Professor Susan Smith

Professor Susan Smith

Professor of General Practice (1991), Public Health & Primary Care


Susan Smith is Professor of General Practice at Trinity College Dublin and works as a General Practitioner at Inchicore Family Doctors in Dublin 8. She did her undergraduate medical degree in TCD and then did GP training in Ireland and the UK, followed by a period working as an academic GP in Australia. She retuned to Ireland where she has worked as an academic GP in UCD, RCSI and TCD and continues to work as a GP at Inchicore Family Doctors in Dublin 8. Prof Smith is the Associate Director of the HRB Primary Care Clinical Trials Network Ireland and the Clinical Lead for HRB CICER, which provides evidence synthesis supports for the National Clinical Effectiveness Committee.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Grimes RT, Bennett K, Tilson L, Usher C, Smith SM, Henman MC, Initial therapy, persistence and regimen change in a cohort of newly treated type 2 diabetes patients, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 79, (6), 2015, p1000 - 1009Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Donohoe, G., Rose, E., Morris, D., Authors' reply, The British Journal of Psychiatry, 206, (4), 2015, p344-Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Garvey J, Connolly D, Boland S, Smith S., OPTIMAL, an occupational therapy led self-management support programme for people with multimorbidity in primary care: a randomized controlled trial, BMC Family Practice, 2015, p1 - 11Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Cooper JA, Ryan C, Smith SM, Wallace E, Bennett K, Cahir C, Williams D, Teeling M, Fahey T, Hughes CM; (The PROMPT Steering Group) , The development of the PROMPT (PRescribing Optimally in Middle-aged People's Treatments) criteria., BMC Health Services Research, 14, 2014, p13Journal Article, 2014
  • Romero-Ortuno R, Frailty in Primary Care., Interdisciplinary topics in gerontology and geriatrics, 41, 2015, p85-94Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • , Lesson of the week: Burns caused by steam inhalation for respiratory tract infections in children, BMJ: British Medical Journal, 2004Journal Article, 2004
  • Cooper JA, Moriarty F, Ryan C, Smith SM, Bennett K, Fahey T, Wallace E, Cahir C, Williams D, Teeling M, Hughes CM., Potentially inappropriate prescribing in two populations with differing socio-economic profiles: a cross-sectional database study using the PROMPT criteria., European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 72, (5), 2016, p583 - 591Journal Article, 2016
  • Moran P., Moran P., Teljeur C., Teljeur C., Harrington P., Smith S., Smyth B., Harbison J., Normand C., Ryan M., Ryan M., Cost-Effectiveness of a National Opportunistic Screening Program for Atrial Fibrillation in Ireland, Value in Health, 19, (8), 2016, p985-995Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • Susan M Smith , Gráinne Cousins , Barbara Clyne , Shane Allwright and Tom O'Dowd , Shared care across the interface between primary and specialty care in management of long term conditions, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, February, 2017Review Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Murphy L.A, Teljeur C, Moran P.S, Harrington P, Ryan M, Williams D, Foley D.P, Smith S.M, Left atrial appendage closure versus oral anticoagulation for preventing stroke in people with atrial fibrillation, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016, (10), 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
  • Moran P.S, Teljeur C, Ryan M, Smith S.M, Systematic screening for the detection of atrial fibrillation, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016, (6), 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
  • Teljeur C, Moran P.S, Walshe S, Smith S.M, Cianci F, Murphy L, Harrington P, Ryan M, Economic evaluation of chronic disease self-management for people with diabetes: A systematic review, Diabetic Medicine, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
  • Moran P.S, Flattery M.J, Teljeur C, Ryan M, Smith S.M, Effectiveness of systematic screening for the detection of atrial fibrillation., The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 4, 2013Journal Article, 2013, URL
  • Smith SM, Allwright S, O'Dowd T, Effectiveness of shared care across the primary-specialty care interface in chronic disease management (Protocol for a Cochrane Review), The Cochrane Library, (3), 2004Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL
  • Smith SM, Allwright S, Byrne M, Brazier H, O'Dowd T, Murphy AW, International variations in the generation of the evidence base for primary care, European Journal of General Practice, 11, (1), 2005, p33 - 34Journal Article, 2005
  • Rankin A, Cadogan C.A, Ryan C, Clyne B, Smith S.M, Hughes C.M, Core Outcome Set for Trials Aimed at Improving the Appropriateness of Polypharmacy in Older People in Primary Care, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
