Dr. Siobhan Davis

Dr. Siobhan Davis

Assistant Professor in Restorative Denti, School Office - Dental Science


Siobhan Davis is a prosthodontist who works as part of a multidisciplinary team in the Dublin Dental University Hospital which focuses on prosthodontic rehabilitation and maintenance of patients with special dental needs such as hypodontia, amelogenesis imperfecta, dentinogenesis imperfecta. She has a particular interest in Dental Education and her main research interests are the areas of feedback in the clinical learning environment, communication skills, and in inter professional education.She supervises advanced restorative clinics with final year dental students, integrated patient care clinics with fourth year and instructs on dental skills acquisition in the clinical skills laboratory.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Duana Quigley, Orla Gilheaney, Mary O'Neill, Siobhan Davis, Speech and language therapists perspective of an e-learning course on providing feedback in the clinical learning environment , Folia Phonetrica and Logopae, 2021, p10.1159/000519614Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Journal of Irish Dental Association, Ireland, Think Media, [Deputy Editor], 2018-2022Editorial Board, 2018
  • Siobhan Davis, Brett Duane, Andrew Loxley and Duana Quigley, The evaluation of an evidence-based model of feedback implemented on an undergraduate dental clinical learning environment., BMC Medical Education, 2022, pdoi.org/10.1186/s12909Journal Article, 2022, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Siobhan Davis, Duana Quigley, Mary O' Neill, Lucy Alpine, Erma O'Connor, Maeve Kearney, Claire Poole, Developing students' feedback literacy in healthcare curriculum: a supportive educational innovation., ADEE August 2022, 2022Journal Article, 2022, TARA - Full Text
  • Siobhan Davis, Duana Quigley, Mary O' Neill, Lucy Alpine, Erma O'Connor, Maeve Kearney, Claire Poole, Developing students' feedback literacy in healthcare curriculum: a supportive educational innovation., CPD and clinical governance meeting, Dublin Dental University Hospital, Dublin Ireland, 30th August 2022, 2022Oral Presentation, 2022, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Siobhan Davis, Maeve Kearney, Claire Poole, Lucy Alpine, Erna O'Connor, Mary O'Neill and Duana Quigley., Developing students' feedback literacy in healthcare curriculum, a supportive educational innovation., ADEE 2022., Palma, The Balearic Islands, Spain, August 2022., 2022Oral Presentation, 2022, TARA - Full Text
  • Siobhan Davis, Developing students' feedback literacy in healthcare curriculum: a supportive educational innovation., Practice Educators Symposium on Feedback, University of Limerick, 23rd Jan, 2023, School of Allied HealthInvited Talk, 2023, TARA - Full Text
  • Siobhan Davis, An investigation to facilitate and evaluate the development of students' feedback literacy in healthcare student's undergraduate curriculum, INHED 2023 Body and mind in health professions education, Queen's University Belfast, 29th & 30th Mar 2023, 2023Oral Presentation, 2023
  • Siobhan Davis, Mary O'Neill, Maria van Harten, Prof Blánaid Daly., An investigation to develop student feedback literacy skills in the dental science UG curriculum, ADEE Annual Meeting 2023, Liverpool, UK, 22-25th August 2023., 2023Poster, 2023
  • , A.I in Oral Health Professionals' Education, Leuven, Belgium, 7-10th Sept 2024, edited by ADEE , 2024Poster, 2024, TARA - Full Text
  • Siobhán Davis, Maria van Harten, Mary O'Neill, Prof Blánaid Daly, Investigation to evaluate the development of dental students' feedback literacy in the dental science undergraduate curriculum, A.I. in Oral Health Professionals' Education, Leuven, Belgium, 7-10th Sept 2024, 2024Conference Paper, 2024, TARA - Full Text
  • S Davis, M Kearney, L Alpine, C Gleeson, M O'Neill, D Quigley and C Poole., The interdisciplinary development of a Feedback Literacy e-Learning Module for undergraduate Healthcare Students., Working in Partnership and Collaboration, HSCP., Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland., 23rd Oct 2024., 2024Poster, 2024, TARA - Full Text
  • Siobhan Davis, Maria van Harten, Blanaid Daly., An investigation to faciliate and evaluate the development of dental students' feedback literacy in the dental science undergraduate curriculum., Safe Practitioner framework and the GDC new LOs, KCL Strand, London., 14th/15th Nov, 2024Conference Paper, 2024, TARA - Full Text
  • Davis, S. and O'Connell, B.C., The provisional crown, J Irish Dent Assoc, 50, (4), 2004, p167 - 172Journal Article, 2004, TARA - Full Text
  • Davis, S.T. and O'Connell, B.C., The Effect of Two Root Canal Sealers on the Retention of Glass Fibre Endodontic Posts, J. Oral Rehab, 34, 2007, p468 - 473Journal Article, 2007, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Siobhan Davis, Brett Duane & Andrew Loxley, Report on the Feedback Study, N/A, https://doi.org/10.25546/98498, Unpublished but presented., N/A, 2016, p1 - 55Report, DOI , TARA - Full Text


  • Honours/Distinction Pharmacology and Biochemistry 1990
  • Prize for highest result in Microbiology 1990
  • Second place oral presentation, NET conference Cambridge, UK. Early researcher 2014
  • M Dent Ch (Pros) 1st Honour 2003
  • MSc Leadership in Health Professional Education 1st Honour 2014
  • Dean's Award for Innovation in Teaching 2016