Dr. Joseph Harbison
Associate Professor, Medical Gerontology
Associate Professor, Trinity Inst. of Neurosciences (TCIN)
Email Joe.Harbison@tcd.ie Phone3531 4284108http://people.tcd.ie/jharbisoBiography
I am a Consultant Physician working in St James's Hospital Dublin, the largest hospital in the country. I helped establish the Stroke Service in this hospital and still work half time as a clinician there caring for patients and training Junior Doctors. I still participate in on-call medicine and am a Member of the National Clinical Advisory Group for Stroke. In addition I am a teacher and researcher in Trinity College Dublin
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- McCarroll K, Walsh JB, Coakley D, Casey M, Harbison J, Robinson D, Murphy C, Oxley J, Kenny RA, Cunningham C., Discharge of patients to long-term care from a large acute hospital over a 12-year period., Irish Journal of Medical Science, 182, (3), 2013, p345 - 348Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- Mulroy M, O'Keeffe L, Byrne D, Coakley D, Casey M, Walsh B, Harbison J, Cunningham C, Medical complications and outcomes at an onsite rehabilitation unit for older people., Irish Journal of Medical Science, 182, (3), 2013, p489 - 502Journal Article, 2013
- Burns M, Somers K, McElwaine P, Harbison J., National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale object naming test in a non-American English-speaking population., International Journal of Stroke, 9, (7), 2014, pe35-Journal Article, 2014
- R Briggs, R McDonagh, O Mahon, J Harbison., In-Hospital Stroke: Characteristics and Outcomes., Irish Medical Journal, 108, (1), 2015, p24 - 25Journal Article, 2015
- Ntlholang O, Mahon O, Bradley D, Harbison JA, Does hyperostosis frontalis interna have any clinical relevance in stroke patients?, QJM. The Quarterly Journal of Medicine, 107, (9), 2014, p783 - 784Journal Article, 2014
- Sleep in Older People in, editor(s)Frank Lally, Christina Roffe , Geriatric Medicine: an evidence-based approach, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014, [Joseph Harbison]Book Chapter, 2014
- Goyal M, Demchuk AM, Menon BK, Eesa M, Rempel JL, Thornton J, Roy D, Jovin TG, Willinsky RA, Sapkota BL, Dowlatshahi D, Frei DF, Kamal NR, Montanera WJ, Poppe AY, Ryckborst KJ, Silver FL, Shuaib A, Tampieri D, Williams D, Bang OY, Baxter BW, Burns PA, Choe H, Heo JH, Holmstedt CA, Jankowitz B, Kelly M, Linares G, Mandzia JL, Shankar J, Sohn SI, Swartz RH, Barber PA, Coutts SB, Smith EE, Morrish WF, Weill A, Subramaniam S, Mitha AP, Wong JH, Lowerison MW, Sajobi TT, Hill MD, Randomized assessment of rapid endovascular treatment of ischemic stroke., The New England Journal of Medicine, 372, (11), 2015, p1019-30Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Ryan DJ, Kenny RA, Christensen S, Meaney JF, Fagan AJ, Harbison J, Ischaemic stroke or TIA in older subjects associated with impaired dynamic blood pressure control in the absence of severe large artery stenosis., Age and ageing, 44, (4), 2015, 655-661Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Ntlholang O, Walsh S, Bradley D, Harbison J, Identifying palliative care issues in inpatients dying following stroke., Irish journal of medical science, 185, (3), 2016, p741-4Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Crowe C, Coen RF, Kidd N, Hevey D, Cooney J, Harbison J, A qualitative study of the experience of psychological distress post-stroke., Journal of health psychology, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Ryan DJ, Byrne S, Dunne R, Harmon M, Harbison J, White matter disease and an incomplete circle of Willis., International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society, 10, (4), 2015, p547-52Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Harbison L, Harbison J, How good at mathematics do students need to be on entry to initial teacher education?, Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, Dublin, February 2015, edited by Adams, G , 35, (1), British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 2015, pp42 - 47Conference Paper, 2015
- Bhuachalla BN, Walsh S, Harbison J, Actimeter-derived sleep and wake data and nocturnal ambulatory blood pressure estimation in subjects with stroke and transient ischaemic attack., International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society, 6, (5), 2011, p388-91Journal Article, 2011
- Harbison J, O'Reilly P, McNicholas WT, Cardiac rhythm disturbances in the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: effects of nasal continuous positive airway pressure therapy., Chest, 118, (3), 2000, p591-5Journal Article, 2000
- Harbison J, O'Connell T, Fenelopn L, Keating D, The placement of MRSA carriers in private nursing homes: does information influence acceptance?, The Journal of hospital infection, 45, (1), 2000, p77-8Journal Article, 2000
- Galligan NG, Hevey D, Coen RF, Harbison JA, Clarifying the associations between anxiety, depression and fatigue following stroke., Journal of health psychology, 2015Journal Article, 2015
- Ntlholang O, McDonagh R, Nicholson S, Brett F, Bradley D, Harbison J., Is intimal hyperplasia associated with cranial arterial stenosis in cannabis-associated cerebral infarction?, International Journal of Stroke, 10, (6), 2015, pE56 - E58Journal Article, 2015
- Hanrahan L, Canning C, Abdulrahim O, Fitzgerald L, O'Neill S, Madhavan P, Harbison J, Colgan MP, Martin Z, Evolution of Carotid Surgical Practice in the last Decade., Irish medical journal, 108, (8), 2015, p235-7Journal Article, 2015
- Harbison J, The 13th Stationary/83rd (Dublin) General Hospital, Boulogne, 1914-1919., The journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 45, (3), 2015, p229-35Journal Article, 2015
- Reidy M, Kinane J, Bradley D, Harbison J, McDonagh R., Cold, hard cash: Clinical assessment of stereognosis using common objects and coins in older subjects., European Geriatric Medicine., 7, (2), 2016, p180 - 182Journal Article, 2016
- Bousser MG, Amarenco P, Chamorro A, Fisher M, Ford I, Fox KM, Hennerici MG, Mattle HP, Rothwell PM, de Cordoüe A, Fratacci MD, Terutroban versus aspirin in patients with cerebral ischaemic events (PERFORM): a randomised, double-blind, parallel-group trial., Lancet (London, England), 377, (9782), 2011, p2013-22Journal Article, 2011
- Macleod MR, Petersson J, Norrving B, Hacke W, Dirnagl U, Wagner M, Schwab S, Hypothermia for Stroke: call to action 2010., International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society, 5, (6), 2010, p489-92Journal Article, 2010
- Chapter 6. Stroke in, editor(s)Stephen Jackson, Paul Jansen and Arduino Mangoni , Prescribing for Elderly Patients, Chichester, UK, Wiley, 2009, [Harbison J, Ford G]Book Chapter, 2009
- Harbison J, Sleep Disorders in Older People, Age and Ageing, 31, (S2), 2002, p6 - 9Journal Article, 2002
- Smyth B, Marsden P, Corcoran R, Walsh R, Brennan C, McSharry K, Clarke J, Kelly PJ, Harbison J, Opportunistic Screening for Atrial Fibrillation in a Rural Area., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 109, (8), 2016, p539 - 543Journal Article, 2016
- Dementia and Cerebrovascular Disease in, editor(s)Hardiman, O., Doherty, C.P., Elamin, M., Bede, P. , Neurodegenerative Disorders. A clinical guide., Switzerland, Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp75 - 83, [Harbison J, Kennelly SP, Kenny RA]Book Chapter, 2016
- McDonagh R, Bradley D, Harbison J., Urgent Decisions and a Tight Spot: Embolic Infarction of a Herniated Cerebellar Tonsil, BMJ Case Reports, 2016, pbcr2016215299Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Harbison J, 'The old guessing tube': 200 years of the stethoscope., QJM the Quarterly Journal of Medicine, 2016, pin press-Journal Article, 2016
- Ryan DJ, Kenny RA, Finucane C, Meaney JF, Collins DR, Walsh S, Harbison JA., Abnormal orthostatic blood pressure control among subjects with lacunar infarction. , European Stroke Journal, 1, (3), 2016, p222 - 230Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- McDonagh R, Harbison J, Autumn Weather and Winter Increase in Cerebrovascular Disease Mortality, Irish Medical Journal, 109, (10), 2016, p479-Journal Article, 2016
- Dan Ryan, Soren Christensen, Rose Anne Kenny, James F Meaney, Ruth McDonagh, Hassan Haswadi, Georgia Richard, Joseph A Harbison, CEREBRAL WHITE MATTER INSULT CORRELATES WITH BLOOD PRESSURE VARIABILITY, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society Conference, Killarney, Ireland, 3rd September 2016, 5, (Supplement 2), OUP, 2016, ppii12-Poster, 2016
