Professor Odhran Porres Shelley
Clinical Professor, Surgery
Clinical Professor, School Office - Medicine
Email shelleyo@tcd.ie PhoneBiography
Odhran Shelley is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon specialised in Burn care and reconstruction as well as complex wound reconstruction. He graduated in medicine from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in 1993, and completed his fellowship in Surgery in Dublin in 1997. He was appointed to the Dublin Surgical Training scheme, and subsequently trained in Plastic Surgery at Canniesburn Plastic Surgery Unit in Glasgow. He also worked at the Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston and received the Mannick research award in 2000 for research on interactions between innate and adaptive immunity following injury. He completed his training in plastic surgery at Canniesburn plastic surgery unit in Glasgow and in Chelmsford and London, undertaking fellowships in burn care, microsurgical breast reconstruction , and aesthetic surgery and was awarded scholarships to plastic surgery units in Ljubljana Slovenia and Leuven ,Belgium. He was appointed as a Consultant plastic surgeon at St Andrew's Centre for Plastic Surgery and Burns, Chelmsford, UK in 2006 and subsequently became its Clinical Director. He returned to St James Hospital and Trinity College Dublin as Director of the National burns unit in Dublin in 2011 and is the clinical lead in plastic surgery at St James's Hospital. Odhran has written numerous papers on reconstruction in plastic surgery following cancer , injury and burns and he is actively involved in clinical research and international collaborations. For many years he has been involved in developing training programmes in Reconstructive surgery , anaesthesia , nursing, and allied health science in West Africa. He is a director and Chairman of the international charity Resurge Africa which supports and funds training in Sierra Leone, Ghana and India . He is an executive member and trustee of the British Burn Association and is actively involved in determining he standards for burn care. He has actively supported patient participation in their healthcare and assisted burn survivors in setting up a national support group.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- O. Shelley, P.Eadie, Use of Fibula for Radius Reconstruction following Giant Cell Tumour Resectio, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, , 1996Conference Paper, 1996
- O.Shelley, P.Eadie, The Economic Impact of Hand Injuries treated in a Dublin Plastic Surgery Unit., Irish Hand Society, Inaugural meeting, galway Ireland, 1997Oral Presentation, 1997
- O.Shelley, P.Eadie, The use of Vascularised Fibula for reconstruction of Distal Radius, Irish Hand Society, Inaugural meeting , Galway , Irl. Nov.1997, 1997Oral Presentation, 1997
- O.Shelley, J.O.Smal, Second Toe to Thumb Transfer, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, 1997Oral Presentation, 1997
- O.Shelley, S.Watson, I.Taggart, The role of Allograft in major burns, Immunological response to graft tissue, Burns Interest Group, Glasgow, UK Jan. 1999, 1999Oral Presentation, 1999
- O.Shelley, S.Watson,I.Taggart, Overcoming vascular problems in Microvascular reconstruction , The Scottish Irish meeting, Edinburgh,UK Nov.1998, 1998Oral Presentation, 1998
- O. Shelley, O.Villafane, S.Watson, The use of Aesthetically Important skin in Burns contracture release, The British Burns Association meeting, London, UK April 19, 1999Oral Presentation, 1999
- M Kell, O Shelley, Z Guo, J.A. Mannick, J.A. Lederer, A Central role for CD95(Fas) in T~cell reactivity after injury, American Society of University Surgeons, Toronto, Can, 2000Conference Paper, 2000
- G. Guo, O. Shelley, J. Lederer, Injury alters the T-Cell response against Superantigen, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Seattle, USA, May 2000, 2000Conference Paper, 2000
- G. Guo, O. Shelley, J. Lederer, Thermal injury suppresses TH1 type responses in vivo, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Seattle,USA, 2000Conference Paper, 2000
- O. Shelley, S. Dolan, J. Lederer, Burn Injury Alters the T-Cell Response to Bacterial Superantigen, British Association of Plastic Surgeons, London, UK Nov, 2000Conference Paper, 2000
- Odhran Shelley, Brian Sommerlad, St Andrews Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 26-27 November , 2010, Chelmsford UKMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2010
- O. Shelley, Z Guo, H Paterson, J. Mannick, J Lederer , Burn Injury PrimesThe Regulatory Interactions Between The Innate & Adaptive Immune System, Society of Leukocyte Biology, , Boston, USA, Oct, 2000Conference Paper, 2000
- O Shelley , Injury Alters the Regulatory Interactions Between Innate and Adaptive Immune , Research awards, Harvard Medical School, Harvard Medical School, 2000Oral Presentation, 2000
- S. Dolan, O Shelley, Z Guo, J Lederer., . Injury Induced Changes in Antigen Presenting Cells Alter Lymphocyte Function, Keystone Symposium, Keystone, Colorado, USA, January, 2001Oral Presentation, 2001
- O. Shelley, Z Guo, H Paterson, J. Mannick, J Lederer , Burn Injury Primes The Regulatory Interactions Between The Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems. , Keystone symposium, Keystone, Colorado, USA, Jan 2001, 2001Oral Presentation, 2001
- H Paterson, E.Purcell, O. Shelley, J Lederer., Burn Injury Alters Toll, Keystone Symposium, Keystone Colorado, Jan 2001, 2001Poster, 2001
- O. Shelley, Z Guo, H Paterson, S. Dolan, J. Mannick, J Lederer , Microarray Display of Gene Expression after Injury , Society of University Surgeons, chicago, Illinois, Jan 2001, 2001Poster, 2001