  • de Blacam C, Smith S, Orr D., Surgery for Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: A Systematic Review of Interventions and Outcomes., The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal : official publication of the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association, 55, (3), 2018, p405-422Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • Wallace E, Moriarty F, McGarrigle C, Smith SM, Kenny RA, Fahey T., Self-report versus electronic medical record recorded healthcare utilisation in older community-dwelling adults: Comparison of two prospective cohort studies., PloS one, 13, (10), 2018, pe0206201Journal Article, 2018, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Cardwell K, Clyne B, Moriarty F, Wallace E, Fahey T, Boland F, McCullagh L, Clarke S, Finnigan K, Daly M , Barry M, Smith, S , Supporting prescribing in Irish primary care: Protocol for a non-randomised pilot study of a general practice pharmacist (GPP) intervention to optimise prescribing in primary care., Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 4, (122), 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • Kiely B, Croke A, O'Shea E, Connolly D, Smith S., Effectiveness of link workers providing social prescribing on health outcomes and costs for adult patients in primary care and community settings. A protocol for a systematic review of the literature, HRB Open Research, 2, (21), 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
  • de Blacam C, Baylis AL, Kirschner RE, Smith SM, Sell D, Sie KCY, Harris HE, Orr DJA, Protocol for the development of a core outcome set for reporting outcomes of management of velopharyngeal dysfunction., BMJ open, 2020Journal Article, 2020
  • Karen Cardwell, Susan M Smith, Barbara Clyne, Laura McCullagh, Emma Wallace, Ciara Kirke, Tom Fahey, Frank Moriarty, Evaluation of the General Practice Pharmacist (GPP) intervention to optimise prescribing in Irish primary care: a non-randomised pilot study, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Joice Cunningham, Frank Doyle, Jennifer M. Ryan, Barbara Clyne, Cathal Cadogan, Elizabeth Cottrell, Susan M. Smith, Helen P. French, Primary care-based models of care for osteoarthritis: a scoping review protocol, HRB Open Research, 4, 2021, p48Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • James, O., Cardwell, K., Moriarty, F., M Smith, S., Clyne, B., Barry, M., Boland, F., Clarke, S., Finnigan, K., Daly, M., McCullagh, L., Wallace, E., Kirke, C., Bradley, C., Gallagher, P., Murphy, E., Byrne, A.M.P., Croke, A., Fahey, T., Pharmacists in general practice: A qualitative process evaluation of the General Practice Pharmacist (GPP) study, Family Practice, 37, (5), 2020, p711-718Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Kiely B, Connolly D, Clyne B, Boland F, O'Donnell P, Shea EO, Smith SM, Primary care-based link workers providing social prescribing to improve health and social care outcomes for people with multimorbidity in socially deprived areas (the LinkMM trial): Pilot study for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial., Journal of Multimorbidity and Comorbidity, 11, 2021, p1 - 11Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
  • Gillespie P, Hobbins A, O'Toole L, Connolly D, Boland F, Smith, S, Cost-effectiveness of an occupational therapy-led self-management support programme for multimorbidity in primary care, Family Practice, 2022Journal Article, 2022, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • James Larkin, Ivana Pericin, Maurice Collins, Susan M Smith, David Byrne, Frank Moriarty, GPs" perceptions of their relationship with the pharmaceutical industry: a qualitative study, BJGP Open, 2021, pBJGPO.2021.0057Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Barbara Clyne, Kieran A. Walsh, Eamon O'Murchu, Melissa K. Sharp, Laura Comber, Kirsty K O" Brien, Susan M. Smith, Patricia Harrington, Michelle O'Neill, Conor Teljeur, Máirín Ryan, Using preprints in evidence synthesis: Commentary on experience during the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Raymond O'Connor, Patrick J. Murphy, Michael E. O'Callaghan, Susan M. Smith, Liam Glynn, Claire Collins, Rory O'Driscoll, Andrew W. Murphy, Development of a primary care research network focused on chronic disease: a feasibility study for both practices and research networks, HRB Open Research, 4, 2021, p89Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Melissa K. Sharp, Barrie Tyner, Dayang Anis Binti Awang Baki, Cormac Farrell, Declan Devane, Kamal R. Mahtani, Susan M. Smith, Michelle O'Neill, Máirín Ryan, Barbara Clyne, Evidence synthesis summary formats for clinical guideline development group members: a mixed-methods systematic review protocol, HRB Open Research, 4, 2021, p76 - 76Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Barbara Clyne and Fiona Boland and Norah Murphy and Edel Murphy and Frank Moriarty and Alan Barry and Emma Wallace and Tatyana Devine and Susan M. Smith and Declan Devane and Andrew Murphy and Tom Fahey, Quality, scope and reporting standards of randomised controlled trials in Irish Health Research: an observational study, Trials, 21, (1), 2020, p494Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Paul G. Carty, Michael McCarthy, Sinead O"Neill, Patricia Harrington, Michelle O"Neill, Conor Teljeur, Susan M. Smith, Máirín Ryan, Laboratory-based dried blood spot testing for hepatitis