- Ryan D., Harbison J., Meaney J., Rice C., King-Kallimanis B., Kenny R., Syncope causes transient focal neurological symptoms, QJM, 108, (9), 2015, p711-718Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Walsh ME, Galvin R, Boland F, Williams D, Harbison JA, Murphy S, Collins DR, McCabe DJH, Crowe M, Horgan NF, Validation of two risk prediction models for recurrent falls in the first year after stroke: A prospective cohort study, Age and Ageing, 46, (4), 2017, p642-648,Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Moran P., Moran P., Teljeur C., Teljeur C., Harrington P., Smith S., Smyth B., Harbison J., Normand C., Ryan M., Ryan M., Cost-Effectiveness of a National Opportunistic Screening Program for Atrial Fibrillation in Ireland, Value in Health, 19, (8), 2016, p985-995Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Kinsella JA, Oliver Tobin W, Tierney S, Feeley TM, Egan B, Coughlan T, Ronan Collins D, O'Neill D, Harbison JA, Doherty CP, Madhavan P, Moore DJ, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, Saqqur M, Murphy RP, Moran N, Hamilton G, McCabe DJH, Assessment of 'on-treatment platelet reactivity' and relationship with cerebral micro-embolic signals in asymptomatic and symptomatic carotid stenosis., J Neurol Sci., 376, 2017, p133 - 139Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Paul McElwaine, Joan McCormack, Michael McCormick, Anthony Rudd, Carmel Brennan, Heather Coetzee, Paul E Cotter, Rachel Doyle, Anne Hickey, Frances Horgan, Cliona Loughnane, Chris Macey, Paul Marsden, Dominick McCabe, Riona Mulcahy, Imelda Noone, Emer Shelley, Tadhg Stapleton, David Williams, Peter Kelly, Joseph Harbison., A comparison of service organisation and guideline compliance between two adjacent European health services, European Stroke Journal, 2, (3), 2017, p238 - 243Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Freedman B, Camm J, Calkins H, Healey JS, Rosenqvist M, Wang J, Albert CM, Anderson CS, Antoniou S, Benjamin EJ, Boriani G, Brachmann J, Brandes A, Chao TF, Conen D, Engdahl J, Fauchier L, Fitzmaurice DA, Friberg L, Gersh BJ, Gladstone DJ, Glotzer TV, Gwynne K, Hankey GJ, Harbison J, Hillis GS, Hills MT, Kamel H, Kirchhof P, Kowey PR, Krieger D, Lee VWY, Levin LÅ, Lip GYH, Lobban T, Lowres N, Mairesse GH, Martinez C, Neubeck L, Orchard J, Piccini JP, Poppe K, Potpara TS, Puererfellner H, Rienstra M, Sandhu RK, Schnabel RB, Siu CW, Steinhubl S, Svendsen JH, Svennberg E, Themistoclakis S, Tieleman RG, Turakhia MP, Tveit A, Uittenbogaart SB, Van Gelder IC, Verma A, Wachter R, Yan BP; AF-Screen Collaborators., Screening for Atrial Fibrillation: A Report of the AF-SCREEN International Collaboration., Circulation, 135, (19), 2017, p1851 - 1867Journal Article, 2017
- Paul McElwaine, Joan McCormack, Michael McCormick, Anthony Rudd, Carmel Brennan, Heather Coetzee, Paul E Cotter, Rachel Doyle, Anne Hickey, Frances Horgan, Cliona Loughnane, Chris Macey, Paul Marsden, Dominick McCabe, Riona Mulcahy, Imelda Noone, Emer Shelley, Tadhg Stapleton, David Williams, Peter Kelly, Joseph Harbison., Thrombolysis for Stroke in Ireland: Increasing access and maintaining safety in a challenging environment., Irish Journal of Medical Science, 187, 2018, p275 - 280Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Judge C, Mello S, Bradley D, Harbison J., A systematic review of the causes and management of ischaemic stroke caused by non-tissue emboli., Stroke Research and Treatment, 2017Journal Article, 2017
- Walsh ME, Galvin R, Williams DJP, Harbison JA, Murphy S, Collins R, McCabe DJH, Crowe M, Horgan NF., The experience of recurrent fallers in the first year after stroke., Disability and rehabilitation, 2017, p1-8Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Campbell BCV, van Zwam WH, Goyal M, Menon BK, Dippel DWJ, Demchuk AM, Bracard S, White P, Dávalos A, Majoie CBLM, van der Lugt A, Ford GA, de la Ossa NP, Kelly M, Bourcier R, Donnan GA, Roos YBWEM, Bang OY, Nogueira RG, Devlin TG, van den Berg LA, Clarençon F, Burns P, Carpenter J, Berkhemer OA, Yavagal DR, Pereira VM, Ducrocq X, Dixit A, Quesada H, Epstein J, Davis SM, Jansen O, Rubiera M, Urra X, Micard E, Lingsma HF, Naggara O, Brown S, Guillemin F, Muir KW, van Oostenbrugge RJ, Saver JL, Jovin TG, Hill MD, Mitchell PJ; HERMES collaborators, Effect of general anaesthesia on functional outcome in patients with anterior circulation ischaemic stroke having endovascular thrombectomy versus standard care: a meta-analysis of individual patient data., Lancet Neurol, 17, (1), 2018, p47-53Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Keller C, Arsenault S, Lamothe M, Bostan SR, O'Donnell R, Harbison J, Doherty CP., Patient safety ward round checklist via an electronic app: implications for harm prevention., Ir J Med Sci, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Román LS, Menon BK, Blasco J, Hernández-Pérez M, Dávalos A, Majoie CBLM, Campbell BCV, Guillemin F, Lingsma H, Anxionnat R, Epstein J, Saver JL, Marquering H, Wong JH, Lopes D, Reimann G, Desal H, Dippel DWJ, Coutts S, du Mesnil de Rochemont R, Yavagal D, Ferre JC, Roos YBWEM, Liebeskind DS, Lenthall R, Molina C, Al Ajlan FS, Reddy V, Dowlatshahi D, Nader-Antoine S, Oppenheim C, Mitha AP, Davis SM, Weimar C, van Oostenbrugge RJ, Cobo E, Kleinig TJ, Donnan GA, van der Lugt A, Demchuk AM, Berkhemer OA, Boers AMM, Ford GA, Muir KW, Brown BS, Jovin T, van Zwam WH, Mitchell PJ, Hill MD, White P, Bracard S, Goyal M; HERMES collaborators., Imaging features and safety and efficacy of endovascular stroke treatment: a meta-analysis of individual patient-level data., Lancet Neurology, 17, (10), 2018, p895-904Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Liebeskind DS, Bracard S, Guillemin F, Jahan R, Jovin TG, Majoie CB, Mitchell PJ, van der Lugt A, Menon BK, San Román L, Campbell BC, Muir KW, Hill MD, Dippel DW, Saver JL, Demchuk AM, Dávalos A, White P, Brown S, Goyal M; HERMES Collaborators., eTICI reperfusion: defining success in endovascular stroke therapy., J Neurointerv Surg, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Ryan DJ, Collins DR, Harbison JA., Letter by Ryan et al Regarding Article, "Long-Term Morphological Changes of Symptomatic Lacunar Infarcts and Surrounding White Matter on Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging"., Stroke, 49, (7), 2018, pe268Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Cumming TB, Yeo AB, Marquez J, Churilov L, Annoni JM, Badaru U, Ghotbi N, Harbison J, Kwakkel G, Lerdal A, Mills R, Naess H, Nyland H, Schmid A, Tang WK, Tseng B, van de Port I, Mead G, English C., Investigating post-stroke fatigue: An individual participant data meta-analysis., Journal of psychosomatic research, 113, 2018, p107-112Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Glynn RW, Teljeur C, Harbison J, Williams DJ, Harrington P, Ryan M., A systematic review of the clinical effectiveness of emergency endovascular therapy using mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischaemic stroke: implications for service delivery., Ir J Med Sci, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Mary E Walsh, Rose Galvin, David JP Williams, Joseph A Harbison, Sean Murphy, Ronan Collins, Dominick JH McCabe, Morgan Crowe, N Frances Horgan, Falls-Related EvEnts in the first year after StrokE in Ireland: Results of the multi-centre prospective FREESE cohort study , European Stroke Journal, 3, (3), 2018, p222 - 230Journal Article, 2018
- Mary E Walsh, Jan Sorensen, Rose Galvin, David JP Williams, Joseph A Harbison, Sean Murphy, Ronan Collins, Dominick JH McCabe, Morgan Crowe, N Frances Horgan, First year post-stroke healthcare costs and fall-status among those discharged to the community , European Stroke Journal, 3, (3), 2018, p254 - 262Journal Article, 2018
- Campbell BCV, Majoie CBLM, Albers GW, Menon BK, Yassi N, Sharma G, van Zwam WH, van Oostenbrugge RJ, Demchuk AM, Guillemin F, White P, Dávalos A, van der Lugt A, Butcher KS, Cherifi A, Marquering HA, Cloud G, Macho Fernández JM, Madigan J, Oppenheim C, Donnan GA, Roos YBWEM, Shankar J, Lingsma H, Bonafé A, Raoult H, Hernández-Pérez M, Bharatha A, Jahan R, Jansen O, Richard S, Levy EI, Berkhemer OA, Soudant M, Aja L, Davis SM, Krings T, Tisserand M, San Román L, Tomasello A, Beumer D, Brown S, Liebeskind DS, Bracard S, Muir KW, Dippel DWJ, Goyal M, Saver JL, Jovin TG, Hill MD, Mitchell PJ; HERMES collaborators., Penumbral imaging and functional outcome in patients with anterior circulation ischaemic stroke treated with endovascular thrombectomy versus medical therapy: a meta-analysis of individual patient-level data., Lancet Neurol, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Walsh ME, Galvin R, Williams DJP, Harbison JA, Murphy S, Collins R, McCabe DJH, Crowe M, Horgan NF, Falls-Related EvEnts in the first year after StrokE in Ireland: Results of the multi-centre prospective FREESE cohort study, European Stroke Journal, 3, 2018, p246 - 253Journal Article, 2018
- Jessalyn K Holodinsky, Alka B Patel, John Thornton, Noreen Kamal, Lauren R Jewett, Peter J Kelly, Sean Murphy, Ronan Collins, Thomas Walsh, Simon Cronin, Sarah Power, Paul Brennan, Alan O'hare, Dominick JH McCabe, Barry Moynihan, Seamus Looby, Gerald Wyse, Joan McCormack, Paul Marsden, Joseph Harbison, Michael D Hill, David Williams, Drip and ship versus direct to endovascular thrombectomy: The impact of treatment times on transport decision-making, European Stroke Journal, 3, (2), 2018, p126 - 135Journal Article, 2018, URL
- Murphy SJX, Lim ST, Kinsella JA, Tierney S, Egan B, Feeley TM, Murphy SM, Walsh RA, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Harbison JA, Madhavan P, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, Cox D, Moran N, Hamilton G, McCabe DJH., Increased Leucocyte-Platelet Complex Formation in Recently Symptomatic versus Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis Patients and in Micro-emboli Negative Subgroups., 2019, pepub ahead of printJournal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Harbison J., The centenary of the WW1 Armistice: the dividend from an incalculable loss., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 112, (3), 2019, p169-170Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Mello S, Judge C, Kelly R, Bradley D, Harbison J., A Systematic Review of the Causes and Management of Nonthrombotic Embolic Stroke of Tissue Origin., Stroke research and treatment, 2018, 2018, p8092862Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Judge C, Mello S, Bradley D, Harbison J., A Systematic Review of the Causes and Management of Ischaemic Stroke Caused by Nontissue Emboli., Stroke research and treatment, 2017, 2017, p7565702Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Kelly PJ, Camps-Renom P, Giannotti N, Martí-Fàbregas J, Murphy S, McNulty J, Barry M, Barry P, Calvet D, Coutts SB, Cronin S, Delgado-Mederos R, Dolan E, Fernández-León A, Foley S, Harbison J, Horgan G, Kavanagh E, Marnane M, McDonnell C, O'Donohoe M, Sharma V, Walsh C, Williams D, O'Connell M, Carotid Plaque Inflammation Imaged by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography and Risk of Early Recurrent Stroke., Stroke, 2019Journal Article, 2019