- de Blacam C., Tierney S., Shelley O., Experience of plastic surgery registrars in a European Working Time Directive compliant rota, Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery, 51, (4), 2017, p264 - 269Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Byrne M., O'Donnell M., Fitzgerald L., Shelley O.P., Early experience with fat grafting as an adjunct for secondary burn reconstruction in the hand: Technique, hand function assessment and aesthetic outcomes, Burns, 42, (2), 2016, p356 - 365Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Tong E., Martin F., Shelley O., A novel approach to reconstruct a large full thickness abdominal wall defect: Successful treatment with matriderm® and split, Journal of Wound Care, 23, (7), 2014, p355 - 357Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Farroha A., Dziewulski P., Shelley O.P., Estimating the positive predictive value and sensitivity of the clinical diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 66, (7), 2013, p1013 - 1015Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Frew Q., Philp B., Shelley O., Myers S., Navsaria H., Dziewulski P., The use of Biobrane® as a delivery method for cultured epithelial autograft in burn patients, Burns, 39, (5), 2013, p876 - 880, p876-880Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Shelley O., Farroha A., Allograft dressing for a free muscle flap in foot burns, Journal of Burn Care and Research, 34, (2), 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Farroha A., Frew Q., Shelley O., The use of Emla® cream to remove staples from skin-grafted areas, Journal of Burn Care and Research, 34, (1), 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Shelley O.P., Farroha A.S., Using a donut dressing to prevent pressure necrosis in heel reconstruction, Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery, 45, (1), 2012, p165 - 166Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Masud D., Norton S., Smailes S., Shelley O., Philp B., Dziewulski P., The use of a frailty scoring system for burns in the elderly, Burns, 39, (1), 2013, p30 - 36, p30-36Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Reid A.W.N., Shelley O.P., A 79 year old man with a lesion on his cheek, BMJ (Online), 344, (7850), 2012, p50-Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Roberts G., Lloyd M., Parker M., Martin R., Philp B., Shelley O., Dziewulski P., The Baux score is dead. Long live the Baux score: A 27-year retrospective cohort study of mortality at a regional burns service, Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 72, (1), 2012, p251 - 256, p251-256Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Sheppard N.N., Hemington-Gorse S., Shelley O.P., Philp B., Dziewulski P., Prognostic scoring systems in burns: A review, Burns, 37, (8), 2011, p1288 - 1295, p1288-1295Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Reid A.W.N., Shelley O.P., Picture quiz: Skin defect in a bedbound patient, BMJ, 342, (7807), 2011Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Hemington-Gorse S.J., Clover A.J.P., MacDonald C., Harriott J., Richardson P., Philp B., Shelley O., Dziewulski P., Comfort care in burns: The Burn Modified Liverpool Care Pathway (BM-LCP), Burns, 37, (6), 2011, p981 - 985, p981-985Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Horner C.W.M., Atkins J., Simpson L., Philp B., Shelley O., Dziewulski P., Estimating the usage of allograft in the treatment of major burns, Burns, 37, (4), 2011, p590 - 593, p590-593Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Ghanem A.M., Sen S., Philp B., Dziewulski P., Shelley O.P., Body Mass Index (BMI) and mortality in patients with severe burns: Is there a "tilt point" at which obesity influences outcome?, Burns, 37, (2), 2011, p208 - 214Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Hemington-Gorse S.J., Sheppard N.N., Martin R., Shelley O., Philp B., Dziewulski P., The use of the Cortrak Enteral Access System" for post-pyloric (PP) feeding tube placement in a Burns Intensive Care Unit, Burns, 37, (2), 2011, p277 - 280, p277-280Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Reid A.W.N., Akhtar J., Shelley O.P., Management of paediatric burns, BMJ (Online), 341, (7770), 2010Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Teare L., Shelley O.P., Millership S., Kearns A., Outbreak of Panton-Valentine leucocidin-positive meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a regional burns unit, Journal of Hospital Infection, 76, (3), 2010, p220 - 224, p220-224Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Sheppard N.N., Hemington-Gorse S., Ghanem A., Philp B., Dziewulski P., Shelley O.P., The Belgian severity prediction model compared to other scoring systems in a burn intensive care population, Burns, 36, (8), 2010, p1320 - 1321Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- O'Hara D., Oakey S., Shelley O., Securing tracheal tubes in facial burns, British Journal of Anaesthesia, 103, (3), 2009, p458 - 459Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Patel N.G., Gore S., Shelley O.P., Hypafix® versus Mefix®, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 62, (3), 2009, p351-Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Lowery K., Shirley R., Shelley O.P., Kaniorou-Larai M., Philp B., Dziewulski P., Purpura fulminans skin loss: surgical management protocols at a regional burns centre, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 61, (12), 2008, p1520 - 1523, p1520-1523Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Nizamoglu M., Ward J.A., Frew Q., Gerrish H., Martin N., Shaw A., Barnes D., Shelly O., Philp B., El-Muttardi N., Dziewulski P., Improving mortality outcomes of Stevens Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis: A regional burns centre experience, Burns, 44, (3), 2018, p603 - 611, p603-611Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Prousskaia, E., El-Muttardi, N., Philp, B., Dziewulski, P., Shelley, O.P., Treatment of nasal burns: Analysis of 150 cases,Traitement des nez brûlés: Analyse de 150 cas, Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters, 28, (2), 2015, p121-127Journal Article, 2015
- Taghizadeh, R., Shelley, O.P., Chew, B.K., Weiler-Mithoff, E.M., Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis: Surgery, treatment, and reconstruction, Breast Journal, 13, (5), 2007, p509-513Journal Article, 2007
- Dabernig, J., Shelley, O.P., Schaff, J., The innervated free toe web flap for clitoris reconstruction, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 60, (12), 2007, p1352-1355Journal Article, 2007
- Dabernig, J., Shelley, O.P., Cuccia, G., Schaff, J., Urethral Reconstruction Using the Radial Forearm Free Flap: Experience in Oncologic Cases and Gender Reassignment, European Urology, 52, (2), 2007, p547-554Journal Article, 2007
- Shelley FRCSI FRCSI Plast, O.P., DIEP flap perforators and prophylaxis-X marks the spot, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 59, (8), 2006, p891Journal Article, 2006
- Shelley, O.P., Van Niekerk, W., Cuccia, G., Watson, S.B., Dual benefit procedures: Combining aesthetic surgery with burn reconstruction, Burns, 32, (8), 2006, p1022-1027Journal Article, 2006