C: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy, HRB Open Research, 3, 2020, p78Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Daniela Rohde, Susan Ahern, Barbara Clyne, Laura Comber, Susan Spillane, Kieran A. Walsh, Paul G. Carty, Linda Drummond, Tina Boland, Susan M. Smith, Máire A. Connolly, Patricia Harrington, Máirín Ryan, Michelle O'Neill, Effectiveness of face masks worn in community settings at reducing the transmission of SARS-CoV-2: A rapid review, HRB Open Research, 3, 2020, p76Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Comber L, O Murchu E, Drummond L, Carty PG, Walsh KA, De Gascun CF, Connolly MA, Smith SM, O'Neill M, Ryan M, Harrington P, Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 via aerosols., Reviews in medical virology, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Comber L, Walsh KA, Jordan K, O'Brien KK, Clyne B, Teljeur C, Drummond L, Carty PG, De Gascun CF, Smith SM, Harrington P, Ryan M, O'Neill M, Alternative clinical specimens for the detection of SARS-CoV-2: A rapid review., Reviews in medical virology, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Fiona Riordan, Katie Murphy, Colin Bradley, Patricia M. Kearney, Susan M. Smith, Sheena M. McHugh, Acceptability and feasibility of conducting a pilot trial in Irish primary care: lessons from the IDEAs study, HRB Open Research, 4, 2021, p73Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Emer O'Brien, Barbara Clyne, Susan M. Smith, Noirin O'Herlihy, Velma Harkins, Emma Wallace, A scoping review protocol of evidence-based guidance published by general practitioner professional organisations, HRB Open Research, 4, 2021, p53Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • James Larkin, Louise Foley, Susan M. Smith, Patricia Harrington, Barbara Clyne, The experience of financial burden for people with multimorbidity: A systematic review of qualitative research, Health Expectations, 24, (2), 2021, p282--295Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Sinéad M. O"Neill, Miriam Bell, Avilene Casey, Brendan Leen, Barbara Clyne, Barrie Tyner, Susan M. Smith, Peter J. Watkinson, Michelle O"Neill, Máirín Ryan, COMMENTARY: Is a Change from the National Early Warning System (NEWS) Warranted in Patients with Chronic Respiratory Conditions?, COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 18, (2), 2021, p129--132Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Kieran A. Walsh, Thomas Plunkett, Kirsty K. O'Brien, Conor Teljeur, Susan M. Smith, Patricia Harrington, Máirín Ryan, The relationship between procedural volume and patient outcomes for percutaneous coronary interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis, HRB Open Research, 4, 2021, p10Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Susan Smith, Emma Wallace, Barbara Clyne, Fiona Boland, Martin Fortin, Interventions for Improving Outcomes in Patients With Multimorbidity in Primary Care and Community Setting: A Systematic Review, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Bricca A, Harris LK, Jäger M, Smith SM, Juhl CB, Skou ST, Corrigendum to "Benefits and harms of exercise therapy in people with multimorbidity: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials" [Ageing Res. Rev. 63C (2020) 101166]., Ageing research reviews, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Kieran A. Walsh and Susan Spillane and Laura Comber and Karen Cardwell and Patricia Harrington and Jeff Connell and Conor Teljeur and Natasha Broderick and Cillian F. de Gascun and Susan M. Smith and M{\'{a, The duration of infectiousness of individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2, Journal of Infection, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Bricca A, Harris LK, Jäger M, Smith SM, Juhl CB, Skou ST, Benefits and harms of exercise therapy in people with multimorbidity: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials., Ageing research reviews, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • O Murchu E, Byrne P, Walsh KA, Carty PG, Connolly M, De Gascun C, Jordan K, Keoghan M, O'Brien KK, O'Neill M, Smith SM, Teljeur C, Ryan M, Harrington P, Immune response following infection with SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses: A rapid review., Reviews in medical virology, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Kieran A. Walsh and Karen Jordan and Barbara Clyne and Daniela Rohde and Linda Drummond and Paula Byrne and Susan Ahern and Paul G. Carty and Kirsty K. O{\textquotesingle, SARS-CoV-2 detection, viral load and infectivity over the course of an infection, Journal of Infection, 81, (3), 2020, p357--371Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Paula Byrne and {\'{O, A qualitative exploration of the prescribing and use of statins in asymptomatic people in Ireland: A case of medicalisation, biomedicalisation and pharmaceuticalisation, Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 2020, p136345932094606Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Riordan F, Racine E, Phillip ET, Bradley C, Lorencatto F, Murphy M, Murphy A, Browne J, Smith SM, Kearney PM, McHugh SM, Correction to: Development of an intervention to facilitate implementation and uptake of diabetic retinopathy