- Murphy SJX, Lim ST, Kinsella JA, Tierney S, Egan B, Feeley TM, Dooley C, Kelly J, Murphy SM, Walsh RA, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Harbison JA, Madhavan P, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, Meaney JF, Hamilton G, McCabe DJH, Simultaneous assessment of plaque morphology, cerebral micro-embolic signal status and platelet biomarkers in patients with recently symptomatic and asymptomatic carotid stenosis, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Lowres N, Olivier J, Chao TF, Chen SA, Chen Y, Diederichsen A, Fitzmaurice DA, Gomez-Doblas JJ, Harbison J, Healey JS, Hobbs FDR, Kaasenbrood F, Keen W, Lee VW, Lindholt JS, Lip GYH, Mairesse GH, Mant J, Martin JW, Martín-Rioboó E, McManus DD, Muñiz J, Münzel T, Nakamya J, Neubeck L, Orchard JJ, Pérula de Torres LÁ, Proietti M, Quinn FR, Roalfe AK, Sandhu RK, Schnabel RB, Smyth B, Soni A, Tieleman R, Wang J, Wild PS, Yan BP, Freedman B., Estimated stroke risk, yield, and number needed to screen for atrial fibrillation detected through single time screening: a multicountry patient-level meta-analysis of 141,220 screened individuals. , PLoS medicine, 16, (9), 2019, pe1002903Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Kelly PJ, Camps-Renom P, Giannotti N, Martí-Fàbregas J, McNulty JP, Baron JC, Barry M, Coutts SB, Cronin S, Delgado-Mederos R, Dolan E, Fernández-León A, Foley S, Harbison J, Horgan G, Kavanagh E, Marnane M, McCabe J, McDonnell C, Sharma VK, Williams DJ, O'Connell M, Murphy S., A Risk Score Including Carotid Plaque Inflammation and Stenosis Severity Improves Identification of Recurrent Stroke., Stroke, 2020, pSTROKEAHA119027268Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Concannon E, Fitzgerald L, Canniff E, Birrane J, Harbison J, Shelley O., Neuroimaging provides relevant clinical information in patients with burn injuries., Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Griffin E, Murphy S, Sheehan M, Power S, Brennan P, O'Hare A, Looby S, McWilliams S, Moynihan B, Williams D, Boyle K, O'Neill D, Collins R, Dolan E, Cassidy T, Harbison J, O'Connor M, Alderson J, Thornton J., Early repatriation post-thrombectomy: a model of care which maximises the capacity of a stroke network to treat patients with large vessel ischaemic stroke., Journal of neurointerventional surgery, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Mohd Ikhwan Marion, Cathy Cunningham, Joseph Harbison, Aileen Patterson, An insight of Malaysian students attending European University toward participation in Malay Language Class, MedEdPublish, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Laura Ryan, Kate Sheehan, Mohd Ikhwan Marion, Joseph Harbison, Online Resources Used by Medical Students, a Literature Review, MedEdPublish, 2020Journal Article, 2020, URL
- Crowe C, Coen RF, Kidd N, Hevey D, Cooney J, Harbison J, Experiences of Psychological Distress amongst Stroke Survivors, 35, European Stroke Conference, London, May, 3, 2012, pp765 - 765Poster, 2012
- Ruth McDonagh MB, MRCPI, Niall Sheehy FRCPI, FRCR, Joseph Harbison MD, FRCPI FESO , Variation in Urgent Imaging Requests for Stroke during the Covid-19 pandemic. Review of a National Dataset, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2020Journal Article, 2020, TARA - Full Text
- Murphy SJX, Lim ST, Hickey F, Kinsella JA, Smith DR, Tierney S, Egan B, Feeley TM, Murphy SM, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Harbison JA, Madhavan P, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, O'Donnell JS, O'Sullivan JM, Hamilton G, McCabe DJH, von Willebrand Factor Antigen, von Willebrand Factor Propeptide, and ADAMTS13 in Carotid Stenosis and Their Relationship with Cerebral Microemboli, Thromb Haemost, 121, (1), 2021, p86 - 97Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Coveney SA, Murphy S, Belton O, Cassidy T, Crowe M, Dolan E, de Gaetano M, Harbison J, Horgan G, Marnane M, McCabe JJ, Merwick A, Noone I, Williams D, Kelly PJ., EXPRESS: Inflammatory cytokines, high sensitivity CRP, and risk of 1-year vascular events, death and poor functional outcome after stroke and TIA., International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society, 2021, p1747493021995595Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- McCabe JJ, Giannotti N, McNulty J, Collins S, Coveney S, Murphy S, Barry M, Harbison J, Cronin S, Williams D, Horgan G, Dolan E, Cassidy T, McDonnell C, Kavanagh E, Foley S, O'Connell M, Marnane M, Kelly P., Cohort profile: BIOVASC-late, a prospective multicentred study of imaging and blood biomarkers of carotid plaque inflammation and risk of late vascular recurrence after non-severe stroke in Ireland., BMJ Open, 10, (7), 2020, pe038607Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Buckley A, Carey D, Meaney JM, Kenny R, Harbison J., Is there an association between orthostatic hypotension and cerebral white matter hyperintensities in older people? The Irish longitudinal study on ageing., JRSM cardiovascular disease, 9, 2020, p2048004020954628Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Schnabel RB, Haeusler KG, Healey JS, Freedman B, Boriani G, Brachmann J, Brandes A, Bustamante A, Casadei B, Crijns HJGM, Doehner W, Engström G, Fauchier L, Friberg L, Gladstone DJ, Glotzer TV, Goto S, Hankey GJ, Harbison JA, Hobbs FDR, Johnson LSB, Kamel H, Kirchhof P, Korompoki E, Krieger DW, Lip GYH, Løchen ML, Mairesse GH, Montaner J, Neubeck L, Ntaios G, Piccini JP, Potpara TS, Quinn TJ, Reiffel JA, Ribeiro ALP, Rienstra M, Rosenqvist M, Themistoclakis S, Sinner MF, Svendsen JH, Van Gelder IC, Wachter R, Wijeratne T, Yan B., Searching for Atrial Fibrillation Poststroke: A White Paper of the AF-SCREEN International Collaboration., Circulation, 140, (22), 2019, p1834-1850Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Coleman, S, Cunningham C, Murphy N, Feaheny N, Robinson D, Lannon R, McCarroll K, Casey M, Harbison J, Horgan NF, Progressive resistance training in a post-acute, older, inpatient setting: A randomised controlled feasibility study, Journal of Frailty, Sarcopenia and Falls, 6, (1), 2021, p14Journal Article, 2021
- Paul Claffey, Triona McNicholas, Robert Briggs, Carol Murphy, Joseph Harbison, Miriam Casey, David Robinson, Kevin McCarroll, Rosaleen Lannon, Rose Anne Kenny, Declan Byrne, Conal Cunningham, The Impact of Acute Specialised Geriatric Take in a Large Teaching Hospital over Three Years, Age & Ageing, Irish Gerontolgical Society, September 2018, 46, (Supplement 5), 2018, ppv13 - v60Poster, 2018, DOI
- P O'Reilly. JA Harbison, WT McNicholas, The Incidence of Significant Cardiac Rhythm Disturbances in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, IJMS, Irish Thoracic Society Annual Meeting 1996, Dublin, 167, (S9), 1998, pp7-Poster, 1998
- M Cagney, J Harbison, M Crowe, D Keating, Asset Rich, Income Poor: The Property Boom and Nursing Home Placement in South East Dublin, IJMS, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 1996, 167, (S9), Springer, 1998, pp14-Poster, 1998
- J Harbison, G Gibson, O James, G Ford, The influence of age, disability and pre-morbid handicap, on sleep apnea following stroke., Stroke, International Stroke Conference, Los Angeles, Feb 2000, 31, (11), 2000, pp2853-Poster, 2000
- JA Harbison, I Zammit-Maempel, D Birchall, GJ Gibson, GA Ford, CT evidence of chronic cerebrovascular disease is associated with severity of post-stroke sleep apnea, Stroke, International Stroke Conference, San Antonio, Texas, Feb 2002, 33, (1), Lippincott Williams, 2002, pp392-Poster, 2002
- J HARBISON, I ZAMMITT-MAEMPEL, D BIRCHALL, G GIBSON, G FORD, CHRONIC CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE AND SLEEP DISORDERED BREATHING FOLLOWING STROKE, Age and Ageing, British Geriatrics Society Spring Scientific Meeting, Gateshead, April 2002, 31, 2002Poster, 2002
- J HARBISON, G GIBSON, G FORD, PRE-STROKE DAYTIME SLEEPINESS AND STROKE SEVERITY, Age and Ageing, British Geriatrics Society Spring Scientific Meeting, Gateshead, April 2002, 31, 2002Poster, 2002
- J Harbison, SK Bansal, ARE THE BRITISH THORACIC SOCIETY GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA APPROPRIATE TO OLDER PEOPLE?, Age and Ageing, British Geriatrics Society Autumn Scientific Meeting, London, October 2003, 32, 2003Oral Presentation, 2003
- J Harbison, J Davis, S Louw, M Davis, A Dyker, G Ford, THROMBOLYSIS FOR ISCHAEMIC STROKE IN A UK HOSPITAL, Age and Ageing, British Geriatrics Society Autumn Scientific Meeting, London, October 2003, 32, 2003Poster, 2003
- C Croser, A Lawman, J Coyle, J Harbison, ARE PATIENTS WITH MILDER STROKES LESS LIKELY TO PRESENT TO HOSPITAL FROM RURAL AREAS?, Age and Ageing, British Geriatrics Society Autumn Scientific Meeting, London, October 2005, 34, 2005Poster, 2005
- P McBride, D Heseltine, J Harbison, CAN GERIATRICIANS ACCURATELY PREDICT DELAY IN DISCHARGE OF OLDER PEOPLE AT ADMISSION?, Age and Ageing, British Geriatrics Society Autumn Scientific Meeting, London, October 2005, 2005Poster, 2005
- D Walsh, B Carr, V Treacy, J Harbison, PATIENT UNDERSTANDING OF SECONDARY PREVENTION THERAPY: THE EFFECT OF A SPECIFIC PHARMACY CARE PLAN 3, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, Nice, France, May 2008, 25, 2008Poster, 2008
- J Harbison, S Walsh, R Kenny, FATIGUE IS ASSOCIATED WITH MEASURES OF LOW DAYTIME BLOOD PRESSURE IN STROKE AND TIA, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, Nice, France, May 2008, 25, 2008Poster, 2008
- M Martin, S Walsh, D Martin, J Harbison, THE NATURE OF FATIGUE FOLLOWING STROKE AND TIA, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, Nice, France, May 2008, 25, 2008Poster, 2008
