Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Lee KA, Dunne M, Small C, Kelly PJ, Mc Ardle O, O'Sullivan J, Hacking D, Pomeroy M, Amstrong J, Moriarty M, Clayton-Lea A, Parker I, Collins CD, Thirion P, (ICORG 05-03) prospective randomised non-inferiority phase III trial comparing two radiation schedules in malignant spinal cord compression (not proceeeding with surgical decompression) : the quality of life analysis, Acta Oncologica, 127, (2), 2018, p253 - 258Journal Article, 2018
- Mullaney L, O'Shea E, Dunne MT, Thirion PG, Armstrong JG, A comparison of bladder volumes based on treatment planning CT and BladderScan BVI6100 ultrasound device in prostate radiation therapy population. , British Journal of Radiology , 91, (1091), 2018, p20180160-Journal Article, 2018
- McDermott RL, Armstrong JG, Thirion P, Dunne M, Finn M, Small C, Byrne M, O'Shea C, O'Sullivan L, Shannon A Kelly E, Hacking DJ. Radiother Oncol. 2018 May;127 (2):253-258. , Cancer Trial Ireland (ICORG) 06-34: A multi-centre clinical trial using three-dimensional conformal therapy to reduce the toxicity of palliative radiation for lung cancer. , Radiotherapy Oncology , 127, (2), 2018, p252 - 258Journal Article, 2018
- Mihai A, Milanoa MT, Santos A, Kennedy AM, Thirion P, Rock L, Westrup J, Mc Dermott R, Armstrong JG, Treatment completion, treatment compliance and outcome of old and very old patients treated by dose adapted stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) for T1-T3 No MO non-small cell lung cancer, Journal of Geriatric Oncology , 10, (18), 2018, p30288-Journal Article, 2018
- Mihai A, Mu Y, Armstrong J, Dunne M, Beriwal S, Rock L, Thirion P, Heron DE, Bird BH, Westrup J, Murphy CG, Huq MS, Mc Dermott R., Patients with colorectal lung oligometastatic ( L-OMD) treated by dose adapted SABR at disgnosis of oligometastatic disease have a better outcome than patients previously treated for their metastatic disease., Journal of radiosurgery SBRT, 5, (1), 2017, p43 - 53Journal Article, 2017
- Cagney D, Thirion P, Dunne M, Fleming C, Fitzpatrick D, O'Shea CM, Finn MA, O'Sullivan S, Booth C, Buckney SJ, Armstrong JG, A Phase II Toxicity End Point Trial (ICORG 99-09) of Accelerated Dose-escalated Hypofractionated Radiation in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer., Clinical Oncology ( R Coll Radiol), 17, 2017, p30440 - 30442Journal Article, 2017
- Cagney D, Dunne M, O'Shea C, Finn M, Noone E, Sheehan M, Mc Donagh L, O'Sullivan L, Thirion P , Heterogeneity in high-risk prostate cancer treated with high-dose radiation therapy and androgen deprivation therapy , BioMed Central Urology, 17, (1), 2017, p60-Journal Article, 2017
- Thirion P, O'Sullivan L, Clayton-Lea A, Small C, Mc Ardle O, Kelly P, Parker I, O'Sullivan J, Hacking D, Collins C, Pomeroy M, Moriarty M. , ICORG 05-03: Prospective Randomized Non-Inferiority Phase 3 Trial Comparing Two Radiation Schedules in Malignant Spinal Cord Compression not Proceeding with Surgical Decompression. , International Journal Radiation Oncology Biology Physics , 90, (5), 2014, p1263 - 1264Journal Article, 2014
- Barry AS, Dunne MT, Lyons CA, Finn MA, Moulton B, Taylor JC, O'Shea CM, Thirion P, Armstrong JA, Temporal patterns of late bowel and bladder radiotherapy toxicity in a randomised controlled trial assessing duration of neo-adjuvant hormones in prostate cancer, Acta Oncologica, 54, (10), 2014, p1390 - 1397Journal Article, 2014
- Howlin C, O'Shea E, Dunne M, Mullaney L, McGarry M, Clayton-Lea A, Finn M, Carter P, Garret B, Thirion P. , Randomized controlled trial comparing customized versus standard headrests for head and neck radiotherapy immobilization in terms of set-up errors, patient comfort and staff satisfaction (ICORG 08-09). , Radiography, 21, (1), 2015, p74 - 83Journal Article, 2015
- Mullaney M, O'Shea E, Dunne MT, Finn MA Thirion P, Cleary LA, Mc Garry M, O'Neill L, Armstrong J.. , A randomised trial comparing bladder volume consistency during fractionated prostate radiation therapy , Practical Radiation Oncology, 4, (5), 2014, p203 - 212Journal Article, 2014