screening., Implementation science : IS, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Anders Prior, Claus Høstrup Vestergaard, Anette Riisgaard Ribe, Annelli Sandbæk, Flemming Bro, Peter Vedsted, Susan Smith, Mogens Vestergaard, Morten Fenger-Grøn, Chronic care services and variation between Danish general practices: a nationwide cohort study, British Journal of General Practice, 2021, pBJGP.2021.0419Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Susan M. Smith, Emma Wallace, Barbara Clyne, Fiona Boland, Martin Fortin, Interventions for improving outcomes in patients with multimorbidity in primary care and community setting: a systematic review, Systematic Reviews, 10, (1), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Emer O'Brien, Barbara Clyne, Susan M. Smith, Noirin O'Herlihy, Velma Harkins, Emma Wallace, A scoping review protocol of evidence-based guidance and guidelines published by general practitioner professional organisations, HRB Open Research, 4, 2021, p53Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Karen Cardwell, Joan Quigley, Barbara Clyne, Barrie Tyner, Marie Carrigan, Susan Smith, Máirín Ryan, Michelle O'Neill, Processes for updating guidelines: protocol for a systematic review, HRB Open Research, 4, 2021, p116Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Fiona Riordan, Aileen Murphy, Christina Dillon, John Browne, Patricia M Kearney, Susan M Smith, Sheena M McHugh, Feasibility of a multifaceted implementation intervention to improve attendance at diabetic retinopathy screening in primary care in Ireland: a cluster randomised pilot trial, BMJ Open, 11, (10), 2021, pe051951Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Smith, S.M., 10-Minute consultation: Newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus, British Medical Journal, 326, (7403), 2003Journal Article, 2003
  • , The SPHERE Study. Secondary prevention of heart disease in general practice: Protocol of a randomised controlled trial of tailored practice and patient care plans with parallel qualitative, economic and policy analyses. [ISRCTN24081411], Current Controlled Trials in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2005Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • , Diabetes and associated major comorbidity accounts for 15% of total healthcare expenditure in Saskatchewan, Evidence-Based Healthcare, 2004Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • Louise Foley, Bridget Kiely, Aisling Croke, James Larkin, Susan M Smith, Barbara Clyne, Maria Pierce, Edel Murphy, A protocol for the evaluation of the process and impact of embedding formal and experiential Public and Patient Involvement training in a structured PhD programme, Journal of Multimorbidity and Comorbidity, 11, 2021, p263355652110247Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Karen Kyne, Caroline McCarthy, Bridget Kiely, Susan M. Smith, Barbara Clyne, Study protocol for a process evaluation of a cluster randomised controlled trial to reduce potentially inappropriate prescribing and polypharmacy in patients with multimorbidity in Irish primary care (SPPiRE), HRB Open Research, 2, 2020, p20Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Bricca A, Harris LK, Saracutu M, Smith SM, Juhl CB, Skou ST, The benefits and harms of therapeutic exercise on physical and psychosocial outcomes in people with multimorbidity: Protocol for a systematic review., Journal of comorbidity, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • McCarthy C, Moriarty F, Wallace E, Smith SM, Barbara Clyne for the SPPiRE Study Team, The evolution of an evidence based intervention designed to improve prescribing and reduce polypharmacy in older people with multimorbidity and significant polypharmacy in primary care (SPPiRE)., Journal of comorbidity, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Caroline McCarthy and Barbara Clyne and Fiona Boland and Frank Moriarty and Michelle Flood and Emma Wallace and Susan M. Smith and, GP-delivered medication review of polypharmacy, deprescribing, and patient priorities in older people with multimorbidity in Irish primary care (SPPiRE Study): A cluster randomised controlled trial, PLOS Medicine, 19, (1), 2022, pe1003862Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • , Patient reported health status and all-cause mortality in patients with coronary heart disease, Family Practice, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • , A Best Evidence in Medical Education systematic review to determine the most effective teaching methods that develop reflection in medical students: BEME Guide No. 51, Medical Teacher, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • , Association between gaps in antihypertensive medication adherence and injurious falls in older community-dwelling adults: A prospective cohort study, BMJ Open, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • , Barriers and facilitators to attendance at Type 2 diabetes structured education programmes: a qualitative study of educators and attendees, Diabetic Medicine, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • , Evidence supporting the best clinical management of patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy: a systematic