- N Collins, M al-Kalbani, S Walsh, M Martin, G Boyle, J Harbison, D Coakley, OCULAR MICROTREMOR IN ACUTE STROKE, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, Nice, France, May 2008, 25, 2008Poster, 2008
- J Harbison, S Walsh, Symptoms and associations of fatigue following tia and stroke, International Journal of Stroke, World Stroke Congress, Vienna, Austria, September 2008, 3, 2008Poster, 2008
- D Walsh, B Carr, V Treacy, J Harbison, Non-adherence to secondary prevention medications in stroke and tia patients: an interview based study, International Journal of Stroke, World Stroke Congress, Vienna, Austria, September 2008, 3, 2008Poster, 2008
- J Harbison, S Walsh, Post-stroke fatigue: is it a single condition?, International Journal of Stroke, World Stroke Congress, Vienna, Austria, September 2008, 3, 2008Poster, 2008
- M Mulroy, S Walsh, J Harbison, SUBJECTIVELY REPORTED MEASURES OF SLEEP QUALITY ARE NOT ASSOCIATED WITH FATIGUE FOLLOWING STROKE AND TIA, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2009, 27, 2009Poster, 2009
- L Smyth, J Harbison, D Ryan, S Phillips, S Walsh, SECONDARY PREVENTION CLINICS-SAFE AND EFFECTIVE DISCHARGE PLAN FOR PATIENTS PRESENTING WITH STROKE/TIA, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2009, 27, 2009Poster, 2009
- D Ryan, S Phillips, L Smyth, S Walsh, J Harbison, VARIABILITY IN DECISIONS CONCERNING ANTICOAGULATION FOR ATRIAL FIBRILLATION IN HIGH RISK PATIENTS BETWEEN PHYSICIANS ROUTINELY INVOLVED IN STROKE CARE, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2009, 27, 2009Poster, 2009
- D Ryan, S Phillips, L Smyth, J Harbison, MEN AND WOMEN REPORT FATIGUE DIFFERENTLY AFTER TIA AND STROKE, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2009, 27, 2009Poster, 2009
- Sarah Jane Hassan, Suzanne Walsh, Joseph Harbison, The Prevalence of Adverse Prognostic Blood Pressure Characteristics in Subjects With TIA and Stroke, Stroke, International Stroke Conference, New Orleans, USA, February 2010, 41, (4), Lippincott Williams, 2010Poster, 2010
- Philip Kieran, Agnieska Paderska, Suzanne Walsh, Marie Louise Healy, Joseph Harbison, Fasting Blood Glucose Alone is Insufficient to identify Diabetes and Impaired Glucose Tolerance in Subjects With Stroke and TIA, Stroke, International Stroke Conference, New Orleans, USA, February 2010, 41, (4), Lippincott Williams, 2010Poster, 2010
- D Ryan, M Harmon, S Byrne, J Harbison, AN INCOMPLETE CIRCLE OF WILLIS INCREASES RISK OF WHITE MATTER DISEASE, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, Hamburg, Germany, May 2011, 31, 2011Poster, 2011
- R Keane, S Walsh, M Mulroy, J Harbison, REASONS FOR FAILURE OF CONTROL TO HYPERTENSION IN PATIENTS WITH CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, Hamburg, Germany, May 2011, 31, 2011Poster, 2011
- S Seery, J Harbison, L Healy, C Browne, How do predicted energy requirements compare to an armband device that indirectly measures energy expenditure in stable stroke patients?, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, Malnutrition Matters a Joint Meeting of BAPEN and Nutrition Society, Harrogate, UK, November 2011, 70, (OCE5), 2011Oral Presentation, 2011
- Martin Mulroy, Helen Kavanagh, Suzanne Walsh, Joseph Harbison, Fatigue and Anxiety in Patients Following Stroke and TIA., Stroke, International Stroke Conference, New Orleans, US, February 2012, 43, (Supp 1), 2012, ppA89-Poster, 2012
- M Mulroy, J Cooney, SM Walsh, J Harbison, Is Fatigue Associated With Symptoms Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder In Subjects Following Stroke?, Stroke, International Stroke Conference, New Orleans, US, February 2012, 43, (Supp 1), 2012, ppA2388-Poster, 2012
- Mary Giltinane, Karl Boyle, Grainne O'Kane, Joseph Harbison, The Utility of the Modified Early Warning Score in Acute Stroke Patients, Stroke, International Stroke Conference, New Orleans, US, February 2012, 43, (Supp 1), 2012, ppA2389-Poster, 2012
- Daniel J Ryan, Rose A Kenny, James F Meaney, Ciarra P Rice, Joseph A Harbison, Hypotensive Events at Stroke Onset in the absence of Severe Carotid Disease, Stroke, International Stroke Conference, New Orleans, US, February 2012, 43, (Supp 1), 2012, ppA3180-Poster, 2012
- James Mahon, Maria Smyth, Diarmuid O'Keeffee, Suzanne Walsh, Olivia Mahon, Karl Boyle, Joe Harbison, Is Glycated Haemoglobin (Hba1c) a Useful Screening Tool for Diabetes Mellitus in Strokes and TIAs?, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Cork, September 2012, 181, 2012, ppS296-Poster, 2012
- Rebecca Geary, Racheal Mulpeter, Joe Harbison, Jaspreet Bhangu, Patient Beliefs About the Efficacy of Medications Used for Secondary Prevention in Stroke, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Cork, September 2012, 181, 2012, ppS224-Poster, 2012
- Clodagh Power, John Bernard Walsh, Joe Harbison, Karl Boyle, A Patient Over 90 Successfully Thrombolysed Twice, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Cork, September 2012, 181, 2012, ppS280-Poster, 2012
- Jaspreet Banghu, Mawish Naureen, Joseph Harbison, Karl Boyle, Medical Insurance Status and Thrombolysis for Stroke, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Cork, September 2012, 181, 2012, ppS249-Poster, 2012
- Anna Brown, Finbar McCarthy, PWN Keeling, Joseph Harbison, The Effect of Time and Nasograstric Feeding on the Prevalence of Gastric Ulceration Prior to PEG Placement in Dysphagic Stroke Patients, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Cork, September 2012, 181, 2012, ppS244-Poster, 2012
- Daniel Ryan, Ciara Rice, Joseph Harbison, Roseanne Kenny, Focal Neurological Events Among Patients with Syncope, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Cork, 181, 2012, ppS277-Poster, 2012
- Karl Boyle, Elizabeth Callaly, Declan Byrne, Joseph Harbison, Bernard Silke, Co-morbidity and Outcome in Stroke Patients Compared to Other Emergency Medical Admissions, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Cork, September 2012, 181, 2012, ppS223-Poster, 2012
- Karl Boyle, Brendan Browne, Mary-Paula Colgan, Xenia Martin, Sean O'Neill, Prakesh Madhavan, Dermot Moore, Joseph Harbison, Carotid Stenosis in the Oldest Old, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Cork, September 2012, 181, 2012, ppS256-Poster, 2012
- PJ Kelly, C Brennan, B White, E Shelley, P Durcan, A Carroll, I Noone, U Cunningham, A Burke, B Smyth, J Harbison, Improving stroke services across a population in a financial crisis. The Irish National Stroke Programme, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, London, May 2013, 35, 2013, pp476-Poster, 2013
- U Cunningham, H Gee, AO Connor, A Bourke, C Brennan, AO Carroll, PJ Kelly, J Harbison, GO Neill, MO Keefe, C Prendergast, L Johnson, E Reynolds, G Casey, S Murphy, Ireland's National Stroke Programme: Early Supported Discharge (ESD)-A Pilot Initiative, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, London, May 2013, 35, 2013, pp476-Poster, 2013
- R Ni Donacha, R Briggs, O Mahon, G Kavanagh, JA Harbison, The effect of age on haemoglobin concentration in a population undergoing intravenous thrombolysis, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, London, September 2012, 35, 2013, pp699-Poster, 2013
- NL Thompson, J Azam, O Mahon, JA Harbison, Is there really no need for a'routine'Chest Radiograph on presentation following stroke?, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, London, May 2013, 35, 2013, pp661-Poster, 2013
- B Browne, JA Harbison, MP Colgan, P Madhavan, S O'Neill, D Moore, Z Martin, K Boyle, Prevalence and Characteristics of Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis in Extreme Old Age., Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, London, May 2013, 35, 2013, pp630-Poster, 2013
- DJ Ryan, C Finucane, O Mahon, RA Kenny, JA Harbison, An impaired baroreflex may mediate hypotension-induced borderzone lacunar stroke, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, London, May 2013, 35, 2013, pp523-Poster, 2013
- DJ Ryan, JFM Meaney, AJ Fagan, RA Kenny, JA Harbison, Transient hypotension: an important cause of infarction in older persons, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, London, May 2013, 35, 2013, pp23-Oral Presentation, 2013
- DJ Ryan, O Mahon, RA Kenny, JA Harbison, Focal neurology occurs with syncope and presyncope, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, London, May 2013, 35, 2013, pp172-Poster, 2013
- H Kavanagh, N Murphy, JA Harbison, JM Hussey, Fatigue and the Energy Expenditure of Gait Post-Stroke, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, London, May 2013, 35, 2013, pp218-Poster, 2013
- R Briggs, R Ni Donacha, O Mahon, G Kavanagh, JA Harbison, Insurance status, eligibility for care and thrombolysis for stroke, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, London, May 2013, 35, 2013, pp481-Poster, 2013
- N Galligan, J Harbison, R Coen, D Hevey, Multidisciplinary Clinical Rehabilitation Anxiety and depression are associated with poststroke fatigue, International Journal of Stroke, World Stroke Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2014, 9, 2014Poster, 2014
- Meghan Burns, Kate Somers, Paul McElwaine, Joseph Harbiso, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale object naming test in a non‐American English‐speaking population, International Journal of Stroke, International Stroke Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2014, 9, (7), 2014, ppE35-Poster, 2014
- M Burns, K Somers, J Harbison, P McElwaine, Accuracy of NIH stroke scale object identification in a non-American population, International Journal of Stroke, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2014, 9, (7), 2014Poster, 2014