- Eriksen JG, Beavis AW, Coffey MA, Leer JWH, Magrini SM, Benstead K, Boelling T, Hjälm-Eriksson M, Kantor G, Maciejewski B, Mezeckis M, Oliveira A, Thirion P, Vitek P, Olsen DR, Eudaldo T, Enghardt W, François P, Garibaldi C, Heijmen B, Josipovic M, Major T, Nikoletopoulos S, Rijnders A, Waligorski M, Wasilewska-Radwanska M, Mullaney L, Boejen A, Vaandering A, Vandevelde G, Verfaillie C, Pötter R., The updated ESTRO core curricula 2011 for clinicians, medical physicists and RTTs in radiotherapy/radiation oncology, Radiotherapy Oncology , 103, (1), 2012, p103 - 108Journal Article, 2012
- Flemming C, Kelly C, Thirion P, Fitzpatrick K, Armstrong J, A method for the prediction of late organ-at-rsik toxicity after radiotherapy of prostate using equivalent uniform dose, International Journal Radiation Oncology Biology Physics , 80, (2), 2011, p608 - 613Journal Article, 2011
- Armstrong J, Gilham CM, Dunne MT, Fitzpatrick DA, Finn MA, Cannon ME, Taylor JC, O'Shea CM, Buckney SJ, Thirion P, A randomised trial (Irish Clinical Oncology Research Group 97-01) comparing short versus protracted neoadjuvant hormonal therapy before radiotherapy for localised prostate cancer , International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 81, (1), 2011, p35 - 45Journal Article, 2011
- Walsh L, Gilham C, Dunne M, Fraser I, Hollywood D, Armstrong J, Thirion P, Toxicity of cetuximab versus cisplatin concurrent with radiotherapy in locally advanced head and neck squamous cell cancer. , Radiotherapy Oncology, 98, (1), 2011, p35 - 45Journal Article, 2011
- O'Shea E, Armstrong JA, Gillham C, McCloy R, Murrells R, O'Hara T, , Clayton-Lea A, Murphy M, Browne P, Booth C, Thirion P, A prospective randomised controlled clinical trial to evaluate 3 immobilisation devices for intra-thoracic radiation therapy, Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice , 9, (2), 2010, p65 - 75Journal Article, 2010
- Brennan S, Thirion P, Buckney S, O. Shea C, Armstrong J.. , Factors influencing conformity index in radiotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer , Medical Dosimetry, 35, (1), 2010, p38 - 42Journal Article, 2010
- O'Shea E, Armstrong J, O'Hara T, O'Neill L, Thirion P, Validation of an external ultrasound device for bladder volume measurements in prostate conformal radiotherapy , Radiography, 14, (3), 2008, p178 - 184Journal Article, 2008
- Joyce M, Thirion P, Kiernan F, Byrnes C, Kelly P, Keane F, Neary P, Laparoscopic pelvic sling placement facilitates optimum therapeutic radiotherapy delivery in the management of pelvic malignancy , European Journal of Surgical Oncology , 35, (4), 2008, p348 - 351Journal Article, 2008
- Thirion P, Kelly C, Salib O, Moriarty M, O'Reilly D, Griffin M, Armstrong J, Randomised comparison of two brachytherapy devices for the treatment of uterine cervical carcinoma , Radiotherapy Oncology , 74, (3), 2005, p247 - 250Journal Article, 2005
- Thirion P, Michiels S, Pignon JP, Buyse M, Braud AC, Carlson RW, O'Connell, Sargent P, Piedbois P., Modulation of fluorouracil by leucovorin in patients with advanced colorectal cancer: an updated meta-analysis , Journal of Clinical Oncology , 22, (18), 2004, p3766 - 3775Journal Article, 2004
- Thirion P, Holmberg O, Collins CD, O'Shea C, Moriarty M, Pomeroy M, O'Sullivan C, Buckney S, Armstrong J, Dose escalation for non-small-cell cancer with accelerated hypofractionated 3-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy: Preliminary results of a Phase I/II clinical trial, Radiotherapy Oncology , 71, (2), 2004, p163 - 166Journal Article, 2004
- Petnehazi C, Thirion P, Amstrong J, Adjuvant radiotherapy in stage I endometrial cancer. Where do we stand , European Journal of Gynaec Oncol , 14, (6), 2003, p457 - 461Journal Article, 2003
- Thirion P, Piedbois Y. , Does Paclitaxel improve the chemoradiotherapy of locoregionally advanced esophageal carcinoma? , Journal of Clinical Oncology , 19, (6), 2001, p1880 - 1882Journal Article, 2001
