A graduate of The University of Sydney, Elizabeth has over 10 years of clinical experience as a Radiation Therapist. She has worked clinically in Ireland, The UK, and Australia and has spent time in The US, Switzerland and Italy in a research capacity. In 2011 Elizabeth relocated to Ireland where she was appointed as Assistant Professor in the Discipline of Radiation Therapy in 2012 and was awarded a MSc in 2015. Elizabeth is currently completing her PhD in quantitative imaging analysis and its application to the prediction of radiation induced normal tissue damage. Elizabeth has demonstrated particular interest and experience in advanced treatment planning and image guided adaptive radiotherapy. Her involvement in a number of clinical schools and education symposiums has allowed Elizabeth to develop her enthusiasm for teaching. In 2021 she was selected to be a School Champion for the Trinity Inclusive Curriculum Project, representing the School of Medicine. In 2017, she joined the editorial board for the Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences and 2019 became a member of council for the Irish Institute of Radiography and Radiation Therapy. Elizabeth is also a long standing faculty member and current Course Director of the ESTRO ASMR course, is an ESTRO FALCON tutor, and in 2019 was elected to represent RTTs on the ESTRO Board of Directors.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Conor Nolan and Elizabeth Forde, A Review of the Use of Lipiodol and Gold Fiducials for Image Guided Bladder Radiotherapy , Acta Oncologica, 55, (5), 2016, p533 - 538Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Conor Nolan and Elizabeth Forde, A Review of the Use of Lipiodol and Gold Fiducials for Image Guided Bladder Radiotherapy, IIRRT Anual Conference, Dublin, October 2015, 2015Poster, 2015
- Adam Moore and Elizabeth Forde, Honey I Shrunk The Bladder: A Dosimetric Evaluation of Threshold Bladder Volume for Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy, RCSI Anual Meeting, Dublin, September 2015, 2015Poster, 2015
- Mulryan, K., Leech, M., Forde, E., Effect of stereotactic dosimetric end points on overall survival for Stage I non-small cell lung cancer: A critical review, Medical Dosimetry, 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Duffy O, Forde E and Leech M, The dilemma of parotid gland and pharyngeal constrictor muscles prevention - Is daily online image guidance required? A dosimetric analysis, Medical Dosimetry, 42, 2017, p24 - 30Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Moore A and Forde E, A Dosimetric Evaluation of Threshold Bladder Volumes for Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy, Jounral of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Stritch MA, Forde E, Leech M, The impact of IMRT plan normalization in the post prostatectomy setting - Does it matter? , Medical Dosimetry, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Mohan A, Forde E, Adherence to ICRU-83 reporting recommendations is inadequate in prostate dosimetry studies. , Practical Radiation Oncology, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Glynn A, Marignol L, Forde E, Focal therapy: A treatment option for localized prostate cancer? , Advances in Modern Oncology Research, 2018Review Article, 2018, DOI
- Jounral of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, Elsevier, [eds.], 2017-2018Editorial Board, 2017, URL
- Elizabeth Forde, Michelle Leech, Charlotte Robert, Elizabeth Heron, Laure Marignol, Influence of Inter-Observer Delineation Variability on Radiomic Features of the Parotid Gland, Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO2020, Online, August 2020, 2020Poster, 2020
- Elizabeth Forde, Michelle Leech, Charlotte Robert, Elizabeth Heron, Laure Marignol, Influence of Inter-Observer Delineation Variability on Radiomic Features of the Parotid Gland, Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO2020, Online, August 2020, 2020Poster, 2020
- Forde E, Leech M, Robert C, Heron E, Marignol L, Influence of Inter-Observer Delineation Variability on Radiomic Features of the Parotid Gland, Physica Medica, (82), 2021, p240 - 248Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Rachel Barry, Elizabeth Forde, Sarah Barrett, Improving Organ at Risk Sparing in Oropharyngeal Treatment Planning by Increasing target dose: A feasibility study, Medical Dosimetry, 46, (3), 2021, p304 - 309Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Aileen Duffton, Winnie Li, Elizabeth Forde, The Pivotal Role of the Therapeutic Radiographer/Radiation Therapist in Image Guided Radiation Therapy Research and Development, Clinical Oncology, 2020Journal Article, 2020
- Early and Late Toxicity in Skin Radiotherapy in, editor(s)REMBIELAK, Agata Tagliaferri, Luca , Non-Melanoma Skin Cance, 2023, CRC Press, 2023, [Forde, Elizabeth; Vassiliou, Maria]Book Chapter, 2023
- Forde E, Robert C, Leech M, Marignol L., Spatial Resampling Combined with Intensity Discretization Improves Reproducibility of Radiomic Features of the Parotid Gland. (e-poster #604, European Congress of Medical Physics, Dublin, Ireland, August 2022, 2022Conference Paper, 2022
- Elizabeth Forde, Jeremy Booth, Michelle Leech, A volumetric approach to path length measurements is essential when treating radiotherapy with modulated beams, Medical Dosimetry, 39, (2), 2014, p194 - 196Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Forde E, Bromley R, Kneebone A, Eade T, A class solution for volumetric modulated arc therapy planning in post prostatectomy radiotherapy., Medical Dosimetry, 39, (3), 2014, p261 - 265Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Forde E, Kneebone A, Bromley R et al., , Volumetric modulated arc therapy in post prostatectomy radiotherapy patients: A planning comparison study, Medical Dosimetry, 38, (3), 2013, p262 - 267Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Eade T, Guo L, Forde E et al.,, Image-guided dose-escalated intensity-modulated radiation therapy for prostate cancer: treating to doses beyond 78 Gy, BJU International, 109, (11), 2012, p1655 - 1660Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Mulryan K, Leech M, Forde E , A Review of Dosimetric Endpoints Reported On in Clinical Trials for Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Stage I Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. , Annual Conference of the Irish Institute of Radiography and Radiation Therapy, Dublin, Ireland, 2014Oral Presentation, 2014