- Cuccia, G., Shelley, O.P., D'Alcontres, F.S., Giannitrapani, M., Soutar, D.S., Camilleri, I.G., Evidence of significant sternocleidomastoid atrophy following modified radical neck dissection type III, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 117, (1), 2006, p227-232Journal Article, 2006
- Shelley, O.P., Dziewulski, P., Late management of burns, Surgery, 24, (1), 2006, p15-17Journal Article, 2006
- Dabernig, J., Schumacher, O., Shelley, O.P., Dabernig, W., Schaff, J., Urethra Reconstruction Following Resection of Penile Leiomyosarcoma, European Urology, 49, (6), 2006, p1122-1124Journal Article, 2006
- Dabernig, J., Shelley, O., Cuccia, G., Schaff, J., Urethral prelamination in penile reconstruction with an osteo-cutaneous free fibular flap, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 59, (5), 2006, p561-562Journal Article, 2006
- Cuccia, G., Shelley, O., D'Alcontres, F.S., Soutar, D.S., Camilleri, I.G., A comparison of temporalis transfer and free latissimus dorsi transfer in lower facial reanimation following unilateral longstanding facial palsy, Annals of Plastic Surgery, 54, (1), 2005, p66-70Journal Article, 2005
- Scott, J.R., Dabernig, J., Shelley, O., Landmarks for K-wire placement in the distal phalanx [3], Annals of Plastic Surgery, 55, (4), 2005, p438-439Journal Article, 2005
- Dabernig, J., Shelley, O., Watson, S., The flap skin donor site: A good tool for monitoring flap perfusion [4], Annals of Plastic Surgery, 55, (4), 2005, p439-440Journal Article, 2005
- Shelley, O.P., Robinson, A., Wriggling to freedom (from pain) [5], British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 58, (4), 2005, p581Journal Article, 2005
- Grandhi, T.M., Shelley, O., Ray, A.K., McGregor, J.R., Dorsal urethral fistula: Case report and review of literature, Urology, 63, (1), 2004, p175-176Journal Article, 2004
- Paterson, H.M., Murphy, T.J., Purcell, E.J., Shelley, O., Kriynovich, S.J., Lien, E., Mannick, J.A., Lederer, J.A., Injury primes the innate immune system for enhanced Toll-like receptor reactivity, Journal of Immunology, 171, (3), 2003, p1473-1483Journal Article, 2003
- Shelley, O., Murphy, T., Paterson, H., Mannick, J.A., Lederer, J.A., Interaction between the innate and adaptive immune systems is required to survive sepsis and control inflammation after injury., Shock (Augusta, Ga.), 20, (2), 2003, p123-129Journal Article, 2003
- Shelley, O., Murphy, T., Lederer, J.A., Mannick, J.A., Rodrick, M.L., Mast cells and resistance to peritoneal sepsis after burn injury., Shock (Augusta, Ga.), 19, (6), 2003, p513-518Journal Article, 2003
- Kell, M.R., Shelley, O., Mannick, J.A., Guo, Z., Lederer, J.A., A central role for CD95 (Fas) in T-cell reactivity after injury, Surgery, 128, (2), 2000, p159-164Journal Article, 2000
- Shelley, O.P., Watson, S.B., Taggart, I., Successful free flap transfer following venous thrombectomy in recipient vessel, British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 53, (6), 2000, p524-525Journal Article, 2000
- Shelley, O.P., Villafane, O., Watson, S.B., Successful partial ear replantation after prolonged ischaemia time, British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 53, (1), 2000, p76-77Journal Article, 2000
- O Shelley, H Paterson, Z Guo, J Mannick, J Lederer, M Rodrick, Are Mast Cells Required for Survival after injury and Sepsis?, Scandinavian Journal of Immunology , International Immunology Congress, Stockholm, 54 (s1), 2-2. July/A, 2001Conference Paper, 2001
- E Purcell, H Paterson, O Shelley, S Dolan, J Mannick, J Lederer., Burn Injury Alters V Ò_-T-Cell Populations, International Immunology congress, Stockholm, 2001, Volume 54 Issue s1 P, Scandinavian Journal of Immunology , 2001Conference Paper, 2001
- Guo, S Dolan, E Kavanagh, J Mannick1,O Shelley, J Lederer, Injury Suppresses TH-1 type responses in vivo by altering T Helper-Cell subset , International Immunology Congress, stockholm, July 2001, Scandinavian Journal of Immunology , 2001Conference Paper, 2001
- O Shelley, E Purcell, H Paterson, Zijhun Guo, J Mannick, J Lederer, Interleukin -18 treatment following Burn Injury restores Antigen Specific Interferon , International Immunology Congress, Scandinavian Journal of Immunology , 2001, pp54 (s1), 3-3. July/August 2001Conference Paper, 2001
- H Paterson, E Purcell , O Shelley, J Mannick, J Lederer, Toll Like receptors induction in innate and adaptive immune cells is compartmentalised, International Immunology Congress, Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 54 (s1), 5-5.July/August 2001, 2001Conference Paper, 2001
- Principles of Flap Reconstruction for Burns in, Kayvan Shokrollahi , Iain Whitaker , Foad Nahai , Flaps: Practical Reconstructive Surgery, New York Stuttgart, Thieme, 2017, [Jabir S., Frew Q., el MuttardiN., Shelley O. Dziewulski P.]Book Chapter, 2017
- Woods JF, Quinlan CS, Shelley OP., Predicting Mortality in Severe Burns-What Is the Score?: Evaluation and Comparison of 4 Mortality Prediction Scores in an Irish Population., Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open, 4, (1), 2016, pe606Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- McQuade C, Quinlan CS, Shelley OP, Eadie PA., Hand in Hand: The Activity of a Soft Tissue Trauma Clinic in a Tertiary Referral Centre and its Association with Economic Prosperity., Irish medical journal, 109, (5), 2016, p415Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Concannon E, Kennedy S, Shelley O., Toxic epidermal necrolysis after acute burn injury., Annals of burns and fire disasters, 31, (4), 2018, p266-270Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Fitzgerald, Louise, Shelley, Odhran, Harbison, Joseph, Prevalence of Cerebrovascular Disease in Patients Undergoing Neuroimaging in a Tertiary Burns Centre, Age and Ageing, 46, (Suppl_3), 2017, piii13-iii59Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Byrne, Miriam, Donnell, Michelle O', Fitzgerald, Lisa, Shelley, Odhran, Autologous fat grafting for the treatment of functional and cosmetic aspects of burn contracture, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 67, (10), 2014, p1467Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Win, Thet Su, Lloyd, Mark Sheldon, Hosain, Mozaffor, Dziewulski, Peter, Shelley, Odhran, Breaking down the health care language barrier: Experience of a regional burn unit, International Journal of Surgery, 10, (8), 2012, pS64Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Ms M Byrne, Ms M Carter, Mr O Shelley, Experience with lipofilling for burns scar contracture , 2014, European Society of Plastic Surgery , Edinburgh, July, 2014Oral Presentation, 2014