- Buyse M, Thirion P, Carlson RW, Burzykowski T, Molemberg G, Piedbois P, A model to select chemotherapy regimens for Phase II trials for extensive-stage Small cell lung cancer. , Journal of Natlonal Cancer Institute, 93, (5), 2001, p399 - 400Journal Article, 2001
- Thirion P, Piedbois P, Buyse M, O'Dwyer P, Cunningham D, Man A, Greco FA, Colucci G, Köhne CH, Di Costanzo F, Piga A, Palmeri S, Dufour P, Cassano A, Pajkos G, Pensel R, Aykan F, Marsh J, Seymour M., Alpha-interferon does not increase the efficacy of 5-fluorouracil in advanced colorectal cancer , British Journal of Cancer , 84, (5), 2001, p611 - 620Journal Article, 2001
- Buyse M, Thirion P, Carlson R, Burzykowski T, Molemberghs G, Piedbois P, Relation between tumour response to first line chemotherapy and survival in advanced colorectal cancer: a meta-analysis , Lancet, (356), 2000, p373 - 378Journal Article, 2000
- Thirion P, Buyse M, Wolmark, N, Haddad E, Piedbois P, Survival impact of chemotherapy in patients with liver metastases confined to the liver: a meta-analysis of 1,458 non-operable patients randomized in 22 trials, Annals of Oncology, 11, 1999, p1317 - 1320Journal Article, 1999
- Alapetite C, Thirion P, De la Rochefordière A, Cosset JM, Moustacchi E, Analysis by alkaline comet assay of cancer patients with severe reaction to radiotherapy: Defective rejoining of radio-induced DNA strand break in lymphocytes of breast cancer patients , International Journal of cancer , (83), 1999, p83 - 90Journal Article, 1999
- Levy E, Piedbois P, Buyse M, Pignon JP, Rougier P, Ryan L, Hansen R, Zee B, Weinerman B, Pater J, Leichman C, Mac Donald J, Benedetti J, Lokich J, Fryer J, Brufman G, Isacson R, Laplanche A, Quiniaux E, Thirion P, Toxicity of 5-Fluorouracil in patients with advanced colorectal cancer: effect of administration schedule and prognostic factors , Journal of Clinical Oncology , 16, (11), 1998, p1 - 6Journal Article, 1998
- Cosset JM, Fermé C, Noordijk EM, Dubray BM, Thirion P, Henry-Amar M, 32. Combined modality treatment for poor prognosis stage I and II Hodgkin's disease, Seminar in Radiation Oncology, (6), 1996, p185 - 195Journal Article, 1996
- Mihai A, Elbeltagi N, Thirion P, Marshall C, Hickey D, Bilfalk-Kelly A, Westrup J, Armstrong JG , Late Toxicity and Long-Term Local Control in Patients with Ultra-Central Lung Tumors Treated by IMRT Based -Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiation Therapy (SABR), Int Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics , ASTRO 2018, San Antonio, USA , September 15-18, 102, (3), 2018, ppe663 - e664Poster, 2018
- Lee K, Small C, Kelly P, Mc Ardle O, O'Sullivan J, Hacking D, Pomeroy M, Stevenson M, Armstrong J, Moriarty M, Dunne M, Clayton-Lea, Parker I, Collins C Thirion P., ICORG 05-03: radiotherapy in malignant spinal cord compression: The quality of Life Analysis [Poster presentation ], Radiotherapy Oncology , ESTRO 2016, Turin, Italy , April 29-May 3 2016, 119, (S1), Elsevier, 2016, pp5131 - 5131Poster, 2016
- Armstrong K, Mihai A, Ward J, Mascott C, Rock L, Thirion P, , Impact of Her 2/Neu status on the outcomes of patients with breast cancer metastatic to the brain, treated with stereotactic radiosurgery, European Journal of Cancer , ESMO 2015, Vienna, Austria , 51, (S3), Elsevier , 2015, ppS279-Poster, 2015
- Ward J, Armstrong J, Armstrong K, Mascott C, Thirion P, Rock L, Mihai A., Outcomes of Stereotactic Radiosurgery in Patients with Brain Metastases from Melanoma Primary: Single Institution Experience , European Journal of Cancer , ECCO 2015, Vienna , Austria , Septembre 25-29, 201, edited by Elsevier , 51 , (S3), 2015, ppS670-Poster, 2015
- Doyle CP, Thirion P, O'Neill B, Dunne M, Curtis V, Phase 2 RCT of Home-based physical activity in pts treated by ADT & EBRT for localised prostate carcinoma, Radiotherapy Oncology , ESTRO 2019, Milan , Italy , April 26-30, 2019, edited by Elsevier , 2019Poster, 2019
- Keyes M, Thirion P , Impact of Pulmonary SABR on Pulmonary Function Tests: A retrospective single institution experience , Radiotherapy Oncology , ESTRO 2019, Milan , Italy , April 26-30, 2019Poster, 2019
