, 12, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- J O'Connell, P McDonagh, N Clarke, A Buckley, C Dunne, K Hartery, J Larkin, F MacCarthy, P McCormack, S McKiernan, B Mehigan, C Muldoon, C Ryan, J O'Sullivan, D Kevans, Association between tissue oncostatin M expression and infliximab response in corticosteroid refractory acute severe ulcerative colitis, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation Annual Congress, Copenhagen, 1/3/2019, 13, 2019, ppS134 - S134Conference Paper, 2019
- J O'Connell, MS Ismail, M McCormack, P McDonagh, R Argue, N Breslin, V Crowley, G Cullen, GA Doherty, C Dunne, K Hartery, F MacCarthy, S McKiernan, H Mulcahy, A O'Connor, C O'Morain, B Ryan, J Sheridan, M Healy, D McNamara, D Kevans, Association between induction vedolizumab drug levels and therapy outcome in inflammatory bowel disease, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, Euopean Crohn's and Colitis Organisation Annual Congress, Copenhagen, 1/3/2019, 13, 2019, ppS308 - S309Conference Paper, 2019
- J O'Connell, P McDonagh, K Hazel, J Fiona, C Dunne, R Farrell, G Harewood, K Hartery, O Kelly, F MacCarthy, S McKiernan, F Murray, C O'Morain, O Aoibhlinn, D Kevans, Association between trough levels of vedolizumab and therapy outcome in a cohort of patients with inflammatory bowel disease, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation Annual Congress, Copenhagen, 1/3/2019, 13, 2019, ppS473 - S473Conference Paper, 2019
- Kevans D, Gorman S, Tosetto M, Sheahan K, O'Donoghue D, Mulcahy H and O'Sullivan J. , Clusterin and chemotherapy sensitivity under normoxic graded hypoxic conditions in colorectal cancer , Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer , 43, (2), 2012, p305-313Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Doherty G, Walsh P, Sheridan J, Kevans D, Keegan D, Nolan B, White A, McDermott E, Sheahan K, O'Shea D, Hyland J, O'Donoghue D, O'Sullivan J and Mulchay H. , Clinical and Pathological Factors associated with colorectal cancer at the Upper extreme of life, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58, (4), 2010Journal Article, 2010
- Kevans D, Foley J, Tenniswood M, Sheahan K, Hyland J, O'Donoghue D, Mulchay H and O'Sullivan J. , High clusterin expression correlates with a poor outcome in Stage II T3NO colorectal cancer. , Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention, 18, (2), 2009, p393-399Journal Article, 2009
- Sullivan S, Tosetto M, Kevans D, Coss A, Wang L, O'Donoghue D, Hyland J, Fennelly D, Sheahan K, Mulcahy H & O'Sullivan J. , Localization of a nuclear Cathepsin L and its association with disease progression and poor outcome in colorectal cancer. , Int J Cancer, 1;125, (1), 2009, p54-61Journal Article, 2009
- Wang L, Kevans D, Mulcahy H, O'Sullivan J, Hyland J, O'Donoghue D and Sheahan K. , Tumour budding is a strong and reproducible prognostic marker in T3N0 colorectal cancer. , The American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 33, (1), 2009, p134-141Journal Article, 2009
- Kevans D, Farrell G, Hopkins S, Mahmud N, White B, Norris S, Bergin C, Haematological support during peg-interferon therapy for HCV-infected haemophiliacs improves virological outcomes., Haemophilia : the official journal of the World Federation of Hemophilia, 13, (5), 2007, p593-8Journal Article, 2007
- Sheridan, J., Walsh, P., Kevans, D., (...), Mulcahy, H., Doherty, G. , Determinants of short- and long-term survival from colorectal cancer in very elderly patients, Journal of Geriatric Oncology , 5, (4), 2014, p376-83Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Canney, AL, Kevans, D, Wang, LM, Hyland, JMP, Mulcahy, HE, O'Donoghue, DP, O'Sullivan, J, Geraghty, R, Sheahan, K, Stage II colonic adenocarcinoma: a detailed study of pT4N0 with emphasis on peritoneal involvement and the role of tumour budding, HISTOPATHOLOGY, 61, (3), 2012, p488-496Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Kevans, D, Wang, LM, Sheahan, K, Hyland, J, O'Donoghue, D, Mulcahy, H, O'Sullivan, J, Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) Protein Expression in a Cohort of Stage II Colorectal Cancer Patients With Characterized Tumor Budding and Mismatch Repair Protein Status, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGY, 19, (6), 2011, p751-760Journal Article, 2011, DOI
Research Expertise
Genetics, Clinical Medicine, Cancer, Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences, Immunology, Nutrition and dietetics,
- Fellowship Award, Canadian Institutes of Health Research 2012
- Membership European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation To date
- Membership of Royal College Of Physicians of Ireland To date
- Principle Investigator Investigator Network for Inflammatory Bowel disease therapy in Ireland (INITIative) to date
- Irish Society of Gastroenterology To date
- Secretary Investigator Network for Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Ireland (INITiative) 01-Oct-2018
- Board Member, Irish Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism 01-Jan-2018
- Secretary Investigator Network for Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Ireland (INITiative) 01-Oct-2018
- Board Member, Irish Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism 01-Jan-2018