Claire Poole is an assistant professor in the Discipline of Radiation Therapy. Prior to this she worked clinically as a Radiation Therapist in London and Australia before returning to Ireland and working in Cork University Hospital. She was appointed an assistant professor at the Discipline of Radiation Therapy in 2007 and was appointed Director of Clinical Education in 2023- combining her previous clinical experience with her academic role. She has demonstrated leadership and innovation in the area of clinical education with ongoing evaluation and promotion of accurate clinical education delivery.She has completed a postgraduate diploma and a research masters in clinical education. Claire collaborates with national and international colleagues to ensure the maintenance of the highest professional standards of clinical assessors and graduating students. In 2017, she was awarded the ESTRO School pedagogic program AMEE grant. Claire is an advocate for radiation therapy as a cancer treatment with her research focusing on the barriers to optimal utilization of radiation therapy. She founded and leads the Applied Radiation Therapy_ Patient and Public Involvement group (ARTT_PPI) with the aim of implementing the voices and experience of patient, carers, families and public into radiation therapy education, research and clinical practice. She is an active researcher that has published and presented at several conferences. She is also a reviewer for several leading oncology journals.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- O'Donovan, A. and Poole, C., Fink About It: Development and Evaluation of a Communications Curriculum for Healthcare Professionals,, MedEdPublish, 5, (1), 2016, p16-Journal Article, 2016, URL
- Poole C. and Boland J., What influences assessors' internalised standards?, Radiography, 22, 2016, pe99 - e105Journal Article, 2016, URL
- Conneely F.,Ackermann P.,Bowles M.,Dunphy E.,Flattery V., Murphy C., Nolan P., Poole C., Swanton S and J.Reed, 'Health and Social Care Professions Education and Development Strategy', National Health and Social Care Professions Office, 2017, 1 - 24Protocol or guideline, 2017
- Conneely F.,Ackermann P.,Benton E., Fitzpatrick S., Regan I., Poole C., Swanton S and J.Reed, 'Advanced Practice Toolkit for the health and social care professions', HSE, 2016, 1 - 32Protocol or guideline, 2016
- Kevin Dowling, Sarah Barrett, Laura Mullaney, Claire Poole, A nationwide investigation of radiation therapy event reporting-and- learning systems: Can standards be improved?, Radiography. International Journal of Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Therapy, 23, (4), 2017, p279 - 286Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- K. Dowling , C. Poole , L. Mullaney , S. Barrett, OC-0467: Investigating reporting-and-learning systems of Irish radiation therapy: Can standards be improved?, 123, 2017, ppS248 - S249Conference Paper, 2017, DOI
- Crystalrose Percival, Mickayla Landy, Claire Poole and Laura Mullaney, The role of Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation for Non- small Cell Lung Cancer, Anticancer Research, 38, 2018, p7 - 14Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Sarah Caulfield, Gerard Menezes, Laure Marignol, Claire Poole, Nomograms are key decision-making tools in prostate cancer radiation therapy, Urologic Oncology:Seminars and Original Investigations, 36, 2018, p283 - 292Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Claire Poole, Radiography, 2018Review, 2018
- Claire Poole, Clinical Audit, Workload Management and Implementing new techniques, Cyprus Conference RT, Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre, 29-30 March, 2017, Bank of Cyprus Oncology CentreInvited Talk, 2017
- Claire Poole, Assessment Project- Test Enhanced Learning for continuing education, ESTRO directors meeting, Brussels, 06.02, 2018, ESTROInvited Talk, 2018
- Kate Lawless, Claire Poole,Patrick J Murphy, ATTITUDES OF PARENTS OF FEMALE SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS TOWARDS THE HPV VACCINE, ESTRO 38, Milan, 26TH April, 2019Poster, 2019, DOI
- Michelle Leech,Claire Poole,S. Gallagher, W. Fox, Advocating for radiation oncology through the development of a massive open online course , ESTRO 38, Milan, 26TH April, 2019Oral Presentation, 2019, DOI
- Ryan E and Poole C, Impact of Virtual Learning Environment on Students' Satisfaction, Engagement, Recall, and Retention, Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 50, (3), 2019, p408 - 415Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Claire Poole, Mieke Akkers, Laura La Porta, Christine Verfaillie, Test Enhanced Learning for continuing education, INHED2020 Annual Conference, Trinity Biomedical Science Institute, Trinity College Dublin, 2020Oral Presentation, 2020
- Ellen Winters, Challenges and impact of patient obesity in Radiation Therapy practice, Radiography, 2020Journal Article, 2020