- Mahon N., Shelley O, Comparing the use of peripherally inserted central, European Society of Plastic Surgery, Edinburgh, July, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
- JFC Woods, CS Quinlan, OP Shelley , Evaluation and Comparison of burn mortality predication scores in an Irish population , Irish Association of Plastic Surgeons , Galway, May, 2015Oral Presentation, 2015
- C de Blacam, O Shelley, The European Working Time Directive: Experience of Plastic Surgery Registrars in a Compliant Rota, May, 2015Oral Presentation, 2015
- CS Quinlan, C McQuade, O Shelley, P Eadie, Waiting Times to Definitive Surgical Management of Soft Tissue Trauma: The Function of a Plastic Sur¬gery Trauma Clinic at a Tertiary Referral Centre , Galway, May, 2015Oral Presentation, 2015
- J Woods C Quinlan, O Shelley, Evaluation and comparison of burn mortality predication scores in an Irish population: is the Belgian score the best?, British Assoc.of Plastic,Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons, Bruges, July, 2016Oral Presentation, 2016
- P. Ravese, B. Lennon , O. Shelley , N Murphy P. Byrne, .Fabrication of silicone armpit rehabilitation device for Burn patients, The European Medical and Biological Engineering , Finland, June, 2017Oral Presentation, 2017
- C McCarrick O Shelley , Timing and outcomes of tracheostomy in burns care, British Assoc.of Plastic,Reconstructive & Aesthetic SurgeonsFinnish Assoc.of Plastic,Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons, Helsinki, June, 2017Oral Presentation, 2017
- C McQuade C Quinlan O Shelley P Eadie , The influence of economic prosperity on the activity of a Plastic Surgery soft tissue trauma clinic at a tertiary referral centre, British Assoc.of Plastic,Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons, Finland, June, 2017Oral Presentation, 2017
- I Timoney, DR Wall B Wynne, O Shelley L Barnes, Successful surgical Management of two patients with severe Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, Irish Assoc Of Dermatology , Oct, 2017Oral Presentation, 2017
- JB Skeens, SM Bollard, JFC Woods, OP Shelley, .Predicting elderly burns one-year survival rate in Ireland - the incorporation of Frailty Scoring, Irish Association of Plastic Surgeons , Dublin, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
- SM Bollard, SM Beecher, JB Skeens, JFC Woods, O Shelley, A review of cause of mortality over a 10-year period in the national burns unit, Irish Association of Plastic Surgeons , Dublin, May, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
- S Cullen, O Shelley, The use of endermologie in the treatment of scars following thermal injury , Irish Association of Plastic Surgeons, Dublin. IRL, May, 2018Poster, 2018
- JFC Woods, OP Shelley, Laser treatment of erythema and pigmentation in burn scars, Irish Association of Plastic Surgeons , Dublin IRL, 2018Poster, 2018
- O Shelley, A Ray, Inferior pedicled Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator flap for penile reconstruction , Canniesburn Reunion , Canniesburn, Glasgow, June, 2001Oral Presentation, 2001
- O. Shelley, H Paterson , Z Guo , J. Mannick, J Lederer, Burn Injury Causes Suppression of Innate Immune function and , British Association of Plastic Surgeons, Sterling, July, 2001Oral Presentation, 2001
- O. Shelley, H Paterson , E Purcell, , J. Mannick, J Lederer, Interleukin 18 treatment following Injury restores Antigen Specific Interferon gamma production , and reduces lethality of polymicrobial sepsis, American College of Surgeons, Orleans, USA, October, 2001Oral Presentation, 2001
- O. Shelley , E Weiler-Mithoff, Chest Wall Reconstruction In Locally Advanced and Recurrent Breast Carcinoma, British Association of Plastic Surgeons, London, November, 2002Oral Presentation, 2002
- G Cuccia , O Shelley , I Camilleri, D Soutar, Sternocleidomastoid atrophy following Modified Radical Neck Dissection III, British Association of Plastic Surgeons , Dublin, Ireland, July, 2004Oral Presentation, 2004
- R Taghizadeh O Shelley ,E Weiler-Mithoff, Granulomatous Mastitis, Scottish Irish Meeting, Glasgow, UK, Nov, 2004Oral Presentation, 2004
- O Shelley ,R Taghizadeh, R Clarke, J Kirkpatrick, B Thakker, S Watson , Severe Invasive Soft Tissue Infection , Scottish Irish Meeting, Glasgow, UK, November, 2004Oral Presentation, 2004
- Dabernig J, Shelley O. Shaff J, Prelamination of urethra in fibular free flap, British Association of Plastic Surgeons, Eton, July, 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
- Dabernig J, Shelley O. Shaff J , .Metaoidioplasty - A rare described method in female to male gender reassignment surgery.Review in 21 patients , European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery , Vienna, Austria, Sept, 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
- Dabernig J, Shelley O. Shaff J, Using the prelaminated fibular free flap in penile reconstructions , European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Vienna, Austria, Sept, 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
- A Ghanem, O Shelley, S Sen, S Oakey, B Philp, P Dziewulski, Burn Injury in the Morbidly Obese A single centre retrospective cohort study, British Burn Association, Dublin, Ireland, April, 2006Oral Presentation, 2006
- Molenaar EJ ,Shelley O, Kangesu L, Lister P, Dziewulski P, Case of major burns in a preterm infant Requiring specialised NICU and burns care , British Burn Association, Dublin, Ireland, April, 2006Poster, 2006
- Mishra AJ , Shelley OP, Kim JL, Dziewulski P, Perforator free flap reconstruction in Nasal reconstruction. , British Burn Association, Dublin, Ireland, april, 2006Poster, 2006
- Shirley R, Lowery K, Kaniorou M,Sen S, Shelley O, Philp B, Dziewulski P , Treatment of extensive skin defects following Meningococcal septicaemia at a regional burn unit-using Allograft, British Burn Association, Dublin, Ireland, April, 2006Oral Presentation, 2006
- A Ghanem, O Shelley, S Sen, SOakey, B Philp, P Dziewulski, BMI > 35; A risk factor in Burn Injuries?, British Assoc.of Plastic,Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons, London,UK , Dec, 2007Oral Presentation, 2007
- M S Lloyd .B Philp, P Dziewulski , O Shelley, Translation Needs in the burn patient, British Assoc.of Plastic,Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons, London,UK, Dec, 2007Oral Presentation, 2007