- K Somers, M Burns, J Harbison, P McElwaine, Can accuracy and consistency of object identification in the NIH stroke scale be improved?, International Journal of Stroke, International Stroke Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2014, 9, (7), 2014Poster, 2014
- N Donlon, E Groarke, P McElwaine, S Walsh, J Harbison, The characteristics and impact of a diverse population of recent immigrants on an urban stroke center, International Journal of Stroke, International Stroke Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2014, 9, (7), 2014Poster, 2014
- P McElwaine, J McCormack, J Harbison, Irish Heart Foundation/HSE National Stroke Audit 2015, 1.0, Dublin, HSE NAtional Clinical Programmes & Irish Heart Foundation, May, 2015Report, 2015
- S Ward, N Mahony, P McAteer, M Lynch, C Murphy, J Harbison, M Hennessy, Unpacking our Anatomical Heritage in Trinity College Dublin (A rediscovered Treasure Trove), Journal of Anatomy, Anatomical Society Summer Meeting, Dublin, 2014, 226, (2), 2014, pp195 - 196Poster, 2014
- Smyth, Breda;Marsden, Paul;Corcoran, Ruth;Walsh, Rosemary;Brennan, Carmel;McSharry, Kathy;Clarke, Joe;Harbison, Joe, Atrial Fibrillation Screening in General Practice., 1.0, Dublin, Heath Service Executive, March, 2015Report, 2015
- D Byrne, J McMorrow, EA Joyce, A Kecler-Pietrzyk, C Doherty, J Harbison, HG Delaney, N Sheehy, JF Meaney, A multimedia application for comprehensive depiction of imaging findings in stroke on the iPad and iPhone., EPOS, European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria, March 2015, ECR 2015, 2015Poster, 2015
- J Harbison, C Brennan, P Marsden, P Kelly, The Irish National Stroke Programme 2010-2014: Evaluation of results:, International Journal of Stroke, European Stroke Organisation Conference, London, April 2015, 10, 2015Poster, 2015
- R McDonagh, J Harbison, Autumn weather is associated with increase in cerebrovascular disease mortality in the subsequent winter, International Journal of Stroke, European Stroke Organisation Conference, London, April 2015, 10, 2015Poster, 2015
- P McElwaine, I Noone, J Harbison, The stroke clinical nurse specialist role-The Irish experience, International Journal of Stroke, European Stroke Organisation Conference, London, April 2015, 10, 2015Poster, 2015
- O O'Keeffe, H Kavanagh, C Egan, N Murphy, J Harbison, An observational study of physical activity levels on the acute stroke unit of a large teaching hospital in Dublin, Ireland, Physiotherapy, World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress, Singapore, May 2015, 101, (Supp 1), 2015Poster, 2015
- H Kaye-Coyle, N Abd Latiff, J Harbison, P McElwaine, ROCK AND ROLL AIN'T NOISE POLLUTION-DOES TV AND RADIO HAVE AN ADVERSE EFFECT ON HOSPITAL INPATIENTS?, Age and Ageing, British Geriatrics Society Spring Scientific Meeting, London, April 2016, 45, (Supp1), 2016, ppi16-Poster, 2016
- A Buckley. J Harbison, JF Meaney, Burden of subcortical hyperintensities and other radiological abnormalities on MRI brain: a cross-sectional study of 440 neurologically asymptomatic, community-dwelling individuals aged 65 and older, EPOS, European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria, March 2017, 2017, ppC2272-Poster, 2017
- Anne Buckley, Jim Meaney, Rose Kenny, Joseph Harbison, Investigating the Relationship between Subcortical Hyperintensities on 3T MRI Brain and Failure of Stabilisation of BP in an Ageing Population, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Wexford, September 2017, 46, (Supp3), 2017Poster, 2017
- Anne Buckley, James Meaney, Rose Anne Kenny, Joseph Harbison, Enlarged Perivascular Spaces of Subjects with Silent Lacunar Infarction from A National Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Wexford, September 2017, 46, (supp 3), 2017Poster, 2017
- Ruth McDonagh, Roisin Kelly, David Bradley, Joseph Harbison, Paul Claffey, Should We Assess and Treat Anterior Choroidal Artery Strokes Differently?, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Wexford, September 2017, 46, (Supp3), 2017Poster, 2017
- Ruth McDonagh, Paul Claffey, Joseph Harbison, Rapidly-progressive Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy: A Bleeding Catastrophe, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Wexford, September 2017, 46, (Supp3), 2017Poster, 2017
- Anna McDonough, Roisin Kelly, Joseph Harbison, The Relationship Between Hyperostosis Frontalis Interna and Vitamin D Level, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, Sept 2018, 47, (Supp 5), 2018Poster, 2018
- S Abdullah, N Donlon, R Kelly, A McDonough, J Harbison, CHARACTERISTICS OF STROKE IN AN URBAN MULTINATIONAL IMMIGRANT POPULATION, International Journal of Stroke, World Stroke Congress, Montreal, Canada, October 2018, 13, 2018, pp80-Poster, 2018
- A McDonough, J Harbison, RECURRENT THROMBOLYSIS IN A PATIENT WITH FACTITIOUS DISORDER, International Journal of Stroke, World Stroke Congress, Montreal, Canada, October 2018, 13, 2018Poster, 2018
- A Mcdonough, K McGrath, K McCarroll, J Harbison, WHEN TWO BECOMES ONE: STROKE IN A PATIENT WITH AN AZYGOUS ANTERIOR CEREBRAL ARTERY, International Journal of Stroke, International Stroke Conference, Montreal, Canada, October 2018, 13, 2018, pp211-Poster, 2018
- L Ming Li, A McDonough, R Nee, S Walsh, J Harbison, COMPARISON OF MEAN BLOOD PRESSURE READINGS ON STROKE UNIT WITH POST-DISCHARGE AMBULATORY BLOOD PRESSURE MONITORING, International Journal of Stroke, International Stroke Conference, Montreal, Canada, October 2018, 13, 2018, pp189 - 190Poster, 2018
- K Doyle, J Mccormack, R Collins, J Harbison, EVALUATING THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN INFLUENZA LIKE ILLNESS AND APPARENT WINTER EXCESS IN STROKE INCIDENCE., International Journal of Stroke, World Stroke Congress, Vienna (online), November 2020, 15, (1 Suppl), 2020, pp506-Poster, 2020
- R Mcdonagh, D Moran, R Kelly, D Bradley, J Harbison, PREVALENCE OF VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY ON ADMISSION IN STROKE PATIENTS COMPARED WITH POPULATION NORM AND AT RISK GROUPS., International Journal of Stroke, International Stroke Conference, Vienna (online), November 2020, 15, (1 Suppl), 2020, pp454 - 455Poster, 2020
- D Moran, R Mcdonagh, D Bradley, J Harbison, R Kelly, SOLAR RADIATION AND VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY IN STROKE PATIENTS., International Journal of Stroke, International Stroke Conference, Vienna (online), November 2020, 15, (1 Suppl), 2020, pp454 - 454Poster, 2020
- T Cloney, C Browne, D Bradley, J Harbison, INCIDENTAL FINDING OF MULTIPLE CEREBRAL CAVERNOUS MALFORMATIONS IN A 76 YEAR OLD FEMALE FOLLOWING CEREBELLAR HAEMORRHAGE., International Journal of Stroke, International Stroke Conference, Vienna (online), November 2020, 15, (1 Suppl), 2020, pp592 - 593Poster, 2020
- Cormac Kennedy, Ahmed Gabr, Joan McCormack, Rónán Collins, Michael Barry & Joe Harbison, The association between increasing oral anticoagulant prescribing and atrial fibrillation related stroke in Ireland , British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Bruen C, Merriman NA, Murphy PJ, McCormack J, Sexton E, Harbison J, Williams D, Kelly PJ, Horgan F, Collins R, Ní Bhreacáin M, Byrne E, Thornton J, Hickey A, Development of a national stroke audit in Ireland: scoping review protocol, HRB Open Research, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Georgia Richard, Aisling O'Halloran, Paul Doody, Joseph Harbison, Rose Anne Kenny, Roman Romero-Ortuno, Atrial Fibrillation and Acceleration of Frailty: Findings from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), Age and Ageing, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Halliday A, Bulbulia R, Bonati LH, Chester J, Cradduck-Bamford A, Peto R, Pan H, ACST-2 Collaborative Group., Second asymptomatic carotid surgery trial (ACST-2): a randomised comparison of carotid artery stenting versus carotid endarterectomy., Lancet (London, England), 398, (10305), 2021, p1065-1073Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Coveney S, McCabe JJ, Murphy S, Belton O, Gray C, Cassidy T, Dolan E, de Gaetano M, Harbison J, Horgan G, Marnane M, Merwick A, Noone I, Williams DJ, Kelly PJ., Dose-Dependent Association of Inflammatory Cytokines with Carotid Atherosclerosis in Transient Ischaemic Attack: Implications for Clinical Trials., Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland), 2021, p1-10Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- McCabe JJ, Camps-Renom P, Giannotti N, McNulty JP, Coveney S, Murphy S, Barry M, Harbison J, Cronin S, Williams D, Horgan G, Dolan E, Cassidy T, McDonnell C, Kavanagh E, Foley S, Collins S, O'Connell M, Fernández-León A, Delgado-Mederos R, Marnane M, Martí-Fàbregas J, Kelly PJ., Carotid Plaque Inflammation Imaged by PET and Prediction of Recurrent Stroke at 5 Years., Neurology, 97, (23), 2021, pe2282-e2291Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- McDonough RV, Ospel JM, Majoie CBLM, Saver JL, White P, Dippel DWJ, Brown SB, Demchuk AM, Jovin TG, Mitchell PJ, Bracard S, Campbell BCV, Muir KW, Hill MD, Guillemin F, Goyal M; HERMES collaborators, Clinical outcome of patients with mild pre-stroke morbidity following endovascular treatment: a HERMES substudy, J Neurointerv Surg, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Rivard L, Friberg L, Conen D, Healey JS, Berge T, Boriani G, Brandes A, Calkins H, Camm AJ, Yee Chen L, Lluis Clua Espuny J, Collins R, Connolly S, Dagres N, Elkind MSV, Engdahl J, Field TS, Gersh BJ, Glotzer TV, Hankey GJ, Harbison JA, Haeusler KG, Hills MT, Johnson LSB, Joung B, Khairy P, Kirchhof P, Krieger D, Lip GYH, Løchen ML, Madhavan M, Mairesse GH, Montaner J, Ntaios G, Quinn TJ, Rienstra M, Rosenqvist M, Sandhu RK, Smyth B, Schnabel RB, Stavrakis S, Themistoclakis S, Van Gelder IC, Wang JG, Freedman B., Atrial Fibrillation and Dementia: A Report From the AF-SCREEN International