- NCCP, 'Diagnosis, staging and treatmnet of patients with Lung Cancer ', 1, 2017, 84 - 95Protocol or guideline, 2017
- Lee KA, Rangaswamy G, Lavan NA, Dunne M, Collins CD, Small C, Thirion P, ICORG 06-35: Prospective Evaluation of PET-CT Scan in patients with non-operable or non-resectable non-small cell lung cancer treated by Radical 3-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy: A Phase II study, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2019Journal Article, 2019
- Mihai A, Malolan RS, Westrup J, Thirion P, Armstrong JG, Heron DE, Rock L, Huq MS, Mc Dermott R., Outcome of Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy in Patients with Lung Oligo-Metastases from Colo-Rectal Cancer Primary (CRC) , Eur J Cancer , ECCO 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 49, (S2), 2013, ppS529-Poster, 2013
- Thirion P, Mihai A, Lyons C, Riordan A Wynn RB . Armstrong J, Rock L, Huq S, Heron DE , Implementation Of Linac-based Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR) For Early Stage Non-operable Non-small-cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) In Community-Based Radiotherapy Practice: A Trans-Atlantic Hub-and-spoke Experience, International Journal radiation oncology Biology Physics , ASTRO 2012, Boston, USA, 84, (3), 2012, ppS598 - S599Poster, 2012
- Mihai AM, Santos A, Armstrong JG, Kennedy A, Hickey D, Mc Dermott R, Westrup J, Thirion P , Outcome of elderly and very elderly patients treated by dose adapted SABR for early stage non-small cell lung cancer or lung oligometastatic disease , Int Journal Radiation Oncology Biology Physics , ASTRO 2017, San Diego, USA, September 24-2, 2017, 99, (2), 2017, ppE481-Poster, 2017
- Barry A, Lyons C, Dunne M, Thirion P, Armstrong J. , Temporal patterns of bowel and bladder toxicity in a randomised controlled trial assessing duration of neo-adjuvant hormones in prostate cancer , Internationl Journal of radiation Oncology Biology Physics , ASTRO 2011, Miami, USA, October 2-6 2011, 81, (2), 2011, ppS419-Poster, 2011
- O'Sullivan L, Clayton-Lea A, Kenny J, Dunne M, O'Shea E, Mc Ardle O, Small C, Moriarty M, Collins C, Thirion P, . Functional outcome of patients with impending cord compression treated by palliative radiotherapy alone, Radiotehrapy Oncology, ESTRO 2011, London , May 2011, 99, (S1), 2011Poster, 2011
- Walsh L, William C, O'Shea C, Thirion P, How realistic are published Dose-response Curve, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys , ASTRO 2010, San Diego, USA, October 31November 4, 78, (3), 2010, ppS718-Poster, 2010
- Burke D, Mascott C, Rock L, Callinan S, Mihai A, Thirion P, Armstrong JG, Stereotactic radiosurgery for the treatment of brain metastases: results from a single institution experience , Irish Journal of Medical Science , 182, (3), 2013, p481 - 485Journal Article, 2013
- Thirion P, Clayton-Lea A, Parker M, Coffey J, Armstrong J, Hollywood D. J, ICORG 07-11: A phase II trial evaluating the efficacy of a radiobiological based re-irradiation strategy for patients with malignant spinal cord compression , Journal of Clinical Oncology , ASCO, Chicago, 28, (S1), 2010Poster, 2010
- Thirion P, Brennan S, Fitzpatrick D, Armstrong J, Dunne M, O'Shea C, McElroy A, ICORG 07-11: A phase II trial evaluating the efficacy of a radiobiological based re-irradiation strategy for patients with malignant spinal cord compression , Radiotherapy Oncology, 10th biennial ESTRO conference, , Maastricht, August 30, edited by Elsevier , 92, (S1), 2009Oral Presentation, 2009
- Mihai A, Smith E, Rock L, Thirion P, Heron D Lalonde R, Huq S, Armstrong J, Burke C, Toxicity profile of High-Dose intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) in community patients with prostate carcinoma (CAP) , Radiotherapy Oncology, 10th biennial ESTRO conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands , August 30, edited by Elsevier , 92, (S1), 2009Poster, 2009
- Spensley S, Gilmore J, Kenny J, Dunne M, Clayton-Lea A, Thirion P, Functional outcome of malignant spinal cord compression treated with radiotherapy alone: A prospective analysis, Journal of Clinical Oncology , ASCO, Chicago, June 30, edited by Elsevier , 27, (S1), 2009Poster, 2009