- M S Lloyd, O Shelley, H.Chew, S. Ghosh ,B Philp,P. Dziewulski , Results of Early Near-Total Excision of Major Burns (over 40% Total Body Surface , British Assoc.of Plastic,Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons, London,UK, Dec, 2007Oral Presentation, 2007
- E. L. Teare, T.C.S.Cubison, R.V.Martin, M. Reacher, S. Millership, O Shelley P Dziewulski, . Managing An Outbreak of Pantene Valentine Leucocidin MRSA in a Burn Centre, British Burn Association , Bristol, UK, April, 2008Oral Presentation, 2008
- B Jayawardena, B Philp, P. Dziewulski, O Shelley, Determining Interpreter Needs & Formulating a Translation Ladder for Burn Patients.(, British Burn Association , Bristol, UK, April, 2008Poster, 2008
- R Chalmers O Shelley B Philp P Dziewulski, Early experience with Matriderm in a Regional Burns Centre, British Burn Association , Belfast, April, 2009Oral Presentation, 2009
- N Patel O Shelley, B Philp P Dziewulski, Assessment of Burn wound surgical workload in a specialist Service, British Burn Association , Belfast, April, 2009Oral Presentation, 2009
- M Sharma L Teare O Shelley, BPhilp P Dziewulski, Reduction of Airborne organisms using the Innovate system, British Burn Association, Belfast, April, 2009Oral Presentation, 2009
- MA Moses, M Sharma, A Hafeez, O Shelley, B Philp, P Dziewulski, Fire and Lice:Three Cases of Burns Following the Use of Anti-Lice Shampoo , British Burn Association , Belfast, April, 2009Poster, 2009
- Mula V. Sharma M. Shelley OP, Philp B. Dziewulski P, Combination Treatments of Hydrosurgery Epithelial Cell Suspension and Biosynthetic Wound Dressings,: a small case series in Scald Burns, European Burns Association , Lausanne Sw, Sept, 2009Poster, 2009
- Mula V. Sharma M. Shelley OP, Philp B. Dziewulski P, Combination Treatments of Hydrosurgery Epithelial Cell Suspension and Biosynthetic Wound Dressings,: a small case series in Scald Burns, European Burns Association , Lausanne Sw, Sept, 2009Poster, 2009
- D Kulendren,M Syed,O Shelley,V Ramakrishnan, The Use of Robotic Technology in Microvascular Anastomosis - da Vinci Surgical, British Assoc.of Plastic,Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons , London, , Dec, 2009Oral Presentation, 2009
- C Horner, O Shelley , B Philp , P Dziewulski, Estimating the Use of Allograft in the treatment of Major Burns, British Burn association, Sussex, April, 2010Oral Presentation, 2010
- D Masud, N El- Muttardi, BPhilp, P Dziewulski, O Shelley, Frailty scores as a predictive of Mortality in Resucitated Burns aged over 65 in a Burns ITU, British Burn Association , Sussex, April, 2010Oral Presentation, 2010
- O Shelley, Free tissue Transfer following Burns and Complex skin loss, Irish Association of Plastic Surgeons, Cork, Irleand, May, 2010Oral Presentation, 2010
- M Lloyd O Shelley ,P Dziewulski, Results of near- total Excision of full thickness Burns ( over 40% body surface area ) between 1998 and 2007, European Association of Plastic Surgeons, Manchester, May, 2010Oral Presentation, 2010
- O Shelley A Ghanem,S Sen, SOakey, B Philp, P Dziewulski, BMI > 35 is an Independent predictor of Mortality in Major Burns, European Association of Plastic Surgeons, Manchester UK, May, 2010Oral Presentation, 2010
- D Masud, N El- Muttardi, B Philp, O Shelley, P Dziewulski, Laparotomy in Burn Patients , British Assoc.of Plastic,Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons, Sheffiled UK, July, 2010Oral Presentation, 2010
- Mrs S Hemington-Gorse, Mr N Sheppard, Dr R Martin, Mr O Shelley, Mr B Philp, Mr P Dziewulski, The Use of the Cortrak Enteral Access System (CEAS) for Post-Pyloric (PP) Feeding Tube Placement in a Burns Intensive Care Unit, British Assoc.of Plastic,Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons, London, Dec, 2010Oral Presentation, 2010
- A Ravishankar, V Wong, S Hemington-Gorse, O Shelley, P Dziewulski, Comparison of Helicopter vs. Land Ambulance Transfer of Burn Patients, British Assoc.of Plastic,Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons, London, Dec, 2010Oral Presentation, 2010
- Mr C Macdonald, Miss S Hemington-Gorse, Mr J Clover, Miss J Harriott, Dr P Richardson,, Comfort Care in Burns: the Burn Modified Liverpool Care Pathway, British Assoc.of Plastic,Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons , London, Dec, 2010Oral Presentation, 2010
- G Roberts,Smailes,Martin,Philip, El-Muttardi, Collins,B Emerson,O Shelley, G Thorburn P Dziewulsk, Risk-Adjusted CUSUM Techniques for Prospective Outcome, British Assoc.of Plastic,Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons, London, Dec, 2011Oral Presentation, 2011
- Concannon E, Fitzgerald L, Canniff E, Birrane J, Harbison J, Shelley O., Neuroimaging provides relevant clinical information in patients with burn injuries., Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Miranda, B.H., Hughes, W.R.M., Pinto-Lopes, R., Mathur, B.S., Ramakrishnan, V.V., Sood, M.K., Ahmad, F., Banwell, M.E., Barnes, D.E., El-Muttardi, N., Griffiths, M., Hussain, A., Iwuagwu, F.C., Kangesu, L., Khan, W., Martin, N., Mopuri, N., Morgan, M., Morris, P., Rorison, P., Shelley, O., Sierakowski, A., Tare, M., Tzafetta, K., Zweifel, C.J., Appukuttan, A., Balgaumwala, T., Counter, O., Deelip Dhake, S., Fernandez-Diaz, O.F., Gathura, E., Harris, N., Constantin Ion Jica, R., Katechia, D., Lavender, S., Martin, D.G., Mertic, A., Miranda, A., Myers, J., Nasrallah, F., Pantelides, N., Prior, S., Raveendran, S., Sell, T., Sinha, R., Smeeton, B.T., Smith, A.C.D., Sofos, S., Strong, B., Tang, J.Y.M., Thacoor, A., Tucker, A., Turkentine, M., Cornforth, M., Cowdery, S., Marasca, A., Palmer, H., Watts, C., Watts, J., Wiltshire, R., Sing, Q.Y., Zberea, D.E., Mabvuure, N.T., St Andrew's COVID-19 surgery safety (StACS) study: Elective plastic surgery, trauma & burns, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 74, (1), 2021, p211-222Journal Article, 2021
- Smith, A.C.D., Miranda, B.H., Strong, B., Jica, R.C.I., Pinto-Lopes, R., Khan, W., Martin, N.A., El-Muttardi, N., Barnes, D., Shelley, O.P., St Andrew's COVID-19 surgery safety (StACS) study: The Burns Centre experience, Burns, 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Sullivan, J.V., Dziewulski, P., Shelley, O.P., Should the beard be considered as a separate facial unit?, Burns, 46, (6), 2020, p1474-1475Journal Article, 2020