Collaboration., Circulation, 145, (5), 2022, p392-409Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Camps-Renom P, McCabe J, Martí-Fàbregas J, Giannotti N, Fernández-León A, McNulty JP, Baron JC, Barry M, Coutts SB, Cronin S, Delgado-Mederos R, Dolan E, Foley S, Guasch-Jiménez M, Guisado-Alonso D, Harbison JA, Horgan G, Kavanagh EC, Marnane M, Martinez-Domeño A, McDonnell C, Sharma VK, Williams D, Connell MO, Murphy S, Prats-Sanchez L, Kelly PJ., Association of Plaque Inflammation With Stroke Recurrence in Patients With Unproven Benefit From Carotid Revascularization. , Neurology, 2022, p10.1212/WNL.0000000000200525Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Meaney JFM, O'Donnell JS, Bridgewood C, Harbison J, McGonagle D., Perspective: The Case for Acute Large Vessel Ischemic Stroke in COVID-19 Originating Within Thrombosed Pulmonary Venules., Stroke, 53, (7), 2022, p2411-2419Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Giannotti N, McNulty J, Foley S, McCabe J, Barry M, Crowe M, Dolan E, Harbison J, Horgan G, Kavanagh E, O'Connell M, Marnane M, Murphy S, Donnell CM, O'Donohoe M, Williams D, Kelly PJ., Association Between 18-FDG Positron Emission Tomography and MRI Biomarkers of Plaque Vulnerability in Patients With Symptomatic Carotid Stenosis., Frontiers in neurology, 12, 2021, p731744Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- National Office of Clinical Audit, Irish National Audit of Stroke National Report 2020, Dublin, National Office of Clinical Audit, December, 2020Report, 2020
- National Office of Clinical Audit, Irish National Audit of Stroke National Report 2021, Dublin, February, 2022Report, 2022
- National Office of Clinical Audit, Irish National Audit of Stroke Organisational Report 2021, April, 2022Report, 2022
- National Clinical Programme for Stroke, National Stroke Register Report 2018, Dublin, HSE, July, 2019Report, 2019
- National Clinical Programme for Stroke, NATIONAL GUIDELINE FOR SWALLOW SCREENING IN STROKE, Dublin, May, 2017Report, 2017
- National Clinical Programme for Stroke, National Stroke Register Report 2017, Dublin, August, 2018Report, 2018
- National Clinical Programme for Stroke, NATIONAL!STROKE!AUDIT 2015, Dublin, December, 2015Report, 2015
- National Clinical Programme for Stroke, NATIONAL STROKE AUDIT Rehabilitation Units , Dublin, October, 2016Report, 2016
- European Stroke Organisation, Action Plan for Stroke in Europe 2018-2030, Belgium, European Stroke Journal, March, 2018, p309 - 336Report, 2018
- Harbison J, Collins R, McCormack J, Brych O, Fallon C, Cassidy T., Hospital size, remoteness and stroke outcome., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 116, (4), 2023, p288-291Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Doran S, Horan M, Hillery P, Glynn D, Harbison J, Walsh J, Calderon A, Bradley D, Byrne D., It's time to act FAST: A quality improvement program (QIP) to improve acute stroke imaging times., Irish medical journal, 116, (3), 2023, p744Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Lucy Chapman, Orla Kennedy, David Bradley, Joseph Harbison, Outcomes and Quality of Care Amongst In-Hospital Strokes, European Stroke Journal, European Stroke Organisation Conference, Munich, 24th-26th May 2023, 8, (2S), Sage, 2023, pp432-Poster, 2023
- Isabelle Jeffares, Catherine N Moran, Niamh A Merriman, Joan Mccormack, Joseph Harbison, Eithne Sexton, David Williams, Peter Kelly, Frances Horgan, Ronan Collins, Mairín Ní Bhreacáin, Elaine Byrne, John Thornton, Collette Tully, Anne Hickey, DEVELOPMENT OF A NATIONAL STROKE AUDIT IN IRELAND: DATASET FOR NONACUTE STROKE CARE AND REHABILITATION, European Stroke Journal, European Stroke Organisation Conference, Munich, 24th-27th May 2023, 8, (2s), Sage, 2023, pp439-Poster, 2023
- Catherine Moran, Isabelle Jeffares, Niamh A Merriman, Joan Mccormack, Joseph Harbison, Eithne Sexton, David Williams, Peter Kelly, Frances Horgan, Ronan Collins, Mairín Ní Bhreacáin, Elaine Byrne, John Thornton, Collette Tully, Anne Hickey, ENHANCING QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN ACUTE STROKE SERVICES IN IRELAND: DEVELOPMENT OF THE IRISH NATIONAL AUDIT OF STROKE, European Stroke Journal, European Stroke Organisation Conference, Munich, 24th-26th May 2023, 8, (2s), Sage, 2023, pp448-Poster, 2023
- Lucy Chapman, Joan McCormack, Tim Cassidy, Ronan Collins, Olga Brych, Joseph Harbison, Investigating Quarterly Stroke Unit Admission Rates from the Irish National Audit of Stroke, European Stroke Journal, European Stroke Organisation Conference, Munich, 24th-26th May 2023, 8, (2s), Sage, 2023, pp626-Poster, 2023
- Lucy Chapman, Joan Mccormack, Tim Cassidy, Ronan Collins, Olga Brych, Joseph Harbison, Changes in Processes of Stroke Care Following the Covid-19 Pandemic from the Irish National Audit of Stroke, European Stroke Journal, European Stroke Organisation Conference, Munich, 24th-26th May 2023, 8, (2s), Sage, 2023, pp628-Poster, 2023
- Meave Higgins, Joan Mccormack, Tim Cassidy, Ronan Collins, Olga Brych, Joseph Harbison, CHANGES IN DEMOGRAPHICS AND THERAPIES IN PATIENTS WITH ATRIAL FIBRILLATION ASSOCIATED STROKE OVER 9 YEARS FROM THE IRISH NATIONAL AUDIT OF STROKE, European Stroke Journal, European Stroke Organisation Conference, Munich, 24th-26th May 2023, 8, (2s), 2023, pp42-Oral Presentation, 2023
- John McCabe, Pol Camps Renom, Nicola Giannotti, Jonathan Mcnulty, Sarah Gorey, Sean Murphy, Mary Barry, Joseph Harbison, Tim Cassidy, Simon Cronin, David Williams, Eamon Dolan, Gillian Horgan, Ciaran Mcdonnell, Eoin Kavanagh, Martin O'Connell, Sean Collins, Shane Foley, Michael Marnane, Luis Prats-Sánchez, Alejandro Fernandez Leon, Joan Marti-Fabregas, Peter Kelly, BACKGROUND ARTERIAL INFLAMMATION IMAGED BY POSITRON EMISSION TOMOGRAPHY AND LATE OUTCOME VASCULAR RECURRENCE AFTER STROKE, European Stroke Journal, European Stroke Organisation Conference, Munich, 24th-26th May 2023, 8, (2s), Sage, 2023, pp50-Poster, 2023
- Meave Higgins, Joan McCormack, Tim Cassidy, Ronan Collins, Olga Brych, Joseph Harbison, CHANGES IN EPIDEMIOLOGY OF PRIMARY INTRACEREBRAL HAEMORRHAGE AND ATRIAL FIBRILLATION, IRISH NATIONAL AUDIT OF STROKE 2013-2021, European Stroke Journal, European Stroke Organisation Conference, Munich, 24th-26th May 2023, 8, (2s), Sage, 2023, pp144-Poster, 2023
- Chalos V, Venema E, Mulder MJHL, Roozenbeek B, Steyerberg EW, Wermer MJH, Lycklama À Nijeholt GJ, van der Worp HB, Goyal M, Campbell BCV, Muir KW, Guillemin F, Bracard S, White P, Dávalos A, Jovin TG, Hill MD, Mitchell PJ, Demchuk AM, Saver JL, van der Lugt A, Brown S, Dippel DWJ, Lingsma HF; HERMES CollaboratorsMR CLEAN Registry Investigators., Development and Validation of a Postprocedural Model to Predict Outcome After Endovascular Treatment for Ischemic Stroke., JAMA Neurology, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Fischer U, Koga M, Strbian D, Branca M, Abend S, Trelle S, Paciaroni M, Thomalla G, Michel P, Nedeltchev K, Bonati LH, Ntaios G, Gattringer T, Sandset EC, Kelly P, Lemmens R, Sylaja PN, Aguiar de Sousa D, Bornstein NM, Gdovinova Z, Yoshimoto T, Tiainen M, Thomas H, Krishnan M, Shim GC, Gumbinger C, Vehoff J, Zhang L, Matsuzono K, Kristoffersen E, Desfontaines P, Vanacker P, Alonso A, Yakushiji Y, Kulyk C, Hemelsoet D, Poli S, Paiva Nunes A, Caracciolo N, Slade P, Demeestere J, Salerno A, Kneihsl M, Kahles T, Giudici D, Tanaka K, Räty S, Hidalgo R, Werring DJ, Göldlin M, Arnold M, Ferrari C, Beyeler S, Fung C, Weder BJ, Tatlisumak T, Fenzl S, Rezny-Kasprzak B, Hakim A, Salanti G, Bassetti C, Gralla J, Seiffge DJ, Horvath T, Dawson J, ELAN Investigators., Early versus Later Anticoagulation for Stroke with Atrial Fibrillation., The New England journal of medicine, 388, (26), 2023, p2411-2421Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Aguiar de Sousa D, Wilkie A, Norrving B, Macey C, Bassetti C, Tiu C, Roth G, Lunde G, Christensen H, Fiehler J, Pezzella FR, Dichgans M, Roaldsen MB, Kelly P, Mikulik R, Sacco S, Caso V, Fischer U, Steering Committee for the Implementation of the Stroke Action Plan in Europe., Delivery of acute ischaemic stroke treatments in the European region in 2019 and 2020., Eur Stroke J, 8, (3), 2023, p618-628Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Gorey S, McCabe JJ, Camps-Renom P, Giannotti N, McNulty JP, Barry M, Cassidy T, Cronin S, Dolan E, Fernández-León A, Foley S, Harbison J, O'Connell M, Williams DJ, Marnane M, Martí-Fabregas J, Kelly PJ., Symptomatic Carotid Atheroma Inflammation Lumen-stenosis score compared with Oxford and Essen risk scores to predict recurrent stroke in symptomatic carotid stenosis., Eur Stroke J, 2023, p23969873231186911Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Chapman L, Kennedy O, Bradley D, Harbison J., Clinical validation of in-hospital stroke diagnosis., Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association, 32, (9), 2023, p107278Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Before and after St John's hospital: evidence for a pre-Anglo-Norman cemetery on Thomas Street found on the shelves of Trinity College Dublin. in, editor(s)Sean Duffy , Medieval Dublin XIX, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2023, pp36 - 52, [Joseph Harbison]Book Chapter, 2023
- Bahzad H, Abdifatax A, Harbison J, Cunningham C., How do Undergraduate Medical Students Use and Value Mathematics Skills., Meeting proceedings, Maths Education Ireland, 2023, DCU Dublin, 4-5, edited by Touhill A , 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- Harbison J, McCormack J, Brych O, Collins R, O'Connell N, Randles M, Kennedy C, Kelly PJ, Cassidy T., Changes in Anticoagulation Practice in Subjects Admitted with Stroke Associated with Atrial Fibrillation, following introduction of Direct Oral Anticoagulants over 2013-2021. , International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society, 2023, p17474930231206680Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Randles M, Harbison J., Direct Oral Anticoagulant Prescribing Practices and Acute Stroke presentations in Older Irish Adults, European Geriatric Medicine, European Geriatric Medicine Society Conference, Helsinki, Sept 21st 2023, 14, (Supplement), Springer, 2023Oral Presentation, 2023