- Maeve Keys, Siobhra O'Sullivan, Ronan McDermott, Patrick O'Regan, Emma Fagan, Mary Dunne, John Armstrong, Pierre Thirion, Efficacy of Pulmonary SABR Follow Up: A Single Institution Review , ASTRO 2019, Chicago, September 15-17, edited by Elsevier , 2019Poster, 2019
- Gillham C, Walsh L, Dunne M, McElroy A, Mullaney L, Armstrong J. Thirion P. , Toxicity of Cetuximab and radiotherapy in locally advanced head and neck cancer: a community-based experience, 44th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), , Chicago, June 30, 26, (S1), 2008Poster, 2008
- Brennan M, Fitzpatrick D, Armstrong J, McElroy A, Dunne M, O Shea C, Thirion P, Hypofractionated accelerated high dose radiotherapy (RT) in non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC, Journal of Clinical Oncology , 44th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Chicago, June 30, 26, (S1), 2008Poster, 2008
- Mullaney L.,Thirion P., Coffey M, The impact of rectal and bladder preparation in prostate radiotherapy, Annual Scientific Meeting, Faculty of Radiology, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland, September 2013, 2013Poster, 2013
- Mullaney L.,Thirion P., Coffey M , The impact of rectal and bladder preparation in prostate radiotherapy, 11th Biennial on Physics & Radiation Technology For Clinical Radiotherapy, London, UK, May, 2011, 2011Oral Presentation, 2011
- O'Donovan, A. , Gillham, C., Cunningham, C. , Thirion, P. , Cunningham, M. , El Beltagi, N. and Leech, M., Managing the Elderly in Radiotherapy using Geriatric assessmEnt (MERGE): A Pilot Geriatric Oncology Study,, International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) 14th Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-25 October, 2014Poster, 2014
- Treatment Planning Consideration for Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Basic Treatment Planning, ESTRO, 2013, [Thirion P]Book Chapter
- Treatment Planning Consideration for Prostate Cancer in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Basic Treatment Planning, ESTRO, 2013, [Thirion P]Book Chapter
- Consideration for Head and Neck cancers in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Basic Treatment Planning, 2013, ESTRO, 2013, [Thirion P]Book Chapter
- Localised Prostate Adenocarcinoma: Anatomy, Pathology and Treatment in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, ESTRO, 2012, [Thirion P]Book Chapter
- Computerized Plan Evaluation Tools in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, ESTRO, 2011, [Thirion P, Kelly P]Book Chapter
- Localised Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Anatomy, Pathology and treatment in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, ESTRO, 2011, [Thirion P]Book Chapter
- Localised Prostate Adenocarcinoma: Anatomy, Pathology and Treatment in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, ESTRO, 2011, [Thirion P]Book Chapter
- Localised Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Anatomy, Pathology and treatment. in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, ESTRO , 2010, [Thirion P, Kelly P, Rangaswany G, Boychak A, Gilmore J]Book Chapter
- Localised Prostate Adenocarcinoma: Anatomy, Pathology and Treatment in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2010, [Thirion P, Gilmore J, Rangaswamy G, Boychak A, Kelly P, Hacking D]Book Chapter
- Computerized Plan Evaluation Tools in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2010, [Thirion P, Kelly P]Book Chapter
- Localised Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Anatomy, Pathology and treatment. in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2009, [Thirion P, Kelly P, Rangaswany G, Boychak A, Gilmore J]Book Chapter
- Localised Prostate Adenocarcinoma: Anatomy, Pathology and Treatment in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2009, [Thirion P, Gilmore J, Rangaswamy G, Boychak A, Kelly P, Hacking D]Book Chapter