guideline review and expert consensus, Journal of Internal Medicine, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • , Managing multimorbidity in primary care, CMAJ, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • , Medical Student Perceptions of the Value of Learning Psychiatry in Primary Care Settings in Penang, Malaysia, Academic Psychiatry, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Byrne P, Cullinan J, Mintzes B, Smith SM, UK deal over inclisiran., BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Riordan F, Racine E, Smith SM, Murphy A, Browne J, Kearney PM, Bradley C, James M, Murphy M, McHugh SM, Feasibility of an implementation intervention to increase attendance at diabetic retinopathy screening: protocol for a cluster randomised pilot trial., Pilot and feasibility studies, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • James Larkin, Louise Foley, Susan M. Smith, Patricia Harrington, Barbara Clyne, The experience of financial burden for patients with multimorbidity: A protocol for a systematic review of qualitative research, HRB Open Research, 2, 2020, p16Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Murphy ME, McSharry J, Byrne M, Boland F, Corrigan D, Gillespie P, Fahey T, Smith SM, Supporting care for suboptimally controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus in general practice with a clinical decision support system: a mixed methods pilot cluster randomised trial., BMJ open, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • , Predicting poorer health outcomes in older community-dwelling patients with multimorbidity: Prospective cohort study assessing the accuracy of different multimorbidity definitions, BMJ Open, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • , Predictors of adverse outcomes in uncomplicated lower respiratory tract infections, Annals of Family Medicine, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • , Statins for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: Modelling guidelines and patient preferences based on an Irish cohort, British Journal of General Practice, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • , Medication monitoring attitudes and perceived determinants to offering medication adherence advice to older hypertensive adults: a factorial survey of community pharmacy interns, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • , Statins for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: An overview of systematic reviews, BMJ Open, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Lynn O'Toole and Deidre Connolly and Fiona Boland and Susan M Smith, Effect of the OPTIMAL programme on self-management of multimorbidity in primary care: a randomised controlled trial, British Journal of General Practice, 71, (705), 2021, pe303--e311Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Stewart W Mercer and John Patterson and John P Robson and Susan M Smith and Elizabeth Walton and Graham Watt, The inverse care law and the potential of primary care in deprived areas, The Lancet, 397, (10276), 2021, p775--776Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • , The association between pharmacy refill-adherence metrics and healthcare utilisation: a prospective cohort study of older hypertensive adults, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • , A core outcome set for multimorbidity research (COSmm), Annals of Family Medicine, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • , Assessing the multidimensional relationship between medication beliefs and adherence in older adults with hypertension using polynomial regression, Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • , Clinical pharmacists working within family practice: What is the evidence?, Family Practice, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • Paula Byrne, Órla O"Donovan, Susan M Smith, John Cullinan, Medicalisation, risk and the use of statins for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: a scoping review of the literature, Health, Risk & Society, 21, (7-8), 2019, p390--406Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Clyne B, O'Neill SM, Nuzum D, O'Neill M, Larkin J, Ryan M, Smith SM, Patients' spirituality perspectives at the end of life: a qualitative evidence synthesis., BMJ supportive & palliative care, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Byrne P, Cullinan J, Smith SM, Statins for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease., BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Dillon P, McDowell R, Smith SM, Gallagher P, Cousins G, Determinants of intentions to monitor antihypertensive medication adherence in Irish community pharmacy: a factorial survey., BMC family practice, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • , Cross-sectional analysis of the prevalence and predictors of statin utilisation in Ireland with a focus on primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, BMJ Open, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • , Does patient self-management education of primary care professionals improve patient outcomes: A systematic review, BMC Family Practice, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • , Family-based