- Kate Lawless, Dr. Patrick Murphy, Dr. Laure Marignol, Claire Poole, Influences impacting the attitudes of parents towards the HPV vaccine, Journal of Cancer Prevention and Current Research, 11, (1), 2020, p7 - 11Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Claire Poole and Aileen Patterson, Fostering the development of professional identity within healthcare education-interdisciplinary innovation, Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 2021, pS45 - S50Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Quigley, Duana; Poole, Claire; Whiting, Sinead; O'Connor, Erna; Gleeson, Claire; Alpine, Lucy, University student experiences of work-based placements during COVID-19 pandemic: An inter-disciplinary survey of allied health and social work students., Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 13, (1), 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Claire Poole, Can virtual learning methods like VERT improve education in radiation oncology, ESTRO 2022, Copenhagen, 7th May , 2022, European Society Radiation Oncology (ESTRO)Invited Talk, 2022
- Maeve Kearney,Cicely Roche, Claire Poole, Triad of Support Framework to enhance student success and learning in work-based placements: Interdisciplinary Experience, INHED 2022, ONLINE, 24th March, 2022Oral Presentation, 2022
- Siobhan Davis, Duana Quigley, Mary O' Neill, Lucy Alpine, Erma O'Connor, Maeve Kearney, Claire Poole, Developing students' feedback literacy in healthcare curriculum: a supportive educational innovation., ADEE August 2022, 2022Journal Article, 2022, TARA - Full Text
- Siobhan Davis, Duana Quigley, Mary O' Neill, Lucy Alpine, Erma O'Connor, Maeve Kearney, Claire Poole, Developing students' feedback literacy in healthcare curriculum: a supportive educational innovation., CPD and clinical governance meeting, Dublin Dental University Hospital, Dublin Ireland, 30th August 2022, 2022Oral Presentation, 2022, URL , TARA - Full Text
- SK Zazzera , C Poole & L Marignol, Investigating the Needs and Concerns of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, or Questioning Cancer Patients, Journal of Homosexuality, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Keeva Moran, Claire Poole,Sarah Barrett, Evaluating deep learning auto-contouring for lung radiation therapy: A review of accuracy, variability, efficiency and dose, in target volumes and organs at risk, Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology, 2025Journal Article, 2025, URL
- Leech M, Craig A, Poole C, Broderick M, Ni Chuinneagain S, Coffey M, Byrne J, Clinical Oral Examinations: Assessment of Competency in Radiation Therapy, Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice, 8, (3), 2009, p115 - 118Journal Article, 2009, TARA - Full Text
- Claire Poole and Josephine Boland, The impact of internalised standards on Clinical Placement ASSESSMENT, INMED 2014, Queens University,BELFAST, 19-21st Feb 2014, 2014Oral Presentation, 2014
- O'Donovan Theresa, McKenna Catherine, Corish Siobhan, O'Sullivan Lydia, Edel Doyle and Poole Claire, 'Scope of Practice of Radiation Therapist', (2 ED), Dublin, IIRRT, 2013, 1 - 40Protocol or guideline, 2013
- Conneely F.,Benton E., Ackermann P., Fitzpatrick S., Regan I., McNeill., Stokes E., Swanton S., Poole C. and Reed J., 'Progressing Advanced Practice in the Health and Social Care Professions', HSE, 2014, 1 - 14Protocol or guideline, 2014
- Claire Poole, Communication of risk to patients being treated by radiation therapy, Rocc'N'Roll project- workshop on risk communication, ONLINE, 8th Feb, 2022, European Cancer OrganisationInvited Talk
- Claire Poole and Mary Coffey, Current and Future Trends in the Management of Gastrointestinal Cancers, 16th November 2013, In:CPC Teaching and clinical governance afternoon, 2013, Discipline of Radiation Therapy,Trinity for Health SciencesMeetings /Conferences Organised, TARA - Full Text
Research Expertise
Claire's research interests are in education, specifically clinical education and advocating for radiation therapy as a cancer treatment. Her research and expertise have enabled her to collaborate and work both nationally and internationally. She has worked with the Health and Social Care Education and Development Advisory group, the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, the Irish Institute of Radiographers and Radiation Therapists to publish a position paper, an education strategy, scope of practice guidelines for radiation therapists and to contribute to ongoing development in the area of education especially in the area of clinical work based assessments. She was successful in being awarded a European grant from the ESTRO school of pedagogy and asked to join their working committee to develop and implement a research project on assessment as a learning tool. Claire is also an advocate for radiation therapy as a key cancer treatment. Currently radiation therapy is under- utilised as a cancer treatment in spite of the fact that 50-60% of patients would benefit from it. Claire recently began her PhD studies. Her main research objective is to explore the public, cancer patients' and health professionals' perceptions of RT in order to identify the key factors that may impact their decision-making process about utilising RT such that recommendations to improve access to RT can be made and utilisation of RT can be optimised. She was successfully awarded a grant from Trinity online to develop a Massive Open Online Course to inform the public, patients and their families about radiation therapy as a cancer treatment. The success of this MOOC allowed her to collaborate with the University of Maastricht and the European Cancer Patient Coalition to win an EIT grant to pilot a study across various countries, ages and socio-economic groups. The study involved translating the MOOC into 7 languages and adding a decision aid to the current platform to enable patients to take control of their aftercare once cancer treatment is completed.