- Concannon, E., Kennedy, S., Shelley, O., Toxic epidermal necrolysis after acute burn injury,Nécrolyse épi dermique toxique pendant la prise en charge d"une brûlure, Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters, 31, (4), 2018, p266-270Journal Article, 2018
- Prousskaia E, El-Muttardi N, Philp B, Dziewulski P, Shelley OP, Treatment of nasal burns: analysis of 150 cases., Annals of burns and fire disasters, 2015Journal Article, 2015
- E Francis, O Shelley, Copper wire theft and high voltage electrical burns., International journal of burns and trauma, 2014Journal Article, 2014
- Alice Ruth Lapthorn, Marcus Ilg, Justine Sullivan, Peter Dziewulski, Odhran Shelley, Selim Cellek, Screening of 1,954 FDA-approved drugs reveals 90 hits with anti-myofibroblast activity using an in vitro model of cutaneous scarring, 2021Conference Paper, 2021
- J Sullivan, J Coleman, P Dziewulski, O Shelley, UK Burn Disasters Update 2010-2018, 2020Conference Paper, 2020
- A Kiely, S Beecher, O Shelley, An Army To Fix An Arm-A Multidisciplinary Approach To The Replantation Of A Traumatic Left Upper Arm Amputation, 2018Meeting Abstract, 2018
- Kennedy S, Concannon E Shelley O, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis after Acute Burn Injury Abstract, Plastic surgery the Meeting, San Diego, sep 20-23 2019, 2019Poster, 2019
- Miranda BH, Jica RCI, Pinto-Lopes R, Mopuri N, Sood MK, Tare M, Shelley O, El-Muttardi N, St Andrew"s Collaborative., St Andrew's COVID-19 Surgery Safety (StACS) study: Skin cancer., Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery, 2021, p1-7Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Sullivan JV, Cubison T, Dziewulski P, Shelley OP., Spare part surgery is often overlooked!, Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 46, (4), 2020, p986Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Chee SY, McKenna J, Shelley OP., Tibialis Posterior Tendon Transfers to Correct Bilateral Postburn Ankle Equinus: A Case Report., Annals of plastic surgery, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Jalloh A, Darko K, Paintsil A, Ampomah O, Shelley O, A Prospective Randomised Double Blinded Trial , shows superiority of Intranasal Ketamine and Midazolam versus Standard care oral Paracetamol, Diazepam and Ketamine (PADIKET) in a paediatric Burn Population in Ghana, International society of Burn Injury, Birmingham, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- Wonga E,Dakubo JC, Paintsil A, Ampomah O, Shelley O, Minced Graft applied to donor site improves postoperative pain scores and POSAS scar scores , compared to controls , in a prospective randomised trial in Ghana, International Society of Burn Injury, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021, URL
- Strong, Ben FRCS(Plast); Spoors, Catherine FRCA; Richardson, Nigel FRCS(Gen); Martin, Niall FRCS(Plast); Barnes, David FRCS(Plast); El-Muttardi, Naguib FRCS(Plast); Shelley, Odhran FRCSI(Plast) , Abdominal Compartment Syndrome in Burns Patients, , Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery: , 2021Journal Article, 2021, URL
- Murphy D. Wrafter P. Shelley OP, A year of Microbiology during the Covid Pandemic at the National Burn Unit, International Society of Burn Injury, 14-18 June , 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- Skeen J. Rahman A. Bollard Chen TC S Woods J. Shelley OP, Predicting Elderly Burns survival one year survival rate in Ireland- the Incorporation of Frailty scores, International Society of Burn Injury, 2021Poster, 2021
- Wrafter PF, Murphy D, Nolan P, Shelley O., Timing of COVID-19 vaccination in the major burns patient., Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- E Concannon , M. Byrne, H. Power, S. Kennedy, O. Shelley, Burn scar modulation with autologous fat grafting, British Burn Association , Leeds, 2019Oral Presentation, 2019
- E Concannon , M. Byrne, H. Power, S. Kennedy, O. Shelley, Burn scar modulation with autologous fat grafting, British Asspc of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgery, London, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
- Bollard s., Beecher S., Skeen., Woods J., shelley o., A Review of Cause of Mortality over a 10-year Period in the National Burns Unit, British Burn Assoc, Leeds, 2019Poster, 2019
- Cullen S, Finn J Shelley O, The Use of Endermologie in the Treatment of scars following Thermal Injury, British Burn Association , 2019Oral Presentation, 2019
- Woods J ., Kirkham J., Shelley O , Treatment of postburn scar erythema and dyschromia with pulsed-dye and intense pulsed light laser - a prospective before-after cohort study, British Burn Association , 2019Oral Presentation, 2019
- J O'Sullivam, P Dziewulski, N Martin D Barnes, N El Muttardi O Shelley, Planning for management of Burn disasters , International Society of Burn Injury, Birmingham, 2021Poster, 2021
- A Smith, B Miranda N Martin DBarnes M Sood, N El Muttardi O Shelley, Managing Burn Care during a Covid Pandemic, International Society of Burn Injury, Birmingham, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- JV O' Sullivan N Martin N el Muttardi P Dziewulski OP Shelley, Lawyers in the burns unit - a review of pro bono legal services provided for patients with Burn injury , International Society of Burn Injury, Birmingham, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- Jalil, K.I.A., Abrahams, M., Shelley, O.P., Hypothermia awareness: Recommendation for incorporation of patient temperature item in the WHO surgical safety checklist for burn surgery, Burns, 48, (5), 2022, p1271Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Hurley, C.M., Phoenix, E., Duff, G., Lennon, P., Shelley, O.P., Incidental thyroid tumour during surgical tracheostomy in a patient with toxic epidermal necrolysis, Burns Open, 6, (2), 2022, p86-88Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Hadjiandreou, M., Duarte, M.C., Markeson, D., Shelley, O.P., Responsibilities for the future reduction of carbon footprint in plastic surgery, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 75, (3), 2022, p1261-1282Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Hadjiandreou, M., Duarte, M.C., Markeson, D., Barnes, D., Shelley, O.P., The role and effectiveness of remote video consultations in burns management " A single-centre experience, Burns, 48, (4), 2022, p973-975Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Woods, J.F.C., Kirkham, J., Shelley, O.P., Treatment of Postburn Scar