interventions for adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • , Group-Based Trajectory Models: Assessing Adherence to Antihypertensive Medication in Older Adults in a Community Pharmacy Setting, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • , Impact of financial burden, resulting from prescription co-payments, on antihypertensive medication adherence in an older publically insured population, BMC Public Health, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • , Interventions to Address Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • , PIPc study: Development of indicators of potentially inappropriate prescribing in children (PIPc) in primary care using a modified Delphi technique, BMJ Open, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • , Reducing emergency admissions through community based interventions, BMJ (Online), 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • , Sustained effectiveness of a multifaceted intervention to reduce potentially inappropriate prescribing in older patients in primary care (OPTI-SCRIPT study), Implementation Science, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • , Utility of electronic international register of clinical prediction rules relevant to primary care, Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • , Antiviral agents for infectious mononucleosis (glandular fever), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • , Caring for people with multiple chronic conditions, Preventing Chronic Disease, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • , Effectiveness of a multifaceted intervention for potentially inappropriate prescribing in older patients in primary care: A cluster-randomized controlled trial (OPTI-SCRIPT study), Annals of Family Medicine, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • , Managing patients with multimorbidity in primary care, BMJ (Online), 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • , Developing an international register of clinical prediction rules for use in primary care: A descriptive analysis, Annals of Family Medicine, 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI
  • , Family based interventions for type 2 diabetes mellitus, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI
  • , Retraction of statins article is not in the public interest: Better characterisation of benefits and risks is crucial, BMJ (Online), 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI
  • , Risk Prediction models to predict emergency hospital admission in community-dwelling adults: A systematic review, Medical Care, 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI
  • , Translating policy into practice: A case study in the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease, Health Expectations, 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI
  • , Using Postal questionnaires to evaluate physical activity and diet behaviour change: Case Study exploring implications of valid responder characteristics in interpreting intervention outcomes, BMC Research Notes, 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI
  • , Addressing potentially inappropriate prescribing in older patients: Development and pilot study of an intervention in primary care (the OPTI-SCRIPT study), BMC Health Services Research, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • , Adverse outcomes in older adults attending emergency department: Systematic review and meta-analysis of the Triage Risk Stratification Tool, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • , Framework for the impact analysis and implementation of Clinical Prediction Rules (CPRs), BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2011Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • , Optimized retrieval of primary care clinical prediction rules from MEDLINE to establish a web-based register, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2011Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • , Patient generated "frequently asked questions": Identifying informational needs in a RCT of peer support in type 2 diabetes, Primary Care Diabetes, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • , The epidemiology of malpractice claims in primary care: A systematic review, BMJ Open, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • , Behavioural and cognitive-behavioural group-based parenting programmes for early-onset conduct problems in children aged 3 to 12 years., Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online), 2012Journal Article, 2012
  • Furlong, M., McGilloway, S., Bywater, T., Hutchings, J., Smith, S.M., Donnelly, M., Behavioural and cognitive-behavioural group-based parenting programmes for early-onset conduct problems in children aged 3 to 12 years., Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online), 2, 2012Journal Article, 2012