- Harbison J, Collins R, McCormack J, Brych O, Fallon C, Cassidy T., Response to: Impact of prehospital care and door-to-computed tomography scan time on stroke outcomes., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 117, (4), 2024, p309-310Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Goeldlin MB, Hakim A, Branca M, Abend S, Kneihsl M, Valenzuela Pinilla W, Fenzl S, Rezny-Kasprzak B, Rohner R, Strbian D, Paciaroni M, Thomalla G, Michel P, Nedeltchev K, Gattringer T, Sandset EC, Bonati L, Aguiar de Sousa D, Sylaja PN, Ntaios G, Koga M, Gdovinova Z, Lemmens R, Bornstein NM, Kelly P, Katan M, Horvath T, Dawson J, Fischer U, ELAN Investigators., Early vs Late Anticoagulation in Minor, Moderate, and Major Ischemic Stroke With Atrial Fibrillation: Post Hoc Analysis of the ELAN Randomized Clinical Trial., JAMA neurology, 81, (7), 2024, p693-702Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Loughlin E, Gabr A, Galvin R, McCormack J, Brych O, O'Donnell MJ, Collins R, Thornton J, Harbison J, O'Connor M., The impact of hospital presentation time on stroke outcomes: A nationally representative Irish cohort study., PloS one, 19, (7), 2024, pe0304536Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Harbison J, McCormack J, Brych O, Collins R, Cassidy T., Hospital overcrowding and care of stroke patients: Irish national audit of stroke., BMC health services research, 24, (1), 2024, p1075Journal Article, 2024
- Harbison J, McCormack J, Brych O, Collins R, O'Connell N, Kelly PJ, Cassidy T., Anticoagulation Usage and Thrombolytic Therapy in Subjects with Atrial Fibrillation Associated Ischaemic Stroke., International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society, 2024, p17474930241303836Journal Article, 2024
- Harbison J, Collins R, McCormick J, Brych O, Fallon C, Cassidy T, Irish National Audit of Stroke., Hospital size, remoteness and stroke outcome: authors response., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 2023, phcad182Journal Article, 2023
- Meabh Kelly*, Olga Brych, Joan McCormack, Tim Cassidy, Ronan Collins, Joseph Harbison, INFLUENCE OF SEX ON PREVALENCE AND MANAGEMENT OF STROKE-ASSOCIATED ATRIAL FIBRILLATION: THE IRISH NATIONAL AUDIT OF STROKE, European Stroke Journal, European Stroke Organisation Conference, Basel, 15"17 May 2024, 9, ((IS)), 2024, pp207-Meeting Abstract, 2024
- Meabh Kelly, Olga Brych, Joan McCormack, Tim Cassidy, Ronan Collins, Joseph Harbison, THROMBOLYSIS RATES ACCORDING TO AGE AND SEX: AN ANALYSIS USING DATA FROM THE IRISH NATIONAL AUDIT OF STROKE, European Stroke Journal, European Stroke Organization Conference, Basel, 17-19th May 2024, 9, ((IS)), 2024, pp406-Conference Paper, 2024
- Alexandros A Polymeris 1 2, Mattia Branca 3, P N Sylaja 4, Else Charlotte Sandset 5 6, Diana Aguiar de Sousa 7 8, Götz Thomalla 9, Maurizio Paciaroni 10 11, Thomas Gattringer 12, Daniel Strbian 13, Sven Trelle 3, Patrik Michel 14, Krassen Nedeltchev 15, Leo H Bonati 1 16, George Ntaios 17, Masatoshi Koga 18, Zuzana Gdovinova 19, Robin Lemmens 20 21, Natan M Bornstein 22, Peter Kelly 23 24 25, Martina B Goeldlin 26, Stefanie Abend 26, Magdy Selim 2, Mira Katan 1, Thomas Horvath 26, Jesse Dawson 27, Urs Fischer 26; ELAN Investigators, Net Benefit of Early Anticoagulation for Stroke With Atrial Fibrillation: Post Hoc Analysis of the ELAN Randomized Clinical Trial, JAMA Network Open, 8, (1), 2025, pe2456307Journal Article, 2025, DOI
- Joseph Harbison, John Stearne (1624-1669). Founder of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland and first Professor of Medicine in Trinity College Dublin, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2025Journal Article, 2025, DOI
- Gorey S, McCabe JJ, Collins S, McAuley K, Inzitari R, Harbison J, Marnane M, Williams DJ, Kelly PJ., Intra-individual reproducibility of early and late C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 in patients with non-severe ischaemic stroke and carotid atherosclerosis., Cerebrovascular diseases extra, 2024, p1-22Journal Article, 2024
- Jackson A, Deasy C, Geary UM, Plunkett PK, Harbison J. , Validation of the use of the ROSIER stroke recognition instrument in an Irish emergency department. , Irish Journal of Medical Science, 177, (3), 2008, p189 - 192Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Harbison JA, Walsh S, Kenny RA, Hypertension and daytime hypotension found on ambulatory blood pressure is associated with fatigue following stroke and TIA, QJM, 102, (2), 2009, p109 - 115Journal Article, 2009, URL
- S Coleman, C NiDhuibh, JA Harbison, Stroke 'Wiihabilitation': Is the use of the Wii and Wii fit associated with better rehabilitation outcomes in stroke patients., Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, Barcelona, 24th-27th May, 29, (Suppl 2), Karger, 2010Poster, 2010
- Harmon M, Ni Bhuachalla B, O'Sullivan S, Browne P, Meaney J, Harbison J, Thromboembolic events due to probable chronic Cervical Artery Dissection in Patients with Polycythaemia Rubra Vera. , Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, Barcelona, 24th-27th May 2010, 29, (Suppl 2), Karger, 2010Poster, 2010
- Harmon M, Maguire C, O'Sullivan S, Harbison J, Thrombolysis in Fetal Posterior Cerebral Artery Circulation., Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, Barcelona, 24th-27th May 2010, 29, (Suppl 2), Karger, 2010Poster, 2010
- B NiBhuachalla, MP Colgan, D Moore, P Madhavan, S O'Neill, JA Harbison, Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis in the Extreme Elderly., Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Congress, Barcelona, 24th-27th May 2010, 29, (Suppl 2), Karger, 2010Poster, 2010
- Joseph Harbison, The course, associations and clinical significance of sleep disordered breathing following stroke, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2003Thesis, 2003
- South A, Iveson E, Allgar V, Harbison J, The under use of thromboprophylaxis in older medical in-patients: a regional audit, QJM, 100, (11), 2007, p685 - 689Journal Article, 2007
- Falconer M, Walsh S, Harbison JA, Estimated Prevalence of Fatigue Following Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack Is Dependent on Terminology Used and Patient Gender., Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association, 19, (6), 2010, p431 - 434Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Bousser MG, Amarenco P, Chamorro A, Fisher M, Ford I, Fox K, Hennerici MG, Mattle HP, Rothwell PM, Rationale and design of a randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study of terutroban 30 mg/day versus aspirin 100 mg/day in stroke patients: the prevention of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular events of ischemic origin with terutroban in patients with a history of ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (PERFORM) study., Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland), 27, (5), 2009, p509-18Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Walters MR, Muir KW, Harbison J, Lees KR, Ford GA, Intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischaemic stroke: preliminary experience with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in the UK., Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland), 20, (6), 2005, p438-42Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Harbison J, Gibson GJ, Birchall D, Zammit-Maempel I, Ford GA, White matter disease and sleep-disordered breathing after acute stroke., Neurology, 61, (7), 2003, p959-63Journal Article, 2003
- Harbison J, Hossain O, Jenkinson D, Davis J, Louw SJ, Ford GA, Diagnostic accuracy of stroke referrals from primary care, emergency room physicians, and ambulance staff using the face arm speech test., Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 34, (1), 2003, p71-6Journal Article, 2003
- Harbison J, Ford GA, James OF, Gibson GJ, Sleep-disordered breathing following acute stroke., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 95, (11), 2002, p741-7Journal Article, 2002
- Harbison J, Newton JL, Seifer C, Kenny RA, Stokes Adams attacks and cardiovascular syncope., Lancet, 359, (9301), 2002, p158-60Journal Article, 2002
- Harbison JA, Gibson GJ, Snoring, sleep apnoea and stroke: chicken or scrambled egg?, QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 93, (10), 2000, p647-54Journal Article, 2000
- Harbison J, Dodd J, McNicholas WT, Paradoxical vocal cord motion causing stridor after thyroidectomy., Thorax, 55, (6), 2000, p533-4Journal Article, 2000
- Harbison J, Reynolds JV, Sheahan K, Gibney RG, Hyland JM, Evidence for the polyp-cancer sequence in gallbladder cancer., Irish medical journal, 90, (3), 1997, p98Journal Article, 1997
- Harbison J, Dennehy F, Keating D, Lamotrigine for pain with hyperalgesia., Irish medical journal, 90, (2), 1997, p56Journal Article, 1997
- Harbison J, Daly L, Murphy B, McCoy C, Masterson J, Normal bone density in Irish women: is American normative data suitable for use in Ireland?, Irish journal of medical science, 161, (3), 1992, p66-9Journal Article, 1992
- Harbison J, Kenny RA, Percutaneous transmyocardial laser revascularisation, Lancet, 357, (9256), 2001, p638 - 639Journal Article, 2001
- Harbison J, Massey A, Barnett L, Hodge D, Ford GA, Rapid ambulance protocol for acute stroke., Lancet, 353, (9168), 1999, p1935-Journal Article, 1999