TitleHealthcare Student and Clinical Teachers perceptions of Teaching and Learning in the Clinical EnvironmentSummaryThe overall aim of the project is to address the gap in knowledge and skills for clinical practitioners when adapting to a clinical teacher role with a view to enhancing the teaching and learning experience for teachers and students.Funding AgencyTeaching and Learning Enhancement FundDate From2021Date To2022
TitleStrategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement Funding in Higher Education 2019SummaryAim: to support student transitions in healthcare programmes, through the establishment of a faculty and student engagement initiative to create a consensus framework for professional formation of healthcare students and inform ongoing developments in relevant programmes.Funding AgencyNational Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and LearningDate From2019Date To01.09.2020
TitleCore competencies and minimum standards for the final clinical placement of Radiation Therapy students in Ireland: Perspectives of experienced clinical radiation therapists.SummaryIn Ireland clinical radiation therapist work in a range of different radiotherapy departments and conduct student assessments. They are expected to assess students against a pre-determined list of criteria and make judgments on whether that student meets these competencies or not. The meaning given to criteria or how personal beliefs, values or expectations may influence their judgments is unknown. My research study aimed to explore their understanding of these factors and explore the concept of internalised standards and how they may influence judgments.Date From2009Date To2011
TitleBarriers to Accessing Radiation Oncology -BARO projectSummaryThe Overall Aim of this project is to explore the public, cancer patients' and health professionals' perceptions of RT in order to identify the key factors that may impact their decision-making process about utilising RT such that recommendations to improve access to RT can be made and utilisation of RT can be optimised.Date From2018
TitleEPRO_Empowering European Patients in Radiation OncologySummaryE-PRO is a collaborative project between Trinity College Dublin, University of Maastricht and the European Cancer Patient Coalition. The project aims to enhance patients' decision making process towards their healthcare by adding a patient decision aid to a MOOC developed by myself and my colleague within the Discipline of Radiation Therapy. The MOOC will be translated into 3 European languages and piloted across various countries, patient age and socioeconomic groupsFunding AgencyEIT HealthDate From01/01/2020Date To31/12/2020
TitleFrom diagnosis to survival: An introduction to Radiation OncologySummaryDevelop a massive open online course for patients and other healthcare professionals to educate them about radiation oncology/therapy.Funding AgencyTrinity Online ServicesDate FromSeptember 2018
TitleTest Enhanced Learning for continuing educationSummaryDetermine if a spaced assessment program based on the principles of the 'Testing effect' will enhance learners retention of knowledgeFunding AgencyESTRO School Pedagogics GroupDate From2018
Education, Cancer, Other health sciences,
- AMEE Conference Grant- ESTRO Mobility Grant 26.06.17
- MOOC Development- Creating Global Learning communities- Trinity Online Services Feb 2018
- CORU- Registered Member present
- Irish Institute of Radiography and Radiation Therapy (IIRRT) present
- Irish Network of Healthcare Educators (iNHED) present
- European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology 2010
- ESTRO present
- Practice Education Co-ordinators Network (PECNET) present
- Irish Network of Medical Educators (INMED) 2019
- Representative of the IIRRT on the HSE's Health and Social Care Professions Advisory Group 2013
- Primary co-ordinator and member of the Joint Working Group on Clinical Education Standards for Radiation Therapy. 2011
- Representative from academia to CORU for consultation on criteria and standards of proficiency for radiation therapist education and training programmes 2013
- Member of the CORU Committee of Inquiry- professional conduct committee 2017
- Executive committe member of INHED 2019
- Invited member of the Clinical Education Advisory Group, Trinity College, Dublin 2017
- Representative from academia to CORU for consultation on criteria and standards of proficiency for radiation therapist education and training programmes 2013
- Council Member of the Irish Institute Of Radiography and Radiotherapy 2012
- Contributor to the National Form for enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education- work based assessment series 2016
- International Arts in Pharmacy special interest group 2023
- Academic advisor on the Radiation Therapy Qualification Review Board for the HSE. 2009
- Executive committee member for INMED 2018
- Committee member of Practice Education Coordinators Network (PECNET) 2011
- Academic Assessor on the CORU Radiographers Registration Board Assessor Panel 2015