  • , Interventions for improving outcomes in patients with multimorbidity in primary care and community settings, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2012Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • , Cost effectiveness of peer support for type 2 diabetes, International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2012Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • , Impact analysis studies of clinical prediction rules relevant to primary care: A systematic review, BMJ Open, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • , Interventions for improving outcomes in patients with multimorbidity in primary care and community settings, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • , Geographical variation in anti-diabetic prescribing in Ireland in 2013 and 2014: A cross-sectional analysis, Family Practice, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • , Impact of Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing on Adverse Drug Events, Health Related Quality of Life and Emergency Hospital Attendance in Older People Attending General Practice: A Prospective Cohort Study, The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • , Improving risk factor management for patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes: A systematic review of healthcare interventions in primary care and community settings, BMJ Open, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • , Long-term cost effectiveness of cardiac secondary prevention in primary care in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, European Journal of Health Economics, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • , Predictors of pneumonia in lower respiratory tract infections: 3C prospective cough complication cohort study, The European respiratory journal, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • , Reducing potentially inappropriate prescribing for older people in primary care: Cost-effectiveness of the opti-script intervention, International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • , Primary care organisational interventions for secondary prevention of ischaemic heart disease: A systematic review and meta-Analysis, British Journal of General Practice, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • , Six-year follow-up of the SPHERE RCT: Secondary prevention of heart disease in general practice, BMJ Open, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • , Trends and interaction of polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate prescribing in primary care over 15 years in Ireland: A repeated cross-sectional study, BMJ Open, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • , Computer-based clinical decision support for general practitioners, Family Practice, 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI
  • , Multimorbidity and functional decline in community-dwelling adults: A systematic review, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • , Potentially inappropriate prescribing in children, Family Practice, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • , Prevalence of prescribing in pregnancy using the Irish primary care research network: A pilot study, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • , The cost-effectiveness of the SPHERE intervention for the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease, International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2010Journal Article, 2010, DOI
  • , Cochrane review: behavioural and cognitive-behavioural group-based parenting programmes for early-onset conduct problems in children aged 3 to 12 years (Review)., Evidence-based child health : a Cochrane review journal, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • , Cochrane reviews: Relevant more than ever, British Journal of General Practice, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • , Do practitioners and friends support patients with coronary heart disease in lifestyle change? a qualitative study, BMC Family Practice, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • , Effectiveness of medicines review with web-based pharmaceutical treatment algorithms in reducing potentially inappropriate prescribing in older people in primary care: a cluster randomized trial (OPTI-SCRIPT study protocol)., Trials, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • , Implementing a peer-support intervention for people with type 2 diabetes: A qualitative study, Family Practice, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
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  • Murphy AW, Cupples M, Smith SM, Byrne M, Byrne M, Newell J, et al., Effect of tailored practice and patient care plans on secondary prevention of heart disease in general practice: cluster randomised controlled trial., British Medical Journal, 339, (Oct29_4), 2009, pb4220-Journal Article, 2009
  • Furlong M, McGilloway S, Bywater T, Hutchings J, Donnelly M, Smith SM, et al. , Behavioural/cognitive-behavioural group-based parenting interventions for children age 3-12 with early onset conduct pr, Cochrane database of Systematic Reviews (Protocol), 1, 2010Journal Article, 2010
  • P White P, SM Smith, D Hevey, T O'Dowd. , Understanding Type 2 Diabetes: Including the Family Member's Perspective. The Diabetes Educator. 2009 September 1, 2009;35(5):810-7., The Diabetes Educator., 35, (5), 2009, p810 - 817Journal Article, 2009