- Computerized Plan Evaluation Tools in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2009, [Thirion P, Kelly P]Book Chapter
- Prostate Adenocarcinoma: Anatomy, Pathology and Treatment in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2008, [Thirion P, McVey G, Brennan S, Hacking D, Rangaswamy G]Book Chapter
- Breast cancer: Anatomy, Pathology and treatment in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2008, [Thirion P, Kelly P, Small C, Fitzpatrick D]Book Chapter
- Head and neck Radiotherapy: the role of conformal radiotherapy in reducing toxicity in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2008, [Thirion P, Gilham C, Mc Ardle O, Small C, Fitzpatrick D]Book Chapter
- Localised Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Anatomy, Pathology and treatment in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2008, [Thirion P, Fitzpatrick D, Small C]Book Chapter
- Computer Plan Evaluation Tools in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2008, [Thirion P, Kelly C]Book Chapter
- Prostate Adenocarcinoma: Anatomy, Pathology and Treatment in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2007, [Thirion P, McVey G, Brennan S, Hacking D, Rangaswamy G]Book Chapter
- Breast cancer: Anatomy, Pathology and treatment in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2007, [Thirion P, Kelly P, Small C, Fitzpatrick D]Book Chapter
- Head and neck Radiotherapy: the role of conformal radiotherapy in reducing toxicity in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2007, [Thirion P, Gilham C, Mc Ardle O, Small C, Fitzpatrick D]Book Chapter
- Localised Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Anatomy, Pathology and treatment in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2007, [Thirion P, Fitzpatrick D, Small C]Book Chapter
- Computerised Plan Evaluation Tools in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2006, [Thirion P, Kelly C]Book Chapter
- Computer Plan Evaluation Tools in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2007, [Thirion P, Kelly C]Book Chapter
- Prostatic Carcinoma: Anatomy, Pathology and Treatment in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2006, [Thirion P, Hacking D, Rangaswamy G]Book Chapter
- Localised Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Anatomy, Pathology and treatment in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2006, [Thirion P, Fitzpatrick D, Small C]Book Chapter
- Head and neck Radiotherapy: the role of conformal radiotherapy in reducing toxicity in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2006, [Thirion P, Gilham C, Mc Ardle O, Small C, Fitzpatrick D]Book Chapter
- Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Anatomy, Pathology and Treatment in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2005, [Thirion P, Fitzpatrick D, Mc Ardle O, Small C]Book Chapter
- Prostatic Carcinoma: Anatomy, Pathology and Treatment in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2005, [Thirion P, Petnahazy C, Armstrong J]Book Chapter
- Breast cancer: Anatomy, Pathology and treatment in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2005, [Thirion P, Small C, Fitzpatrick D, McArdle O]Book Chapter
- Computer Plan Evaluation Tools in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2005, [Thirion P, Kelly C]Book Chapter
- Head and neck Radiotherapy: the role of conformal radiotherapy in reducing toxicity in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2005, [Thirion P, Mc Ardle O, Small C, Fitzpatrick D. ]Book Chapter
- Prostatic Carcinoma: Anatomy, Pathology and Treatment in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2004, [Thirion P, Armstrong J]Book Chapter
- Breast Carcinoma: Anatomy, Pathology and Treatment. in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2004, [Thirion P, Petnahazy C]Book Chapter
- Computer Plan Evaluation Tools in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: Principles and Practice, 2004, [Thirion P, Kelly C]Book Chapter