- Relihan E, Harbison J, Silke B, Ryder S, Audit and feedback to improve the quality of prescription writing [poster], 4th Patient Safety Congress, Birmingham, UK, 16-18 May 2011, 2011Poster, 2011
- Relihan E, Carr B, Harbison J, Silke B, Ryder S, Prescribing constraints: Restricting prescription of high-risk medications according to doctors' seniority, 4th Patient Safety Congress, Birmingham, UK, 16-18 May 2011, 2011Poster, 2011
- Relihan E, Harbison J, Silke B, Ryder S, Audit and feedback to improve the quality of prescription writing, 40th ESCP Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy, Dublin, Ireland, 18-21 October 2011, 2011Poster, 2011
- Coleman SA, Cunningham CJ, Walsh JB, Coakley D, Harbison J, Casey M, Murphy N, Horgan NF, Outcomes among older people in a post-acute inpatient rehabilitation unit., Disability and rehabilitation, 34, (15), 2012, p1333-8Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Frewen J, Finucane C, Cronin H, Rice C, Kearney PM, Harbison J, Kenny RA, Factors that influence awareness and treatment of atrial fibrillation in older adults., QJM, 106, (5), 2013, p415-24Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Kinsella JA, Tobin WO, Kavanagh GF, O'Donnell JS, McGrath RT, Tierney S, Feeley TM, Egan B, O'Neill D, Collins RD, Coughlan T, Harbison JA, Doherty CP, Madhavan P, Moore DJ, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, Saqqur M, Murphy RP, Moran N, Hamilton G, McCabe DJ, Increased endothelial activation in recently symptomatic versus asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis and in cerebral microembolic-signal-negative patient subgroups., European Journal of Neurology, 2014, p460-467Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Kinsella JA, Tobin WO, Kavanagh GF, O'Donnell JS, McGrath RT, Tierney S, Feeley TM, Egan B, O'Neill D, Collins DR, Coughlan T, Harbison JA, Doherty CP, Madhavan P, Moore DJ, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, Saqqur M, Murphy RP, Moran N, Hamilton G, McCabe DJ, Increased thrombin generation potential in symptomatic versus asymptomatic moderate or severe carotid stenosis and relationship with cerebral microemboli., Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 86, 2015, p460-467Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Harbison J, Ward S, McAteer P., The mystery of the mummy from Marsh's library., Archaeology Ireland, 28, (Summer), 2014, p16 - 19Journal Article
- Harbison J, Sir Patrick Dun's table-an accidental war memorial, History Ireland, 22, (6), 2014, p6-Journal Article
- Harbison J, Indications and yield of Transthoracic and Transeosophageal Echocardiography., European Stroke Organisation Conference, Barcelona, 9th May, 2016, European Stroke OrganisationInvited Talk
- Sarah Gorey, Padraig Synnott, Avela Nkabane, Sarah Coveney, Joseph Harbison, Simon Cronin, David Williams, Eamon Dolan, Tim Cassidy, Mary Barry, Martin O'Connell, Ciaran McDonnell, Karl Mcauley, Rosanna Inzitari, Michael Marnane, John McCabe, Peter Kelly, COMBINED INFLAMMATORY BIOMARKERS PREDICT RECURRENT IPSILATERAL ISCHAEMIC STROKE, European Stroke Journal, European stroke Organisation Conference, Munich, 24th-26th May 2023, 8, (2s), Sage, 2023, pp160-Poster
- Joe Harbison, Sleep Disturbances Following Stroke, European Stroke Congress, Barcelona, 27th May, 2010, European Stroke OrganisationInvited Talk
- Joseph Harbison, Stroke Mimics, British Association o Stroke Physicians, BGS Cardiovascular Section Joint Conference, Birmingham, July 2009, 2009, British Association o Stroke Physicians, BGS Cardiovascular SectionInvited Talk
Research Expertise
I have diverse interests both within and beyond medicine. I am interested in management of acute stroke and Cardiac Rhythm Disturbances, especially Atrial Fibrillation. I have previously collaborated in and published a number of papers in this area, most recently on the association between Atrial Fibrillation and Frailty in TILDA (in press in Age and Ageing). We are currently conducting a large national study of Anticoagulation Delivery for atrial fibrillation in Primary care and another prospective study of unsuccessful Anticoagulation in Stroke patients in coordination with The Irish National Audit of Stroke. In 2022 are about to start a study on the associations and outcomes of inpatient stroke through the National Audit of Stroke to attempt to characterise the extent and nature of the problem. I am also a member of the large and productive, international 'AF Screen' Collaboration and our most recent publication on Atrial Fibrillation and Cognitive Impairment is in press in Circulation. I am a collaborator with Irish Stroke Clinical Trails Network and am a member of the Network Executive Committee. I am collaborating in the NIHR funded, SNOBBSS Study developing a tool for identifying neurological change following stroke. I continue to act as a reviewer for the NIHR of other submitted projects. In Acute stroke we are beginning a study examining the feasibility of using Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) as a means non-invasively investigating perfusion in Stroke Patients comparing outputs to Transcranial Doppler and CT Perfusion. My service is participating in a number of international trials including CONVINCE of Colchicine and stroke, ELAN on timing of Anticoagulation Therapy and AVERT DOSE on rehabilitation following stroke. We have participated in other trails including the DIAS 4 study, which was the first thrombolysis study conducted in Ireland and the ESCAPE trial, the first stroke Thromectomy study conducted here. We are partnering in additional rehabilitation research into use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to predict upper limb function in hemiplegic stroke survivors and assessing the utility of a new upper limb support developed in the unit. I have also participated in research in TILDA particularly in the area of neuroimaging and cerebrovascular disease. I have longstanding interests on white matter disease and fatigue following stroke and on Stroke Service Organisation. I have also previously been involved in health economic research on areas associated with stroke treatment and anticoagulation. We've recently completed work on how the Covid pandemic impacted delivery of acute stroke services in Ireland with a report published by the National Office of Clinical Audit and a complementary research paper revised and resubmitted for publication. I am a member of the FERES ADVISOR consortium which is examining the feasibility of federalising international stroke databases to allow immediate comparison of datasets. We have submitted a H2021 submission supporting this and development of an AI package. I have previously been a member of the successful EUROHYP consortium. Outside of Stroke and Geriatrics I am currently helping to supervise a study into head injury and white matter disease in Homeless people. In the area of Medical education I am supervising a Doctoral candidate researching how rapidly changing evidence bases in Medicine should be incorporated into undergraduate curricula. Outside of Medicine I have research interests in Medical History and have published papers on aspects of history related to the School of Medicine in Trinity. I have recently submitted on a paper on the first Hospital in Dublin. In other areas of education I have collaborated in research on mathematical knowledge in undergraduate teachers, and we are currently conducting a study enquiring how and if Medical Students use their mathematical knowledge.
TitleEuroHYP-1SummaryA randomised controlled trial of therapeutic hypothermia for acute ischaemic stroke.Funding AgencyEuropean CommissionDate From2013Date To2018
Other clinical medicine, Cardiovascular medicine and haematology, Public health, Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences, History, Heritage and Archaeology, Neurosciences,
- NHS R&D Fellowship 1999
- Fellow of Trinity College Dublin April 2024
- President TCD Biological Society 2016-2017
- William Stokes Award, St James's Hospital 2015
- British and Irish Association of Stroke Physicians date
- Fellow of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland date
- World Stroke Organisation
- Fellowship of the European Stroke Organisation
- British Geriatrics Society date
- CROI National Institute for Prevention and Cardiovascular Health, Advisory Board Member 2017
- UK Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme, External Reviewer 2018
- CROI National Institute for Prevention and Cardiovascular Health, Advisory Board Member 2017
- Chair of the National Advisory Committee on Medication Safety 2011
- UK Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme, External Reviewer 2018
- CROI National Institute for Prevention and Cardiovascular Health, Advisory Board Member 2017
- Director of Irish Heart Foundation 2019
- Chair of the National Advisory Committee on Medication Safety 2011
- Lead National Clinical Programme for Stroke 2011
- Lead National Audit of Stroke Care 2019
- Lead National Clinical Programme for Stroke 2011
- Lead National Audit of Stroke Care 2019
- UK Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme, External Reviewer 2018
- Director of Irish Heart Foundation 2019
- Lead National Audit of Stroke Care 2019
- Chair of the National Advisory Committee on Medication Safety 2011
- Lead National Clinical Programme for Stroke 2011
- UK Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme, External Reviewer 2018
- CROI National Institute for Prevention and Cardiovascular Health, Advisory Board Member 2017
- Director of Irish Heart Foundation 2019
- Lead National Clinical Programme for Stroke 2011
- Lead National Audit of Stroke Care 2019
- Director of Irish Heart Foundation 2019
- Chair of the National Advisory Committee on Medication Safety 2011