  • White P, Smith SM, Hevey D, O'Dowd T, Understanding type 2 diabetes: including the family member's perspective., The Diabetes educator, 35, (5), 2009, p810 - 817Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • Glynn L, Murphy A, Smith S, Schroeder K, Fahey T. , nterventions used to improve control of blood pressure in patients with hypertension., Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2010, (3), 2010Journal Article, 2010, DOI
  • Buckley B, Byrne M, Smith SM., Service organisation for the secondary prevention of ischaemic heart disease in primary care., Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (3), 2010Journal Article, 2010
  • Leathem CS, Cupples ME, Byrne MC, Byrne M, Corrigan M, Smith SM, et al., Using the opinions of coronary heart disease patients in designing a health education booklet for use in general practice consultations., Primary Health Care Research & Development, 10, 2009, p189 - 199Journal Article, 2009
  • Leathem CS, Cupples ME, Byrne MC, O'Malley M, Houlihan A, Murphy AW, Smith SM, Identifying strategies to maximise recruitment and retention of practices and patients in a multicentre randomised controlled trial of an intervention to optimise secondary prevention for coronary heart disease in primary care., BMC Medical Research Methodology, 9, (40), 2009Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Smith SM, Paul G, Kelly A, Whitford DL, O'Shea E, O'Dowd T, Peer support for patients with type 2 diabetes: cluster randomised controlled trial., BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 342, 2011, pd715Journal Article, 2011, TARA - Full Text
  • O'Kelly, Smith SM, Lane S, Teljeur C, O'Dowd T, Chronic respiratory disease and multimorbidity: Prevalence and impact in a general practice setting , Respiratory Medicine, 105, 2011, p236 - 242Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Aronin, L., Singleton, D., Multilingualism, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2012, 1-230ppBook, 2012
  • Keogh KM, Smith SM, White P, McGilloway S, Kelly A, Gibney J, O'Dowd T, Psychological family intervention for poorly controlled type 2 diabetes., The American journal of managed care, 17, (2), 2011, p105-13Journal Article, 2011, URL
  • Smith SS, Soubhi H, Fortin M, Hudon C, O'Dowd T, Managing patients with multimorbidity : systematic review of interventions in primary care and community settings, British Medical Journal, 345, (e5205), 2012, p1 - 10Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • O'Toole L, Connolly D, Smith S., Impact of an occupation-based self-management programme on chronic disease management., Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 60, 2013, p30 - 38Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • Teljeur, C., Smith, SM, Paul, G., Kelly, A., O'Dowd, T., Multimorbidity in a cohort of patients with type 2 diabetes, European Journal of General Practice, 19, 2013, p17 - 22Journal Article, 2013
  • Connolly, D. O'Toole, L, Redmond, P., Smith, S., Managing fatigue in patients with chronic conditions in primary care, BMC Family Practice, 30, 2013, p123 - 124Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Wallace E, Hinchey T, Dimitrov BD, Bennett K, Fahey T, Smith SM, A systematic review of the probability of repeated admission score in community-dwelling adults, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 61, (3), 2013, p357 - 364Journal Article, 2013
  • Gallagher N, Bennett K, Smith SM, O'Reilly D, Impact of two different health systems on the burden of type 2 diabetes, Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 2013Journal Article, 2013
  • Galvin R, Moriarty F, Cousins G, Cahir C, Motterlini N, Bradley M, Hughes CM, Bennett K, Smith SM, Fahey T, Kenny RA, Prevalence of potentially inappropriate prescribing and prescribing omissions in older Irish adults: findings from The Irish LongituDinal Study on Ageing study (TILDA)., European journal of clinical pharmacology, 70, (5), 2014, p599-606Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Creane, D., Hayes, C., O Ciardha, D., Smith, S. M., Campbell, A. & Mc Carthy, N., Health data to support local communities, 1, Trinity College Dublin, January 2024, 2024, p1 - 12Report, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Susan M SmithJournal Article
  • Paul G, Smith SM, Whitford D, O'Dowd T., Can a peer-care model improve diabetes outcomes?, Diabetes Voice, 50, (4), 2005, p20 - 21Journal Article

Research Expertise

Prof Smith's research interests include improving outcomes for patients with multimorbidity and related clinical issues such as medicines management, including access to medicines. She has been the PI or Co-PI on eight RCTs of interventions for chronic disease management in Irish primary care settings. She is an editor and author with the Cochrane Collaboration and is an advocate for Evidence Based Medicine and Shared Decision Making. She also has an interest in health equity and coordinates the Deep End Ireland Group, which advocates for appropriate primary care services for socioeconomically disadvantaged groups. During the COVID-19 pandemic she has been a member of the HIQA COVID19 Expert Advisory Group, which provides evidence based guidance to inform public policy and guidance.

  • Title
    HRB Collaborative Doctoral Award in Multimorbidity
    Funding Agency