- Definition of the clinical target volume for conformal radiation therapy for lung cancer in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Imaging for Target Volume Determination in Radiotherapy, 2003, [Armstrong J, Thirion P]Book Chapter
- Target Volume definition for external beam treatment of gynaecological malignancies in, ESTRO Teaching Course on Imaging for Target Volume Determination in Radiotherapy,, 2002, [Armstrong J, Thirion P, Petnehazi C]Book Chapter
Research Expertise
TitleCHHiP: Conventional or Hypofractionated High Dose Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy for Prostate CancerSummaryRandomised Phase III clinical trial Localised prostate cancer Comparison of 3 radiation schedules in localised prostate carcinomaFunding AgencyHRB / ICORG (National PI)Date From2010Date To2012
TitleProspective evaluation of the intra-observer and inter-observer variation in set-up error assessment in Head and Neck Radiotherapy in St Luke's HospitalSummaryReview of the institutional geometric uncertainty for localised head and neck cancer Preliminary study in view of the phase III design Grant : euros 35,000Funding AgencySt Luke's Institute of Cancer Research (PI)Date From2003Date To2003
TitleICORG 08-09: A prospective randomised controlled clinical trial investigating the benefits of patient-customised headrest vs. standard headrest in the immobilisation of patients receiving radiotherapy for head and neck cancer.Summaryrandomised Phase III Head and Neck cancer Prospective comparison of 2 immobilisation techniques in head and neck radiotherapyFunding AgencyHRB / ICORG (National PI)Date From2008Date To2010
TitleICORG 05-03: A prospective randomised non inferiority Phase III trial comparing 2 fractionation schedules in Malignant spinal cord compression not proceeding with surgical decompressionSummaryRandomised Phase III clinical trial Malignant spinal compression Prospective comparison of 2 radiation schedules (20 Gy/5 vs. 10 Gy/1)Funding AgencyHRB / ICORG (International PI)Date From2005Date To2014
Title'Evaluation of the management of radio-induced acute skin toxicity in European Radiotherapy Centres'SummaryEuropean review of the pattern of care of acute radio-induced skin toxicity Grant: euro 3,000Funding AgencySt Luke's Institute of Cancer Research (PI)Date From2003Date To2003
TitlePredicting normal tissue toxicity in prostate cancer following 3-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy. A novel approach to delineation of organs at risk and the use of individualised predictive indicatorsSummaryRetrospective planning analysis to determine predictive parameters of rectal toxicity after prostatic radiotherapy Grant euros 30,000Funding AgencyIrish cancer Society (PI)Date From2003Date To2004
TitleCONVERT Concurrent ONce-daily VErsus twice-daily RadioTherapy: A 2-arm randomised controlled trial of concurrent chemo-radiotherapy comparing twice-daily and once-daily radiotherapy schedules in patients with limited stage small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and goodSummaryrandomised phase III clinical trial Limited stage Small-cell-lung cancer Prospective comparision of two mediastinal radiation scheduleFunding AgencyHRB/ICORG (National PI)Date From2012Date To2013
TitleICORG 05-04: A randomised trial comparing the bladder volume consistency achieved with two bladder-filling protocols in prostate conformal radiotherapySummaryRandomised Phase III clinical trial Localised prostate Carcinoma Prospective comparison of 2 bladder filling protocolFunding AgencyHRB/ ICORG ( National CoPI)Date From2004Date To2008
TitleICORG 06-35: Prospective evaluation of PET-scan in patients with non-operable or non-resectable NSCLC treated by radical 3-Dimensional Conformal Radiation TherapySummaryNon randomised phase II clinical trial Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Prospective evaluation of the pattern of relapse of PET/scan design 3DCRTFunding AgencyHRB / ICORG ( National PI)Date From2006Date To2009
