Nicole Harnett - Advanced Practice Roles for Radiation Therapy

Nicole Harnett serves as the Chair of the Advanced Practice in Radiation Therapy Steering Committee for the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists. In this webinar Nicole discusses the evolution of advanced practice radiation therapist roles in Canada.

Professor Sara Faithfull - Management of Late effects of cancer treatment

In the November webinar, Prof. Sara Faithfull, Adjunct Professor in the Discipline of Radiation Therapy, discusses her work in the management of late effects of cancer treatment.

Maeve Kearney - Marlin

In this month’s webinar, Maeve Kearney, Assistant Professor at the Discipline of Radiation Therapy, Trinity College Dublin discusses the European Commission project, MARLIN

Elizabeth Forde - Universal Design for Learning

In this webinar, Dr. Elizabeth Forde, Assistant Professor at the Discipline of Radiation Therapy discusses how Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles underpin equity in radiation therapy education

Radiation Therapy in Stage III non-small cell lung cancer

Tuesday 25th June 1200 IST In June’s webinar, Prof. Gerry Hanna, Marie Curie Chair of Radiation Oncology at Trinity College Dublin, discuss the changing role of radiation therapy in stage III non-small cell lung cancer.  Prof. Hanna describes the past, present and future of radiation therapy in the management of this disease site, in conjunction with other treatment modalities.

Cyberattacks in Radiation Oncology: A national multidisciplinary approach

Thursday 23rd May 1200 IST Dr. Aileen Flavin, retired Radiation Oncologist from Ireland, describes the management of a cyberattack on the Health Service Executive in Ireland and its repercussions on radiation oncology services.  

The Research proposal and your research journe

Tuesday 23rd March 1200 IST April’s webinar is presented by Prof. Laure Marignol and is focused on the research proposal as part of the research journey.  Prof. Marignol is Head of the Discipline of Radiation Therapy and Professor in Radiation Biology.

The potential of Radiomics in Cancer Care

The potential of Radiomics in Cancer Care

AAPM TG 288: Consensus Recommendations - for Incident Narrative Formatting Task Group

Wednesday January 17th 12pm IST The purpose of TG288 was to develop a consensus format structure for use in a radiation oncology incident reporting and learning system, to guide initial reporters through recording relevant narrative information about incidents clearly and more uniformly than simple free text.