- Browne M, Leech M, Forde E , Quantification of independent prostate and seminal vesicles planning margins in intermediate-risk prostate radiotherapy. , Annual Conference of the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 2014Poster, 2014
- E Forde, A Kneebone, R Bromley, P Hunt, M Back, T Eade , Volumetric Modulated Act Therapy in Post Prostatectomy Radiotherapy Patients: A Planning Comparison Study , Annual Meeting Australian Institute of Radiography, Adelaide, Australia, 2011Oral Presentation, 2011
- A Thompson, M Rinks, E Forde, K Syzmura , VMAT for Pelvic cancers Impact on planning times , Annual Meeting Australian Institute of Radiography,, Adelaide, Australia, 2011Oral Presentation, 2011
- J Booth, T Eade, E Forde , Significant Dosimetric Impact of Variable FSDs During Prostate IMRT: The Role of CBCT, AAPM Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA , 2010Poster, 2010, DOI
- R Skelly, A Kneebone, E Forde, J Booth, T Eade , Importance of Rectal Volume Changes During Post Prostatectomy Radiotherapy , Combined Scientific Meeting, RANZCR/AIR/FRO/ACPSEM, Brisbane, Australia, 2009Oral Presentation, 2009, URL
- E Forde, M Johnston, R Bromley, M Back, L Oliver, T Eade, An Investigation of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy versus Conventional Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy in Prostate Cancer Treatment, Combined Scientific Meeting, RANZCR/AIR/FRO/ACPSEM,, Brisbane, Australia, 2009Poster, 2009
- Elizabeth Forde, MRI in Radiotherapy - An RTT Perspective, Seminar in MRI for Radiotherapy, Trondheim, Norway, Dec 5th, 2018, St Olavs HospitalInvited Talk
- Forde E and Velec M, Practicalities and Not Technical Uncertainties Limit the Clinical Implementation of Adaptive Radiotherapy, ESTRO38, Milan, Italy, April 2019, 2019Invited Talk, DOI
- E Forde, Who Does What? The Increasing Role of the RTT, 3rd ESTRO Forum, Barcelona, Spain, 2015Invited Talk, DOI
- E Forde, In the era of CBCT, this house believes that electronic portal imaging is obsolete: Against the motion, ESTRO 33, Vienna, Austria, 2014Invited Talk, DOI
- E Forde, Head and Neck IGRT; Verification and Correction Protocols, 14th Annual All Ireland Radiation Therapy Study Day, Dublin, Ireland, 2014Invited Talk
- E Forde, Prostate IMRT: A Radiation Therapist's Perspective, Cork University Hospital Prostate Study Conference, Cork, Ireland, 2013Invited Talk
- E Forde, IMRT vs. VMAT in prostate planning...what's the difference? , Annual Meeting of the IIRRT, Dublin, Ireland, 2012Invited Talk
Research Expertise
Treatment Planning; Image Guided Adaptive Radiotherapy; Quantitative Image Analysis; Radiation Induced Normal Tissue Damage
TitleAn investigation into the optimal planning technique for the radiotherapy treatment of complex pelvic cancers: 3DCRT, IMRT and RapidArc.SummaryThis grant, funded by the NSW Cancer Institute, enabled site visits to centres of excellence in the US and Europe. The experience gained during this project facilitated the impementation of VMAT at NSCC.Funding AgencyNSW Cancer InstituteDate From2009Date To2010
TitleThe dosimetric impact of an "off-axis" contour variation when treating prostate radiotherapy with intensity and volumetric modulated fieldsSummaryDue to the modulated nature of the fields, a volumetric approach to contour variation is essential when treating with either IMRT or VMAT. The traditional central axis measurement is no longer sufficient as an indicator for dosimetric variation on target dose and fails to inform of the need for plan adaptation. This reseach quantifies the impact a body contour variation may have on the dose to the target for prostate radiotherapy.Date From2012Date To2014
TitleRadiomics based assessment of parotid changes during head and neck radiotherapySummaryThis specific funded project forms part of a larger piece of research relating to the Quantitative Imaging Analysis of Radiation Induced Normal Tissue DamageFunding AgencyESTRO (Mobility Grant)Date From5th Nov 2018Date To10th Nov 2018
TitleConversion of medical images into data: a novel approach to side effect prediction in oropharyngeal radiotherapy patientsSummaryThis work will test the hypothesis that radiation induced xerostomia (dry mouth) can be predicted prior to the manifestation of clinical signs, based on retrospective quantitative analysis of CT images taken as part of routine clinical care.Funding AgencyIrish Research CouncilDate FromDec 2021Date ToDec 2022
- Winner - Best Poster Award IIRRT Conference 2014
- Winner - Best Poster Award IIRRT Conference 2016
- Shortlisted - Trinity Creative Challenge 2016
- Member of Cancer Trials Ireland
- Member of the Irish Radiation Research Society
- Member of European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology
- Member of the Irish Institute of Radiography and Radiation Therapy Ongoing
- Member of Council: Irish Institute of Radiography and Radiation Therapy Ongoing
- Member of the ESTRO RTT Committee (Board Observer)
- IIRRT Representative for MEDIRAD Stakeholder Forum 2019
- National RT Education Representative and member of council for Irish Institute of Radiography and Radiotherapy 2018
- Member of ESTRO Policy and Partnership Council 2020
- Member of ESTRO Board of Directors 2020
- Course director ESTRO Advanced Skills in Modern Radiotherapy 2014