TitleProspective Evaluation of Factors Influencing Set-up Errors in Head and Neck RadiotherapySummarysecond phase of the "Prospective evaluation of the intra-observer and inter-observer variation in set-up error assessment in Head and Neck Radiotherapy in St Luke's Hospital' that provided the rational of the Phase 3 trial Grant euros 36,400Funding AgencySt Luke's Institute of Cancer Research (PI)Date From2004Date To2005
TitleICORG 02-01: A randomised phase II trial comparing combined hormonal therapy and radiation therapy with or without Iressa for localised prostate cancerSummaryRandomised Phase II clinical trial Localised prostate carcinoma Prospective evaluation of the feasibility of the addition of Iressa to combined hormonal therapy and radiotherapyFunding AgencyHRB / ICORG ( National CoPI)Date From2002Date To2004
TitleENZARAD: A Randomised phase 3 trial of enzalutamide in androgen deprivation therapy with radiation therapy high risk, clinically localized, prostate cancerInternationalSummaryRandomised Phase III clinical Trial Localised prostate cancer Prospective evaluation of the addition of Enzalutamide to combined hormonotherapy and radiotherapyFunding AgencyHRB / CTI ( Former ICORG) (National PI until 2016)Date From2014Date To2018
TitleICORG 06-33: Phase II randomised clinical trial of Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI) comparing 3-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy and Multi-Catheter Interstitial BrachytherapySummaryRandomised Phase II clinical trial Localised Breast cancer Prospective evaluation of feasibly rate of two APBI techniquesFunding AgencyHRB / ICORG (National PI)Date From2006Date To2007
TitleICORG 13-23: Phase II Single-arm Study evaluating Neo-adjuvant (pre-radical radiotherapy) Abiraterone acetate (plus prednisolone) and Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) agonist in High Risk Localised Prostate carcinomaSummaryNon-Randomised Phase II clinical Trial Localised prostate cancer Prospective evaluation of neo-adjuvant combined androgen blockage using AbirateroneFunding AgencyHRB/ CTC ( Former ICOG) + Industry Funding, National PI)Date From2013Date ToPresent
TitleICORG 07-11: Phase II trial evaluating the efficacy of a radiobiological based re-irradiation strategy for patients with malignant spinal cord compressionSummaryNon randomised Phase II with toxicity end-point Malignant Spinal Cord Compression Feasibility and safety of re-irradiation in patients with spinal cord compressionFunding AgencyHRB / ICORG (National PI)Date From2007Date To2017
TitleICORG 99-09 : Radiation dose escalation for NSCLC using hypofractionated 3-Dimensional Conformal Radiation TherapySummaryNon randomised Phase II clinical trial Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Feasibility of hypofractionated dose-escalated Radiation scheduleFunding AgencyHRB/ICORG ( National CoPI)Date From1999Date To2004
Medical, health and life sciences, Cancer,
- Undergraduate medical training - Faculty of Medicine Paris-Ouest, University René Descartes-Paris V Laureat (all exams passed at 1st attempt) 1990
- Medical thesis / Dissertation - Faculty of Medicine Paris-Ouest, University René Descartes-Paris V Silver Medal 1996
- Post-Graduate Diploma in Statistics - Trinity College Dublin - Distinction 2002
- Cancer Trial Ireland ( Former ICORG) Present
- American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Present
- Board of the Faculty of Radiologists, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Present
- European Society Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO) Present
- Faculty of Radiologists, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Present
- American association of Therapeutic Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Present
- International Association For Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) Present
- UEMS- representative for the Republic of Ireland 2005-present
- UEMS- representative for the Republic of Ireland 2005-present
- ESTRO-European National Society Meeting - Representative for the Republic of Ireland 2005-present
- ESTRO-European National Society Meeting - Representative for the Republic of Ireland 2005-present