Erythema and Dyschromia With Pulsed Dye and Q-Switched KTP Laser, Dermatologic Surgery, 48, (6), 2022, p700-702Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Strong, B., Spoors, C., Richardson, N., Martin, N., Barnes, D., El-Muttardi, N., Shelley, O., Abdominal compartment syndrome in burns patients: Introduction of an evidence-based management guideline and algorithm, Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 90, (6), 2021, pE146-E154Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Patrick Killian O"Donohoe, Odhran Shelley, Allograft use associated with better than predicted survival following burn injury, Burns, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Kearney, L., Abrahams, M., O'Connell, N., Shelley, O.P., A management strategy for burns surgery in hemophilia complicated by inhibitors: A case report, Burns Open, 7, (4), 2023, p114-116Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Kelly, G.A., Shelley, O.P., Cahill, K.C., An electronic operation note proforma improves the quality of operation notes in burns surgery, Burns, 49, (3), 2023, p664-669Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Goodall, R.J., Roberts, J., Correia, M.D., Frew, Q., Barnes, D., Dziewulski, P., Shelley, O., El-Muttardi, N., Management of purpura fulminans skin loss at a regional burns centre: Sixteen-year experience, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 79, 2023, p23-29Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Patel, N.G., Gore, S., Shelley, O.P., Hypafix® versus Mefix®, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 62, (3), 2009, p351Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Bickerton, S., Nizamoglu, M., Emamdee, R., Frew, Q., Borrows, E., Bangalore, H., Hussey, J., Khan, W., Martin, N., Barnes, D., El-Muttardi, N., Shelley, O.P., Dziewulski, P., An eighteen-year review of intensive care requirements for paediatric burns in a regional burns service, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 91, 2024, p258-267Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Milton-Jones, H., Soussi, S., Davies, R., Charbonney, E., Charles, W.N., Cleland, H., Dunn, K., Gantner, D., Giles, J., Jeschke, M., Lee, N., Legrand, M., Lloyd, J., Martin-Loeches, I., Pantet, O., Samaan, M., Shelley, O., Sisson, A., Spragg, K., Wood, F., Yarrow, J., Vizcaychipi, M.P., Williams, A., Leon-Villapalos, J., Collins, D., Jones, I., Singh, S., An international RAND/UCLA expert panel to determine the optimal diagnosis and management of burn inhalation injury, Critical Care, 27, (1), 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- P. Keeling, O.Shelley, The Small Bowel, a neglected Organ, The Surgical Travelling Club, Limerick, 1997Oral Presentation
- Odhran Shelley, Challenges of Major burns , Grand Rounds, St James Hospital, 2011Invited Talk
- Odhran Shelley, Managing Complex Infections , Grand Rounds, St James Hospital, 27 Feb, 2012Invited Talk
- Odhran Shelley, The evolution of Microsurgery , Grand Rounds, St James Hospital, Dec, 2012Invited Talk
- Odhran Shelley, Managing an MRSA Outbreak , Grand Rounds, St James Hospital, Sept , 2013Invited Talk
- Odhran Shelley, Lower Limb Trauma Evolution And Salvage , Grand Rounds, St James , 10 Jan, 2014Invited Talk
- Odhran Shelley, From Spare Part and Spare tyre to Stem Cells , Grand Rounds, St James Hospital, Nov, 2014Invited Talk
- Odhran Shelley, Dermal Matrices , Grand Rounds, St James Hospital, 19 Dec, 2014Invited Talk
- Odhran Shelley, Facing the future- Face Transplant , Grand Rounds, St James Hospital, November , 2015Invited Talk
- Odhran Shelley, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis management Strategy , Grand Rounds, St James Hospital, 10 Mar , 2016Invited Talk
- Odhran Shelley, Journey in Africa , Grand Rounds, St James Hospital, 24 Feb , 2017Invited Talk
- Odhran Shelley, Timing and Outcome of Tracheostomy in Burn Care, Grand Rounds, St James Hospital, October, 2017Invited Talk
- Odhran Shelley, Setting up an Irish Skin Bank, Grand Rounds, St James Hospital, June, 2017Invited Talk
- O Shelley, Wound Infection as a predictor of Scar Outcome , International Society of Burn Injury, New Delhi India, Dec, 2018Invited Talk
- Odhran Shelley, Body Contouring within the Public sector, Irish Association of Plastic Surgeons, Dublin, May , 2018Invited Talk
- Odhran Shelley, Frailty in the Surgical Patient , Mercers Institute for successful Aging Biogerontology Conference, St James Hospital, Feb , 2018Invited Talk
- O Shelley , Non Surgical Facial Aesthetic Intervention. Benefits and Pitfalls , PostGraduate Dental Education Forum , RCSI, Feb, 2018Invited Talk
- O Shelley, Strategies for better cosmesis and function in Burn injury, British Burn Association, London, May, 2017Invited Talk
- Amber Young ,Amy Johnson ,Brendan Fogarty ,Bridie Grant ,Bruce Emerson ,Catrin Pugh ,Chris Moran ,Clare Thomas ,David Barnes ,Elizabeth Chipp ,Emily (Tig) Bridge ,Emily Huddlestone ,Helen WatkinsJacky Edwards ,Jamie Yarwood ,Janine Evans ,Jayne Andrew ,Joanne Bowes ,Jon Pleat ,Kayvan Shokrollahi ,Ken Dunn ,Krissie Stiles ,Laura Shepherd ,Lisa Williams ,Louise Johnson ,Odhran Shelley ,Peter Saggers ,Peter Drew (BSRG Chair) .Peter Dziewulski ,Rachel Wiltshire ,Sarah Gaskell ,Sharon Standen ,Steven Cook ,Stuart Watson ,Tony Fletcher ,Victoria Osborne-Smith, National Standards for Provision and Outcomes in Adult and Paediatric Burn Care, 2018Report, URL , TARA - Full Text
- O Shelley, Strategic development of Pastic Surgery in West Africa, Jersey Overseas Aid Commission, Westminister, London, May, 2014Invited Talk
- O Shelley, The Role of Microsurgery in Burn Reconstruction, European Society of Plastic Surgery, Edinburgh, July, 2014Invited Talk
- O Shelley M Webster, Developing Burn and reconstructive surgery Services in West Africa, 2015Working Paper
- O Shelley, .Current Concepts in Surgical and Non surgical Management of Burns, Irish Association of Plastic Surgeons , Kildare, May, 2016Invited Talk
- O Shelley, Advancing Plastic Surgery in Developing Countries, Charter Day , RCSI, Feb, 2017Invited Talk
- O Shelley, E Weiler- Mithoff , Survical following surgical Management of Locally Advanced and Recurrent Breast Cancer, British Assoc Of surgical Oncologists , Glasgow, June, 2004Invited Talk
- O Shelley, Current Trends in Trauma Reconstructio, International Reconstructive Plastic surgery Ghana , Korle Bu Hospital, Accra, Ghana, October, 2003Invited Talk
- Kumar R, Sen S, Shelley O, Philp B, Dziewulski P , The M flap in post burn syndactly release, British Burn Association, Dublin. Ireland, April, 2006Oral Presentation
- O Shelley, Predicting survival following burn injury, Thirty Years Of Plastic Surgery Canniesburn, Glasgow, UK, April, 2008Oral Presentation
- O Shelley, Versajet in Complex Wounds , Thirty Years Of Plastic Surgery Canniesburn, Glasgow UK, april, 2008Oral Presentation
- M H C Webster, A Burns, A Paintsil, Mr O Ampomah, O Shelley, Experiences in reconstructive plastic surgery training in post-colonial West Africa, British Assoc.of Plastic,Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons , Nottingham UK, June , 2013Oral Presentation
- Shelley, Odhran P., and Peter Dziewulski. "Functional and Aesthetic Reconstruction of Burned Patients, RL McCauley (Ed.), Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton (2005)." (2007): 135., Review of . "Functional and Aesthetic Reconstruction of Burned Patients, RL McCauley (Ed.), Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton (2005)." (2007): 135., 2007Review
- .O Shelley, P Dziewulski, Review of "Functional and Aesthetic Reconstruction of Burned Patients, RL McCauley (Ed.), Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton (2005)." (2007): 135., by McCauley , 2007Review
- Odhran Shelley, Skin Grafts , Skin Substitutes & Secondary Burn Reconstruction , European Course in Plastic Surgery , Oxford, 2019Invited Talk
- Odhran Shelley, The Metabolic Response following Burn injury , Baritish Assoc Plastic and Aesthetic surgery Advanced Courses in Plastic surgery, London ( online), 2020Invited Talk
- Odhran Shelley, ICU for Burn Surgeons , British Assoc Plastic and Aesthetic surgery Advanced Courses in Plastic surgery, London ( online), 2020Invited Talk
- Odhran Shelley, TENS Tracheostomy and Thyroid cancer, St James Grand Rounds, 2019Invited Talk
- Odhran Shelley, Scar Wars, St James Grand Rounds, 2019Invited Talk
Research Expertise
Odhran is involved in both clinical and basic science research and is particularly interested in Burn injury and reconstruction. He is involved in collaborative research of inflammatory and fibrotic effects following burn injury, as well as supporting and developing burn care research capacity in West Africa. He has published on regulatory interactions between innate and adaptive immunity following burn injury. He is the deputy Chair of the Scar alliance partnered with colleagues at the University of Birmingham, and University College London to determine interactions between adipocytes and fibroblasts in scarring and fibrosis. His clinical research is directed at evolving therapies to improve scar outcome following injury including Laser therapy, Mechanical scar massage and structural fat grafting. He is also working to determine the effects of age and frailty on patients following injury to better identify patients at greater risk of a poor outcome following injury ,examining the ability of scoring systems to predict survival following injury and the recognition of frailty rather than age as a factor influencing outcome and survival.
TitleBurn Care in West AfricaSummarySupporting the development of sustainable reconstructive surgery and Burn services in West AfricaFunding AgencyTHET, DFID, JOACDate From2015Date To2021
TitleBurn Scar RemodellingSummaryProject to determine the clinical effectiveness of endermology in ScarringFunding AgencyJoanne McMahon / Castlemahon Fund, St James FoundationDate From2016Date To2021
TitleUse of Laser therapy to Modulate Burn ScarringSummaryFunding AgencyJoanne McMahon , Castlemahon Research Fund
Health services and systems, Microbiology, Other clinical medicine, Cancer, Condensed matter physics, Medical and biomedical engineering, Other basic medicine and life sciences, Basic Medicine and Life Sciences,
- John Calder Award, British Association of Plastic surgeons 2001
- Presidents Prize, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland 1997
- First Place and Silver Medal Medicine and Surgery 1991
- John Mannick Research Award Brigham and Womens Hospital / Harvard Medical School 2001
- Travelling Scholarship British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and aesthetic Surgeons UZ Leuven 2006
- Clinical Excellence Award Mid Essex Hospital Trust 2009
- RCSI/ Ethicon travelling Scholarship Klinichni Centre Plastic Surgery Ljubljana 1999
- Stephen Plumpton Research Award, Canniesburn ,Glasgow 2001
- Clinical Excellence Award Mid Essex Hospital Trust 2011
- Member of the American Burn Association, committee in Global Health 2021
- Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland 2019
- Member of European Burn Association 2021
- Member of the Global Burden Disease Collaborator Network, University of Washington. 2021
- Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland 2021
- Member of the Global Initiative for Childhood surgery 2021
- Member American Burn Association 2021
- Member of the British Burn Association Executive Council 2021
- Member of the Irish Association of Plastic surgeons 2021
- Fellow of the European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons 2021
- European Emergency Response Capacity Workshop Representing Ireland
- Press Release , London . UK Britis assoc Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons SURVIVAL FROM BURNS INJURIES BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE
- Board of governors of National Audit of Surgical Mortality
- Chair of the British Burn Association
- Specialty External reviewer in Plastic Surgery , Irish Medical Council
- Member of the Global Burden Disease Collaborator Network, University of Washington.
- Trustee of Charity : International Reconstructive surgery Ghana
- Journal Reviewer, Burns Journal , Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Microsurgery Journal and Irish Dental Journal
- Secretary of the Irish Association of Plastic Surgeons
- Chair of National Burn outcomes UK and Ireland
- Chair of Resurge Africa
- Member of Global Burn care committee American Burn Association, Representing TCD/ St James Hospital
- Member of Regulations and standards Committee, Irish Assoc of Plastic Surgeons
- National representative and board member of Joint Colleges Higher Surgical Training in Plastic Surgery
- Deputy Chairman of the Scar Alliance Research group, University of Birmingham
- Chair of the Burn Care Standards Review Group United Kingdom and Ireland